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Hello! My name is David Johnson, I am known as MySmokey or DJ to my friends. But my friends just call me Smokey. You will find me on yahoo messenger alot of the time chatting with friends or in the Just us boys message boards having fun. This is a most recent picture of myself taken in July of 2000. I have a new one to place here but waiting for the film to be developed before I can post it. I have changed a little since this one was taked 4 years ago. My Yahoo address is I am 43 years old, recently divorced after a 20 year marriage just a few years ago and still adjusting to being single again. I have two very wonderful boys. Christopher will soon be 23 years old and Jedidiah just hit his 21st birthday this past October. Which he celebrated in florida, lucky little stiff. LOL. I work as a Male Nurse in a hospital where I am very happy and content with my job. The joy of helping others brings a great sence of enjoyment to my life, and I hope that I bring some hope into the lives that I touch each day. I do alot of extra activities during my spare time which include teaching CPR to Boy Scouts, and also in the community where I live. I am a very active member in our local Boy Scout Troop, work part time in a Nursing Home providing care for the elderly. Although, I recently gave up teaching CPR and don't do that much with scouts these days due to my work schedule. Most say that I am a work-a-holic, which, I have to agree for the most part. I hope that you will enjoy looking through my homepage, If you have any comments or just wish to say hello please drop a not by e-mail. Thank you and enjoy.
This has been my very frist hompage attempt, hopefully not the last. The background is awesome isn't it???? I think so. Enjoy your visit here. God Bless...