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Personal bios seem to be becoming obligatory these days, so here's mine. I'm a strange person and I admit it whole-heartedly. Bask in the weirdness that is me. Yes, this is mostly the same as what's posted pretty much everywhere, because I'm too lazy to make more than one.

Name: Tsukino Akume
Yes, this is actually my nickname in normal life. My big sister gave it to me. It's Japanese for Moon's Wild or Untamable Horse. Being that it's in Japanese, the last name comes first, so in American terms it would be Akume Tsukino. My real name is common and I don't feel suits me very well. My other nicknames include Sunny, and Andros.
Gender: Female
Age: Older than some of you, younger than others. The closest hint I'm willing to give is that StarAndrea isn't much older than me.
Location: Austin, TX.
Likes: All things cheezy, shiny, or both. I'm an animal lover, environmentalist, and vegetarian, not necessarily in that order. I enjoy reading, writing, video games, and altering pictures. I also collect quotes, fanfics, medieval weaponry, and refrigerator magnets.
Dislikes: Bad dubbing, Math, meat and/or vivid descriptions of animal death, missionaries, prejudice, rude people, things purposely misspelled, and the phrase 'Just joshin' ya.' -Twitches-

According to my own Color Theory analysis of myself, I am: a Power Mesh of Psychic-Type White and Green Morphin, Green Zeo, Earth/Mind Ninja, and Mystic Force Wind. According to Ellen Brand, I am: Green Panther Ninjacoin with White Falcon Streaks, and Green Zeo. (Feel free to check out the Colors & Sources section for translations on all that babble.)

As far as I know, I was the first official Shane/Dustin writer on the net, tied for first Sky/Jack, and first Sky/Zhane and R.J./Andros. My tastes in genre and fandom are pretty broad and depend on my mood. I have my preferences for couples, but I also like to explore how other random pairings could happen in my own writing. While there's always characters I don't like, I still try to be fair in my stories. I figure that every character is someone's favorite for some reason, it seriously annoys me when Justin is portrayed as a whiny brat who can't do anything right.

My Power Rangers stories have two main 'archs': the Fade to Darkness Trilogy and its side stories, and the Bright Skies Universe. I also dabble in random, off-the-wall stories whenever I feel like it, but right now 90% of my work is part of Bright Skies. Just about anything I write is AU; there are some concepts I don't agree with, so I tend to expand on what they started, and turn the entire series into a completely different universe. The cannon timelines still exist; I just choose not to acknowledge them. I also seem to be extraordinarily mean to my favorite characters and make them go through some dark trauma to prove how cool they are. (i.e. Dustin/Justin torture, Blake's pathetic romance life, Tommy and Kimberly's disasterous relationship ... -Shrugs-)

Most of my work is Power Rangers these days just because I like the fandom, but occasionally you might find something I randomly decided to explore.

If one of my stories isn't listed as complete, that means it isn't finished - no matter how long it's been since I worked on it. I DO NOT abandon my stories. But rather than keep staring at one I can't get any ideas for, I move on with new ideas as I get them so that above all, I'm still writing. If I have a story you particularly love that still isn't finished and you want to see more of it, -Glances guiltily at FtD- send me a review and complain! Ask questions about what's going on in the story, about something you'd like explained or just what's going to happen next that you'd like to see. Nothing gets me more inspired than questions from reviewers: it's where a great deal of my ideas come from. So don't give up! I WILL finish the story you like! ... I just can't say when exactly that will be. x.x

In the immortal the words of a friend of mine, I respond well to bribery. Reviews, pocky, and fluffy slash or fluffy sibling stories count as bribery. Feel free to bribe me at any time. -Salutes-

Favorite Characters:
Because so many people want to know ...

Avengers - Tony, Steve
Tony is hilarious. Steve is adorable, especially pre-serum. I want to snuggle them both.

Card Captor Sakura - Sakura, Yue
Sakura tries hard, finally sucks at something, and works to be better. Plus the whole "Hoe!" thing is cute. Yue... -Drools- He's snobby, uptight, rude, and *gorgeous*.

Detective Conan - Shinichi (Jimmy)
He's an arrogant little shit no matter what size he is, but he cracks me up. And when he's not making me laugh, he makes my heart break for him.

Digimon - Takeru, Taichi, Takato, Takuya
Takeru was adorable, then developed that cool passive/aggressive attitude. Taichi tries too hard, screws up, and tries again, making stupid jokes the whole time. Takato's emotional and gets attached easily, then tries to pretend he isn't. Takuya kicks ass because someone needs to be the protector, and yet he still wants Koji's approval half the time.

DNAngel - Daisuke, Dark
-Squeals- Daisuke no kawaii! He's so sweet and shy, and I just wanna...snuggle him! Dark makes me laugh, because he's such a smartass.

Final Fantasy - Cloud, Zack, Cid (Final Fantasy VII version)
Oh, Cloud. ALL THE ISSUES. -Pets him- Zack is a Hero. He's funny, he's kind, he's genuine, and he's just ... Zack. It's easy to understand why Cloud idolizes him. Cid just cracks me up. ^_^

Fullmetal Alchemist - Edward Elric, Alphonse Elric
I'm a sucker for protective siblings. That, and Ed freaks out over the dumbest things, but he's a lot smarter than he seems. Al's too cute; he's got such a sweet personality, and this strange fondness for cats. And I like it when he yells at his big brother for doing something stupid.

Gundam Wing - Quatre, Duo
Quatre is adorable, empathic, and a humble rich boy. I *adore* people with special abilities, even if his 'uchuu no kokoro' seems to be a pain in the ass more than anything. Duo is wild, crazy, funny, and never fails to make me laugh.

Kingdom Hearts - Sora
Sora is *adorable*. SO FREAKING ADORABLE. Not to mention his steadfast devotion to his friends, no matter what.

Kyo Kara Maoh/God(?!) Save Our King - Yuri, Wolfram
-Grins- Yuki's such a dork, and he's always getting himself into the worst situations on accident. Wolfram is too funny! And I *love* when he pulls the jealous boyfriend bit! Pink nightgown... -Snickers-

Neon Genesis Evangelion - Shinji
Shinji needs a hug. End of story. (Well, that and Kaworu.)

Pacific Rim - Raleigh
ALL THE HUGS. HE NEEDS THEM. (Also, he nearly made me cry in the first five minutes. Twice.)

Power Rangers - Justin, Dustin, Bridge, Trip, Kimberly, R.J., Jayden, Antonio
Justin is a fanboy/genius who makes me laugh and acts just like I would have in his situation. Dustin is an airheaded fanboy who makes me laugh, and is disturbingly similar to me. How can you not love Bridge? He's hilarious, adorable, smart, psychic, and loves toast! It's hours of entertainment in an adorable package! Trip has psychic abilities, which is just cool, and he's a bit of a techno-geek, which is also cool. Kimberly was the coolest Pink Ranger ever: an airhead who kicked ass and learned to fight with the best of them. Putting up with Mr. Technicolor Mood Swing as a boyfriend gives her bonus points. R.J. is ... well, how can you discribe R.J.? He's just randomly awesome. Jayden: SO MUCH EMO. But for Reasons! (And I like his hair in first season. I want to pet it.) Antonio is ... well, kind of like R.J., but shinier. Also dorkier, but in a cute way.

Prince of Tennis - Ryoma, Eiji, Karupin/Kalpin
Ryoma can be such an ass, but clueless at the same time. I'm always laughing at him in one way or another. And he's actually an ass for a reason: he really *is* as good as he brags about being. Eiji is just ... well, Eiji. Hyperactive, adorable, and charming. I want to hug him. Lots. Karupin! He's so adorable! And FLUFFY! ♥

Ranma 1/2 - Ranma, Akane
Ranma is often misunderstood, or in the wrong place at the wrong time. Akane is misunderstood and violent. They're best misunderstood together.

Sailormoon - Usagi, Chibi-Chibi, Hotaru, Haruka
Usagi's a bubblehead with a genuinely kind and good heart that never gets enough credit for all the crap she goes through. Chibi-Chibi is adorable! How can you not love her? ♥ Hotaru's life just sucks; she kills things, she dies, she gets reborn and raised by the people who tried to kill her. Haruka kicks ass; she's funny, rude, and aggressive, and doesn't give a shit what other people think. Not to mention the whole 'I never said I was a boy' thing. ^_^

Saiyuki - Goku
He eats too much, he whines, he complains, he irritates the hell out of everyone, and in the end he kicks ass whenever someone hurts his 'Sun'. Plus he has one of the saddest backstories I’ve ever seen.

Sorceror Stabber Orphen - Majic
He's cute, he's a terrible Sorceror, and talks back to Orphen as much as he tries to impress him.

Stargate SG - 1-Daniel
The bookworm in the military; how cute can you get? And I love the way he gets so excited when he discovers something new.

Supernatural - Dean and Sam Winchester
I can't pick between my boys! I originally thought I'd love Sam, because broody emo-boys are totally my thing, but Dean made me laugh so hard from the moment I first watched him, and his protective big brotherness is adorable. Then over time Sam's broodiness and puppy eyes won me over, and *then* he got psychic powers! *_* I adore them equally, especially for the way they interact.

Teen Titans - Beastboy, Robin
Beastboy is hilarious. That's my entire reasoning. Robin's not there much, but he seems to be trying to project the perfect leader aura. I think there's more going on with him than I've seen. And bonus points for being the only regular human on the team.

Thunderbirds - Alan Tracy
While the purists may make faces at me, the movie version of Alan (which introduced me to Thunderbird to begin with) had a lot of issues, and growth throughout the movie. I love his jealousy of his older brothers, as well as his admiration for them and desperate desire to be accepted as one of them. He's arrogant at points, and clearly doesn't think everything through, but he's also smart, snarky, and determined.

Weib Kreuz - Omi
A sweetie and obsessed with shorts. He has *the* worst backstory I've ever seen.

Favorite Pairings:
That this does not mean I'm not open to other pairings; these are just my favorites.

Avengers - Tony/Steve (e.g. Superhusbands, Superfamily)
ALL THE SEXUAL TENSION. Well, that and the fact that they're both broken in their own ways. I think they could be fabulous together. (I also think they would make adorable parents, hence my love of Superfamily.)

Card Captor Sakura - Syaoran/Sakura, Touya/Yukito
I have the Enchanted Cards movie. I squeal many times at how adorable Sakura and Syoaran are. They freak each other out, and yet they work so well together. Touya and Yukito have the whole "Miaka!" "Tamahome!" thing going on. They look out for each other, they protect each other, and when trouble looms, they're screaming each other's name, and somehow manage to keep from being irritating about it.

Detective Conan - Kaito/Shinichi(Jimmy)
I was a Shinichi/Ran fan in the beginning, but the longer the series goes on, the more I realize their relationship seems to be more about how long they've known and pined for each other. With Kaito/Shinichi however, they challenge one another in a way no one else does. Plus the detective/thief dynamic adds a fun twist to things.

Digimon - Yamachi, Kensuke/Daiken, Jenkato, Kokuya, Takari
Yamato as the protector is cute, and I see Taichi as needing the reassurance underneath all his bravado. Daisuke makes Ken smile, and Ken is the only person who doesn't think he's an idiot; I like either pairing. Jenrya was the first person to take Takato seriously, and Takato dragged him out of his shell to be his friend. Koji and Takuya are at each other's throats or backing each other up, but I see them as the later generation of Yamato and Taichi all the same. Takari may be overdone, but they're sweet and they work well together.

DNAngel - Dark/Daisuke, Hiwatari/Daiuke
Um... -Shuffles feet- I didn't *mean* to fall for Dark/Daisuke. It just kinda happened. It's the last episode's fault. That, and the Second Hand of Time thing, when all Dark cares about is rescuing Daisuke, even though his life would be a lot easier without him. Hiwatari/Daisuke is just so obvious, especially in the manga. And Daisuke's cute when he's oblivious. ^_^

Final Fantasy - Sephiroth/Cloud, Zack/Cloud
Sephiroth/Cloud is full of hotness, obsession, stalker tendencies, and loads of sexual tension. It's not exactly a healthy relationship, but I like to think it could have been very sweet if Sephiroth hadn't gone insane. While I do tend to lean towards brotherly feelings for Zack and Cloud, I admit they can be pretty adorable as a couple.

Fullmetal Alchemist - Roy Mustang/Edward Elric
-Snickers- Ah, the sparks that fly. Literally.

Gundam Wing - 3+4, 1+2
Trowa smiles for Quatre. How many other people does that boy smile for? His sister? And Quatre gets so excited whenever he sees Trowa. They, in a cute, fuzzy way. Heero and Duo are destructive and drive each other crazy, but they always have each other's back. Heero needs Duo's energy and unpredictableness, and Duo needs Heero's calm and determination.

Harry Potter - Draco/Harry
This pairing fascinates me, because there are so many ways you can write it and so many directions to take it in.

Kingdom Hearts - Riku/Sora
These boys are OBSESSED with each other. With beating each other, with getting the girl before the other can, with being the better fighter, with being the better hero. And yet when it really comes down to it, they hunt each other down through packs of Heartless, both wanting to take care of and help the other.

Kyo Kara Maoh/God(?!) Save Our King - Yuri/Wolfram
It's all about the jealous, possessive boyfriend.

Neon Genesis Evangelion - Kaworu/Shinji
Kaworu flat out tells Shinji he loves him, something Shinji has never heard from *anyone* before. What more do you need? Well, that and his other options are bleak; Asuka's a bitch, Rei's kinda/sorta/technically his sister, and Misato is kinda/sorta his mother figure. Kinda. Kaworu made him feel good about himself, and goodness knows that poor boy needs it.

Pacific Rim - Raleigh/Chuck
Sexual Tension. Plus, hotness. -Wiggles eyebrows suggestively-

Power Rangers - Tommy/Kim, Rocky/Adam, Leo/Kai, Wes/Eric, Shane/Dustin, Hunter/Cam, Antonio/Jayden
Tommy and Kim are a total Romeo/Juliet couple; I hated the way the wrote her off in the show and stuck him with Kat. It's not that I don't like Kat, but he and Kim were more star-stuck, and I refuse to believe Kim would be that cruel. Rocky and Adam are yin and yang: boisterous Rocky, shy and quiet Adam. Opposites attract. Leo is charmingly trouble, and Kai seems to permanently have a stick up his ass until Leo gets through with him. The way they interact is adorable, namely because most of the time Leo does something stupidly brave, and Kai gets to yell at him for it. Even if you don't like slash, you've got to admit that Wes and Eric act like jilted lovers throughout most of the Time Force season. But for all their issues with each other, when they finally work together as a team, it's so perfect you can barely tell they ever didn't get along. They're perfectly, adorably, dysfunctional, and I adore them for it. Shane and Dustin are best friends who constantly back each other up and look out for one another. There are tiny hints if you look, and I can see them teetering over the line between friends and more. Hunter and Cam I found through StarAndrea and had to go back to understand. The sarcasm and banter is cute and amusing. Antonio devotes his *life* to coming back to fight at Jayden's side. When he's trying to program The Black Box? He still thinks of Jayden first. Not to mention the massively cheesy, gayest smile in the history of Power Rangers Jayden gave when he saw Antonio again for the first time. They are practically canon (and incredibly adorable), and you will never convince me otherwise.

Prince of Tennis - Oishi/Eiji
Their nickname is 'Golden Pair'. They act like they're practically married. What else do you need to know?

Ranma 1/2 - Ranma/Akane, Ranma/Ryoga
See previous Ranma/Akane comments. I wasn't into Ranma/Ryoga at first, but someone had a very well written story about the true reason Ryoga hates Ranma so much, and why they fight but Ranma won't ever actually hurt him.

Sailormoon - Mamoru/Usagi, Haruka/Michiru
Mamoru and Usagi have died for each other several times over. I particularly like them in the manga, when Mamoru is more sweet and romantic to Usagi, and Usagi is less of a bubblehead and has moments of melancholy. They make a beautiful, sweet couple, and I always get warm fuzzies when I read about them. Haruka and Michiru I prefer in the anime, because I'm not so sure about their relationship in the manga. (And I like the Anime Haruka better.) I like them because they're an awesome team, genuinely care for one another, and aren't afraid to tease each other.

Saiyuki - Sanzo/Goku
Sanzo is the only person who puts up with Goku in a routine basis, and despite all his threats won't get rid of him. Goku's adoration and possessiveness is really cute.

Sorceror Stabber Orphen - Orphen/Majic
Orphen's protective, and Majic is eager to impress Orphen, but still talks back. Even though Orphen can and usually does kick his ass. It amuses me.

Stargate SG-1 - Jack/Daniel
So obvious, and so cute. Someone has to look out for Daniel when he's translating all those languages, right?

Teen Titans - Robin/Beastboy
I never thought of this until I read a fic, but it really works well. Robin's a bit too dark and brooding, and Beastboy is funny and charming. They balance.

Yami no Matsuei - Tsuzuki/Hisoka
They need each other, even though they'll never admit it. More opposites attracting. And I love the way they're so protective of one another.

Weiz Kreiz - Aya/Omi
I always think brooding types go best with bubbly ones. And *the* episode says it all: 'You are Omi Tsukiyono.' Aya refuses to call him a Takatori, and Omi nearly cries he's so happy.