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Media Resource Room from Canada: Grades 6-12

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Go to WIINDMILL PRESS PUBLISHING (Canadian publisher of media books and resources)
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Barry Duncan, who founded the Association for Media Literacy in Toronto, wrote this text book in 1996, along with a team of media experts from Canada. Canadian teachers should have a copy of Duncan's textbook for its unique look at media and popular culture. This text comes with a resource binder of articles and handouts from which teachers may photocopy.

In 1989, schools in Ontario, Canada mandated Media Literacy for all students in grades 6 and up. What do they teach? Find out in this comprehensive guide published by the Ontario Ministry of Education. The Media Literacy Resource Guide has provided the roadmap for the development of media literacy standards and curriculum throughout Canadian schools.

This resource has been labeled a "hip-pocket guide to media literacy." In a refreshing non-academic approach, Canadian Chris Worsnop explores theories and pedagogy of media literacy as well as providing hundreds of practical tips and techniques. An essential resource for every media teacher.

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