previous - go to surnames
Moore, Alice (1883 - 1932)
b. 1883 in ,,SC
d. 1932
father: Moore, Joab(1855 - 1909)
mother: Fendley, Mary Lou(1860 - 1945)
spouse: Blankenship, George P.
spouse: Fant, Bob
Moore, Allen Duel (1929 - )
b. 3 MAR 1929 in Cullman,Cullman,AL
father: Moore, Phillip Hershel(1907 - 1977)
mother: Gibbs, Sudie Bell(1912 - )
Moore, Annie
spouse: Horsley, Obie Jefferson (1901 - 1973)
- m. 20 JUL 1924
Moore, Athlene Jewel (1931 - )
b. 12 MAR 1931 in Cullman,Cullman,AL
father: Moore, Phillip Hershel(1907 - 1977)
mother: Gibbs, Sudie Bell(1912 - )
Moore, Audrey Lee (1933 - )
b. 21 APR 1933 in Cullman,Cullman,AL
father: Moore, Phillip Hershel(1907 - 1977)
mother: Gibbs, Sudie Bell(1912 - )
Moore, Burt
----------child: Moore, John (~1790 - )
Moore, Clara (1901 - 1971)
b. 1 MAR 1901 in ,,SC
d. 23 MAY 1971
father: Moore, Joab(1855 - 1909)
mother: Fendley, Mary Lou(1860 - 1945)
spouse: Henderson, Hassie Eugene (1883 - 1967)
Moore, Della
spouse: Fendley, James Monroe (1885 - )
- m. ABT 1925
----------child: Fendley, Harold (1926 - )
----------child: Fendley, Robert (~1930 - )
----------child: Fendley, Deanna (~1940 - )
Moore, Edward David (1911 - )
b. 20 JUN 1911
father: Moore, James Daniel(1876 - 1950)
mother: Phillips, Lula Belle(1886 - 1948)
spouse: Bagwell, Eva Jane Christen (1916 - 1988)
Moore, Ellen (1840 - )
b. 1840
father: Moore, John(~1790 - )
mother: Whitmire, Nancy(<1800 - )
Moore, Eva Leona "Ona" (1907 - )
b. 26 JUL 1906/1907
father: Moore, James Daniel(1876 - 1950)
mother: Phillips, Lula Belle(1886 - 1948)
spouse: Bryson, Luther Columbus (1902 - 1967)
- m. 11 DEC 1921
Moore, Faraby Lou_Annie Elizabeth (1909 - )
b. 21 JUL 1909
father: Moore, James Daniel(1876 - 1950)
mother: Phillips, Lula Belle(1886 - 1948)
spouse: Snider, Julian Ramey (1910 - 1985)
- m. 6 APR 1929
----------child: Snider, Margaret Marie (1930 - )
----------child: Snider, James Leroy (1932 - )
----------child: Snider, Barbara Louise (1934 - )
Moore, Fred William (1915 - )
b. 9 SEP 1915
father: Moore, James Daniel(1876 - 1950)
mother: Phillips, Lula Belle(1886 - 1948)
spouse: Leslie, Martha (1917 - )
- m. 2 MAR 1934
Moore, George
spouse: Crater, Elizabeth
----------child: Moore, John (1789 - )
Moore, George Daniel (1905 - 1979)
b. 8 OCT 1905 in Catceechee,,SC
d. 3 AUG 1979
father: Moore, James Daniel(1876 - 1950)
mother: Phillips, Lula Belle(1886 - 1948)
spouse: Henry, Ida (1907 - )
- m. 27 DEC 1925 in ,,SC
Moore, Hayward Cleveland (1919 - 1973)
b. 5 SEP 1919
d. 23 MAY 1973
spouse: Moore, Mary Ruth (1922 - 1992)
Moore, Henry
father: Moore, Joab(1855 - 1909)
mother: Fendley, Mary Lou(1860 - 1945)
Moore, Jake (1836 - )
b. 1836
father: Moore, John(~1790 - )
mother: Whitmire, Nancy(<1800 - )
Moore, James A.
father: Moore, John(~1790 - )
mother: Whitmire, Nancy(<1800 - )
Moore, James A. (1833 - 1904)
b. NOV 1833 in ,Pickens,SC
d. 1904
spouse: Murphree, Melvina (1839 - >1907)
----------child: Moore, Joab (1855 - 1909)
----------child: Moore, William Henry (1859 - 1915)
Moore, James Daniel (1876 - 1950)
b. 8 DEC 1876
d. 11 AUG 1950
father: Moore, Joab(1855 - 1909)
mother: Fendley, Mary Lou(1860 - 1945)
spouse: Phillips, Lula Belle (1886 - 1948)
- m. 28 SEP 1902
----------child: Moore, George Daniel (1905 - 1979)
----------child: Moore, Eva Leona "Ona" (1907 - )
----------child: Moore, Faraby Lou_Annie Elizabeth (1909 - )
----------child: Moore, Edward David (1911 - )
----------child: Moore, Fred William (1915 - )
----------child: Moore, Levine Henry (1917 - 1990)
----------child: Moore, Mary Ruth (1922 - 1992)
----------child: Moore, Lula Geneva (1926 - 1927)
Moore, Jimmie Rayburn (1938 - )
b. 18 FEB 1938 in ,Cullman,AL
father: Moore, Phillip Hershel(1907 - 1977)
mother: Gibbs, Sudie Bell(1912 - )
Moore, Joab (1855 - 1909)
b. 1855 in ,,SC
d. 21 AUG 1909
father: Moore, James A.(1833 - 1904)
mother: Murphree, Melvina(1839 - >1907)
spouse: Fendley, Mary Lou (1860 - 1945)
----------child: Moore, James Daniel (1876 - 1950)
----------child: Moore, Martha (1881 - 1948)
----------child: Moore, Alice (1883 - 1932)
----------child: Moore, William Clayton (1884 - 1959)
----------child: Moore, Henry
----------child: Moore, Mary
----------child: Moore, Lillie (1897 - 1975)
----------child: Moore, Clara (1901 - 1971)
Moore, John (1789 - )
b. 1 OCT 1789
father: Moore, George
mother: Crater, Elizabeth
spouse: McKinstry, Mercy
Moore, John (~1790 - )
b. ABT 1790 in ,,SC
father: Moore, Burt
spouse: Whitmire, Nancy (<1800 - )
----------child: Moore, William Hamilton (1827 - 1894)
----------child: Moore, James A.
----------child: Moore, John (1829 - )
----------child: Moore, Reuban (1835 - )
----------child: Moore, Jake (1836 - )
----------child: Moore, Mary Anne (1838 - )
----------child: Moore, Ellen (1840 - )
----------child: Moore, Sarah I. (1843 - )
Moore, John (1829 - )
b. 1829
father: Moore, John(~1790 - )
mother: Whitmire, Nancy(<1800 - )
Moore, John Alton (1936 - )
b. 17 FEB 1936 in ,Cullman,AL
father: Moore, Phillip Hershel(1907 - 1977)
mother: Gibbs, Sudie Bell(1912 - )
Moore, John Cruser
spouse: Sutton, Eliza Ellen (1813 - 1886)
- m. 11 AUG 1830 in New Germantown,Tewksbury,Hunterdon,NJ
Moore, John Sylvester (1942 - )
b. 8 APR 1942 in ,Cullman,AL
father: Moore, Phillip Hershel(1907 - 1977)
mother: Gibbs, Sudie Bell(1912 - )
Moore, Joseph
spouse: Fryar, Sarah (1818 - )
Moore, Laura (1909 - )
b. 21 DEC 1909
spouse: Storey, Robert Lee "Bob" (1906 - 1984)
----------child: Storey, Thomas Alan (1947 - )
Moore, Levine Henry (1917 - 1990)
b. 24 SEP 1917
d. 28 MAY 1990
father: Moore, James Daniel(1876 - 1950)
mother: Phillips, Lula Belle(1886 - 1948)
spouse: Reynolds, Intha Mary (1919 - 1990)
- m. 7 AUG 1937
Moore, Lillie (1897 - 1975)
b. 10 AUG 1897 in ,,SC
d. 27 JAN 1975
father: Moore, Joab(1855 - 1909)
mother: Fendley, Mary Lou(1860 - 1945)
spouse: Driggers, George J.
Moore, Linda Bell (1945 - )
b. 20 OCT 1945 in ,Cullman,AL
father: Moore, Phillip Hershel(1907 - 1977)
mother: Gibbs, Sudie Bell(1912 - )
Moore, Lula Geneva (1926 - 1927)
b. 27 JUN 1926
d. 23 JUN 1927
father: Moore, James Daniel(1876 - 1950)
mother: Phillips, Lula Belle(1886 - 1948)
Moore, Martha (1881 - 1948)
b. 8 SEP 1881 in ,,SC
d. 26 JUL 1948
father: Moore, Joab(1855 - 1909)
mother: Fendley, Mary Lou(1860 - 1945)
spouse: Alexander, Wade Amos (1874 - 1951)
Moore, Mary
b. in ,,SC
father: Moore, Joab(1855 - 1909)
mother: Fendley, Mary Lou(1860 - 1945)
spouse: Cartin, Paul
Moore, Mary Anne (1838 - )
b. 1838
father: Moore, John(~1790 - )
mother: Whitmire, Nancy(<1800 - )
Moore, Mary Ruth (1922 - 1992)
b. 23 JUN 1922
d. 28 FEB 1992
father: Moore, James Daniel(1876 - 1950)
mother: Phillips, Lula Belle(1886 - 1948)
spouse: Whitlock, James (? - 1989)
spouse: Moore, Hayward Cleveland (1919 - 1973)
Moore, Nannie Irene (1895 - 1976)
b. 9 SEP 1895 in Central,Pickens,SC
d. 5 OCT 1976 in Columbia,Richland,SC
father: Moore, William Henry(1859 - 1915)
mother: Garvin, Mary Artiemissa(1856 - 1936)
spouse: Bright, Fredrick Benjamin (1884 - 1945)
- m. 27 OCT 1927 in Kansas City,Wyandotte,KN
----------child: Bright, Nancy Elizabeth (1936 - )
Moore, Phillip Hershel (1907 - 1977)
b. 15 OCT 1907 in Cullman,Cullman,AL
d. 1 MAY 1977 in ,Cullman,AL
spouse: Gibbs, Sudie Bell (1912 - )
- m. 25 DEC 1927 in ,Cullman,AL
----------child: Moore, Allen Duel (1929 - )
----------child: Moore, Athlene Jewel (1931 - )
----------child: Moore, Audrey Lee (1933 - )
----------child: Moore, John Alton (1936 - )
----------child: Moore, Jimmie Rayburn (1938 - )
----------child: Moore, John Sylvester (1942 - )
----------child: Moore, Linda Bell (1945 - )
----------child: Moore, Stephen Phillip (1953 - )
Moore, Reuban (1835 - )
b. 1835
father: Moore, John(~1790 - )
mother: Whitmire, Nancy(<1800 - )
Moore, Robert W.
spouse: Clayton, Rivers Rosa (1897 - 1980)
- m. 20 APR 1913
Moore, Sally V. (1869 - 1896)
b. 8 JAN 1869
d. 28 DEC 1896
spouse: Goudy, William Hodges (1858 - 1933)
- m. 30 DEC 1886
----------child: Goudy, William Howard (1887 - 1899)
----------child: Goudy, Anna Delmes (1889 - 1969)
Moore, Sarah (? - 1813)
d. 1813 in ,Person,NC
spouse: Winstead, Charles Brown (1769 - 1815)
- m. 1785 in ,Person,NC
----------child: Winstead, Rebecca (1786 - )
----------child: Winstead, Samuel (1787 - )
----------child: Winstead, Johnson (1788 - )
----------child: Winstead, Barnett (1790 - )
----------child: Winstead, Susan (1794 - )
----------child: Winstead, Benjamin (1795 - )
----------child: Winstead, Margaret (1800 - )
----------child: Winstead, Seth M. (1805 - )
----------child: Winstead, Nelly (1815 - )
----------child: Winstead, Sally (1815 - )
Moore, Sarah I. (1843 - )
b. 1843
father: Moore, John(~1790 - )
mother: Whitmire, Nancy(<1800 - )
Moore, Stephen Phillip (1953 - )
b. 25 MAR 1953 in ,Cullman,AL
father: Moore, Phillip Hershel(1907 - 1977)
mother: Gibbs, Sudie Bell(1912 - )
Moore, William Clayton (1884 - 1959)
b. 18 MAR 1884 in ,,SC
d. 30 DEC 1959
father: Moore, Joab(1855 - 1909)
mother: Fendley, Mary Lou(1860 - 1945)
spouse: Fuller, Ollie Mae (1887 - 1948)
Moore, William Hamilton (1827 - 1894)
b. 1827 in ,,GA
d. 1894 in ,Pendleton,SC
father: Moore, John(~1790 - )
mother: Whitmire, Nancy(<1800 - )
spouse: Taylor, Emily Sopronia (1836 - 1923)
----------child: Taylor, James Richard (1853 - 1935)
Moore, William Henry (1859 - 1915)
b. 6 JAN 1859 in Crow Creek,Pickens,SC
d. 5 OCT 1915 in Seneca,Oconee,SC
father: Moore, James A.(1833 - 1904)
mother: Murphree, Melvina(1839 - >1907)
spouse: Garvin, Mary Artiemissa (1856 - 1936)
- m. 22 DEC 1887 in ,Pickens,SC
----------child: Moore, Nannie Irene (1895 - 1976)
Moorman, Clark Terrell
spouse: Harris, Rachel
----------child: Moorman, Sally
Moorman, Sally
father: Moorman, Clark Terrell
mother: Harris, Rachel
spouse: Terrell, Matthew Peatross (1762 - <1813)
- m. 11 MAY 1788
----------child: Terrell, Mahala (1790 - )
----------child: Terrell, Rachel (1793 - )
----------child: Terrell, Thomas H. (1798 - )
----------child: Terrell, Clark (1799 - )
----------child: Terrell, Joanne (1802 - )
----------child: Terrell, Matthew (1804 - 1830)
Morgan, Eliza Ann (1821 - 1892)
b. 31 DEC 1821 in ,,NJ
d. 24 APR 1892 in Locktown,,NJ
spouse: Sutton, John (1813 - 1882)
- m. 17 MAR 1836 in Locktown,,NJ
----------child: Sutton, Theodore (1836 - 1906)
----------child: Sutton, Amos (1839 - 1894)
----------child: Sutton, Uriah (1840 - ~1922)
----------child: Sutton, Mary Ann (1840 - ~1917)
----------child: Sutton, Catherine M. (1844 - ~1925)
----------child: Sutton, David M. (1845 - )
----------child: Sutton, William B. (1847 - ~1905)
----------child: Sutton, George T. (1848 - 1930)
----------child: Sutton, Elizabeth B. (1850 - ~1917)
Morgan, Mary (1809 - 1895)
b. 1 JAN 1809 in ,,NC
d. 3 DEC 1895
spouse: Carpenter, John Marion (1807 - 1893)
- m. 16 JAN 1833 in ,Calloway,KY
----------child: Carpenter, Sarah Ann (1833 - 1904)
----------child: Carpenter, Martha Jane (1836 - )
----------child: Carpenter, Mary Elizabeth (1838 - 1919)
----------child: Carpenter, Louiza C. (1841 - 1913)
----------child: Carpenter, John Marion (1844 - 1915)
----------child: Carpenter, Green C. (1846 - 1869)
----------child: Carpenter, Berry (1849 - 1916)
Morgan, Mary
spouse: Crump, Marvin Findley (1876 - )
- m. 1 OCT 1907 in ,,OK
Morgan, Rachel
spouse: Drake, John
----------child: Drake, Benjamin
Morris, Coy Annis
spouse: Kelly, Clinton S. (1899 - )
- m. ABT 1918
Morris, Mary Whitlock (1906 - 1985)
b. 11 APR 1906 in ,Hopkins,KY
d. 5 AUG 1985 in Almont,,MI
spouse: Winstead, James Dimmitt (1902 - 1980)
- m. 29 OCT 1927
----------child: Ligon, Patricia Ann (1936 - )
Morrison, Teresa
spouse: Fendley, Emory (1895 - 1968)
----------child: Fendley, Jack (1924 - 1977)
----------child: Fendley, Dorthey
----------child: Fendley, Bernice
----------child: Fendley, Emory
----------child: Fendley, Justin
----------child: Fendley, Rosemary
----------child: Fendley, Ellen
Morrow, Clinton H.
spouse: Fendley, Beulah Eudocia (1898 - )
Morrow, Effie
spouse: Nichols, Kenny (1891 - )
----------child: Nichols, Raymond
Mortimer, William
b. in ,,,England
spouse: , Ellinor
Morton, Amelia Jeanette (~1892 - 1962)
b. ABT 1892 in Yarmouth,Nova Scotia,Canada
d. DEC 1962 in Reading,Suffolk,MA
spouse: Hudson, William Henry (1897 - 1959)
----------child: Hudson, Furman Wallace (~1914 - )
----------child: Hudson, Emily (~1919 - )
----------child: Hudson, Frances Winonah (1921 - ~1992)
----------child: Hudson, Bernice (~1922 - )
----------child: Hudson, Warren Arthur (1926 - 1994)
----------child: Hudson, William "Bill"
----------child: Hudson, Winnifred Wilamina "Mina"
Morton, J. Wallace
spouse: Clayton, Lona (1884 - 1954)
- m. 29 OCT 1902 in ,Tippah,MS
Moss, Jemima Carrie (1841 - 1923)
b. 25 APR 1841
d. 9 OCT 1923
father: Moss, Martin
mother: Cox, Rene
spouse: Fendley, John Wesley (1838 - 1913)
- m. 14 DEC 1865
Moss, Martin
spouse: Cox, Rene
----------child: Moss, Jemima Carrie (1841 - 1923)
Moss, Mary
spouse: Sutton, Joseph (~1700 - 1763)
Motlow, Zodok
spouse: Goodlett, Polly (1796 - )
Mullins, Ruby (? - <1963)
d. BEF 1963
spouse: Hyatt, Erastus (1897 - )
----------child: Hyatt, Donald
Murdock, Sarah Elizabeth
spouse: Dowdy, Wesley Jefferson (1845 - 1926)
- m. 2 SEP 1901 in ,Etowah,AL
Murphee, Celia Adeline (1850 - 1932)
b. 30 MAY 1850 in Chelputepec,Blount,AL
d. 21 NOV 1932
spouse: Fendley, William Franklin (1845 - 1928)
- m. 10 NOV 1869
----------child: Fendley, Ethel (1874 - )
----------child: Fendley, Mary Alice (1878 - )
----------child: Fendley, Edna Malinda
----------child: Fendley, Annie Eugenia (1882 - )
----------child: Fendley, Myrtle Louise (1884 - 1961)
----------child: Fendley, Grace (1887 - 1971)
----------child: Fendley, Millard W. (1890 - 1934)
Murphree, Melvina (1839 - >1907)
b. MAY 1839 in ,Pickens,SC
d. AFT 1907
father: Murphrey, Caleb
mother: Alexander, Elizabeth
spouse: Moore, James A. (1833 - 1904)
----------child: Moore, Joab (1855 - 1909)
----------child: Moore, William Henry (1859 - 1915)
Murphrey, Caleb
spouse: Alexander, Elizabeth
----------child: Murphrey, Isiah J. (~1838 - >1898)
----------child: Murphree, Melvina (1839 - >1907)
Murphrey, Isiah J. (~1838 - >1898)
b. ABT 1838 in ,,SC
d. AFT 1898
father: Murphrey, Caleb
mother: Alexander, Elizabeth
spouse: Fendley, Eliza H. (1831 - >1900)
- m. BEF 1855
Musgraves, Annie
spouse: Childers, James Lee
----------child: Childers, John Anderson (1853 - 1898)
Musick, Abraham
spouse: Lewis, Sarah (~1724 - >1807)
Mustin, George
spouse: Clayton, Jamie (1903 - 1982)
----------child: Mustin, Michael
Mustin, Michael
father: Mustin, George
mother: Clayton, Jamie(1903 - 1982)
Nabors, Corrie Etta (1876 - 1924)
b. 11 FEB 1876 in ,Tippah,MS
d. 18 JAN 1924 in ,Tippah,MS
spouse: Storey, Robert Edward (1874 - 1941)
- m. 25 DEC 1901 in ,Tippah,MS
----------child: Storey, Robert Lee "Bob" (1906 - 1984)
Nail, Mattie
spouse: Henson, Matthew (~1853 - )
- m. 24 NOV 1889 in ,Tippah,MS
Naley, William "Bill"
spouse: Claxton, Martha Jane (~1847 - )
- m. 8 FEB 1871 in ,Independance,AR
Nancarrow, Betty Caroline
spouse: McCoy, Jimmie Darious (1928 - )
- m. 15 SEP 1946 in Rising Fawn,Dade,GA
Nash, Sarah
spouse: Crews, John (~1740 - )
- m. 25 JUL 1782 in ,Mecklenberg,VA
Nave, Henry (~1787 - 1857)
b. ABT 1787
d. 19 OCT 1857 in Indian Terr.,Cherokee,OK
spouse: Ross, Susannah "Susan" (1893 - 1967)
----------child: Nave, Minerva (1829 - 1905)
Nave, Jesse Beatrice (1864 - 1952)
b. 4 OCT 1864 in Jonesboro,,AL
d. APR 1952 in ,,TX
spouse: Fendley, James Monroe (1860 - 1945)
- m. 11 JUL 1888
----------child: Fendley, Edwin Littlejohn (1890 - 1929)
----------child: Fendley, James Monroe (1892 - )
----------child: Fendley, Francis Tarrant (1893 - )
----------child: Fendley, Jessie (1896 - )
Nave, Minerva (1829 - 1905)
b. 18 OCT 1829 in ,,GA
d. 13 AUG 1905 in Indian Terr.,Cherokee,OK
father: Nave, Henry(~1787 - 1857)
mother: Ross, Susannah "Susan"(1893 - 1967)
spouse: Keys, Riley (1813 - 1884)
----------child: Keys, Riley (1859 - 1914)
Needham, Jesse Wood (1868 - )
b. 1868
spouse: Kelly, Annie Katherine (1877 - )
----------child: Needham, John Bill (1893 - )
Needham, John Bill (1893 - )
b. 1893
father: Needham, Jesse Wood(1868 - )
mother: Kelly, Annie Katherine(1877 - )
spouse: Harrison, Lena Perry (1898 - )
----------child: Needham, Perry Quentin (1923 - )
Needham, Perry Quentin (1923 - )
b. 1923
father: Needham, John Bill(1893 - )
mother: Harrison, Lena Perry(1898 - )
Neff, Elosia Amy (1883 - 1956)
b. 3 NOV 1883 in Warsaw,Kosciusko,IN
d. 28 MAR 1956 in St. Paul,Ramsey,MN
spouse: Runyon, Karl Elmer (1878 - 1945)
- m. 8 NOV 1899 in Warsaw,Kosciusko,IN
----------child: Runyon, Frances Wilma (1902 - )
Neff, Thomas Edward (1899 - )
b. 7 JUN 1899 in Stillwell,,OK
spouse: Keys, Maryetta (1902 - )
- m. 14 FEB 1919 in ,Adair,OK
Neighbors, Flowie
spouse: Fendley, James Monroe (1892 - )
- m. 1924
----------child: Fendley, James Monroe (1925 - )
----------child: Fendley, Robert Edwin (1928 - )
----------child: Fendley, Shirley Ann (1930 - )
Neil, William
spouse: Sutton, Mary Erwin (1810 - 1861)
Nelms, Mary Elizabeth
spouse: Claxton, General Norman (1859 - 1937)
- m. 13 OCT 1886 in Holly Springs,,MS
Nelms, Nancy Tabbitha
spouse: Claxton, Hosea Byrum (1870 - 1949)
Nelson, ?
spouse: Nichols, Jemima (1828 - )
Nelson, Ada (1864 - )
b. 10 JAN 1864 in Booneville,,IA
father: Nelson, William(1899 - )
mother: Clayton, Gula(1841 - 1866)
spouse: Linthurst, John
Nelson, Attie (1859 - )
b. 16 MAR 1859 in Booneville,,IA
father: Nelson, William(1899 - )
mother: Clayton, Gula(1841 - 1866)
spouse: Gutshall, George (1854 - )
- m. 15 JUL 1880 in Van Meter,,IA
----------child: Gutshall, Roy (1881 - 1893)
----------child: Gutshall, Vera (1883 - 1886)
Nelson, John M.
spouse: Mathis, Martha
Nelson, Rena (1861 - )
b. 18 MAY 1861 in Booneville,,IA
father: Nelson, William(1899 - )
mother: Clayton, Gula(1841 - 1866)
spouse: Semans, James Matthew (1858 - 1927)
- m. FEB 1880 in Van Meter,,IA
----------child: Semans, Zoe Leontine (1882 - )
----------child: Semans, Bert Tyndall (1883 - 1885)
----------child: Semans, Clare Lovell (1886 - )
Nelson, William (1899 - )
b. 20 JAN 1899
spouse: Clayton, Gula (1841 - 1866)
- m. 7 APR 1858 in Booneville,,IA
----------child: Nelson, Attie (1859 - )
----------child: Nelson, Rena (1861 - )
----------child: Nelson, Ada (1864 - )
Nevilla, Sandra Katherine
spouse: Smith, Stephen Michael (1944 - )
- m. 30 DEC 1965
----------child: Smith, Michael Casey (1967 - )
----------child: Smith, Judith Nicole (1969 - )
----------child: Smith, Adrian Pat (1974 - )
Newing, Sarah (~1834 - 1894)
b. ABT 1834
d. 1874/1894
spouse: Fendley, Walter Webster (1841 - 1910)
----------child: Fendley, James A. (~1860 - )
----------child: Fendley, William F. (~1864 - )
----------child: Fendley, John F. (~1865 - )
----------child: Fendley, Sarah J. (1869 - )
----------child: Fendley, Henry B. (~1877 - >1907)
Newsom, Nancy Ann M. (1827 - 1912)
b. 12 FEB 1827 in ,Coweta,AL
d. 21 MAY 1912 in ,Clay,AL
father: Newsom, Silas
mother: Peoples, Nancy Lavina
spouse: Sparks, Abel Tomlin (1827 - 1896)
- m. 12 DEC 1850 in ,Talladega,AL
----------child: Sparks, Lavina Elizabeth (1852 - 1934)
Newsom, Silas
spouse: Peoples, Nancy Lavina
----------child: Newsom, Nancy Ann M. (1827 - 1912)
Newton, Carmey
spouse: Dover, Thomas B. (1900 - 1969)
----------child: Dover, Herbert
----------child: Dover, Thomas E.
----------child: Dover, Clair
----------child: Dover, Lavern "Sis"
----------child: Dover, Horace
----------child: Dover, Sue
----------child: Dover, Shirley
----------child: Dover, Gail
----------child: Dover, Larry
Newton, Frank Edward (1920 - )
b. 15 NOV 1920 in ,Clay,KS
father: Newton, Jason Westerman(1894 - 1968)
mother: Priest, Ida(1894 - 1966)
spouse: Garner, Constance Jane (1921 - 1988)
- m. 9 MAR 1942 in Charleston,Kanawa,WV
----------child: Newton, Sandra Lake (1943 - )
Newton, Frank Leslie (1862 - 1927)
b. 24 OCT 1862 in Cedar Rapids,Linn,IA
d. 17 MAY 1927 in Courthouse,Clay,KS
spouse: Westerman, Deborah Elisa (1870 - 1953)
- m. 24 JUL 1891 in Colby,Thomas,KS
----------child: Newton, Jason Westerman (1894 - 1968)
Newton, Jason Westerman (1894 - 1968)
b. 10 JUL 1894 in ,Sherman,KS
d. 21 NOV 1968 in Tampa,Hillsborough,FL
father: Newton, Frank Leslie(1862 - 1927)
mother: Westerman, Deborah Elisa(1870 - 1953)
spouse: Priest, Ida (1894 - 1966)
- m. 5 NOV 1915 in Concordia,Cloud,KS
----------child: Newton, Frank Edward (1920 - )
Newton, Sandra Lake (1943 - )
b. 6 FEB 1943 in St. Petersburg,Pinellas,FL
father: Newton, Frank Edward(1920 - )
mother: Garner, Constance Jane(1921 - 1988)
Nichols, Ada (1911 - )
b. 18 DEC 1911 in ,,MS
father: Nichols, John Thomas(1848 - 1919)
mother: Simmons, Frances Elizabeth (Fanny)(~1877 - 1915)
Nichols, Amy
father: Nichols, John Thomas(1881 - 1967)
mother: Eastland, Nannie Bell(? - 1964)
Nichols, Annie (? - ~1990)
d. ABT 1988/1990 in ,,MS
father: Nichols, Pearlie Venson(1888 - 1960)
mother: Bishop, Mamie Vashti(1887 - 1959)
Nichols, Arthur (1894 - 1975)
b. 20 AUG 1894 in ,Lawrence,AL
d. 22 AUG 1975
father: Nichols, David Edmond(1873 - 1948)
mother: Filyour, Martha J.(1874 - 1909)
spouse: Johnson, Rosie (1895 - 1987)
Nichols, Beatrice (1921 - )
b. 1921
father: Nichols, John Thomas(1881 - 1967)
mother: Eastland, Nannie Bell(? - 1964)
Nichols, Carl
father: Nichols, William M.(1877 - )
mother: , Mary
Nichols, Clara (1911 - )
b. 1911 in ,Navarro,TX
father: Nichols, David Edmond(1873 - 1948)
mother: Austin, Eunie L.(1892 - 1982)
Nichols, Clarence (~1912 - 1927)
b. ABT 1912 in ,Navarro,TX
d. 29 SEP 1927
father: Nichols, David Edmond(1873 - 1948)
mother: Austin, Eunie L.(1892 - 1982)
Nichols, Claude Lawrence (1915 - )
b. 22 NOV 1915 in ,Navarro,TX
father: Nichols, David Edmond(1873 - 1948)
mother: Austin, Eunie L.(1892 - 1982)
Nichols, Cleo (1923 - )
b. 1923 in ,Navarro,TX
father: Nichols, David Edmond(1873 - 1948)
mother: Austin, Eunie L.(1892 - 1982)
Nichols, Daniel (~1758 - >1840)
b. ABT 1758 in ,,NC
d. AFT 1840 in ,,TN?
father: Nichols, Edmond(~1722 - <1800)
mother: , Mary
Nichols, David Edmond (1873 - 1948)
b. 1 APR 1873 in ,Lawrence,AL
d. 29 JAN 1948 in Angus,Navarro,TX
father: Nichols, John Thomas(1848 - 1919)
mother: Dover, Saleta Ann Minerva(~1844 - ~1891)
spouse: Filyour, Martha J. (1874 - 1909)
- m. 28 SEP 1893 in Moulton,Lawrence,AL
----------child: Nichols, Arthur (1894 - 1975)
----------child: Nichols, Edmond David (1896 - 1981)
----------child: Nichols, Letha (1898 - )
----------child: Nichols, Leola Francis (1905 - )
----------child: Nichols, Thomas W. (1905 - 1975)
spouse: Austin, Eunie L. (1892 - 1982)
- m. ABT 1909 in ,Lawrence,AL
----------child: Nichols, Clara (1911 - )
----------child: Nichols, Clarence (~1912 - 1927)
----------child: Nichols, Claude Lawrence (1915 - )
----------child: Nichols, Henry (1917 - )
----------child: Nichols, Earl Homer (1919 - )
----------child: Nichols, Flora Leona (1921 - )
----------child: Nichols, Leo (1923 - )
----------child: Nichols, Cleo (1923 - )
----------child: Nichols, Dorothy Lucille (1926 - )
----------child: Nichols, Thurman Nathaniel (1928 - )
----------child: Nichols, Nathan Paul (1930 - )
----------child: Nichols, Doris Jean (1933 - )
Nichols, Donna Kaye (1957 - )
b. 6 JAN 1957 in West Memphis,Crittenden,AR
father: Nichols, Enos Samuel(1913 - 1981)
mother: Clayton, Elizabeth Anne(1914 - 1987)
spouse: Wisz, Wayne Jerome (1950 - )
- m. 1 SEP 1979 in Tupelo,Lee,MS
----------child: Wisz, Danielle Rene (1984 - )
----------child: Wisz, Heather Nicole (1987 - )
Nichols, Doris Jean (1933 - )
b. 14 MAY 1933 in ,Navarro,TX
father: Nichols, David Edmond(1873 - 1948)
mother: Austin, Eunie L.(1892 - 1982)
Nichols, Dorothy Lucille (1926 - )
b. 20 MAR 1926 in ,Navarro,TX
father: Nichols, David Edmond(1873 - 1948)
mother: Austin, Eunie L.(1892 - 1982)
Nichols, Earl (? - 1945)
d. 1944/1945 in New Albany,Union,MS
father: Nichols, Pearlie Venson(1888 - 1960)
mother: Bishop, Mamie Vashti(1887 - 1959)
Nichols, Earl Homer (1919 - )
b. 6 NOV 1919 in ,Navarro,TX
father: Nichols, David Edmond(1873 - 1948)
mother: Austin, Eunie L.(1892 - 1982)
Nichols, Edmond (~1722 - <1800)
b. ABT 1722
d. BEF 1800 in ,Montgomery,NC
spouse: , Mary
----------child: Nichols, Mary (~1752 - )
----------child: Nichols, John (~1754 - )
----------child: Nichols, Daniel (~1758 - >1840)
----------child: Nichols, Edmond (~1760 - )
----------child: Nichols, Joseph (~1762 - )
----------child: Nichols, William (1767 - 1838)
Nichols, Edmond (~1760 - )
b. ABT 1760 in ,,NC
father: Nichols, Edmond(~1722 - <1800)
mother: , Mary
Nichols, Edmond (~1805 - 1897)
b. ABT 1805 in ,Lee?,VA?
d. JAN 1897 in near Moulton,Lawrence,AL
father: Nichols, William(1767 - 1838)
mother: Trent, Elizabeth(~1784 - 1865)
spouse: McNutt, Rachel (~1809 - 1897)
- m. ABT 1824/1825
----------child: Nichols, Jemima (1828 - )
----------child: Nichols, James (1833 - )
----------child: Nichols, Malinda (1839 - )
----------child: Nichols, Sarah (1845 - )
----------child: Nichols, John Thomas (1848 - 1919)
----------child: Nichols, Fanny (1850 - )
Nichols, Edmond David (1896 - 1981)
b. MAY 1896 in ,Lawrence,AL
d. 1981
father: Nichols, David Edmond(1873 - 1948)
mother: Filyour, Martha J.(1874 - 1909)
spouse: McCain, Lena Viola (1908 - >1986)
----------child: Nichols, Opal Earnestine (1922 - )
----------child: Nichols, Edmond Lee (1929 - )
Nichols, Edmond Lee (1929 - )
b. 18 AUG 1929
father: Nichols, Edmond David(1896 - 1981)
mother: McCain, Lena Viola(1908 - >1986)
Nichols, Elbert (~1904 - )
b. ABT 1904 in ,,MS
father: Nichols, John Thomas(1848 - 1919)
mother: Simmons, Frances Elizabeth (Fanny)(~1877 - 1915)
Nichols, Elijah (~1804 - >1860)
b. ABT 1804 in ,,NC
d. AFT 1860 in ,Lawrence,AL
father: Nichols, William(1767 - 1838)
mother: Trent, Elizabeth(~1784 - 1865)
spouse: Lewis, Mary
- m. 19 JUN 1838 in ,Lawrence,AL
----------child: Nichols, Frances (~1838 - )
----------child: Nichols, Mima (~1840 - )
Nichols, Elizabeth (~1817 - )
b. ABT 1817 in ,Lincoln,TN
father: Nichols, William(1767 - 1838)
mother: Trent, Elizabeth(~1784 - 1865)
spouse: Hopkins, Stephen
- m. 28 APR 1839 in ,Lawrence,AL
Nichols, Elizabeth (~1834 - )
b. ABT 1834 in ,Lawrence,AL
father: Nichols, Emanuel King(~1815 - 1877)
mother: Hicks, Lettie(~1816 - 1876)
Nichols, Elizabeth (1924 - )
b. 31 MAY 1924
father: Nichols, John Thomas(1881 - 1967)
mother: Eastland, Nannie Bell(? - 1964)
Nichols, Elizabeth Cleo
father: Nichols, Robert William Henry(1904 - 1980)
mother: Bowen, Jenny
Nichols, Ellen (1855 - )
b. 1855 in ,,MS
father: Nichols, James R.(1824 - 1902)
mother: LaFever, Mary(? - 1864)
Nichols, Ellen (~1855 - )
b. ABT 1855 in ,Lawrence,AL
father: Nichols, George Washington(~1819 - )
mother: Whitworth, Ruth Ellen(1823 - ~1878)
Nichols, Emanuel King (~1815 - 1877)
b. ABT 1815 in ,Lincoln,TN
d. 13 OCT 1877 in ,Lawrence,AL
father: Nichols, William(1767 - 1838)
mother: Trent, Elizabeth(~1784 - 1865)
spouse: Hicks, Lettie (~1816 - 1876)
- m. 7 AUG 1832 in ,Lawrence,AL
----------child: Nichols, Elizabeth (~1834 - )
----------child: Nichols, Margaret (~1836 - )
----------child: Nichols, Mary (~1840 - )
----------child: Nichols, Jane (~1842 - )
----------child: Nichols, Nancy (~1843 - )
----------child: Nichols, Lucinda (~1845 - )
----------child: Nichols, Rachael (~1848 - )
----------child: Nichols, Sarah (~1856 - )
----------child: Nichols, John (~1859 - )
spouse: Dee, Mary
- m. 11 DEC 1876 in ,Lawrence,AL
Nichols, Enos Samuel (1913 - 1981)
b. 10 NOV 1913 in Ecru,Lee,MS
d. 30 JUN 1981 in New Albany,Union,MS
father: Nichols, Henry Y.(1879 - 1943)
mother: Gibbs, Amanda Jane(1881 - 1981)
spouse: Clayton, Elizabeth Anne (1914 - 1987)
- m. 12 JAN 1936 in Sherman,Pontotoc,MS
----------child: Nichols, Rosemary (1937 - )
----------child: Nichols, Samuel Neal (1944 - 1976)
----------child: Nichols, Donna Kaye (1957 - )
Nichols, Etril Beatrice (1921 - 1989)
b. 7 AUG 1921 in ,Pontotoc,MS
d. 3 DEC 1989 in ,,MS
father: Nichols, Henry Y.(1879 - 1943)
mother: Gibbs, Amanda Jane(1881 - 1981)
spouse: Hamburg, Thomas Vernon (? - 1943)
- m. NOV 1939 in Penacola,,FL
spouse: Cross, John Deere (1915 - 1974)
- m. JUL 1946 in ,,MS
----------child: Cross, John Byron (1958 - )
----------child: Cross, James Richard (1959 - )
Nichols, Eunie Lucile (1909 - )
b. 13 OCT 1909 in ,,MS
father: Nichols, John Thomas(1848 - 1919)
mother: Simmons, Frances Elizabeth (Fanny)(~1877 - 1915)
spouse: Shadix, Edward Richard (1907 - )
- m. 9 OCT 1926
----------child: Shadix, Jo Ann (1937 - )
Nichols, Fanny (1850 - )
b. AUG 1850 in ,Lawrence,AL
father: Nichols, Edmond(~1805 - 1897)
mother: McNutt, Rachel(~1809 - 1897)
Nichols, Flora Leona (1921 - )
b. 19 MAR 1921 in ,Navarro,TX
father: Nichols, David Edmond(1873 - 1948)
mother: Austin, Eunie L.(1892 - 1982)
Nichols, Floyd (1909 - 1965)
b. 13 MAY 1909
d. 23 AUG 1965 in ,,TX
father: Nichols, John Thomas(1881 - 1967)
mother: Eastland, Nannie Bell(? - 1964)
Nichols, Frances (~1838 - )
b. ABT 1838 in ,,AL
father: Nichols, Elijah(~1804 - >1860)
mother: Lewis, Mary
Nichols, Frances (~1844 - )
b. ABT 1844 in ,Lawrence,AL
father: Nichols, George Washington(~1819 - )
mother: Whitworth, Ruth Ellen(1823 - ~1878)
Nichols, Frank
d. in ,,TX
father: Nichols, Samuel(1883 - )
mother: Mitchell, Dovie(1886 - 1946)
Nichols, George (1872 - )
b. 1872 in ,,MS
father: Nichols, James R.(1824 - 1902)
mother: Stevens, Elizabeth Emeline(1833 - 1905)
next - go to surnames