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Paine, Mary Ann (1822 - )
b. 30 DEC 1822 in ,Lawrence,TN

father: Paine, James(1794 - ~1825)
mother: Winstead, Frances Jane(1798 - )
Paine, Mary Ann Helena (1851 - )
b. 2 OCT 1851 in ,Nacogdoches,TX

father: Paine, John Winstead(1818 - 1859)
mother: Bone, Asenath Morehead
spouse: Ewing, Finis Modrall
- m. 15 APR 1872

----------child: Ewing, Maggie Boyd
Paine, Rebecca (1819 - )
b. 13 DEC 1819 in ,Giles,TN

father: Paine, James(1794 - ~1825)
mother: Winstead, Frances Jane(1798 - )
Paine, Robert (1816 - )
b. 8 AUG 1816 in ,Giles,TN

father: Paine, James(1794 - ~1825)
mother: Winstead, Frances Jane(1798 - )
Paine, Robert Foster
father: Paine, John Winstead(1818 - 1859)
mother: Bone, Asenath Morehead
Paine, Sidney Smith
father: Paine, Hardin
mother: Bumpass, Nancy
Paine, Susannah
father: Paine, Hardin
mother: Bumpass, Nancy
Paine, William
spouse: Bumpass, Prudence (1762 - )
- m. in ,,NC

----------child: Paine, Hardin
----------child: Paine, James (1794 - ~1825)
Painter, Mary (1811 - 1871)
b. 11 JUN 1811 in ,Person,NC
d. 1871 in Hightowers,Caswell,NC

spouse: Clayton, Simeon Thomas (1813 - 1890)
- m. 9 FEB 1833 in ,Person,NC

----------child: Clayton, Elizabeth "Betsey" (1833 - >1888)
----------child: Clayton, Logan "Loag" (1835 - 1876)
----------child: Clayton, Solomon "Sol" (1837 - 1905)
----------child: Clayton, William Rufus "Will" (1839 - 1914)
----------child: Clayton, Frances "Fran" S. (1842 - )
----------child: Clayton, Mary I. (1844 - )
----------child: Clayton, Madison "Mad" (1848 - 1916)
----------child: Clayton, Simeon Albert "Nim" (1850 - 1928)
Palmer, ? (? - 1881)
d. 15 NOV 1881 in ,Tippah,MS

father: Palmer, Randolph Eubanks(1825 - 1898)
mother: Riddle, Gillie Agnes(1838 - 1904)
Palmer, H. Randal (~1874 - 1912)
b. ABT 1874 in ,Tippah,MS
d. 12 DEC 1912

father: Palmer, Randolph Eubanks(1825 - 1898)
mother: Riddle, Gillie Agnes(1838 - 1904)
Palmer, Howard Riddle (1862 - 1892)
b. 10 JUL 1862 in ,Tippah,MS
d. 9 DEC 1892 in ,Tippah,MS

father: Palmer, Randolph Eubanks(1825 - 1898)
mother: Riddle, Gillie Agnes(1838 - 1904)
Palmer, Jessie (1866 - 1921)
b. 9 MAY 1866
d. 1 JUL 1921 in ,,CO

father: Palmer, Randolph Eubanks(1825 - 1898)
mother: Riddle, Gillie Agnes(1838 - 1904)
spouse: McAlister, James T. (1870 - 1942)
- m. 27 AUG 1901 in ,Tippah,MS

Palmer, Josephine A. (1851 - 1907)
b. 16 JUL 1851 in Florence,Lauderdale,AL
d. 30 DEC 1907 in ,Tippah,MS

spouse: Young, Robert T. M. (1842 - 1869)
----------child: Young, Mecca M. (1869 - )
Palmer, Ossie V. (1860 - 1934)
b. 23 AUG 1860 in ,,MS
d. 27 MAY 1934

father: Palmer, Randolph Eubanks(1825 - 1898)
mother: Riddle, Gillie Agnes(1838 - 1904)
spouse: McAlister, Homer Thornwell (1859 - ~1921)
- m. 4 AUG 1886 in ,Tippah,MS

----------child: McAlister, Homer Vessie (1887 - 1908)
----------child: McAlister, Wylie R. (1890 - )
----------child: McAlister, Dolph
----------child: McAlister, Grace
----------child: McAlister, Haywood G. (1897 - )
----------child: McAlister, Edwin I. (1898 - )
Palmer, Otho H. (~1879 - )
b. ABT 1879 in ,Tippah,MS

father: Palmer, Randolph Eubanks(1825 - 1898)
mother: Riddle, Gillie Agnes(1838 - 1904)
Palmer, Ottis Riddle (1857 - 1861)
b. 10 NOV 1857 in ,Tippah,MS
d. 4 AUG 1861 in ,Tippah,MS

father: Palmer, Randolph Eubanks(1825 - 1898)
mother: Riddle, Gillie Agnes(1838 - 1904)
Palmer, Pasco (~1876 - )
b. ABT 1876 in ,Tippah,MS

father: Palmer, Randolph Eubanks(1825 - 1898)
mother: Riddle, Gillie Agnes(1838 - 1904)
Palmer, Pasco (~1876 - )
b. ABT 1876 in ,Tippah,MS

Palmer, Randolph Eubanks
spouse: Walker, Sarah
----------child: Palmer, Randolph Eubanks (1825 - 1898)
Palmer, Randolph Eubanks (1825 - 1898)
b. 5 NOV 1825 in ,,GA or AL
d. 30 MAR 1898 in ,Tippah,MS

father: Palmer, Randolph Eubanks
mother: Walker, Sarah
spouse: Riddle, Gillie Agnes (1838 - 1904)
- m. 28 JAN 1857 in ,Tippah,MS

----------child: Palmer, Ottis Riddle (1857 - 1861)
----------child: Palmer, Ossie V. (1860 - 1934)
----------child: Palmer, Howard Riddle (1862 - 1892)
----------child: Palmer, ? (? - 1881)
----------child: Palmer, Jessie (1866 - 1921)
----------child: Palmer, Rubie (~1871 - )
----------child: Palmer, H. Randal (~1874 - 1912)
----------child: Palmer, Pasco (~1876 - )
----------child: Palmer, Otho H. (~1879 - )
Palmer, Rubie (~1871 - )
b. ABT 1871 in ,Tippah,MS

father: Palmer, Randolph Eubanks(1825 - 1898)
mother: Riddle, Gillie Agnes(1838 - 1904)
spouse: Henderson, T. F.
- m. 29 DEC 1897 in ,Tippah,MS

Pannell, Minor Walter
spouse:  , Ellen R.
----------child: Pannell, Rosa Lee (1863 - 1938)
Pannell, Robert Adam
spouse: Cobb, Dovie Lenora
----------child: Pannell, Sara Lillie (1939 - )
Pannell, Rosa Lee (1863 - 1938)
b. 15 SEP 1863 in ,,MS
d. 12 JUL 1938 in ,Tippah,MS

father: Pannell, Minor Walter
mother:  , Ellen R.
spouse: Fryar, John Dorsey "Doss" (1856 - 1932)
- m. 26 NOV 1876 in ,Prentiss,MS

Pannell, Sara Lillie (1939 - )
b. 30 OCT 1939 in Blue Springs,Union,MS

father: Pannell, Robert Adam
mother: Cobb, Dovie Lenora
spouse: Courtney, David Henry "Buddy" (1931 - )
- m. 17 SEP 1960 in New Albany,Union,MS

----------child: Courtney, Mary Diane (1961 - )
----------child: Courtney, Deborah Kay (1962 - 1962)
----------child: Courtney, Larry Adam (1963 - )
----------child: Courtney, Thomas Edward (1965 - )
----------child: Courtney, James Alan (1970 - )
Panter, Wyatt
spouse: Clayton, Betsey (~1773 - )
- m. 21 AUG 1810 in ,,NC

Parker, Aaron
spouse: Sparks, Mary (1833 - 1897)
Parker, Francis (1793 - >1880)
b. 1793 in ,,VA/NC
d. AFT 1880 in ,Lawrence,TN

spouse: Clayton, Hardy (~1797 - )
- m. 1813 in ,Person,NC

----------child: Clayton, Rachel (1824 - )
----------child: Clayton, Micajah
----------child: Clayton, Mary
----------child: Clayton, Angeline
----------child: Clayton, Martha (1834 - )
----------child: Clayton, Daniel (1834 - )
----------child: Clayton, David (1835 - 1889)
----------child: Clayton, William M. (1837 - 1880)
----------child: Clayton, Hardy (1841 - )
----------child: Clayton, Francis A. (1846 - )
Parker, Gabriella "Puss" (1842 - 1909)
b. 4 APR 1842 in ,,NC
d. 20 JUN 1909 in ,Wilson,NC

spouse: Winstead, John Redmond (1851 - 1906)
- m. 4 JAN 1872 in ,Wilson,NC

----------child: Winstead, Jesse Calmouth (1872 - >1937)
----------child: Winstead, Joshua (1875 - )
----------child: Winstead, Medora Blanche "Mena" (1876 - )
----------child: Winstead, John Solomon (1879 - )
----------child: Winstead, Theophelus "Wood" (1883 - 1906)
----------child: Winstead, Alice (1885 - )
----------child: Winstead, Annie Liza (1887 - )
----------child: Winstead, Seth (1890 - )
----------child: Winstead, Clovis Scott (1890 - )
Parker, Ida Winifred (1879 - 1959)
b. 9 SEP 1879 in ,Putnam,GA
d. 13 JAN 1959 in Daytona Beach,,FL

spouse: Fendley, James Jefferson (1857 - 1914)
- m. 25 SEP 1899

----------child: Fendley, James Russell (? - 1983)
Parker, Silas (? - 1920)
d. 1920

spouse: Clayton, Susan (1837 - 1921)
- m. 22 MAY 1867

Parks, Catherine (~1832 - )
b. ABT 1832 in ,,NJ

spouse: Sutton, Jeremiah (~1825 - 1856)
- m. 25 MAR 1849 in ,Hunterdon,NJ

Parks, Clinton R. (1881 - 1951)
b. 29 JUN 1881
d. 24 MAY 1951

spouse: Fryar, Tabitha "Bitha" E. (1884 - )
Parks, James Franklin (1859 - 1918)
b. 25 MAY 1859
d. 28 JUN 1918

father: Parks, Payton(1806 - 1863)
mother: Fryar, Dorothy(1827 - 1884)
spouse: McCarley, Mary Frances (1859 - 1954)
- m. 26 NOV 1879 in ,Tippah,MS

Parks, John F. (1854 - 1854)
b. 15 JAN 1854
d. 1 NOV 1854

father: Parks, Payton(1806 - 1863)
mother: Fryar, Dorothy(1827 - 1884)
Parks, Manerva Jane (1850 - 1919)
b. 14 FEB 1850 in ,Tippah,MS
d. 12 JUN 1919

father: Parks, Payton(1806 - 1863)
mother: Fryar, Dorothy(1827 - 1884)
spouse: Mitchell, Robert (1844 - 1920)
- m. 28 JAN 1875 in ,Tippah,MS

Parks, Mary E. (1857 - 1929)
b. 7 NOV 1857
d. 28 OCT 1929

father: Parks, Payton(1806 - 1863)
mother: Fryar, Dorothy(1827 - 1884)
spouse: McCarley, Charles L.\E.
- m. 31 JAN 1877 in ,Tippah,MS

Parks, Nancy Elizabeth (1846 - 1926)
b. 20 AUG 1846 in ,Tippah,MS
d. 21 AUG 1926 in ,Tippah,MS

father: Parks, Payton(1806 - 1863)
mother: Fryar, Dorothy(1827 - 1884)
spouse: Kelley, James Lorenzo (1837 - 1897)
- m. 29 JAN 1867 in ,Tippah,MS

Parks, Payton (1806 - 1863)
b. 9 DEC 1806 in ,Laurens,SC
d. 5 FEB 1863

father: Parks, William
mother: Dillard, Nancy
spouse: Fryar, Dorothy (1827 - 1884)
- m. ABT 1845 in ,Tippah,MS

----------child: Parks, Nancy Elizabeth (1846 - 1926)
----------child: Parks, Sarah "Sally" (1848 - 1899)
----------child: Parks, Manerva Jane (1850 - 1919)
----------child: Parks, John F. (1854 - 1854)
----------child: Parks, Thomas (1854 - )
----------child: Parks, Mary E. (1857 - 1929)
----------child: Parks, William (1858 - )
----------child: Parks, James Franklin (1859 - 1918)
Parks, Sarah "Sally" (1848 - 1899)
b. 27 MAY 1848 in ,Tippah,MS
d. 12 DEC 1899

father: Parks, Payton(1806 - 1863)
mother: Fryar, Dorothy(1827 - 1884)
spouse: Stricklin, Edward (1834 - 1892)
- m. 17 DEC 1867 in ,Tippah,MS

Parks, Thomas (1854 - )
b. 1852/1854

father: Parks, Payton(1806 - 1863)
mother: Fryar, Dorothy(1827 - 1884)
Parks, William
spouse: Dillard, Nancy
----------child: Parks, Payton (1806 - 1863)
Parks, William (1858 - )
b. 1855/1858

father: Parks, Payton(1806 - 1863)
mother: Fryar, Dorothy(1827 - 1884)
Parrack, Genevieve Leah
spouse: Fisher, Fred Lewis
----------child: Fisher, Maridell (1935 - )
Parrott, Elizabeth
spouse: Hardy, Lemuel
----------child: Hardy, Lemuel (1730 - 1797)
Parsons, Chloe
spouse: McKinstry, Aaron (~1794 - ~1845)
----------child: McKinstry, Mary
----------child: McKinstry, Elizabeth
----------child: McKinstry, Matilda
----------child: McKinstry, Thankful
----------child: McKinstry, Jonathen
----------child: McKinstry, Sarah
Patterson, Jacob
----------child: Patterson, Jacob
Patterson, Jacob
father: Patterson, Jacob
spouse: Sutton, Rebecca (1676 - )
- m. 30 SEP 1695

Patton, Susan (~1835 - >1880)
b. ABT 1835
d. AFT 1880

spouse: Whitmire, Waddy T. (~1828 - 1871)
- m. ABT 1859

----------child: Whitmire, Mary Caroline? (1860 - 1925)
----------child: Whitmire, John Washington (1863 - 1916)
----------child: Whitmire, William Michael (1864 - >1891)
----------child: Whitmire, Waddy Pierce (1866 - >1891)
----------child: Whitmire, Wade Hamilton (1868 - ~1891)
Payton, John
spouse: Richards, Lettie
----------child: Payton, Minnie (1869 - )
Payton, Minnie (1869 - )
b. 11 APR 1869 in Van Meter,Lawrence,IA

father: Payton, John
mother: Richards, Lettie
spouse: Clayton, Columbus (1861 - )
- m. 25 SEP 1888 in ,Madison,IA

----------child: Clayton, Jessie (1889 - )
----------child: Clayton, Harry L. (1892 - )
----------child: Clayton, Mabel (1895 - )
----------child: Clayton, Nellie (1897 - )
----------child: Clayton, Russel (1903 - )
Pearcy, Cynthia
spouse: Smith, Travis Pat (1946 - )
- m. 13 APR 1968

----------child: Smith, Travis Corbin (1969 - )
Peatross, Rebecca
spouse: Terrell, Thomas (1736 - 1804)
- m. ABT 1760 in ,Caroline,VA

----------child: Terrell, Matthew Peatross (1762 - <1813)
----------child: Terrell, Amy (1770 - 1785)
----------child: Terrell, Rhoda (1770 - 1804)
----------child: Terrell, Thomas (1772 - )
----------child: Terrell, Timothy (1774 - )
----------child: Terrell, Joannah (1776 - <1804)
----------child: Terrell, Joseph (1777 - )
----------child: Terrell, Rebecca (1780 - )
Peay, Nicholas
spouse: Whitaker, Mary Ellen (? - >1799)
- m. ABT 25 OCT 1808 in ,,SC

Peck, ?
spouse: Hudson, Emily (~1919 - )
Pelland, Judith
spouse: Huckstep, John (? - ~1625)
- m. in Tenterden,Kent,England

Pennell, Rex
spouse: Clayton, Valcour (1894 - 1938)
Peoples, Nancy Lavina
spouse: Newsom, Silas
----------child: Newsom, Nancy Ann M. (1827 - 1912)
Perkins, Henry
spouse: Clayton, Ruby Lee (1907 - )
----------child: Perkins, James
Perkins, James
father: Perkins, Henry
mother: Clayton, Ruby Lee(1907 - )
Perry, Julia Ann
spouse: Claxton, Benjamin Thomas "Ben" (~1857 - 1946)
- m. 7 SEP 1882 in ,Howell,MO

Perry, Susan
spouse: Crews, David Madison (1860 - 1931)
Peters, John
----------child: Peters, Margaret
Peters, Margaret
father: Peters, John
spouse: Huff, Joshua (1794 - )
- m. BEF 1813

Petrasek, Clara Belle (1905 - 1964)
b. 20 FEB 1905 in Wylam,Bibb,AL
d. 2 MAR 1964 in Hampton,,VA

spouse: Wade, Hollie Morris (1907 - 1975)
- m. 7 NOV 1927 in ,Jefferson,AL

----------child: Wade, Wanda Madrene (1930 - )
Philhower, John (~1770 - )
b. ABT 1770 in ,Hunterdon,NJ

father: Philhower, Philip
spouse: Sutton, Rachel (1763 - 1814)
- m. ABT 1791 in ,,NJ

Philhower, Mary "Polly" (1771 - 1858)
b. 1771 in ,,NJ
d. 11 AUG 1858 in ,Hunterdon,NJ

father: Philhower, Philip
spouse: Sutton, Peter (1777 - 1853)
----------child: Sutton, Charity (1796 - )
----------child: Sutton, Elisabeth (~1798 - 1871)
----------child: Sutton, Hannah (~1800 - )
----------child: Sutton, John Philhower (1802 - 1879)
----------child: Sutton, Mary
----------child: Sutton, Ann (1811 - )
----------child: Sutton, Isaac (1812 - )
----------child: Sutton, Rachel (~1818 - )
Philhower, Philip
----------child: Philhower, John (~1770 - )
----------child: Philhower, Mary "Polly" (1771 - 1858)
Phillips, Berta
spouse: Horsley, Amos Henry (1891 - )
- m. 22 OCT 1921

Phillips, Britton (~1806 - )
b. ABT 1806 in ,,TN

spouse: Fendley, Sarah E. (1838 - 1921)
- m. 27 FEB 1888 in ,St. Clair,AL

Phillips, Ernest
father: Phillips, Paret D.
mother: Nichols, Leattia Anna(1887 - 1953)
Phillips, Harbin P.
spouse: Mize, Margaret
----------child: Phillips, Lula Belle (1886 - 1948)
Phillips, Lula Belle (1886 - 1948)
b. 30 MAY 1886 in ,Rabun,SC
d. 11 JAN 1948

father: Phillips, Harbin P.
mother: Mize, Margaret
spouse: Moore, James Daniel (1876 - 1950)
- m. 28 SEP 1902

----------child: Moore, George Daniel (1905 - 1979)
----------child: Moore, Eva Leona "Ona" (1907 - )
----------child: Moore, Faraby Lou_Annie Elizabeth (1909 - )
----------child: Moore, Edward David (1911 - )
----------child: Moore, Fred William (1915 - )
----------child: Moore, Levine Henry (1917 - 1990)
----------child: Moore, Mary Ruth (1922 - 1992)
----------child: Moore, Lula Geneva (1926 - 1927)
Phillips, Mildred (? - 1983)
d. MAY 1983 in Memphis,Shelby,TN

father: Phillips, Paret D.
mother: Nichols, Leattia Anna(1887 - 1953)
spouse: Irvin, Thomas
----------child: Irvin, Joy Jean
----------child: Irvin, Caroline
----------child: Irvin, Dorothy Dee "Dee-Dee"
----------child: Irvin, Patricia
Phillips, Paret D.
spouse: Nichols, Leattia Anna (1887 - 1953)
----------child: Phillips, Mildred (? - 1983)
----------child: Phillips, Ernest
Philpott, Dorothy
spouse: Hatche, John (~1555 - )
- m. in ,Kent,,England

Pickel, Charity
spouse: Aubel, Jacob
----------child: Aubel, Catherine (1800 - )
Pickell, Willard Lester
spouse: Sutton, Annie May (1895 - 1982)
- m. 21 JUL 1917

Pierce, Docia Mary
spouse: Fendley, Raymond L. (1908 - )
Pierse, Peter
spouse: Tylden, Agnes (>1546 - )
- m. 14 FEB 1568/1569 in Tenterden Parish,Kent,,England

Pigeone, Jone (~1575 - )
b. ABT 1575 in ,,,England

spouse: Baldwin, Robert (1573 - 1643)
- m. 5 OCT 1590 in St. Giles Parish,Reading,Berkshire,England

----------child: Baldwin, Jane (1599 - 1662)
Pike, Emma J.
spouse: Marchbanks, Stephen Perry
----------child: Marchbanks, Mittie Melvinie (1876 - 1960)
Pinhinter, Polly
spouse: Sparks, Uriah (1797 - )
- m. 4 JUL 1821 in ,Montgomery,AL

----------child: Sparks, George W. (~1822 - )
----------child: Sparks, William (~1826 - )
----------child: Sparks, Green (1835 - )
Pinson, Levi Henry
spouse: Wheeler, Hattie Lou (1917 - )
- m. 20 APR 1936

Pippin, Margaret (~1832 - )
b. ABT 1832 in ,,TN

spouse: Fryar, James S. (~1830 - )
Plaugher, Mary
spouse: Comstock, Harvey (? - ~1966)
----------child: Comstock, Harvey Leland (1951 - )
Poland, Mary
spouse: Runyon, William (1750 - 1831)
- m. 17 MAR 1812

Polick, ?
spouse: Henson, Susie Luvena (1882 - 1968)
Ponds, Elizabeth J.
spouse: Crews, Zacharias (1820 - )
- m. 26 JUN 1846 in ,Lawrence,TN

----------child: Crews, Thomas R. (1847 - )
----------child: Crews, William R. H. (1847 - 1928)
----------child: Crews, James (1849 - )
----------child: Crews, Thomas (1851 - )
Ponds, Mary A.
spouse: Crews, Sidney (~1817 - )
- m. 12 JAN 1847 in ,Lawrence,TN

----------child: Crews, Rosanna C. (1849 - )
----------child: Crews, Alonzo F. (1852 - 1915)
----------child: Crews, George W. (1854 - )
----------child: Crews, Wiley A. (1856 - )
----------child: Crews, Jonathan H. (1859 - )
----------child: Crews, Sabra Vesta (1861 - 1919)
----------child: Crews, Thomas J. (1865 - )
----------child: Crews, William Benjamin (1871 - )
----------child: Crews, James M. (1873 - )
Pool, Gilbert
spouse: Keys, Elizabeth (Betsy)
- m. 29 SEP 1812 in ,Roane,TN

Poor, Alice
spouse: Kahl, Jacob
Pope, Joane (? - ~1633)
b. in Tenterden Parish,Kent,,England
d. ABT 2 JUL 1633 in ,Kent,,England

spouse: Huckstepp, Lawrence (? - 1556)
- m. 17 AUG 1546 in Tenterden Parish,Kent,,England

----------child: Huckstep, Thomas
----------child: Huckstepp, Edward (? - b1591)
----------child: Huckstep, Steven (~1555 - 1633)
----------child: Huckstep, John (? - ~1625)
----------child: Huckstep, George
----------child: Huckstepp, Clemence (? - 1627)
spouse: Holneste, William
- m. 7 FEB 1559 in Tenterden,Kent,England

Porter, Frances (1909 - )
b. 9 NOV 1909 in Sylacauga,Talladega,AL

spouse: Yeilding, Clyde Hamel (1905 - 1970)
- m. 9 AUG 1947 in Birmingham,Jefferson,AL

Porter, Minerva
spouse: Riley, John (1827 - 1890)
Posey, Adeline (1855 - )
b. 1855

father: Posey, Uriah
mother: Horsley, Nancy Gabrailla(1829 - )
Posey, Harriet A. (1851 - )
b. 1851

father: Posey, Uriah
mother: Horsley, Nancy Gabrailla(1829 - )
Posey, Margaret (1858 - )
b. 1858

father: Posey, Uriah
mother: Horsley, Nancy Gabrailla(1829 - )
Posey, Martha J. (1847 - )
b. 1847 in ,Carroll,GA

father: Posey, Uriah
mother: Horsley, Nancy Gabrailla(1829 - )
Posey, Mary L. (1849 - )
b. 1849

father: Posey, Uriah
mother: Horsley, Nancy Gabrailla(1829 - )
Posey, Sarah A. (1853 - )
b. 1853

father: Posey, Uriah
mother: Horsley, Nancy Gabrailla(1829 - )
Posey, Uriah
spouse: Horsley, Nancy Gabrailla (1829 - )
- m. 16 JUL 1846 in ,Carroll,SC

----------child: Posey, Martha J. (1847 - )
----------child: Posey, Mary L. (1849 - )
----------child: Posey, Harriet A. (1851 - )
----------child: Posey, Sarah A. (1853 - )
----------child: Posey, Adeline (1855 - )
----------child: Posey, Margaret (1858 - )
Poteet, Jeanine Raye (1960 - )
b. 29 OCT 1960 in Chico,Butte,CA

spouse: Kirkpatrick, Donald Lee (1958 - )
- m. 23 AUG 1980 in Janesville,Lassen,CA

----------child: Kirkpatrick, Leif Ryan (1985 - )
----------child: Kirkpatrick, Jaron Lee (1988 - )
----------child: Kirkpatrick, Kyler Dalen (1990 - )
Potter, Daniel
spouse: Sutton, Hannah (~1770 - )
Potter, John (~1579 - 1659)
b. ABT 1579 in ,,,England
d. 1659

spouse:  , Hannah (~1598 - 1659)
----------child: Potter, William (~1608 - 1684)
Potter, Rebecca (~1642 - )
b. ABT 1642 in Watertown,Middlesex,NJ

father: Potter, William(~1608 - 1684)
mother:  , Frances(1610 - )
spouse: Carwood, Thomas (1642 - )
----------child: Carwood, Sarah (~1665 - >1712)
Potter, William (~1608 - 1684)
b. ABT 1608 in ,,,England
d. 27 NOV 1684 in ,New Haven,CT

father: Potter, John(~1579 - 1659)
mother:  , Hannah(~1598 - 1659)
spouse:  , Frances (1610 - )
----------child: Potter, Rebecca (~1642 - )
Potts, Frances M. C. (? - 1893)
d. 2 FEB 1893

spouse: Lewellen, Jessie H. (~1835 - 1902)
- m. 22 OCT 1865 in ,Tippah,MS

Powell, James
spouse: Sparks, Nancy (1850 - 1929)
Powell, Sarah
spouse: Lasseter, William
spouse: Horsley, John (1798 - )
- m. 27 SEP 1849

----------child: Horsley, Henry (1850 - <1900)
----------child: Horsley, Leroy M. (1852 - )
----------child: Horsley, Benjamin (1855 - )
Prall, Mary
father: Prall, Uriah
mother: Sutton, Dinah(1784 - )
Prall, Uriah
spouse: Sutton, Dinah (1784 - )
----------child: Prall, Mary
----------child: Prall, Uriah
Prall, Uriah
father: Prall, Uriah
mother: Sutton, Dinah(1784 - )
Pratt, William
spouse: Bumpass, Agnes
Preble, Abraham
spouse: Tilden, Judith (1620 - )
- m. in Scituate,Plymouth,MASS

Preston, Isaac
spouse: Fryar, Susan (1831 - )
Price, Benjamin
spouse: Keys, Katherine Anariah
----------child: Price, Samuel
----------child: Price, Joseph
----------child: Price, Catherine
Price, Catherine
father: Price, Benjamin
mother: Keys, Katherine Anariah
Price, Hannah Melinda (1785 - 1863)
b. 15 MAY 1785 in ,,SC
d. 2 MAR 1863 in ,,AL

father: Price, William
spouse: Fendley, William (1788 - 1883)
----------child: Fendley, Dempsey (1807 - )
----------child: Fendley, John (1808 - 1895)
----------child: Fendley, Martha (1810 - )
----------child: Fendley, Moses (1812 - )
----------child: Fendley, Melinda (1816 - 1896)
----------child: Fendley, Minerva (1818 - 1892)
----------child: Fendley, Lucy (1821 - 1909)
----------child: Fendley, Williamson (1825 - 1862)
Price, Joseph
father: Price, Benjamin
mother: Keys, Katherine Anariah
Price, Richard
spouse: Gibbs, Zula Mae (1907 - 1952)
- m. 31 MAY 1927

Price, Samuel
father: Price, Benjamin
mother: Keys, Katherine Anariah
Price, William
----------child: Price, Hannah Melinda (1785 - 1863)
Priest, Ida (1894 - 1966)
b. 1 JUL 1894 in Clay Center,Clay,KS
d. 15 MAY 1966 in Tampa,Hillsborough,FL

spouse: Newton, Jason Westerman (1894 - 1968)
- m. 5 NOV 1915 in Concordia,Cloud,KS

----------child: Newton, Frank Edward (1920 - )
Prillaman, Maria Elizabeth
spouse: Rogers, Philo B. (1850 - 1906)
- m. 22 OCT 1872 in Blufton,Wells,IN

----------child: Rogers, Wharton Weatherford (1885 - 1957)
Prince, Albert Roy
spouse: McCoy, Stella Mae (1890 - 1930)
- m. 21 SEP 1913 in ,Jackson,AL

Prince, Sallie
spouse: Brady, Samuel Riley
Pruitt, Mary C.
spouse: Hatley, Emory (~1873 - )
- m. 23 APR 1890 in ,Blount,AL

Pruitt, Sarah
spouse: Sparks, Colby (~1801 - ~1869)
Puleston, John (~1540 - )
b. ABT 1540 in ,,,Wales

spouse: Woolrich, Elizabeth (~1540 - )
----------child: Puleston, Margaret (~1560 - )
Puleston, Margaret (~1560 - )
b. ABT 1560

father: Puleston, John(~1540 - )
mother: Woolrich, Elizabeth(~1540 - )
spouse: Lewis, William (~1550 - )
- m. ABT 1580 in ,,,Wales

----------child: Lewis, John (~1594 - 1657)
Purvis, George W.
spouse: Ewing, Maggie Boyd
----------child: Purvis, Son
Purvis, Harold
father: Purvis, Son
Purvis, Son
father: Purvis, George W.
mother: Ewing, Maggie Boyd
----------child: Purvis, Harold
Quinby, Louis
spouse: Sutton, Caroline J. (1883 - )
- m. 15 JAN 1910

Ragland, Elizabeth
spouse: Clayton, Thomas (1776 - )
- m. 1810 in ,,NC

----------child: Clayton, Reuban R.
----------child: Clayton, Lemuel G.
----------child: Clayton, Thomas D.
----------child: Clayton, Elizabeth Ann
----------child: Clayton, Lucinda
----------child: Clayton, Minerva
----------child: Clayton, Harriett
----------child: Clayton, Emily
----------child: Clayton, Polly
Raif, Johnnie Mae (~1930 - )
b. ABT 1930

father: Raif, Johnny(~1900 - )
mother: Fendley, Annie Mae(1906 - 1979)
Raif, Johnny (~1900 - )
b. ABT 1900

spouse: Fendley, Annie Mae (1906 - 1979)
- m. 31 JAN 1925

----------child: Raif, Johnnie Mae (~1930 - )
Rakestraw, Amanda Miranda (1861 - 1930)
b. 1861 in ,Cherokee,GA
d. 1930

spouse: Fendley, George Washington (~1860 - 1936)
----------child: Fendley, Leo Leland (1892 - 1924)
----------child: Fendley, Phillip
----------child: Fendley, Royal Guy (1894 - 1981)
Rakestraw, Mary Ozella
spouse: Fendley, Leo Leland (1892 - 1924)
- m. 12 JUN 1914

Raley, Josie (1862 - 1883)
b. 22 MAR 1862
d. 22 FEB 1883

spouse: Fendley, John M. (1860 - )
Ramkyn, ?
spouse: Wills, Susan (1580 - )
Ramsey, Jennie
spouse: Keys, Isaac William
Randolf, Joseph Fitz
spouse: Conger, Johanna (1670 - )
- m. 1687

Randolph, Jersey A.
spouse: Runyon, Eugene
Randolph, Mary Peyton (1869 - 1944)
b. 3 AUG 1869 in ,,MS
d. 24 APR 1944 in Booneville,Prentiss,MS

spouse: Clayton, James Hardy (1851 - 1941)
- m. 18 DEC 1888 in Booneville,Prentiss,MS

----------child: Clayton, May (1889 - 1962)
----------child: Clayton, Alma (1891 - 1964)
----------child: Clayton, Noverta R. (1893 - 1957)
----------child: Clayton, Valcour (1894 - 1938)
----------child: Clayton, James Joseph (1897 - 1919)
----------child: Clayton, ? (1902 - )
----------child: Clayton, John Lewis (1902 - 1958)
----------child: Clayton, Vincent (1904 - 1971)
----------child: Clayton, Burton Bryan (1908 - 1968)
Rawlins, Essy A. (1917 - )
b. 4 JUL 1917 in Daytona Beach,,FL

spouse: Fendley, James Russell (? - 1983)
----------child: Gilliland, William A. (1902 - )
----------child: Gilliland, Barbara Louise (1934 - )
Ray, ?
spouse: Benge, Mary
Rayfield, Catherine H. (~1835 - 1879)
b. ABT 1835 in ,,NC
d. 1879 in ,Decatur,TN

spouse: Fryar, Henry C. (~1807 - 1873)
----------child: Fryar, Martha J. (~1837 - )
----------child: Fryar, Emeline (~1839 - )
----------child: Fryar, Madison M. (~1841 - )
----------child: Fryar, Milton B. (~1843 - )
----------child: Fryar, Amanda S. (~1845 - )
----------child: Fryar, Sarah C. (~1847 - )
----------child: Fryar, Nancy C. (~1849 - )
----------child: Fryar, Henry C. (~1851 - )
----------child: Fryar, John (~1854 - )
Rea, Alexander
spouse: Sutton, Delilah
----------child: Rea, Alexander
----------child: Rea, Mary

next - go to surnames