Smiley`s Guide
© by Kevin Larsen
Poker Slang
This list may never be complete, I will always accept new submissions. Just send me an Email. My heartfelt thanks go out to all my new friends at RGP, and the players and dealers in Tunica who contributed to this list.
If you must gamble online use Pay Pal. They will give you $5.00 to open an account, and when you win you`ll have instant access to your money!
PRESTO,or "PREST0" as it's sometimes called, is a sign from PokerGod >that you have been chosen for some great and profound understanding of the >True Nature of Poker(tm). This sign is given by you finding one of the >darkest, most mysterious and secretly powerful pocket pairs available.>Pocket->5s. > Pocket-5s are the sign from PokerGod that truth and righteousness is >upon you in your game. Five pips per card five cards per hand, five callers >per capped pot, you see the synchronicity here?> PRESTO is most mighty and serves as notice that you are now ready for a >higher degree of understanding of your poker game. Over the next five game >days, pay specific attention to the fifth hand played in the fifth hour of >each game. If it falls on the fifth minute of the hour and you're being dealt>>by the fifth dealer in the box since you sat down, this hand will be one of >the profound, life affirming, bits of poker skill and knowled! ge. Study it, >learn it. Find it's hidden secrets. Now, if you happen to hit PRESTO on the >fifth, fifth, fifth, etc, then it's all over. You may then consider yourself >an official avatar of PokerGod and everyone will listen to your wisdom. > Or not... Hide this text
So when you win holding 55 you are supposed to say aloud (or type) "PRESTO" and if someone answers you back with Irwin? you have found a new friend!
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There is also another rumor that there is a card room somewhere across the pond that is at 55 Presto lane and that is another thought where the word "Presto" came from.
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huh? what?
well, card "squeezers" may appreciate this...
when you see the first card and it is an Ace, then you squeeze out the second
card....if it is a four, you see the "conehead" of the four at first and your
heart leaps a bit with excitement (another Ace!!), then you examine more
closely, and you are quite disappointed.
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Don't ask. I used to play at a club in NYC where there were a lot of
Cambodian and Laotian players; this was their favorite hand.
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Tunica Players and dealers will appreciate this. A dealer had told me that one time while playing with Jimmy, she had noticed that trash cards were hittng the flop quite often especially 6`s and 3`s, so Jimmy wins a huge pot after she told him to play the 63 off he was holding. Thus was born the "Jimmy Sommerfield".
Once, while playing down on the coast, a player wins a big pot. He slaps his cards down on the table and announces "I`ve got a Jimmy Somerfield!". Then Jimmy says "Let me introduce myself, and shows the player his ID.
I was Dealing a four eight game one night to Jimmy, a few other dealers and a bunch of locals. A fairly loose game. The pot is capped six or eight way action. Jimmy announces preflop "I`ve got my hand !". Nobody believes him when the flop comes 6 6 3 He gets four or five callers to the river. Monster Pot!
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