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Cree Language Website

Long before the white man (wah-pis-ki wi yahs) came to this country a Cree, or four bodies (Ne-i-yahw), named Hunting Berry Tree (Mah-chi-mi-nah-tik) decided to go and make peace with his creator. He went into the mountains and started to fast (mah-chi-ki-ko-si-mow). After a long time, nobody knew how long, a man dressed in pure white came to Hunting Berry Tree. This man told Hunting Berry Tree of the blessing he would receive, something he would use, and how to make it. He was taught the four Bodies Writing (Ne-i-yahw Mah-si-nah-i-kahn) and the songs along with it.
He was told of how the world began and up to the time of Hunting Berry Tree . He was told of the future and what would happen. He was told not to lose his traditon, culture and customs. If he lost these everything would be in turmoil. And at the time very shortly, the world would be changed again.

After the white man arrived with his missionaries and priests, many Indians were converted in that religion - the christian religion. The white man claimed they made the Four Bodies Writing. But they did not use the songs the Cree used. Today these songs Hunting Berry Tree were taught still exist.

It was not known where this man Hunting Berry Tree came from, or where he went after he left the people. People believed he was the spirit from the Creator.

This Page will also contain a Cree Language Tutorial, the Cree Alphabet, and a Creation Story to help you better understand the language and culture of the Chippewa Cree Tribe. I hope you enjoy this site, as it is brought forth for you to use , to learn, and to preserve your heritage.

Below are links that will take you to where you want to go, just click away!

Cree Language Tutorial!
Cree Alphabet! Creation Stories!

This Page was designed by Misty Brooks Denny