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"There's been such little publicity on Jim Thorpe in the last decade or two,
many young Native Americans don't know who he is."
-- Billy Mills

These are those who have done their part in years preceding us. These are those who helped pave the way for the athletes of today. These are historical figures in their own right. These athletes are why young people still dream of achieving recognition and success in the sport of their choosing.

Howard Hunter (Famous Native Cowboy)
  • Howard Website: This site it built by his wife of 20+ years. It has info about him, articles, bio, and some links that I used on this site as well. I didn't know of Howard, but know a li'l bit now.

Kathleen Easton's Articles on Native Athletes: This page covers past athletes such as Tom Longboat, Jim Thorpe, and others. It also has a brief history to Lacrosse, and Snow Shoe Racing.

Tom Longboat (Canada's Greatest Runner, EVER!)
James Francis Thorpe (The Greatest All-Around Athlete of The World)
  • San Francisco Examiner Story:  This is a story written by:  Stephanie Salter. She compares the modern day athletes' situations to Jim's situation back in 1912. It's surprising the simularities, and the big differences. She also ends on a down note.
  • ESPN Article on Jim:  This article covers a li'l about Thorpe's life, but goes more into his stats in sporting events. It's a good article though. It shows one picture of Jim in football gear. In the countdown of The Greatest Athletes of the Century, Jim is named #7? I don't get it? Most of the athletes who are in the top 6 only play one sport? Jim played all kinds, and excelled in each of them. He should be ranked higher, if not the top athlete.
  • Another ESPN Article:  Another article from ESPN, and is the same as above mostly, but doesn't have any pics.

Louis "Rabbit" Weller
John "Skee" Levi
  • Kansas Sport's Hall of Fame's Story on John:  John was called, "the greatest athlete I have ever seen," by Jim Thorpe. He has more athletic letters at Haskell than any other person who attended. He's also recognized as one of the Greatest all-around athletes of the country in his time.

Andrew Hartley Payne
  • Native American Andrew Hartley Payne, was the winner of "The Great Cross-Country Marathon Race" from Los Angeles, California to New York City, New York. The race began on March 4, 1928 with 275 participants. Payne finished the 3,442.3 mile race in 573 hours, 4 minutes. He was inducted into the American Indian Athletic Hall of Fame in 1991. (info from John's Page, In the Did you Know Section)

Ben Tincup
  • Minority Job Bank's story on Ben:  This story shows that in 1913 Ben Tincup got a big contract deal for playing baseball. An astounding $20,000 was reported deposited into is bank account after signing to the Philidelphia Phillies.

Charlie Bender
  • Famous Pitcher in the early 1900's. More info on him later, when it becomes available.

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