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The Milwaukee Road Rocky Mountain Division

Most of my memories of the Milwaukee Road are from the Rocky Mountain and Idaho Divisions. Included here are a few photos of western Montana and the Milwaukee Road.

E78 and 3 GP40's east of Saltese, Montana

This is a shot of the unique Little Joe E78 and three GP40's westbound (east of Saltese). Notice there must have been a problem with the power output as E78 has both pans up. This photo was taken in 1971.

Boxcab helper E45 at Haugan, Montana

E45 Boxcab helper at Haugan, Montana. I recently picked this original photo (I believe this is a Bruce Black photo) and I am not aware of when this photo was taken. One of my first memories of the Milwaukee Road is from a trip my father and I took to Haugan about 50 years ago. We were on an trip to get a shot of the new electrics (Little Joes) but only got to see the helpers (freight motors) in the yard at Haugan. Even though we didn't see much action that day, I was sold on the Milwaukee Road.

Boxcab helper E45 at Haugan, Montana

Two Little Joes, probably with an DFE(dead freight East)west of Superior, Montana. This has to be after the delivery of 150 Chip Cars in 1969. Notice 2 homemade and 4 Gunderson woodchip cars on the headend, these are bound for the Schilling plant (west of Missoula). Photographer Unknown. click here to return to the main page