Music Theory III
Website Links


Polle Silver Concerto

Rather than continue to write more music theory pages, there are excellent resources out on the internet. These are the pick of the bunch of what I have found for myself. The rest is up to YOU.

Basic Music Theory

Ricci Adam's MusicTheory.Net
Professional guide for the utter beginner to the intermediate.
Very easy to follow.

Easy Music Theory
Easy to understand music course for beginners

MiBac Music Theory
Useful beginner Music Theory

Introduction to Reading Music
Step by step course for learning to read music score

Dolmetsch Online Music theory online.

(Java) Music Theory
Tests & tutorials programs, online and in Java.

Practical Music Theory
Elementary music theory with tests, etc.

Sheet Music, References & MIDI

Sheet Music Archive
An excellent free source for classical music sheet music!

Sheet Music Direct
Free sheet music on offer as well as for sale.

Sunhawk Sheet Music
Source to purchase sheet music from.

Free Classical Sheet Music

Free Sheet Music Finder

Classical Music Archives
Huge Classical Music resource & reference

Standard MIDI Files on the Net
"The Most Complete & Best-Maintained" List of Sites with MIDI Files

Many free downloadable MIDI files, useful in conjunction with music notation programs to obtain music score.

MIDI Robot
Internet MIDI search engine.

Van Basco MIDI search
Internet MIDI search engine.

Melody Assistant
FREE Music score & MIDI composition program, find your favourite music in MIDI and have it converted to music score in minutes.
You can't get much better than this for the price.

Javier's Harping! Harp Tab Program
Very cool program includes key of C chromatic tab
Load your favourite song in MIDI, choose chromatic harmonica in C and have the track you want to play all tabbed out for you!

Jazz Theory

Outsideshore Jazz Primer
Jazz Primer for the beginner

Jaz Class Online Jazz Course.
Don't miss the Scale Charts

Aebersold Jazz Theory Very good resources for Jazz.

Jazz Resource Center Including chord & scale charts.

Just Jazz Your center for learning Jazz.

Theory On Tap Very simply laid out Jazz Theory lessons.

Trying to find a song in amongst all your Real Book's ?
Then use the Fake Book Index

JustJazz Email Group online email community.
Email this to join. Low level of emails, high content to static ratio!

Resources & Aids

Song Writing Resources
Many many links to useful creative resources.

MIDI Ear Training
Good MIDI ear training. Tests for scales, chords & intervals.

Music Theory for Songwriters
Full blown chord charts, chord progression maps, and theory on chord progressions and pratical applications. If you want to write your own music, bookmark this one.

Music Theory Online a very comprehensive and extensive music theory journal.

Society for Music Theory
Extensive history of papers on music theory on all sorts of indepth topics.

Scholtz on Temperament Formulas & History
This has EVERYTHING you wanted to know about temperament mathematics.

Hans Straub's Mamuth Maths & Music.

Music Notes
Extensive Music site including theory, instruments, professions, links, etc.

Prakash's Music Theory Page
A well presented site on music theory.
Includes Music History and brief guidelines on writing four part music.

Music Intervals, Scales & Chords,
Articles, Exercises & Online JAVA programs.

Standing Stones Music Theory Corner
Music Theory focused on modes & chords.

Aural Comprehension Guide
A guide on expressing music from the point of view of the voice.

Any comments or suggestions can be emailed to

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All materials on this site may be linked to, but not copied for republishing in any form, without the express permission from the author.