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Iran Castillo. Mexican pop and ballad singer of albums like Tiempos Nuevos, Tatuada en tus Besos and actress of soap operas or novelas like Preciosa, Soñadoras, El Derecho de Nacer, Confidente de Secundaria and movies like La Segunda Noche and others.
Iran Castillo

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Information about Iran Castillo

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As an actress in Soap Operas

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Her biography

Irán Castillo was born on January 4th, 1977 in the coast city of Veracruz, Mexico. She started at the age of seven in some commercials and then enrolled at the age of twelve in the Martha Zavalete Arts workshop. Mexico's television media specializes in producing a wide variety of soap operas consecutebly, and Irán got her chance to be part of quite a few of this.

How she began

Her first part in a soap opera was at the age of twelve in "Angeles Blancos" (White Angels), along with Rogelio Guerra and Jacqueline Andere. At this same age she became part of a young teenage music group called "Mosquitas Muertas" (Little dead mosquitos), The group only lasted for about a year. Later, she participated in the educational section of a kids show called "El Club de Gaby" (Gaby's club).

How she started in Soap Operas

At the age of sixteen, she became part of the soap opera "Agujetas de Color de Rosa" (Pink Shoe Laces) as Cecilia the daughter of Roxana Chavez and Pedro Armendariz. A
soundtrack was recorded for this soap opera, and she included the songs "Siempre estaras en mi" (You'll always be in me) and "La vida es rosa" (Life is pink). For more details on how to get the soundtrack of this soap opera click here.

Her next soap opera was "Retrato de Familia" (Family Photo), where she acted as Cristina, daughter of Helena Rojo. At the same time, she was acting in the play "Vaselina" (Grease) as Sandy. This play made a tour for a year and a half across Mexico.

In 1996, "Confidente de Secundaria" (Junior High Confident) was one of the soap operas with the highest ratings on Mexican television. She played the part of Jackie, and interpreted the songs "Amandote" (Loving you) and "De corazon a corazon" (from heart to heart), a duet with Flavio Cesar, and "Hoy mas que ayer" (Today more than ever); all of these part of the "Confidente de Secundaria" soundtrack.

Combining acting with singing

Tiempos NuevosShe became more and more interested in music, so she stated taking singing classes to begin her singing career more seriously. In 1997, Iran Castillo releases her first album "Tiempos Nuevos" (New Times). It was recorded in Mexico City and it includes ten pop hits.

Most of the songs are ballad pop. She says that she likes ballad pop, and her producer agrees that is the kind of music that suits her best. She chooses her own way of dressing. During the promotion of this album she used to wear the hats, bracelets, and the colored shirts that were used by the hippies in the '70s.

She was also the one that chose the title of her first album. She says that she selected this title because she is performing new achievements, and because she likes that song very much. She still uses very little make up, to make her look more natural.

To keep going with her acting career, she was the star of one of the most pop
Preciosa The Soundtrack - 1998ular soap operas "Preciosa" (Precious), and she sings the show's theme song "Girando en el Tiempo" (Spinning in Time). I have personally performed a translation for this song. For more details on how to get the soundtrack of this hit soap opera click here.

In 1998 she released her second album
Tatuada en tus Besos. The song "Por ti, por mi" is the first single of this album. The video of this song was produced by Victor Gonzalez, and it shows Iran's new short hair look with different clothing.

It was produced in an old abandoned house with different sets. One set features living things and textures. Another one the typical lifestyle of the 60's, and there is a part where she appears in a blue environment that refers to her album cover. All this combines in a video that's full of image, photos and clothing.

On August of 1999, she returned to Mexico from Miami, Florida to continue with the promotion of her her second album with hit singles like "Sola" (Lonely), "Por ti, Por Mi" (For you, For Me) and "No Vendra" (He won't Come). By the end of 19
Tatuada en tus besos98, she became part of the cast of the hit soap opera Soñadoras (dreamers), playing the part of a senior High School student. Her second album includes the ending theme song of this show. The theme song from the soap opera "Preciosa" is included as a bonus track of the special edition of "Tatuada en tus Besos, and several versions of the song are included in the soundtrack.

Tatuada en tus Besos also has two songs that she wrote, "Tatuada en tus Besos" and "Tus Puntos Dormidos". For more details on how to get her second album
click here.

Starting in movies

In 1999, she continued her acting career in the movie "La Segunda Noche" (The Second Night), based on a story of Roberto Gomez Bolaños (from the "Chespirito" comedy series) playing Rosalia. For more details about this movie
click here. Besides taking the part of Rosalia in the film "La Segunda Noche", she is also the voice of Jessy in the film "Toy Story 2" dubbed to Spanish.

Iran Castillo concluded her "Tatuada en tus Besos" tour by the end of September 2000, and her final concert for this tour is in the city Chihuahua, Mexico. After that she began the production of her new soap opera "El Derecho de Nacer" (The Right to be Born). It is produced by Carlos Sotomayor in cities such as Mexico City and Merida. Her character is called Isabel Cristina, all thought it is not leading role.

What is the latest on Iran Castillo

There are no plans to record a new album soon, but she is working on a new soap opera. The title of the show is "Clase 406". Her character will be again a High School revel like in Soñadoras. This soap opera will be a very similar like to previews ones like "Soñadoras", "Primer Amor" and "Amigas y Rivales", but this one promises to be even more intense.

Available albums

Tatuada en tus Besos

Upcoming releases

World premier of the movie "El Tigre de Santa Julia" (The Tiger of Saint Julia)

A show called "Sexto Sentido" (Sixth Sense)

New album

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