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To The Community of Lehigh 2

On February 9, 1992, every parents worst nightmare came true to us. Our son, and brother, Nathan Goldsberry's life was taken. We only pray you'll never experience the pain and lonliness we feel. I can remember, as Nathan's mother, thinking what a cruel and awful world we live in. But now with a few weeks to clear my thoughts I realize there are some wonderful, caring, and loving people in this world. I won't try to name any name's, the list is far too long, of all the people who brought food, memorial donations, cards, and a shoulder to lean on. If I tried to say thank you to each person I'd surely forget someone and I wouldn't want to do that because everyone touched my family in a very special way and made an impression on us. That is why I wanted to write this as my thank you to every stranger, classmate of Nathan's, teachers, church members, close friends and neighbors. I realized that this touched many people in Lehigh and left so many in shock. But you all proved to myself and my family that you care and Lehigh is a wonderful place to live. I'd like to share two poems that were given to me at the time of my son's death with you. One from a mother of a friend of Nathan's and one from a friend. They are both wonderful and very, very special to me.

We'll Never Forget You

Our hearts go on aching
Perhaps they always will
The pain the families left must feel
Is even greater still
The loss of a child
Though not one of our own
He lived here and played here
As all who mourn him has shone
It's all of our duty
To keep every child safe
Wether out or at home
Wether or not they're our own
So to all who are caring
Please keep a watchful eye
If anything seems amiss
Then you must reach out and try
Let us not ever forget
For this town is our home
We'll protect all our children

By Chris Elkins

His Smile

His smile was unique. No one
I have ever known in my whole life
has had a smile like his.
I mean you could be depressed
and look up across the room
and there he would be smiling at me.
You could never get mad at him
because he would look at you and smile.
When Nathan died
he left me something very special
his smile.
And as long as I live
I will never forget his smile.
Nathan may never get to smile again but
As long as I'm alive
I will smile for him!

By: Heather Ward

If we all take the time to understand this poem the world would be a better place for all of us but especially our young adults and children. Who seem to suffer the most. I ask and pray that my son's death will serve a purpose to his classmates and friends. That you'll never forget him and arealways welcomed in our life. God Bless you all and Thank You once again.

John, Debbie,
Hope and Tenee