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Ancient Desert Sounds & Recording

Ancient Desert Lab
ADR Discography
Raw Material Shows

Raw Material 5


Welcome To The Ancient Desert

Things from the ancient desert

Events and things supported by Ancient Desert
Shows and events
Sample library
The Electronic Patchbay newsletter (coming soon)
Synth/FX Patches
ADSR Sample CD Products
The Road To Frippsville game
...and more from ADSR

Ancient Desert Store Now Open!!!

Ancient Desert Sounds and Recording has opened its Ancient Desert Store. The store features rare musical paraphernalia such as CDs, DVDs, books, clothing, audio gear, and more. Check it out at!!

Ancient Desert Ritual

The debut album in the works
Glenn D. Clark - bass, keyboards, guitars
Your name here - guitars, bass, lead vocals
Dan Solano - drums

<Raw Material V alpha - Experimental Electronic Music Festival 2005

A festival of sounds, lights, video, lasers and more!

October 2005

Austin, Texas - In The Heart Of Texas and Live Music Capitol Of The World!!!

< EARTH TONES - Unique Acoustical Instrument Festival 2006

Heart Of Texas

Coming in Winter/Spring 2006

Contact us for details.


Denver Music Plus

Colorado Music Association

The Audio Playground Synthesizer Museum

Hit Counter


copyright © 2000, Ancient Desert Sounds