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Now's the time to (re)discover the pure joys of analog modular synthesis !c
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After years of uncreative MIDI canned sounds, sampled sounds with misplaced formants, awkward 'one command for all' pages editing and other MIDI hardware frustrations, more and more creative musicians have "rediscovered" the pure and unadulterated joy of 'hands-on' analog modular synthesis and Voltage Control.

Although MIDI sequencing is, sometimes, an important tool for precise control of all musical events in time, it lacks, however, the excitement  of Voltage Control and the spontaneity of manual interventions in real time.

Recently, a new breed of young creative musicians, specialized in 'Ambient music', have recognized the unparalleled potential of real time analog filtering to generate their fat and resonant 'acid 'sounds, typical of that particular musical style. This is good news : analog sounds will not die soon!

Since 1973, I have taught analog modular synthesis to more than 350 students in Belgium, France and in the U.S and gave several lectures on the subject in two American Universities in Wisconsin (U.W.M and U.W.E.C).

Due to numerous requests, I have prepared a complete tutorial for beginners entitled "The Art of Analog Modular Synthesis By Voltage Control": a "Cookbook" full of  theory and exciting patching recipes destined to Analog heads. This 837 Kb. course, which contains 170 files in .htm and .gif formats, can be read by your favorite browser. It is available only as a zipped Directory  e-mail attachment.


Price $20.00 U.S Dollars.


To order the complete tutorial (10 Chapters), send an email to:

If you want to know more about the topics covered,  please  read  the following excerpts of 
The Art of Analog Modular Synthesis By Voltage Control. (Introduction note, Symbols used for block diagrams of patchings, Table of contents, Chapter 1 and  Chapter 2).


To Chapter 1