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Reviews :: Met Lauren or PYT? Send in a review!!

Brittany's Review:
Okay, I got to the venue at like..4:00pm cuz I was told that the meet & greet was a lot earlier than the show. Well I got to the will-call window but the people told me that the band hasn't turned in any meet & greets or anything like that yet so me and my friends waited around. I saw Mike but I didn't say anything to him cuz I didn't wanna look like an well anywayz, we ended up having to wait like an hour until the meet & greets were brought to the will-call. Well me and my friends *kinda* just went to the front of the line and said we were there to pick up meet & greets..and then they asked for an ID and we gave it,then they gave us our 4 meet & greets and also 2 tickets in Section 2!!! And Section 2 is the best section in the whole venue so we were all freaking out..we didn't even ask for tickets, they just GAVE them to us which was soooo nice of them!! Then we went to the line for the meet & greet and they told us that we had to wait until 98 Degrees' manager came out and told when it was okay to go in...well we had to wait like another hour which I was NOT pleased about. But on the side stage, their was a singer named Juliet performing...and she was sooo good so it kinda killed some time. She was real pretty and an awesome dancer too!! I got some good pics of her. But then by the time we got back to the meet & greet line it was time to go in. Again, we were like first or second in so 98 Degrees' manager took us backstage and we had to wait under this little tent thing. Then after about 5 minutes, 98 Degrees came out and everyone was screaming but I didn't care to meet 98 Degrees so I kinda just waited in line till it was my turn to get an autograph. The guys were really nice..and soooo hot! But after I got all my pics and autographs from them, I asked a security guard if I could go meet PYT, and she said she didn't know anything about a PYT meet & greet so I'd have to wait outside. But then PYT went on stage so me and my friends ran to our seats. We ended up using the tickets that PYT got us instead of the tickets we orginally had cuz Section 2 was better. So we had like row 15 in Section 2,but their were so many empty seats in the 2nd row so we just ran down there. It was sooo awesome!! The girls are soooo good live!! They all saw me and kept waving and smiling and stuff! I got so many awesome pics of them performing, I can't wait to get them developed. Then when they were done performing they went to the side of the stage and put their mics down and stuff, and then I was to the front of the stage and Lydia was still taking her ear plugs out and stuff and I was like, "Lydia!!" and she was like "Hey Brittany!!!" and I was like, "Am I gonna be be able to meet you guys cuz everyone's telling me that you guys aren't doing a meet & greet!" and Lydia was like "Hold on one sec" and she was like pointing to go around to where the backstage entrance was. So we all went over there. Then their were a bunch of PYT fans waiting there...and behind me were all Tracy's cousins and stuff and they started talking to me, they were all sooo nice!! One of her cousin's hadn't seen Tracy in 7 years, so she was pretty excited to be seeing her. And then Tracy's Mom came out of the backstage door and was talking to everyone...she is soooo nice!!!! Then Mike was pretty upset that he never got his passes, but Mrs. Williams said that it wasn't a problem and he'd get to meet them,so that was really nice of her. Then PYT's tour manager came out and said "Everyone who is here for the PYT meet & greet, follow me!" so we all followed him backstage and Mike was first in line then it was me and all my friends. We waited under the same tent as we did when we met 98 Degrees. Then Lydia just came out and sat down and she called me I went over there and were just talking and then I got a pic w/ her and then the other girls came out!! I was freaking was so cool to get to meet them again! First, it was Lydia and I gave her the gifts I bought the girls and she was sooo thankful!! Then she it was Ashley, and I asked her if she remembered me and she was like "Of course I do!!!" and then signed my stuff and she was saying how she saw me in the audience and stuff, then it was Lauren, and her hair looked SOOOO pretty straightend and then she was like, "I saw you in the audience..I was like Hey that's Brittany!!" and I was telling her how they performed so good and she was saying thank you and stuff, then it was Tracy and she was like "HEY BRITTANY!!!!!" and I was like "Hi!!" lol and she was like "I saw you in the audience singing with us, it was really cool!" and she signed my stuff, then told me to wait to the side so we could take pix and chat after. So me and my friends waited beside Tracy while they signed the rest of the autographs for other people. Then they got up and Ashley came over to me and was singing "Falling" by Alicia Keys and she was like "You know that song by Alicia Keys called Falling??" and I was like "Yup!" and she was like "Ah I love that song!!" then she hugged me and we were getting ready to get the pic and Lydia jumped it and put her arm around me..the pic is gonna be soo cute!! Then we waited around for a bit cuz they were all taking pics and talking with Tracy's family. Then after Tracy came over and asked us how we liked the show and stuff..and then we took a lot of pictures. Then Lauren came over and was telling me how much she liked my outfit and how she loves DKNY clothes and stuff, and then she just wrapped her arms around me and said "This is a kodak moment" lol and my friend took a pic of us. Then I told them how I was gonna be seeing them at the NH show too and they were telling me that's so awesome and that they'll look for me. And then Mrs. Williams even knew who I was, she said she always reads my posts on the message board and she said PYT is really thankful for all my support and then Mrs. Williams handed me some sample tapes and stuff. Their was just basicly me and a few other people and Tracy's family that was backstage and then PYT's tour manager called all the fans over and told us how we need to call up MTV and request them and everything!! And then he told me to contact him at the New Hamshire show and stuff. THEN, here is the best some security guard was telling me and my friends it was time to go and Ashley was like, "No! They can stay and take some pictures." lol and the guy was like "Well okay then." haha it was great!! The girls are SUCH sweeties. Then it was time for them to go and PYT came over to us and thanked us for everything and told me they'd see me Tuesday. Then me and my friends went and watched 98 Degrees who put on a pretty good show!!! And then as were leaving the venue, we checked our cell phone and it said one unanswered call, and it was from LAUREN!! So I called her back and she told me she just wanted to say thank you for going to the show tonight and hoped I had fun and thanks a lot for the gifts. We were totally freaking!! By the way, Mike was pretty cute! haha! And we met that fan Alex who made the quilt for PYT..she's really nice!! Well umm that was my review!

Lisa's Review
Me and my friends were going to a britney spears concert one night where PYT was gonna be opening.. but Britney was having a free concert / signing in downtown boston so we decided to go. We waited in this huge mob of people for about 4 hours.. and finally someone came onstage and made an announcment that britney wouldnt beable to make it due to plane delays. No one believed it and there was a huge rumor that Britney and Justin were at the Swissotel together.. so we walked over there, and there was about 20-30 people just standing around.. we didnt know what was going on until someone came down and said that "PYT and Boyz N Girlz United would be coming down at 4" so we had time so we waited [this was in 1999 so i had no idea who either groups were at the time] So at 4, they came down, and signed autogrpahs and took picture with some people.. I only got Lauren + Tracy's autograph that time but they were such sweet girls, cuz they actually like started conversations with us! Later that night, Britney made it to the show, and i saw PYT open and they were great! Never seen such talented girls at the age they were, 13+14. :D

site owned and run by Jamie&Brittany this site is no way affiliated with Lauren Mayhew or PYT. We're just friends/fans making a site =)