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Robert Preston

US Army Air Force during 
World War II,

June Allyson

Helped in the War Bond Effort.

Article 1

Richard Crenna

Served as an enlisted radio operator with the U.S. Army Signal Corps.

Article 1

Tom Poston

Tom enlisted in the Air Corps, when the US joined the Allied Forces in 1941 as a Buck Private. He left in 1945 as a Captain. Tom trained in California, Arizona and Texas. He served in North Africa, Italy, France and England. He was present, flying on D-Day (to name one important sortie), dropping para-troopers (the preliminary forces) to open D-Day. Tom won an Air Medal for his contribution to D-Day, and in Southern France, subsequently won two more Oak leaf Medals, thereby resulting in an "Oak leaf Cluster" of Medals.

Van Heflen

World War II service in the U.S. Army Field Artillery briefly interrupted his career.


James Doohan 

("Scotty" on Star Trek) landed in Normandy with the U.S. Army on D-Day.

According to his 1996 autobiography Beam Me Up, Scotty, Doohan landed with Royal Canadian Army troops on the D-Day invasion of France and lost the middle finger of his right hand to German fire. The injury didn't keep him from landing the role of spaceship engineer

 Montgomery "Scotty" Scott on the 1960s TV series Star Trek. Avid Trekkies will note that 'stunt double' hands were used whenever Doohan operated the ship's transporter.



Donald Pleasance 
(The Great Escape) really was a R.A.F. pilot who was shot down, held prisoner and tortured by the Germans.

Pleasence, a pacifist, spent six months as a conscientious objector in the Lake District working in lumbering for the war effort; he later, however, changed his mind and decided to enlist in the British Royal Air Force. Tragedy struck when Pleasence's plane was shot down over France, and he was thrown into a Nazi prisoner-of-war camp. During the last year of the war, he spent his time being beaten and mentally tortured by sadistic Nazi guards, while dreaming of the day that would bring him freedom. This day came in 1946, when he was recovered from the P.O.W. camp and discharged with the rank of flight lieutenant. While others were licking their wounds at home, Pleasence knew that the only way he would fully recover from his World War II horrors was to get back to work.

Alan Ladd

Drafted January 1943 and discharged in November with an ulcer and double hernia.

Active Svc in WWII

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