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UPDATE Pickett's Charge is over, guys. Sorry to all our hardcore fans, but it just didn't work. Maybe someday well record "Walmart Girl" and put it on the site for eveyone to enjoy, but until then we're gone. Battle of the Bands is coming up though and you're encouraged to come and root on one of our new projects, Skadzilla (Shaheen, Justn, Nolan, Anders and like 3 other guys) and Clearly Grandpa Vernon (Bill amongst others). Hope to see you all there!

This site provides tons of wonderful information about the band Pickett's Charge. Who Is Pickett's Charge you ask? Well, I'll tell you! We are a group of incredibly attractive young men who formed a band.

But on a lighter note....

Pickett's Charge consists of 5 guys from North Branch High School.

- Shaheen is the lead singer, and also plays guitar, sometimes lead.

- Justin is a singer, and occasionally picks an instrument to play.

- Anders is the lead guitarist, when Shaheen is not, and ghetto rapper.

- Bill is once again the drummer, and he's darn good at it.

- Last (but not least), Nolan is the bass player.

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