
Useful Phrases

Hello, Suilad, Aiya, Bonjour, Hola, Hallo, Jambo, Hei, and QuchwIj yIyach! You have reached the languages section of Hannah's W'oW. From this page you will learn necessary phrases in different languages that will enable you to blend in with the locals of a certain culture. After all, you never know when you might meet a Fin, a Spaniard, an Elf, an African, or a Trekkie (yes, trekkies are a species unto themselves). If you have a phrase to contribute or a language to request, drop me a line in the guestbook, Email or AIM. Have fun!...
Finnish  |  Klingon  |  Dutch  |  Swahili  |  Spanish  |  German  |  French
Hello! Hei! or Moi! or Terve!
My name is *** Minun nimeni on ***
Well, how many of your uncles commited suicide this year? No, moniko sinun sedistäsi on tehnyt itsemurhan tänä vuonna?
I'm awfully sorry... was that your ferret? Oho! Tota noin.. Eihän se vaa ollu' sun ajokoira?
Wait... let me shave it off. Odota, anna minun ajaa se pois.
Do you take whortleberry jam or Arctic cloudberry jam or on those small pancakes? Otatko ohukaisten kanssa mustikka- vai lakkahilloa?
More bear steak! Lisää karhunpaistia!
Must I swallow them whole? Täytyykö ne niellä kokonaisina?
Is it true that in the Finnish Christmas tradition, Santa Claus used to be a wild boar that would eat children? Onko totta, että suomalaisessa jouluperinteessä joulupukki oli lapsia syövä villisika?
What do you want?(Klingon greeting) nuqneH
My name is *** *** 'oH pongwIj'e'
I'm really only an Earthling, but that's a long story. tera'nganbej neH jIH 'ach 'e' vIQIjlaH
So what are your Empire's views on gay rights? ngaghchuqbogh loDpu' be'pu' ghap DIbvaD wo'lIj vuD nuq
Ooooh, that flower arrangement is soooo fabulous! maj chongqu' tI nguv bey'vetlh
Fondle my forehead! QuchwIj yIyach
Well you look like a trekkie to me! toH Hov leng ngotlhwI' Darur 'e' vIQub
Does the chef know that my wife is lactose intolerant? nIm Soj SoplaHbe' be'nalwI' 'e' Sov'a' vutwI'
We're expecting the shipment of dictionaries this afternoon. povvam paw mu'ghom tep 'e' wIpIH
Stop gnawing at my arm! DeSwIj choptaH 'e' bomev
Hello Hallo
Help, this tourist is choking on a corn-dog! Help, deze reiziger stikt in aan worstje!
I would like to be an electrician. Ik zou een electricien willen worden.
Where are the dustbins? Waar zijn de vuilnisbakjes?
Can you tell me where I can buy some cheese, please? Kun je me vertellen waar ik kaas kan kopen, alstublieft?
When the dog lies on his back, there will be snow. Wann der Hund dich uff der Buckel legt, gebt's Schnee.
I need an ambulance, the spiders are everywhere and I'm really quite scared. Ik heb een ambulance nodig, er zijn overal spinnen en ik ben heel erg bang.
So, Tulips are great aren't they? Tulpen zijn gaaf he?
I appear to have soiled myself, could you please call me a taxi? Ik heb mezelf lichtelijk bevuild, kunt u een taxi voor mij bestellen?
Please pump my stomach Kunt u alstublieft mijn maag leegpompen
I have a large septic boil on my back. Would you burst it for me please? Ik heb een groot puistje op mijn rug. Zou je dat voor me willen doen barsten?
Sir, I'm not sure why the President was dressed in women's clothing. Mijn heer, Ik weet niet waarom de president in vrouwen kleding was verkleed.
Hello Jambo
My name is *** Jina langu ni ***
One thousand nine hundred and ninety seven Elfu moja mia tisa na tisini na saba
There's a shark in the bath!! Pana papa bafuni!!
I'm from *** Natoka ***
Great wit drives away wisdom Akili nyingi huondowa maarifa.
The Earth is round Dunia duara
No worries! Hakuna matata!
My wife shot a buffalo. Memsahib nakwisha piga nyati.
The son of a snake is a snake. Mtoto wa nyoka ni nyoka
Hello Hola
My name is *** Yo me llamo ***
The penguins are in the toilets. Los pinguinos están en el baño.
Fancy coming back to my place and doing the things I'll tell everyone we did anyway? ¿Te apetece venir a mi casa a hacer lo que de todas maneras diré que hemos hecho?
My son is a cold-hearted gangster, and I need a hug. Mi hijo es un gángster sin corazón, y yo necesito un abrazo.
Your breath smells like peaches. Tu aliento ole como los melocotones.
Your vacuum cleaner isn’t clean! ¡Su aspirador no es limpio!
I will cover him with chocolate and tie him to a redwood. Yo cubriré él con chocolate a ataré él una secoya.
My husband's bed is full of black sand. Why? Man Mann hat schwarzen Sand in seinem Bett! Warum?
I would like to fly under the green sea with someone pretty. Je voudrais voler sous la mer verte avec quel qu'un joli.