Many are called, but few are chosen. And the fact that you landed here, you should be glad as you are one of the chosen ones! hehehe!
My name is Apol and this is my personal homepage which I build as a sort of enjoying life for what it is. Through this portal, I hope to share my ideas, experiences and all kinds of stuff that I deemed worth sharing with. I also hope to find new friends through this homepage.
I would really appreciate if you would find time in signing my guestbook here.
Please feel free to explore its pages. You may read about my personal opinion and analysis about local and world current events in the analysis & opinion portion of my homepage. My online journal summarizes my day to day thoughts and activities. I also have some useful links, which might be of interest to you.
I hope you enjoy browsing my homepage. Thanks for dropping by!
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times since March 29, 2003.
We applaud your site's ease of navigation, obvious hard work, and endearing content. It is with great pleasure that we give you the Personal Site Award. Lynne Miller of Nu-Horizons Design Studio (April 5, 2003) "All of us agreed that you truly do have a interesting web site with
quality content and design. The Aloha Award is not an easy award to win. That is why this award
is seen so infrequently." - Kealoha, Leilani, Bruce and Steve (Hawaii City - Web masters)
In recognition of creativity, integrity and excellence on the Web (April 25, 2003) |