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   Welcome To 
Weber Paint and Quarter Horses

Click Here to View Training Advice.

We Are Located in Cando, North Dakota (off of highway 218)

Click on the categories to see my horses and their story. I split them up into sections so that its faster to download the pictures.

2005 foal crop is here (scroll down for brief overview) or click here for full page.

Paints and Quarter Horses

Our Stallion is 
Thunder Double Bid
(See His Pedigree and Foals)

Take at a look at the horses we Sold.

CLICK here to see the Mare's Offspring

Quarter Horse Broodmares
AC Hints Two Dee
Century Sage

Regular Registry Paint Broodmares
Foxie Kaleidoscope
Pocos Rockin Ghost
Charlies Cookie

Breeding Stock Registered Broodmares
Miss Peppys Shadow









Updated on June 21, 2005

2005 Foal Edition is starting to Arrive!! 






Out of all our years that we had these horses (since 1995), when it came time to move them to summer pastures, they would load up into the horse trailer easily, and love the ride. But, we have yet to still have them get loaded up in the fall. We either wait too long to move them back home, or something happens, but when the horses decide its time to come home to the farm yard for winter, they go through the fence and make a 7 mile journey home. I get mad at them every time, but at least they come home. I lectured them on not doing that anymore, but they won't listen to me. They know when they want to come home. They respect the fence all during the summer, but when the sign of winter comes around, they high tail it out of their pasture and head home to the fresh hale bales that we have stored up for them.


Tall Tori - Paint Mare



Tall Tori was born on May 10, 1992. She was a bay overo paint mare. She was my FAVORITE mare of all time. She was understanding and very gentle at all time. She wouldn't hurt a fly, unless it bite her. I would always trust her with little kids all the time. She stood there and let them pull her tail and run around her. She loved attention. She was also very protective over me. She never put me in danger. Defiantly my favorite horse. I lost her on September 22, 2000. What was the cause of death, I'll never know. She died at 8 years old. She died with only having one foal before her death. Her daughter was born April 22, 2000, and was solid black.

Sire: Tall Paul
Dam: Ciclone Spot
Her extended pedigree includes grand daddies Paul Bunyon and Dual's Rebel. Her great grand daddies are Paul H. (TB), Ace Destructor (TB), Dual Image, and Ciclone (QH).


Stormy Sensation -  Paint Mare



Stormy was born June 10, 2000. She is extremely lovable and could always be caught.  Her dam is Century Sage, one of my best broodmares, and her sire is our own Thunder Double Bid. I had plans on keeping her and trainer her to barrel race, but plans didn't turn out. On July 1, Stormy was attacked by a mountain lion. She fought long and hard to live, but finally on September 25, she couldn't fight no more and passed away. Stormy was all heart and soul. She was my second 'Tall Tori,' meaning that she meant a lot to me. This is my second Favorite horse that has passed on. I guess September isn't a good month for me and my favorite horses.


Bottom two pasture pictures were taken 2 weeks before injury.




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