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Coming Together

Author: Angel's Kuuipo

Parts: 6 - 9


~Part: 6~

It had been a little over a month since life had changed so drastically.  Lacey loved working with the ‘Angel’ cast.  It was never dull.  She grimaced then laughed as she recalled what had happened earlier that day.


“Hell, damn, shit, piss and all those other words” Lacey muttered as she answered her vibrating cell phone, “What?” she growled as she tried to wipe the green goo off her.

“Is that any way to greet your favorite vampire?  What did David do this time?” Angel teased.

“Practical joke playing bastard slimed me…at least I think it was him.  Now I understand why Amy told me to bring extra clothes with me when I first started.  Whoever did this is so going to pay.”

“Honey I did warn you that night at dinner.”

“Yeah, yeah I know.  The other jokes have been relatively harmless.  I haven’t had any problems retaliating.  Now I’m going to have to bring out the big guns.  I need Kassie and Nico to help me plan a fitting retribution.  Angel, I’m wearing the shirt you bought me.  It’s unsavable.”

Angel winced.  He had replaced the shirt he had ruined when she’d been hurt and you’d have thought he’d bought her diamonds.  She loved that shirt.  Oh yeah, whoever slimed her was in big trouble.  “Don’t worry.  We’ll all figure something out.  Hey why don’t we all go out tonight?  Willow is dragging Trick, Will and I to find some books for the library, but we can meet you, Kassie and Nico at Rampage, say around 10?”

“Alright sounds good.  Angel?”

“What darlin’?”

“Wear leather.”  Lacey was smiling as she hung up the phone.


She wasn’t sure if she’d be able to continue working for the cast once ‘AI’ was up, but she decided to wait and see.  It amazed Lacey that she had spent her whole life surrounded by demons and the undead and never knew it.  Now that she knew what to look for that world was blinking bright neon.  She was also surprised that none of the cast knew about it either, though she thought Andy might suspect.  The family had had a few encounters with vampires over the last few weeks, but no demons.  Nico had been very impressed with Lacey’s skills in combat and had asked her to teach him.  Between her, Angel and Will the others were learning different types of self-defense.  Willow trained but relied more on her magick than hand-to-hand fighting.  Kassie had moved into Lacey’s building, taking the loft across from her.  Nico had a loft on the third floor.  Angel was ready to kick his two new roommates out after two weeks so Lacey had offered Will and Willow lofts as well.  Willow now lived across from Nico and Will had taken a space on the fourth floor.  They had turned the first floor of the renovated warehouse in to office space and a huge library of texts on the supernatural.  The second floor was turned into a combination training facility and storage.  Angel and Will were actually licensed private investigators.  Willow had hacked in to the registrar and forged the necessary documents for the rest of the crew.  Anyone checking on their credentials would find everything above board.  Angel Investigations was set to open in about two weeks.  Joss and company had no problem with them using the name ‘Angel Investigations.’

Lacey thought about Angel and Will as she drove home.  They had been wooing her for the past month.  That was the only word to describe it.  She had never been wooed before, but she liked it.  She had been right about Will he was a troublemaker.  He loved getting her riled up just to hear her drawl come out.  After he had made her mad one night and she lit into him he had made it a mission to do it as often as possible, but then he would do the sweetest things to make it up to her.  He still wrote poetry, was surprisingly good at it, and would leave her bits to find around her home.  Lacey thought of Will as an annoying older brother, but once in a while she would catch him watching her in a certain way and would feel anything but sisterly.

Then there was Angel.  Just the thought of him brought a dreamy smile to her face.  He made her feel as though she were the most beautiful most important woman in the world.  It was nothing overt, just the way he would focus on her when they were out, ignoring all other women who had tried to gain his attention and there were plenty.  He loved her mind and they would talk for hours about anything and everything.  He talked about his past, though she really didn’t talk about hers.  He wasn’t broody like he was portrayed on the show.  He freely admitted that he had been years ago, but when the Powers had anchored his soul it had blended with his demon creating a peace within him.  Angelus was still a part of him and would come out once in a while, but he was fairly tempered and under control.  Angel had explained to her why he went by the name ‘Angel’.  His full name as a human was Liam Angelus McAilaster.  He had been called Angelus when he was the head of the ‘Scourge of Europe’, but after he regained his soul he couldn’t bring himself to go back to being Liam.  So he called himself Angel.  Over the years he had had many names.  In his latest incarnation he had finally gone back to his human name, but his close friends who knew he was a vampire still called him Angel.  He had come to terms with the things he had done as Angelus and that allowed him to enjoy his unlife a bit more.  He was downright playful sometimes and had a biting wit that Lacey thoroughly enjoyed matching.  She was slowly but surely falling in love with him and to a lesser extent with Will.

Lacey arrived home around 8 and made a snack.  She had a devilish grin on her face as she thought about what she was going to wear and headed to the bathroom to get started.


“Holy Mary Mother of God.”  Angel’s jaw dropped and Will let out a low whistle as they watched Lacey saunter up to them in front of the club.  They were used to seeing her in jeans and button downs or halters.  None of the family had ever seen her dressed as provocatively as she was that evening.  She was wearing a deep claret colored satin bustier that showed an impressive amount of her upper chest and stopped just above her belly button paired with a low riding black leather skirt with slits on each side that hit just below mid thigh.  Completing the outfit was a pair of knee high black leather boots and a 3/4 length black leather car coat.  Her mid-length dark reddish brown bob had been parted on the side and flipped up at the ends, looking as Kassie fondly called it like the ass end of a duck.  Her make-up was dark, her light green eyes smoky and rimmed with kohl making them shine and her lips were a glistening dark red.  The jewelry she wore was a black beaded choker, a silver hoop with a garnet and onyx charm in her belly button and matching drop earrings.

“Sweet Jesus.”  Lacey gasped as she took in the appearance of her two vampires.  Angel was in all black.  He wore tight black leather pants that rode low on his hips and a sheer black pullover that molded to his chest and abs.  She could see his hipbones exposed slightly by the low slung pants and see through shirt and bit back a groan.  His black leather boots and a 3/4 black leather duster completed the look.  Will was also in leather, wearing a pair of tight golden brown pants that also rode low on his hips paired with a tight midnight blue velvet shirt that matched is eyes, a leather blazer in the same shade as his pants and brown leather boots.

Kassie, Nico, Trick and Willow were all similarly taken with the others appearances.  Kassie was wearing a slinky red dress with strappy red heels and her hair fell in a mass of ringlets down her back.  Trick simply dressed in tailored black trousers and a royal blue silk shirt.  Nico was wearing loose low riding jeans and a tight burgundy pull over that hugged his body.  And Willow was dressed in a pair of deep green silk capri pants with a matching wrap shirt embroidered with an intricate design in gold and black heels.

As the seven people admired each other they paired off with their respective dates and entered the club not noticing the admiring looks they were receiving from other patrons.  They found a large booth in a corner and dumped their coats.  A waiter came and took their drink orders as they made themselves comfortable.  The club was crowded and the music was loud.  The group sat in silence for a few minutes, just taking in their surroundings.  After their drinks arrived Lacey announced, “I’m going to dance.  Who’s with me?”  Will and Angel both accepted.  Angel stood up and offered her his hand, “May I?”  She smiled and put her hand in his letting him lead her to the floor.  Will had a hand on her waist.  Kassie watched the trio walk away and grinned.  She leaned around Trick so Willow and Nico could hear her, “Twenty bucks says the three of them do the nasty tonight, probably here in the club.”  Her statement was met with a chorus of “Your on” except from Nico.  He looked thoughtfully at the stairs leading to the dark upper level near the bar and said, “No.  I don’t think so.”

Lacey looked at Angel’s back watching the muscles shift as he maneuvered them onto the floor.  She could see his tattoos through his shirt and shivered.  He had a beautiful back.  She felt Will’s hand tighten on her waist and glanced at him from beneath her lashes.  He too was watching Angel with appreciation.  Angel had explained his relationship with his grandchilde and Lacey found it fascinating.  There had been a physical relationship between them in the past, but now they were just friends.  She had a fleeting thought of seeing the two of them together and with her.  <Where did that come from?  Right Lace, like you could handle the two of them.  Angel would be more than enough and you don’t even have him.>  Straightening her shoulders, Lacey let her thoughts go as the three of them started moving to the music letting the stress of the day melt as the beat took hold.

Angel turned to her as the music changed.  The bass was heavy and the drums set up an erotic beat.  Lacey gave herself up to music, closed her eyes and began to move.  Angel watched as her hips began to sway and her hands slid up her sides as she raised her arms above her head.  He found her rhythm and moved into her lightly resting his hand on her hip.  Will moved in behind her and rested a hand on her other hip.  She was effectively caged between the two cool bodies.  She began to rock back and forth between them.  Lacey brought one hand around Angel’s neck and let the other drift back around Will.  They moved in closer to her both leaning in to nuzzle her neck.  The three of them swayed to the beat of the songs lost in their own private world for who knows how long.  The song changed to a reggae tune and Lacey pulled away turning her back to Angel as she began to move in time to the song.  She wrapped her arms around Will and he leaned in slightly to brush his lips across hers.  Angel moved behind her and wrapped an arm around her splaying his hand across her stomach pulling her lower body into the cradle of his hips.  Her head fell back against his chest as she felt his growing erection pressed against her.  He leaned down and whispered in her ear, “You look amazing tonight Lacey.  Good enough to eat.”  She moaned as he licked at her ear lobe and slowly made his way down her neck to her shoulder nipping and licking at her flesh.  She rolled her hips against him causing him to groan and tighten his hold around her waist when he sucked at the pulse point where her neck met her shoulder. Angel’s eyes caught Will’s.  Will leaned in to Lacey, “I’m going to go get a drink.”  He kissed her softly and turned away, making his way towards the bar.  Angel turned her suddenly and brought his lips crashing down on hers.  His tongue surged into her mouth and they began a heated battle for control of the kiss.  He moved his left hand down her side until he reached her knee.  Hooking his hand behind it he lifted her right leg slowly until she hooked it behind him.  He held her there gently rocking in time to the music, his hips slowly thrusting against her.  She broke away from the kiss gasping in huge gulps of air.

“I want you.  Here.  Now.”  Lacey said looking into his eyes.  They flashed amber at her words.

“Are you sure?” he asked and she nodded.  He searched her eyes and saw no uncertainty, just desire.  He let her leg drop, took her hand and headed towards the stairs by the bar.  They were roped off supposedly barring admittance, but Angel ignored that and lifted Lacey over the barrier and headed up.


Across the club the two couples noticed that Angel and Lacey had headed upstairs where they’d seen Will disappear earlier.  Kassie crowed, “I told you!  I win.”

Nico shook his head, “No things are about to go very wrong.  The three of you are going to have to take Lacey home in about a half an hour.  Damn the Powers anyway.  She doesn’t deserve this.”  Kassie, Trick and Willow looked at Nico worriedly, but he wouldn’t say anything more.


It was slightly quieter on the upper level and the lighting was subdued.  There were sofas, chairs and low tables scattered around, but Angel ignored them.  He pulled Lacey around to face him and pushed her against the wall.  He was vaguely aware that Will was also up there, but could only concentrate on the beautiful woman in front of him.  “Last chance to change your mind.”

Instead of answering Lacey pulled his head towards her and licked and nipped delicately at his lips.  <I can’t believe I’m doing this here, but it feels right> she thought to herself.  He groaned and opened his mouth.  She slid her tongue over his teeth then explored the cool interior.  Her hands moved down his chest lightly flicking his nipples then scraping them with her nails through his shirt.  Angel hissed at the slight pain and moved one leg between hers widening her stance.  He swept a hand under her skirt and brushed his fingers against her lace-covered mound.  She whimpered at the contact and pulled away from his mouth leaning her head against the wall.  Deprived of her mouth, Angel trailed kisses along her jaw and down her throat, brushing his lips across the scar below her collarbone and heading lower to kiss the upper swells of her breasts, which were exposed by the bustier she wore.  Lacey’s hands moved down and pulled his shirt out of his leather pants and he pulled back long enough to take it off.  Angel’s hands went around Lacey’s throat and removed the choker she was wearing.  Her hands were all over his body, tracing the contours of his chest and abs, moving around to knead the muscles in his back and lower to caress his leather-encased ass.  Angel inhaled deeply and the scent of her arousal was more intoxicating than the finest scotch.  Again he moved his hand under her skirt, this time grasping her knickers and with a quick tug ripped them off of her.  Lacey gasped as she felt his cool fingers delving into her heated core.

“Angel, please” she begged as he set up an erotic rhythm that had her rocking against his hand.

“I will baby.  Just give yourself up to it.  Let go and I’ll catch you.” He said as he began kissing her breasts again.  He tugged at the bustier with his free hand and exposed her nipples.  Taking one his mouth he suckled like child as his fingers twisted her clit.  Lacey put her hand over her mouth and screamed as her release rocked her body.  Angel pulled her hand away and kissed her deeply while he unbuckled his belt and gingerly worked the zipper of his pants down over his erection.  Then he quickly pushed them down along with his black silk boxers and grasped Lacey around her waist and lifted her up.  She wrapped her legs around his waist, locking her ankles behind him and braced her hands on his shoulders.  He guided her onto his cock and slowly lowered her down.  He heard her sharp intake of breath as he eased himself inside.  <Damn, she’s tight.  I know she’s not a virgin, but…>  <Omigod, he’s huge!  I know this can work.  I want this.  Come on Lace, just relax.>  Lacey looked into Angel’s eyes and saw desire and tenderness in his chocolate brown depths.  As she tightened her legs around him, sending him a little deeper, she saw them start to flicker with gold.  She licked her lips and smiled at him then leaned in and whispered, “I want you inside me Angel, now.”  Then she bit his ear lobe sharply.  Some of Angel’s self control slipped at the small attack and he moved her down hard sheathing himself to the hilt in one thrust hissing as her warmth enveloped him.  She cried out and tightened her legs around him keeping him still as she adjusted to having such a large cock buried deep inside her.  Angel leaned in and kissed her tenderly.  Pulling back slightly he murmured, “Are you ready love?”  In response, Lacey rolled her hips a little feeling him move deep inside.  They both groaned and Angel started a lazy rhythm, which quickly increased in intensity as Lacey, using her grip on his shoulders as leverage, began to counter his thrusts.  As he thrust up she thrust down to meet him.  Angel wrapped one hand in her hair and the other held her ass to anchor her to him as he kissed her.

Lacey felt her release approaching for the second time that night and pulled away from Angel’s mouth.  He growled slightly and she smiled, “Change for me.  I want to see all of you.”  Seeing no fear only desire in her clear green gaze Angel let his demon come to the fore.  Lacey took in the ridges on his forehead and cheeks, the gold of his eyes and his mouth distorted by the fangs.  <And I thought Boreanaz was a beautiful vampire.  He’s got nothing on the real thing.>  She brought her hand up and caressed his face.  He leaned into her touch and purred.  “You’re beautiful Angelus,” she said as she leaned into kiss him.  She deliberately scraped her tongue on one of his fangs and let him taste her.  Angel’s control snapped at the taste of her sweet blood.  He roared as he began plunging into her faster and faster.  Lacey felt herself tighten around him and turned to bare her neck for his bite.  As she did her gaze locked with Will who unbeknownst to her had been watching them the whole time and had started to move towards them.  Lacey froze as horrid memories of another time flashed through her mind then she began pushing frantically at Angel, “Stop.  Sean Stop!  NO!  Don’t hit me.  Let me go!  Gods please let me go.”  She babbled almost incoherently.  “No, no, no, no…don’t let Jack have me.  Oh my Gods, I have to get out of here.  Please let me go!”  From somewhere Angel found the self control to stop.  His features smoothed out as he tried to understand what she was saying.  He let Lacey down and she stumbled as she wrenched herself out of his embrace and ran for the stairs.

Ignoring Angel and Will’s pleas for her to stop Lacey managed to get her clothes to rights before she became visible on the stairs.  She ran into a hard body at the bottom of the stairs and felt strong arms go around her.  She jerked her head up and found herself looking into the concerned, but understanding whiskey colored eyes of Nico.  “Shh…it’s alright Lace.  Here’s your coat, Kassie and the others are waiting with the car.  Go on.”  Lacey just nodded and bolted for the door.

Nico met Angel and Will on the stairs, “Let’s go back up and have a chat.”  Angel made to move past him wanting nothing more than to find Lacey and find out what had gone wrong, but Nico caught his arm.  “Now.”  His tone made Angel’s demon bristle, but seeing the look in the other man’s eyes he just nodded.  The three of them sat down and Nico just looked at them until they started squirming under the intensity of his gaze.  “I believe I told what I would do to you when we first met if you hurt Lacey.  The only reason neither of you are dust yet is that I know things will be made right again.”  He turned his too knowing gaze on Will, “You shouldn’t have been watching them Will.  It was too soon.  And you,” he said turning his eyes to Angel, “should have known better than to put her in that position.”

~Part: 7~

Will and Angel looked at each other then back at Nico.  Nico snorted, “You don’t get it do you?  Has Lacey talked at all about her past?  Her marriage?”

“She was married?”

“That would be a no.  This should come from her, but seeing that she didn’t remember any of it until now I’ll tell you.  Make yourselves comfortable this will take a while.”  Nico took a deep breath and began, ”Kassie and I met Lacey when we were fifteen.  Her father was in the military and moved her family around quite a bit.  She was this incredibly shy, overweight bookworm with the most incredible green eyes and smile I had ever seen. The three of us made a connection and she became a part of our family.  Others called us the Trinity and we were inseparable.  She never dated, but seemed happy enough.”  Nico smiled as he combed through the memories.  Angel noticed him turning a ring on his right hand.  He looked closer and saw that it was just like the engraved Claddagh band Lacey and Kassie wore.  He turned his attention back to Nico.  “After we graduated from college I moved to New Orleans and Kassie moved to San Diego.  Lacey’s parents died in a car accident when she was twenty and she was left alone in Phoenix.  We all still kept in touch, but for the most part Lacey was by herself.  She had never learned to make friends easily, but she had a few other than Kassie and me.  For her twenty-fifth birthday Kass and I wanted to throw her a party.  We came in and organized it, invited her friends and co-workers.  It was a blast.  She kind of got to see how special people thought she was.  She met Sean that night.  He had come as a co-workers guest.  They seemed to hit it off.  Lacey was thrilled.  She couldn’t believe that someone as handsome and successful as Sean Thompson was interested in her, but he was apparently sincere in his pursuit.  He literally swept her off her feet.  They were married within three months.  He was her first and only lover.  The first six months were good then she started noticing things about Sean that she didn’t really like.  He was always making comments to her about her weight, which had always been a sore point with her.  He started to batter her self worth with snide comments.  He didn’t like all the phone calls between the three of us.  He resented her friendship with me.  He drank rather heavily.  He resented her making any decisions without consulting him first.  She didn’t tell us any of this at the time though.  She started having the knowledge ‘downloads’ right around her twenty-sixth birthday.  She didn’t know what was going on at first and she was scared.  To her they were seizures that had suddenly started and no one had an explanation for.  Sean blew it off and told her to get over it.  She had one when they were at a party and he accused her of just trying to get attention for herself.  Then he started getting weird on her when it came to sex.  He tried to get her to do it in public places or when other people were around.”  Angel and Will both winced as he said this.  They were beginning to get an idea of how big they had messed up.  “About a year and a half ago they were at another party.  He got her drunk and had sex with her in his best friend Jack’s bedroom while he and a few others watched.  Thankfully Sean didn’t let anyone else take her then.  I’ll give the bastard that much.  She didn’t remember it, but a few days after she found a videotape they had made.  She filed for divorce the next day, packed a bag and drove out to San Diego to see Kassie.  She cried for two days straight, wouldn’t eat, would hardly sleep and didn’t speak at all for a week.  She just sat looking out the window.  After the second day Kassie called me to come out.  We almost had to put her in the hospital, but on the eighth day she came back from wherever she had been and started talking.  She told us what had happened then she told us about the seizures.  Between the three of us we figured out that she was gaining knowledge, but we thought it was in the form of remembering past lives.  One of her new found skills was investing and she set up a new identity for herself so Sean couldn’t take anything away from her in the divorce and started making plans for her new life.  She quit her job wanting to sever all ties with anyone who knew her or Sean.  She stayed with Kassie another week before going back to Phoenix to get the rest of her stuff.  I went with her to help her pack.”

Nico’s eyes darkened as he fought for control of his temper.  What he had told Angel and Will so far had been difficult but now came the really hard part.  He still felt violent if he thought about what the bastard had done to her.  He prayed that Lacey would forgive him for telling them all of this, but he really didn’t have any choice.  This was the way the Powers wanted it.  His eyes got a faraway look in them as he continued.   “We waited until we knew Sean would be at work before we went to the house.  She had no desire to see him and didn’t want a confrontation.  We were about half way done and I left to get us some food.  Sean and Jack came in while I was gone.  He started yelling at her wanting to know why she was making a big deal out of a silly tape.  He couldn’t believe she would leave him because of it blah, blah, blah.  She told him to talk to her lawyer and tried to leave.  He beat her,” Nico’s fist clenched at the memory, “and raped her while Jack watched and cheered.  Jack was about to have a go at her when I got back.  I don’t really remember what I did.  I just know that there was blood on my hands when I got Lacey to the emergency room that wasn’t hers or mine.  We filed a report, had photos taken the whole deal.  For some reason Sean and Jack never filed charges against me.  They’re both serving time for the assault on Lacey.  Because of what happened the divorce and rape trial were expedited.”  Nico focused his gaze back on Angel and Will who were growling while he was talking.

“One of my best friends died that night.  Sean Thompson broke her and Sharon Porter ceased to be.  The day after the trial was over Sharon disappeared and in her place was Lacey Mikayla Raines.  She had absolutely no memory of the previous year and a half.  She didn’t remember Sean, the marriage, the assault, trial, anything.  It was like it had never happened.  She remembered everything else about her life, except her name was Lacey in those memories.  She stayed with me for a couple of weeks in New Orleans then decided to do some traveling.  Kassie and I got postcards from all over.  Lacey finally wound up in San Diego to stay with Kassie for a bit.  She was making a killing in options trading and had decided to try her hand in real estate.  That’s when she made the move to L.A and bought her building and a few others.  Our Lacey is an intelligent, funny, strong wonderfully confident woman.  She has a steel core within her that never existed when she was Sharon.  She’s comfortable with herself.  But she’s still fragile.  The only lasting effect of her marriage Kassie and I had noticed was her unease around men in social situations.  Angel you are the first man to touch her intimately since it happened.  She felt she was ready for that and I’m glad it was with you, but to have Will watching and I’m pretty sure he meant to have a go at her as well, without her permission…that was just stupid.  It opened the floodgates for the memories to resurface.”

Angel had tears in his eyes and was rapidly losing control of his demon.  He leaned forward and put his head in his hands.  “Jaysus Nico.  I knew she didna like ta talk about herself, but…” he looked up at him not realizing he had slipped into the brogue of his youth, “I asked her if she wanted ta change her mind.  She didna protest.  If I had known…but tha’s no excuse.  I canna believe I let our first time be in the deserted lounge of a nightclub.  She deserves so much better.  I’ve lost her before I ever really had her haven’t I?”

Will spoke up before Nico could answer.  “Sire she didn’t know I was there.  I am so sorry.  I knew I shouldn’t have been watching, but the two of you are so beautiful together…” He trailed off wondering if he’d ever be able to make things right.  Then a thought struck him and he looked at Nico, “How did you know what was going on up here, mate?  Were you watching?”

“No Will.  I had a vision.  And Angel you haven’t lost her.  This needed to happen.  Apparently the Powers felt Lacey had to face that part of her past.  Kassie, Willow and Trick are going to help her.  Just give her a few days.  Let her make the first move.”  Nico got up, “I need a ride home.”

“Sure no problem.  Will she forgive me…us?”  Angel was damning himself all over again.  He had wanted his first time with Lacey to be romantic, long and slow and sweet.  Not some hurried coupling because hormones had raged out of control and certainly without Will being present.  But when she had said she wanted him then and there all of his plans had flown out the window.  All that had mattered had been getting inside her as soon as possible.

“Yes Angel.  She will forgive you.  Both of you.”


Lacey ran out the front door of the club as if the hounds of hell were after her.  She looked about wildly not really seeing anything and screamed when she felt another pair of strong arms go around her.  “NO!  Let me go!  Please, please let me go.  I’ll be good.  I’m sorry I tried to leave.  Just let me go,” she sobbed.

Trick held her tighter and said, “Lacey it’s Trick.  You’re all right princess.  Everything’s gonna to be okay.  Let’s get you home.”  He kept repeating the same things over and over again until finally Lacey looked up her eyes clearing momentarily, “Trick?”

“Yeah princess.  You’re okay.  Everything’s gonna be fine.”

“I wanna go home.”  Trick led Lacey to her car and bundled her into the back seat where Kassie was waiting.  Lacey took one look at her best friend and began crying losing herself in the past.  Kassie gathered her into her arms and rocked her slowly, gently stroking her hair and muttering nonsensical phrases trying to calm her down.  Willow was quiet in the front seat as Trick drove them to Lacey’s building.

Kassie was cursing herself six ways from Sunday for thinking that Lacey was ready to have sex with not one, but two men.  <What the hell was I thinking?  Other than Nico only I know just how messed up she is.  It just seemed so right for the three of them to be together.  I have to fix this.>

Lacey flinched when Trick lifted her out of the car, but allowed him to carry her into her loft.  He gently placed her on the bed and quickly left her bedroom.  She bolted off the bed and ran for the bathroom muttering, “have to get clean.  Have to wash away the memories,” before slamming the door.

Willow had gone to her apartment when they arrived and had just entered Lacey’s in time to hear her words.  She headed to the kitchen to brew the tea she had brought with her.  She looked at Kassie who was sitting on one of the sofas crying.  Trick was trying to comfort her, but it wasn’t working.

“Want to tell us what’s going on?”  Willow asked quietly as she sat down next to Kassie.

“Short version?  Lacey had a flashback.”  Kassie said dully.

“A flashback of what?”  Trick asked afraid he already knew.

“Her ex-husband raped her while his best friend watched.”  Both Willow and Trick gasped.  Seeing their reaction to her little bombshell, Kassie began relaying the same story Nico was telling Angel and Will at the club.  “…And so I’m guessing that Lacey saw Will and that’s why she freaked.  I can’t believe I was stupid enough to think she was ready.”  Kassie finally finished her tale still twisting the engraved Claddagh band she wore that matched Lacey and Nico’s.

Willow and Trick sat there stunned trying to reconcile what they had learned with what they knew about their friend.  Trick had actually shifted to his demon form at one point and was still growling occasionally.  He had only known her for a little over a month, but he loved Lacey like a sister and he was furious that someone could or would hurt her that way.  He would have never suspected she hid that much pain inside her.  She glowed with her love of life and an inner peace that he had thought was unshakable.  Trick was seriously contemplating damaging Angel and Will for what they had done tonight, but he knew that they were learning the same things right now.  That was punishment enough.  He was fairly certain that Angel would sink into a full on brood the likes of which hadn’t been seen in close to thirty years.  He wasn’t sure what Will would do and he didn’t really care.  <Voyeuristic, horny, unthinking bastard>

Willow was wiping tears off her face.  She now understood why Nico had damned the Powers earlier.  Lacey didn’t deserve having those memories brought back to life in that way.  Unfortunately, it was clear to Willow why it had been done.  She had been working with Kassie since they had met on cultivating her spirit healing powers.  Lacey was to be her first ‘patient’ for lack of a better word.

“Kassie, do you understand why tonight happened?”  Willow asked.

Kassie looked at Willow for a long moment then paled as realization dawned.  “That’s just cruel.  Why did the Powers have to make her relive it that way?  Why couldn’t I just try without her remembering?”

Trick looked back and forth between the two women, “What are you talking about?  What are you…ah, I see now.  The Powers want you to heal her spirit.  Bella, in order for you to do that, Lacey needs to acknowledge that the pain is still there.  She may no longer recognize herself as Sharon Porter, but deep inside she is and she’s broken.  What happened tonight opened that locked door.  You can help her now.  Is there anything I can do to help?”

Willow smiled slightly, “Lacey is going to have the mother of all headaches from all the crying she’s done.  You could take care of that after we’re done.”  She looked up as the door opened.  Nico walked in and closed it softly behind him.

“How is she?” he asked before he heard the water running in the bathroom.

Kassie stood up and hugged him tightly.  “I was just getting ready to check on her. I am really not liking the PTB right now.  There had to be a better way for me to test out whatever healing abilities I’ve gained.  I’m going to get her some clothes and get her settled so we can start.”

She went to Lacey’s closet and pulled out her favorite Cubs Jersey, a pair lounge pants and clean underwear wanting her to be comfortable.  Lacey hadn’t locked the bathroom door so Kassie just knocked softly and went in.  Her heart almost broke when she saw Lacey huddled on the floor of the shower stall rocking back and forth though she was no longer crying.  She was bleeding in several places where she had rubbed her skin raw.  “Oh honey.”  Kassie turned off the water, which was running cold and knelt next to her with a towel not caring in the least that she was ruining her dress.  “Lacey?  I’m going to get you dried off now okay?  We’ll get you dressed and settled into bed and then I’ll fix this.”  Lacey didn’t protest as Kassie began drying her off, she was lost in her memories.  Kassie managed to get her out of the shower stall and wrapped the towel around her.  She sat Lacey down on the toilet and told her to stay put.  <It’s like handling a child> Kassie closed the door behind her as she went back to where Trick was talking with Nico and Willow.

“Trick can you work any of your healing mojo from here or do you need to be able to touch?”

“Why Bella, what did she do?”

“She’s scrubbed herself raw in some places and made herself bleed.  I think she would be okay if you were to touch her, you did earlier tonight, but if you can do it without that might be better.”

“Show me where and I’ll see what I can do.”  Kassie did and watched in fascination as Trick’s eyes began to glow before he closed them chanting softly under his breath.  After a few moments he opened his eyes and slumped back against the couch.  “I hope that worked.”  He gave Kassie a wan smile and sent her back to the bathroom.  Lacey was sitting exactly where Kassie had left her.  Kassie sighed in relief as she saw that the abrasions were indeed gone.  <Note to self: kiss Trick senseless when this is over.>  Kassie got Lacey dressed then thought <Nico I need you to get her into bed.>  Nico was there immediately, picking Lacey up and carefully laying her down in her bed.

Willow had lit several candles in the bedroom and that was the only light in the room.  Brushing her hand over Lacey’s eyes to close them as she sat down beside her she looked up at Nico and said softly, “wait for us in the living room.”  Nico quietly withdrew.  Kassie leaned down and brushed a kiss across Lacey’s forehead and whispered, “I’ll make this better Lace.  I promise,” before sitting across from Willow.

“You ready?”  Willow asked.  Taking a deep breath Kassie nodded.  The joined their hands and placed them on Lacey’s forehead and over her heart.  Closing her eyes, Kassie began concentrating on Lacey’s spirit.  A colorful image of Lacey formed in her mind, her aura.  There were rich clear shades of green, blue, yellow and red all pulsing with life.  Kassie ignored the bright colors, searching out the insidious blacks and dark bloody reds that had woven themselves into Lacey.  The dark colors throbbed dully, a horrific counterpoint to the brightness that made up the heart and soul of her friend.  In her minds eye Kassie saw herself reaching out and grasping the horrible strands, pulling them free.  She shuddered as the darkness writhed in her grasp alternately trying to wrap around Lacey again and then trying to work their way into her.  Then Kassie pictured a box in front of her and she stuffed the pain filled strands into the box, sealing it tight.  Lighting the box on fire in her mind, she watched as Lacey’s pain and the last vestiges of her link to Sharon Porter went up in flames.  “I love you Lacey,” she said in her mind.  With a gasp Kassie opened her eyes and looked at Lacey.  Her eyes were still closed, but the lines of pain that had etched her face had eased.  Looking at Willow she smiled tiredly, “It worked.”

“Yes it did.  Setting the box on fire was a nice touch.  You did well Kass.  In time you won’t need me to help you.  How do you feel?”

“Tired…and dirty.  What I pulled out of her was just awful.  I mean I was there for her when it happened, but actually feeling what she felt…I can’t describe it.”  Kassie broke off as Lacey stirred.

“Kassie?  Willow?”

“Hey there.  How do you feel?” Kassie asked.

“Better.  I remember what happened now, but the pain and fear are gone.  I’m not Sharon anymore.  You did good Kass.  Everyone knows now.”  It was a statement not a question.  Lacey grimaced at Kassie’s nod, “I really made a fool out of myself didn’t I?  Thank you, Willow.”  She said when Willow handed her a cup of tea.  She sipped at it, sighing as the warmth spread through her.

Willow answered her, “You’re welcome and no, you did not make a fool out of yourself.  You were in a bad place.  No one blames you.  I’m just glad you’re all right.  There are two guys in the living room who I’m sure would like to see you.”  Seeing Lacey tense Willow hastily added, “No not them.  I mean Nico and Trick.”

Lacey relaxed and nodded.  She wasn’t quite ready to face Angel and Will.  Just then the door opened and Nico and Trick walked in.  They stood at the foot of the bed waiting for her to make the first move.  “Thank you for helping me.  Now come here so I can give you a hug.”  Willow stood up and Trick moved to the side of the bed, “You’re sure?” he asked not wanting to spook her again.  Lacey tugged on his hand and he leaned down so she could wrap her arms around him.  He held her tightly for a moment then let her go and moved around to stand by Kassie.

Lacey looked at the clock on the bedside table.  It was 12:30am.  There was no way she was going into work in a few hours.  “Kassie I know it’s late, but would you please call Andy and let him know I won’t be in the morning.  He’ll let everyone else know.  Tell him I have food poisoning or something and not to worry.”  At her nod Lacey looked around at her friends.  “You all look as tired as I feel.  Go get some sleep.  I’ll be fine.  Nico?  Stay for a few?”  He nodded as others bid her goodnight and left.

Lacey smiled as she heard Kassie ask Trick, “Stay with me?” as they made their way from her room.

Lacey patted the bed next to her and crawled into his lap after he had made himself comfortable.  He gathered her close and stroked her hair.  They sat in silence for a bit before Lacey spoke, “I thought I was ready.  It seemed so right to be there with Angel.  He was being careful with me even though it was a little rough.  I liked it.  I felt wanted and beautiful and safe.  I asked him to change for me and he did.  I wasn’t scared at all.  He’s beautiful Nico.  I turned my head so he could bite me and that’s when I saw Will.  I don’t know how long he had been there, but I saw him and then I was back in hell and I couldn’t get out.  You told them didn’t you.”

“Yeah baby I did.  I’m sorry, but I thought they needed to know.  The Powers set this up for Kassie.”

Lacey wrinkled her nose, “The PTB do seem to enjoy messing with my head, in more ways than one.  Maybe they’ll ease off a bit now.  It’s okay Nico I’m glad this happened.”  At his snort Lacey giggled.  “I mean that everyone knows now.  I didn’t like reliving that horrid time, but Kassie took away the pain.  It’s kind of funny.  Earlier tonight I had a fleeting thought of how exciting it would be to see Angel and Will together and with me.  That could have happened if I hadn’t wigged.  But I know now that I’m not ready for that.  Even if I didn’t have all this baggage with me I’m not ready for a threesome.  I’ll have my hands full with just Angel…if he still wants me.”  That last thought gave her pause.  “Do they hate me Nico?  Do they think I’m a whore?”

“No baby.  They could never hate you and they don’t think you’re a whore.  Angel’s brooding thinking you’re never going to speak to him again and Will’s feeling guilty and in the process of getting drunk off his ass.  He mentioned staking himself.”  Nico pulled Lacey back into his arms as she tried to get up, “Don’t worry Lace, Angel’s keeping an eye on him.  I asked them not to call you or come by unless you contacted them.”

“Thanks.  Let’s go to sleep.”  Yawning Lacey crawled out his lap and snuggled under the covers.

Nico smiled at her, “You want me to stay?”

She nodded, “I want you to hold me like you did the first time.”  Nico stripped down to his boxers, climbed in beside her and wrapped her in his arms.

“Love you Nico.  Sleep sweet.”

“Love you too Lacey.”

~Part: 8~

“’Lo?”  Lacey sleepily answered the phone the next day.

“Hey sweet.  I just wanted to see how my favorite assistant was feeling.  We miss you here.”  Andy said cheerily.

Yawning Lacey sat up and glanced at the clock.  It was after 11am.  She noticed that Nico was gone, but there was a note on the pillow next to the cats.  “I’m fine Andy just tired now.  I’ll be back tomorrow.  Hey, do you have any idea who slimed me yesterday?”  Silence.  “Andy?”

“I’m sorry Lacey.  It was me…before I hear that sexy drawl of yours let me tell you that you weren’t the target.  I was trying for Alexis, you weren’t suppose to come through the door just then.  Please forgive me?”

“You ruined the shirt Liam bought for me.  But, because I love you I won’t hurt you…too much.”

“Fair enough.  I’ll take you shopping to make up for it.”  He said hopefully.

“We’ll see.  Thanks for checking on me.  I’m going to go back to sleep now.  Tell everyone I said hi.  Buh-bye.”

“Bye sweet.”

Lacey hung up the phone and unfolded the note from Nico.


Had some things to do and didn’t want to wake you.  Make sure you eat something and call me or one of the others to let us know you’re okay.



<Yes dad.>  Lacey sat quietly taking stock of herself.  She felt good.  Letting her mind wander she headed to the bathroom to get ready for the day.  She thought about what had happened last night.  Her overall feeling was one of regret that things had been interrupted by her little meltdown.  <Bet no one has ever freaked out quite that way on Angel before, then again if he were draining someone…but that was Angelus> she thought dryly as she put on her make-up.  She knew she needed to talk to both Angel and Will, she just didn’t know if she should do it together or one on one.  Dressed in jeans and an OCC t-shirt Lacey grabbed some yogurt and a bottle of water out the fridge and headed out.  She dialed Nico’s cell phone as she walked down to Will’s apartment.  Getting his voicemail she left a quick message that she was fine and could be reached on her cell.

Taking a deep breath Lacey knocked on Will’s door.  A very broody looking Angel opened it.  <Guess I’ll be talking to them both> she thought as she smiled tentatively at him.  He just stood there looking at her.  <She looks beautiful.  I didn’t expect to see her today.  Why is she here at Will’s?>  Lacey began to feel a little uncomfortable under his intense longing gaze.  “Um can I come in Angel?  I’d like to talk to you and Will.”

Angel snapped out of his thoughts, “Yes sorry, please come in Lacey.”  He stepped back and she entered the darkened apartment.  “Lace…I am-“

“Don’t.  Don’t say anything just yet okay?  Where’s Will?”  Lacey asked as she went to the window wall and opened the drapes flooding the loft with sunlight.

“Bleedin’ Christ Luv.  Are ya tryin’ to kill me?  Not that I don’t deserve it.  Oi it’s times like these I wish I still smoked.”  Will groaned from the couch where he had been laying.  He pulled a pillow over his head to block out the sunlight.  He had gotten himself piss-assed drunk last night and had passed out on the couch.  He vaguely remembered offering to stake himself.

“Good morning Spike.  No I’m not trying to kill you.  I think your obvious hangover is sufficient and may I say just how odd it is to know that vampires can get hangovers?”  Lacey walked over to him and pulled the pillow away from his face.  He winced and slowly sat up.  Looking at Lacey warily he tried to stand.  <Gods I didn’t know a vampire could look so awful.  There’s just one thing missing> Lacey pulled back her fist and socked him in the jaw.  Will sprawled back on the couch <I deserved that.  Damn she packs a wallop.  I think that would have knocked me on me arse even if I weren’t hung over.  What a woman.>  Shaking her hand she said, “I feel a bit better now.  That was for watching us last night.  Go take a shower then we’ll talk.”  Without a word Will got up rubbing his jaw and left the room.

“Want to wail on me next?  I won’t put up a struggle.”  Angel asked only half joking.  He was more than willing to let Lacey beat him unconscious if it made her feel better.

“Did you know he was watching us last night?”  Lacey asked as she turned to him, for the moment ignoring his offer of being a punching bag.

“Not exactly.”  Seeing her eyebrow raised in question he explained, “I could sense that he was on the upper level, but I wasn’t aware of him watching us.  You were the only one I was focusing on last night Lacey.”

She searched his soulful brown eyes and saw the truth in them.  She also saw sadness, guilt and hope.  <He really thinks I won’t forgive him.  He didn’t really do anything wrong.>  Lacey stepped up to Angel and wrapped her arms around his waist and laid her head on his chest.  He stood there stunned for a few moments before he crushed her to him.  “Gods Lace I am so sorry.  I don’t…I can’t…”

“Shh Angel.  It’s okay.  I only want to go through this once so let’s wait for Will, ‘k?”  He nodded.  “Have you eaten?”  She asked.  He shook his head and let her go.  She went to the kitchen to find a spoon for her yogurt and heated up two bags of blood.  She placed the two mugs on the coffee table along with a bottle of aspirin.  Lacey had just sat down when Will came out of his bedroom looking slightly better.  He gratefully grabbed the mug of blood and the aspirin.

“We’re only going to talk about this once and then it won’t be mentioned again.  I know that Nico told you what happened to me.  I would have preferred no one ever finding out.  Hell, I would have preferred never remembering it all, but the Powers had other ideas.  My little lapse of sanity would have happened eventually regardless.  The Powers wanted Kassie to try out her new abilities and I was chosen to be her first fix.  It worked.  I can say with certainty that I will not wig the next time I get…um intimate with someone.”  Lacey looked at Angel as she said this and if he had needed to breathe he would have stopped at the promise he saw in her eyes.  <She still wants me.  It would be poor form to jump up and down right now wouldn’t it?  Yes it would> he thought as a slow very Angelus-like smile spread over his face.

Lacey turned to Will who was sitting there dejectedly holding his head.  “Will, I love you like a brother and think you’re sexy as hell, but I’m pretty sure I can only handle one man…er vampire at a time and that’s going to be Angel.  Nico said we have eternity so that may change at some point, but for now…friends?”

“Friends, luv.  I knew I didn’t have a chance when I met you, but I had hope.  I really am sorry about last night.  The two of you looked so right together…it was as close as I was going to get.  Who knows, maybe I’ll find someone for myself.  Though I don’t know of many women who’d be as accepting of my blood habit as you.”  Will smiled at Lacey as she giggled.  Everything was going to be fine.

“Good.  Now that that is out of the way, you guys want to go do something?  I took the day off and want to have some fun.”  She looked at her vampires expectantly.

“What’d you have in mind Lace?”  Angel asked.  He really wanted to spend some time alone with her, but he understood that she wanted to get things back on an even keel between the three of them.

“Hmm…wanna go to Magic Mountain?  I’ve never been before.”  Her eyes sparkled with mischief as both Angel and Will groaned.  “I promise none of the roller coasters.  I don’t like them.  Maybe one of you will win me a stuffed animal.”

“The things we do for you.”  Angel said, resigned to spending the day dodging screaming children and oblivious parents.

“You know you love me.”  Lacey said as she dragged them out of the apartment.

<Yes we do> was their silent response.


Lacey was tired and getting bored.  It was 1 a.m. and the scene was taking forever to finish.  It was the last shot of the night and nothing seemed to be going right.  Just when the crew thought they had it someone or something managed to bollocks it up.

She nudged Andy and whispered, “I’m going to get some coffee.  You want?”

Andy bounced out of his chair and pulled her up, “I’ll go with you sweet.  I can’t believe this is taking so long.  I still have to get out of make-up, but I can’t until the director’s certain we won’t have to re-shoot the scene before this.”  Andy looked around as the two of them made their way towards the cart about a block away that had stayed open just for the shoot, “Still I love my job.”

She knew she’d be going back to the studio with Andy.  It had become a ritual of sorts that Lacey kept him entertained during the arduous make-up process.  The removal was much quicker than the application, but she knew he liked having her around.  “Looks like we won’t be going home for a while then.”  Andy nodded as they reached their destination.  “You think we should bring some back for David and James?”  Lacey asked.

“Oh yeah.  They wouldn’t forgive us if we indulged in the caffeine and denied them the same pleasure.”

Lacey placed the order and could only smile as the barrista just stared at Andy, “Don’t worry he’s not real.  Not to be rude or anything but we are kind of in a bit of a rush,” she said not unkindly.  The barrista flushed and quickly made up the various coffee concoctions.  Lacey put a nice sized tip in the jar and thanked the girl.  As she and Andy made their way back to the shooting location Lacey felt her hackles rise.  Something was following them.  Concentrating a bit more she figured it out, vampire.  <Honestly, I really didn’t think any of them would be foolish enough to hang around this set.>  Glancing casually behind her Lacey saw a man and a woman following them.

Nudging Andy Lacey handed him the two cups she was carrying and said in a low voice, “Why don’t you take these on ahead?  I’ll catch up in a minute.”  She surreptitiously slipped the stakes she carried in her jacket up her sleeves.

Andy looked at her curiously, “What’s wrong sweet?”

Before she could answer they both heard a voice behind them, “Aren’t you from that vampire show?”

Lacey sighed as she and Andy turned around.  <Figures we’d stop next to an alley.>  The man and woman were closing in and Lacey almost snorted at the looks of hunger on their faces.  <Fledglings and not very bright ones at that if they’re going to try to eat a celebrity.  How can I do this with Andy here?  I know he won’t leave me on my own.  And eww!  Like anyone would think that leer was sexy.  Oh yeah I’m swooning.>  Lacey decided to try diplomacy first, “I’m sorry but we really can’t chat right now.  His cue is almost up.  Don’t want him to be late or anything.”  Lacey gave Andy a small push back towards the set.  Andy didn’t budge.  He could tell that something about the two in front of them was bothering Lacey and he wasn’t about to leave her by herself.

The woman glanced quickly at Lacey then dismissed her as a minor nuisance.  She stared hungrily at Andy, thinking how important she could be if she took out an actor.  It never occurred to her or her cohort that the entire production was protected by a master vampire, namely Angelus, and therefore off limits.  Lacey tried one more time, “The two of you really shouldn’t be here.  You just may piss of the wrong ‘people’.”

The man leered again at Lacey.  He had caught the emphasis on the word ‘people’ but didn’t get what she was talking about.  He was hungry and the girl looked like a tasty morsel.  Licking his lips he smiled as his face started to shift, “Oh I don’t think anyone will be pissed at us doll.  Neither of you will be around to tell anyone we were here.”  The woman’s face also shifted and they started forward.

Lacey glanced at Andy, “When I say move you move got it?”  He just nodded while he stared in disbelief at the two vampires facing them.  Lacey turned her attention back to the two fledglings, “Just on general principle I’m going to stake you both.  Don’t you realize you can’t touch anyone attached to this show?  By Angelus’ decree the entire production is protected and therefore off limits.  As is anything affiliated with Mutant Enemy.  Who is your master?”  At their blank looks Lacey sighed, “Oh the hell with it.  You two are too stupid to give me decent answers.”  Slipping her stakes into the palms of her hands Lacey smoothly threw them at the vampires.  Both hit their marks true and she watched in satisfaction as they turned to dust.

Lacey turned reluctantly to Andy.  Even with his red contacts in she could see the questions in his eyes.  Taking a deep breath she said, “Yes Andy those were actual vampires.  They really do exist.  As do demons and different dimensions.  The show is based on actual beings and events.  I’m not at liberty to say much more and I really hope you can keep this to yourself.  If it had been possible I would have had you never find out.”

Andy shook his head and laughed quietly.  Handing two of the coffee cups back to Lacey he said, “I always knew there was more to Liam than met the eye.  So he is the real Angel huh?  No wonder you call him that.”  Noticing that Lacey wasn’t walking with him he made his way back to her and looped his arm with hers gently prodding her to move forward, “I’d kiss you if it didn’t mean having to touch up my face.  Don’t worry sweet, I won’t say anything to anyone.  But someday I want the full story.  I’d also like you to show me how to throw like that.”

Lacey was dazed.  <I really shouldn’t be surprised.  I’ve had a feeling he knew more about the night world than he let on.>  Lacey smirked at his last statement, “I can show you how to throw Andy.  But learning to do it yourself takes a lot of practice.”

“It’s not like we don’t have time in between set ups now is it?”

Lacey laughed quietly as they returned to their chairs, “You’re right.  We’ll start tomorrow.”

<Well we should entertain everyone at any rate.> Lacey thought to herself, smiling as David and James dove towards them to get their coffee.

It was another hour before production wrapped for the night, then another two hours before Lacey finally made it home.  Collapsing into bed Lacey’s last thoughts before sleep claimed her were, <Only a few more months.  The series wraps and I’ll be able to breathe again.  Focus on the agency and on Angel.>  The thought of Angel put a smile on Lacey’s face as she drifted off to dream.

~Part: 9~

“Does she suspect anything?”

“Nope.  She knows we’re going to see Kane, but that’s it.  I’m glad Christian got to meet her a few weeks ago.  She wrapped him around her little finger just like the rest of us.  He was more than happy to do this.”

“Great.  Kassie’s really coming along isn’t she?  She’s really liking the sword.  Lacey is a good teacher.  We’re going to have to start getting ready soon.”

Angel, Will and Trick were watching Lacey train and spar with Kassie.  Nico and Willow were in the library researching for a case.

Life was as normal as it could be for the staff of Angel Investigations.  Lacey was still working for the cast so she didn’t really spend that much time in the office, but was always available on her cell to answer questions.  She’d had three more ‘downloads’ over the past few months and felt like her brain was about to capacity fill.  The last one had almost led to her totaling her beloved Camaro.  Lacey hadn’t told anyone, but the ‘downloads’ were starting to hurt.  She thanked Willow every day for the spell she had given her that allowed her to have the equivalent of eight hours sleep in two hours.  It had been a lifesaver.  Angel was taking his time with Lacey.  He wanted to make sure she was ready before he tried to seduce her again.  Lacey was getting impatient.  Nico and Willow were happily involved, Trick had moved in with Kassie and Will had recently started dating a former client.  He had helped Nico and Willow exorcise a ghost from her home and they had hit it off.  Sasha knew he was a vampire, though not that he was part of the Scourge of Europe, and didn’t care.  Lacey was very happy for Will and liked the little blond rare book dealer, glad that she got along with everyone.  Business was steady and clients were paying.  Life was good.

Kassie had had a rather nasty encounter with a Fron’ah demon just after Angel Investigations had opened for business two months ago and had announced upon waking from the trance-like state it had put her in that she wanted and needed to learn how to use weapons.  Trick had protested, he didn’t want her out on patrol at all, but when faced with the combined tempers of Kassie, Lacey and Willow he conceded that her knowing how to defend herself would be of the good.  Lacey had been training her in self defense and some hand to hand combat for general purposes since Kassie had moved into the building.  After the attack Lacey had agreed to train her in weapons.  Kassie had shown a definite flair with swords so that was their main focus, but Lacey was slowly making sure that she was at least proficient with other instruments of mayhem and destruction as Willow fondly called them.

The girls stopped their maneuvers to get some water and Lacey noticed the three men watching them.  “Guys, come make yourselves useful.  I want to try a group attack.  Don’t give me those looks.  It’s always a possibility that we could face more than one opponent at a time and we need the practice.  I want you three to attack us.  Use whatever style you want.  Kassie just let your mind go and do whatever feels natural.  Instinct should take over.  If you have to think about what you’re doing you could die.”  Kassie nodded and tried to relax.

In a blur of movement the mock battle commenced.  The clanging of steel on steel reverberated in the large room.  Lacey took out Angel then let herself be taken down as well and quietly moved next to him to watch Kassie fight Trick and Will.  They were circling her, alternating their attacks not forming any sort of pattern that she could follow.  She met each one head on.  Kassie dove to pick up Lacey’s fallen sword surprising her two would be attackers and disarming them.

Both Angel and Lacey started clapping.  Angel whispered something into Lacey’s ear and she nodded.  Angel said to Kassie, “You did great.  That last move was very good.  Took them both off guard and that’s what you’re after.  One thing you need to work on.  You’re leaving your left side open for attack.  Remember never drop your guard.”

“Yes dad.”  Kassie giggled and tried to get away as Angel lunged for her and started tickling her.

“Brat.  Come on you two should start getting ready for tonight.  We have to leave in an hour and a half.”

Lacey kissed Angel before she headed upstairs, “Want to help?  You can wash my back,” she murmured in his ear before lightly licking the lobe.

Biting back a groan he said, “Yeah I do, but if I come up with you we won’t make it to the concert and I know you don’t want to miss it.”  Slapping her on the bum, he pushed her towards the stairs “Go now.”  “Please” he muttered under his breath as he watched her hips sway as she walked away from him.  Angel turned towards his friends at the sound of poorly suppressed laughter.  He scowled at them, “What?”

“You’re pathetic.  If you don’t take her to bed soon she may kill you. What exactly are you waiting for you ponce?”  Will asked his grandsire.

“I just want to make sure she’s ready…”

Trick interrupted, “Angel it’s been two and half months.  She won’t freak out again.  You know that.”

“I know.  If you two must know I was waiting for tonight.”  At their confused looks he explained, “I wanted to wait until her birthday.  Lacey met that bastard of an ex on her birthday.  I wanted to create a new memory for her.”

“You really are a poof you know that?  But I think it’s sweet so I guess I’m not much better.”  Will grimaced.  “Well you can make good use of my gift to her tonight.  I’m going to get changed and go pick up Sasha. We’ll meet you at the Whiskey.”


“You look beautiful tonight.”  Angel told Lacey when she had opened her door.  She was dressed in a pair of indigo blue, tight low riding jeans paired with a short, forest green suede button down halter.  She had on her brown cowboy boots and a stylish straw cowboy hat covered her now shoulder length hair.  Lacey looked at herself then back at him, “You’re biased but thanks.  You look pretty good yourself.” <But then you always look good enough to eat.  Why won’t you make love to me?> she thought, licking her lips as she took in his faded jeans, sage green pullover and scuffed brown boots.

<Patience man.  You’ll have her tonight> Angel repeated to himself over and over again when he saw the unbridled lust shining in Lacey’s eyes and caught the faint scent of her arousal.  He was very tempted to just say ‘fuck it’, forget all his carefully laid plans and lock the two of them in her bedroom for a week.  If it were just the two of them involved he would have, but there were others who had put a lot of effort into Lacey’s birthday and he didn’t want to piss them off.  <Besides she’s going to love everything, which is why you did this in the first place.>  Satisfied that he would be able to make it through the evening he smiled offering her his arm and said, “You’re chariot awaits milady.  Shall we?”

Grabbing her brown leather jacket she took his arm and said, “Lead on kind sir.”  Lacey looked at him curiously as he led her to the street level.  She gasped when she saw the stretch limo waiting in front of the building.  “What the hell?”

“I thought we’d arrive in style.  It’s your birthday.  I want to spoil you.”  She looked at him and he just gave her an enigmatic smile.

They arrived at the Whiskey and met up with the rest of the family.  Will had them close to the stage.  Angel spent more time watching Lacey enjoy the show than he paid attention to the music.  Kane had just finished their normal encore of ‘Oklahoma State of Mind’ and she was clapping and yelling wildly.  Christian spoke into the mike, “We’re not quite done yet.  We have two more songs we’d like to do for a very special guest in our audience.  Lacey?  Where are you baby?  Get your cute little ass up here.”

Lacey froze and turned to Angel, “What did you do?” she asked as he pulled her up on stage.  He gave her a soft kiss and said “listen.”  The band started to play and Christian sang ‘L.A.’ as Angel pulled her into his arms and danced with her on the stage.  Angel repeated a verse in her ear,

She is pretty as a picture
She is like a golden ring
Circles me with love and laughter
I can’t feel a thing

The crowd just went along with it enjoying the added spectacle.  When the song ended Lacey had tears in her eyes.  She remembered when Angel had walked in on her while she was singing it one day.  She had been embarrassed, but he had told her she had a sweet voice and asked her to sing it again.  She pulled away from Angel then launched herself at Christian whispering, “thank you” in his ear.  He kissed her full on the mouth and then asked, “Ready for one more?”  Lacey nodded happily and he started singing ‘Happy Birthday’.  The crowd joined in then broke into applause as David and Andy came on stage carrying a giant chocolate cake from Harry’s with Amy, J., Alexis and James behind them.  Lacey was laughing and crying at the same time when they finished.  Christian handed her the microphone.  Wiping away happy tears Lacey looked at her co-workers and family who had also come up on stage and said, “Y’all totally kick ass.  I had no idea about any of this.  I didn’t think it was possible to keep a secret in this bunch.  This is the best birthday I can remember.  Thank you.”  Still holding the mike she turned to Angel, “And you.  I know this was all your doing.  Thank you for the surprise.  Gráim thú Liam.  I love you my Angel.”  She had been calling him ‘my Angel’ around her co-workers since she had first discovered who he was explaining that he really did remind her of the character David played.  Only Andy knew it was really his name.  Angel’s eyes widened.  It was the first time she had told him she loved him and she had said it in front of a club packed with strangers and friends alike.  She dropped the microphone when he grabbed her and lifted her up into a long kiss.  The crowd started cheering.  Christian picked up the microphone laughing and said, “Get a room you two.  Happy Birthday Lacey.  Come on let’s cut this cake.  Next round is on the house.”


Back towards the bar stood two men.  They watched as the lead singer of the band called a young woman up on stage.  The taller of the two men motioned to the other and they started to make their way towards the stage.  The woman had caught the tall man’s eye and he wanted a better look at her.  Both men noticed her light green eyes and her smile.  The tall man looked at his friend, “That almost looks like-“ his friend cut him off, “it can’t be.”  They ignored the crowd singing ‘Happy Birthday’ to her and just watched.  Then the men heard her speak.  The shorter of the two said, “Well I’ll be damned.  It is Sharon.  She’s changed a bit hasn’t she?”  They watched as she kissed the guy she had been dancing with.  “Calls herself Lacey now, hmm?”  The shorter man looked at the other people on the stage.  Nudging his friend he said, “Look there’s Nico.  No doubt about it.  That’s Sharon.  What should we do about this Sean?”  Eyes flashing yellow Sean looked at his friend and said, “We tell Gabriel we found her.  I think little Sharon needs to be taught a lesson.  This will take some planning though.  We’ll follow them when they leave here tonight.  How does that sound Jack?”  Jack’s eyes also flashed yellow as he thought about reaping revenge on the little bitch and her friends.  The two vampires moved back to the bar to wait for their prey.


Angel finally let Lacey up for air.  Looking into her eyes he said the words he’d been holding back, “Gráim thú Lacey Raines.  You’re not done yet.  Get us some cake then you can open your presents.”

“I’ve got prezzies too?  This has been more than enough.”

“Well if you don’t want them…” he teased.

“No.  If y’all have gone through the trouble of picking them out then I’ll just have to suffer through.  Hey!  Save me some of my cake.”  Lacey cried as she saw the rapidly dwindling cake being handed out.

Angel led Lacey to a private room at the club where the band, her family, friends, and co-workers had adjourned.  There was a table piled with boxes and envelopes with a chair situated next to it.

“Oh my Gods.  Where do I start?”  Sitting down she began making her way through the small mountain of gifts.  Lacey received a gift certificate to ‘Got Ink?’ a tattoo parlor from Trick.  He leaned over and whispered, “So you can cover the scars.”  Lacey just grinned at his thoughtfulness and kissed him on the cheek.  “Thank you.”  For the most part the scars she had from her first vampire fight didn’t bother her, but she liked the idea of hiding them with a new tat.  <I’ll have to have Angel design something for me.>

Next was an autographed guitar from Kane.  “First a serenade now this?  Thanks.  I know just where this is going.”

Andy had bought her an impressive selection of white men’s dress shirts, “Since you seem to have trouble keeping them clean and/or intact.”  There had been a few more incidents involving her favorite shirts and practical jokes.  “And whose fault is that?  One of these days y’alls puppy dog eyes are gonna to quit working on me and I’m really gonna let you have it.  I’ve been way too forgiving so far.”

David had bought her tickets to a Kings/Redwings game even though he bitched about her being a Redwings fan instead of a Flyers fan.  “What can I say?  I have taste.  David I had no idea you liked Dora the Explorer.”

“Jaden picked out the card.”

“Ahh.  Make sure to give him a big hug from me.”

She received tickets to the Dodgers/Cubs series from J. and James, mass teasing prompting her to defend, “You know us Cubs fans we’re eternal optimists,” an all inclusive spa day at the Gold Door from Amy and a card for theater tickets to a show of her choosing from Alexis.

Lacey looked at the last two gifts on the table.  One box was rather long and flat and the other was small and square.  Kassie told her to open the long one first, “That’s from Nico, Willow, Will and me.”  Lacey opened the box and pulled out two airline tickets, a hotel keycard and a set of keys.  “Ireland?  You’re sending me to Ireland?  Oh my…”

“You can take anyone you want with you, but I was kind of hoping I could show you my homeland.”  Angel said quietly.  Lacey looked at him with shining eyes, “There’s no one I’d rather be with.  What are the keys for?”

“One is to the cottage we’ll be staying at and the other is to the car we’ll have.”  Angel leaned in and whispered, “The keycard is from Will.  He booked us a suite for tonight at the Four Seasons.  We’ll leave from there to the airport tomorrow.”  Lacey’s eyes glazed over and she flushed a becoming shade of pink.  <Finally!  I’m finally going to get to have him.>  She jumped up, ran over to Will and gave him a big kiss much to some peoples’ surprise.  She whispered for him alone, “Thank you Will.  You have no idea how much this means to me.”  He whispered back, “Yes I do luv.  I hope you’ll be very happy together.”

Sasha narrowed her brown eyes at the display.  Lacey turned her head in time to catch the look.  <Think I’m gonna have to have a chat with her, but not tonight.>  Leaning back into Will Lacey whispered, “See to your girl Will.  I think she’s jealous.”  Will’s eyes widened slightly as Lacey walked back to her seat.  He could sense Sasha’s irritation and wondered at it.  He looked at his girlfriend she was staring stonily at Lacey.  <Guess we need to have a talk, but not now.  Maybe after Lacey and Angel leave>

Lacey sat back down and pulled the last box off the table.  “This one is from my Angel.  You really do know how to spoil a girl don’t you?”  She unwrapped a beautiful mahogany jewelry box.  The top was inlaid with a pewter Celtic knot work design.  “Oh it’s beautiful,” she breathed.

Smirking slightly Angel said, “Open it.”

She did and just sat there stunned.  Inside was a complete set of handmade jewelry.  There was a necklace, ring, bracelet, anklet, earrings and navel ring all made out of white gold.  The design was an intricate working of Celtic knots and the stylized angel wings of their tattoo.  “I…I don’t know what to say.  This is stunning.  You had all this made for me?”  She said as she slipped the ring on the middle finger of her left hand.  <Damn I’m crying again.  Thank the gods for waterproof mascara>

“Yes.  I love you Lacey, Happy Birthday.”  Angel said as he wiped the tears from her cheek.

“I love you too.”  Turning to the rest of the room Lacey said, “This has been the best birthday I have ever had.  Thank you all so much for the gifts and for sharing this night with me.  Normally I’d have plenty of smart-ass things to say, but I’m really at a loss right now to express how much all of you mean to me.  All I can say is Thank You.  Damn, I sound like a sappy greeting card commercial.”  Everyone laughed as she hoped they would.

As those gathered broke into groups to visit Lacey looked at the airline tickets.  The flight was scheduled for 2pm the following day and the return flight was a month from now.  She looked at Angel and said softly, “Angel, this is a month long trip starting tomorrow.  I haven’t packed.  What about the agency?  What about my work?  I haven’t gotten time off and I can’t even imagine asking to take this much time off.  I’ve only been working there for not even four months…” she quit talking as Angel laid a finger against her lips.

“Shh mo chroí.  It’s all taken care of.  Kassie is going to help the cast while we’re gone.  She’s really looking forward to it.  The family will be fine without us for a month.  If they need any of your knowledge they will be able to reach us, though it had better be an emergency.  Kassie and Willow packed a bag for you.  It’s in the limo along with mine.  Anything you don’t have we’ll get when we get there.  Now what do you say we bid these lovely people farewell and go to the hotel?  I have such lovely plans for just the two of us for the rest of the night…”

“Oh really.  Well it seems everything has been taken care of.  I can’t wait to see what else you have planned.”  With that Lacey started saying her good-byes, getting reassurances that it wasn’t a problem that she would be gone for the next month.

As she hugged Nico a strange feeling came over her.  She pulled back and looked at her closest friend.  “Be careful while we’re gone.  Something wonky is in the air.”

“I know I will.  I feel it too, just can’t pinpoint what it is.  You and Angel have fun and don’t worry about us.  Happy Birthday baby I love you.  Now go.”

“Love you too.”  Addressing the room at large Lacey said, “Thanks again.  I’ll see y’all in a month.”


Angel unlocked the door and ushered Lacey into the suite.  He stood by the couch and watched as she dashed through the rooms oohing and ahhing at the various accoutrements.  She came out of the bathroom and said, “Will really outdid himself with this.  Did you two plan this or something?  I think I might develop a complex if so many people stay involved with my sex life.  I don’t really relish the idea of giving up details.  Well maybe to Kassie, but that’s different.”

“I think I can say with certainty that you and I will be the only parties involved from now on.  As for giving up details, you don’t want to make anyone jealous now do you?”  Angel said as he stalked towards his love.

Lacey shivered as she saw the look in his eyes.  “Thinking highly of yourself are we?”

“Baby you ain’t seen nothing yet.  Come on, let’s go take a bath.”  He grabbed her hand and led her back into the bathroom.  Angel saw a gift basket that Will had had put in there and silently thanked his grandchilde.  It contained the scents that they both associated with Lacey.  He started to fill the large old-fashioned claw foot tub and added some of the vanilla and cinnamon bubble bath.  Lacey had started to undress and he looked up just as she slipped her halter off.  He could only watch mesmerized by her innocent strip tease.   Her boots and jeans came off along with her socks and skimpy lace knickers then she was naked.  Angel’s eyes hungrily roved her body.  She was more toned than when he had first met her.  Her arms and legs were sculpted and defined, her waist narrower than before.  He saw the thatch of strawberry blonde hair at the juncture of her thighs.  <She is a natural redhead.  Gods she’s beautiful and she’s all mine.>

Lacey blushed self-consciously under his perusal.  She knew she looked good but she didn’t like being the only one naked.  “Are you planning on joining me?  Cause if you are, you’re a bit over dressed.”  That snapped Angel out of his thoughts and he began stripping off his clothes.  Soon he was as naked as she and it was Lacey’s turn to slowly devour him with her eyes.  She had seen him without his shirt plenty when they were training, but the sight of his bared upper body never failed to make her drool.  Her gaze drifted over his sculpted chest and abs with its light sprinkling of hair, his sharply defined hipbones <I cannot wait to get my lips on those> and lower.  Lacey paused at the nest of dark curls and gulped at the sight of the rapidly growing erection she found there.  <That’s what was inside me?  Oh my.>  Her inspection continued on taking in his well-defined legs and his large feet.  Overall he was perfect.

Angel was surprised he didn’t burst into flames from the heat of her gaze, “You like?”

Nodding she said, “I love.  Shall we have that bath?”  She stepped into the tub and he moved in behind her.  They arranged themselves comfortably and just soaked for a while enjoying the feel of being in each other’s arms.  Angel was determined to wait until they were done before he made love to her.  He wanted their second first time to be in a bed and the huge king size in the adjoining bedroom was perfect.  Angel brought their entwined right hands out of the water and said quietly, “Tell me about the rings you, Kassie and Nico wear.”

He could hear rather than see her smile.  “We got these for each other the Christmas after we graduated from high school.  Kassie and Nico were the first people I met when I moved to Phoenix.  I was painfully shy, but they made the effort to get to know me and we just clicked.  The three of us were meant to be friends.  Others called us The Trinity. We were always together.  These rings represent our Trinity, unconditional love, loyalty and friendship.  We’re there for each other no matter what.”

“And your Claddagh?”

“Just my Irish heritage I guess.  It’s always spoken to me.  The amethyst is a healing stone for me.  You know I never really thought about it till just now, but even when I was married to I wore it open.  If I had paid more attention I might have not found myself in that situation, but I was so damn flattered by the attention...”  Lacey broke off bitterly.

“Shh…don’t think about that.  As horrible and tragic as it was for you I’m glad it happened.  If it hadn’t we wouldn’t be here now.”  Angel tightened his arms around her.

“Mmm…you’re right.  And I do so like where we are.”

“Do you think there will come a time when you will turn it around?  Do you think you might be able to give me your heart?”  Angel asked praying that she would say yes.

“Would I have yours in return?”  She countered.

“Gods yes.  You’ve had my heart since the night we met Lacey Mikayla Raines.  I think I fell in love with you when you did your Scarlet O’Hara on me at Harry’s.  You were the most beautiful thing I’d ever seen.  You’re skin was flushed and your eyes were practically glowing with your anger.  And your voice?  I understand why Will likes to make you angry.  You were glorious.”

“I knew I was in love with you that night at Rampage before my little meltdown.  When you let your demon come out.  You trusted me.  I knew then that I loved you all of you.  You have my heart Liam Angelus McAilaster.”  Lacey untangled her hand from Angel’s and pulled off her ring.  She turned it around, the heart now facing her body and slipped it back on her finger.  She did the same with Angel’s ring then threaded her fingers with his again.  She leaned her head back and looked up at him.  He lowered his head and kissed her gently on the lips sealing their commitment to each other.  He pulled back as a thought struck him.

“What about children?”

“What about them?”

“It doesn’t bother you that we can’t have children?”

Lacey smiled sadly and looked away, “I couldn’t have them even if I wanted them.  My ex made sure of that.  He hurt me so bad that it’s not physically possible now.  Haven’t you noticed that I haven’t had a period since we met?  Just one more memory I could have done without.”  Before Lacey had remembered the horror of her marriage the lack of her monthly had been chalked up to severe endometriosis.  She’d always been spotty at best, but now she knew the real reason.  She looked back at Angel as she heard him growling.  He was in full game face. She turned to him and lightly stroked his face smoothing his ridges back into his human form, “Hey, hey, hey…it’s over and done with.  I wouldn’t be able to have children with you anyway so it’s a moot point.  I don’t want to think about him right now.”

Lacey laid her body against Angel and wrapped her arms around his neck.  “I want to think about us and that big soft bed in the other room and all the wonderfully sinful things we could and will be doing in it.”  She nipped at his lips and he responded in kind.  Before things got out of hand he gently set her from him.  At seeing her pout he smirked and said, “Our second first time will be in that bed.  Now let’s rinse off these bubbles so we can finish what we started.”  Lacey flipped the drain in the tub as Angel stepped out.  He lifted her out and stepped into the shower stall with her still in his arms.  They briskly shampooed and loofahed each other building the anticipation of what was to come.

They toweled each other off and Lacey grinned impishly, “If you want me come and get me,” and ran out of the bathroom naked.  With a very Angelus like smirk and a low growl Angel stalked out of the bathroom expecting to see Lacey on the bed.  Such was not the case.  <Little minx is hiding from me> he thought.  He opened his senses and heard her heartbeat out on the balcony.  Making his way outside he couldn’t help but chuckle at the site of Lacey leaning on the railing looking at the view of the city spread below them, “You really are an exhibitionist at heart aren’t you?” he said as he wrapped his arms around her pulling her back against his equally naked body.

“What?  We’re up high enough that no one can see me and there’s no one either side of us.  ‘Sides you’re just as naked as I am.”

“Mmm…yes I am and I caught you. You’re at my mercy.  Let me take you to bed and make love to you mo chroí.”  Angel picked Lacey up and carried her into the bedroom.

“Make me yours mo myrneen.”  Lacey breathed as Angel laid her on the bed and came down beside her.

Angel took his time, worshipping Lacey’s body with hands, tongue and teeth until she was writhing on the bed alternately begging and cursing him.  He had kept her on the keen edge of release not letting her go over.  He wanted to be deep inside her when she finally came.  “Please Angel.  I can’t take it anymore.”  She panted as Angel slowly made his way back up her body to kiss her letting her taste herself on his lips.

“Soon leannan.”  Finally losing her patience Lacey hooked her leg around his and flipped them over so that she was straddling him.  The move had surprised Angel and before he could react she had moved to take him inside her.  With her nails digging into his chest Lacey slowly lowered herself onto Angel, moaning as he stretched her tight channel.  Angel drew in a sharp unneeded breath as her heat enveloped him completely and she began to ride him.  He watched her as she took her pleasure with his body.  Her head was thrown back, eyes partially closed and her lips were slightly parted as she began to tighten around him.  Angel sat up wrapping his arms around her and rolled them over so that she was beneath him once again.  Lacey wrapped her legs around his lean waist and met his increasingly hard thrusts eagerly.  Snaking a hand between their bodies Angel pinched her clit roughly and she came undone screaming his name.  Angel continued pounding her into the mattress her cries of completion bringing his demon to the fore.  Lacey didn’t even blink at his demonic visage, just pulled him to her and kissed him deeply, scraping her tongue against one of his fangs.  She pulled back and smiled at him.

“I want to know what it feels like.”  She said as she guided his head to her breast.  He laved her nipple before moving just above the crown sinking his fangs in.  The pleasure/pain of the bite brought about another orgasm for Lacey and Angel followed as the heady taste of her rich blood on his tongue pushed him over the edge.  He came shouting her name.  Angel gently lapped at the wounds to close them and slowly eased out of Lacey to lie beside her.

“That was…wow.”  Lacey mentally kicked herself.  <The most amazing, fantastic, exhilarating experience of your life and all you can say is ‘wow’?  As a matter of fact it is.  That’s the only word I can actually form at the moment so piss off.>  She looked at Angel and smiled.  He was watching her with a silly grin on his face the likes of which she had never seen from him.  “What?”

“It was very ‘wow’.  I am so glad that my soul won’t go flitting off again though I don’t think you would be in any danger from Angelus.  He actually respects you.”  Angel gathered Lacey in his arms and she laid her head on his chest as he absently traced random patterns on her back.

“I made you that happy?”

“Oh yeah.  You know you are the first human I’ve been with who asked me to bite them while making love.  You have no idea what that means to me.  Not that I’ve been with many humans or other…um damn.”  Angel broke off thankful that vampires couldn’t blush.  <Yeah I so want to have a conversation about my past relationships right now.  Good going you ponce>

“I think making you happy enough to lose your soul is the highest compliment you could have paid me Angel.  Talk about an ego boost for a girl with severe intimacy issues.”  Lacey just laughed quite enjoying his discomfort.  “It’s alright Angel.  I certainly don’t expect you to have lived like a saint.  You’re almost 400 years old and I know for a fact that as the human Liam and as Angelus you were quite the horndog, though I’m sure the curse really curbed your…um enthusiasm shall we say?  Just out of curiosity when was your last relationship?”

“About fifty years ago.”  Seeing Lacey’s wide eyes when she looked up at him he ducked his head grinning sheepishly.  “I know that seems like a long time to you, but for me not so much.  I was use to being alone romantically speaking.  I didn’t know about the happiness clause until Buffy, but the curse did curb my, ah…appetites.  The guilt I felt over the things I had done far outweighed any desire to be with someone.  I really was ‘Cryptic Guy’ and ‘Broody Guy’ for a long, long time.  I can thank Buffy and the others for bringing me out somewhat though at times I cursed them for making me feel anything other than guilt.  Cordy was the last woman I loved before the Powers anchored my soul and she died long before that happened.”  Angel’s eyes darkened in pain at the memory of his seer’s death.  Cordelia had indeed been in a mystical coma and come back to him one more time before moving on to her final rest.  He occasionally could still hear her in his mind checking up on him.  “After my soul was anchored years later I wasn’t really in any hurry to try it out.  There were a couple of short relationships, but losing people I cared about hurt too much.  Then I met a woman in the early ‘50’s.  She brought me out of my self-imposed exile.  Her name was Joan.  We were together for about ten years until she died of cancer.  She was only 33.  After she died I said ‘the hell’ with relationships and wallowed somewhat contentedly in my singlehood.  That is until I met you.”  Angel brushed his lips against Lacey’s silently closing the subject.

Lacey sighed happily as the kiss deepened.  Deciding they really had talked enough she gave herself up to joy of discovering what made Angel go raving starkers and devoted the next few hours to making him scream which he eventually did.  They made love the rest of the night and well into the next day.  Angel marveled at Lacey’s stamina.  When he had asked her if she wanted to sleep her reply was a simple, “I’ll sleep on the plane.”


Angel and Lacey buckled themselves into their seats for the long flight to Galway, Ireland.  The two of them shared a comfortable silence, both lost in their own thoughts.  Angel was mentally planning all the things and places he wanted to show Lacey.  It had been many years since he had been home and he knew many things had changed, but some places were immune to the ravages of time and those were what he wanted to share with his love.  He could honestly say to himself that he was happier than he had ever been in his very long unlife.  Lacey accepted him in ways no one save Willow had ever done, but Willow was like his little sister.  Lacey knew the things he had done and still loved him man and demon.  Angel smiled in anticipation.  He planned to claim her while they were on this trip.  He was just waiting for the right moment to talk to her about it and explain what it really meant.

Lacey was thinking about much more mundane things.  She was wondering if MacGyver and Magonagall were going to miss her.  She was wondering how Kassie and Willow had managed to pack her bag and she not miss any of her clothes while she was getting ready the night before.  She was also still concerned with the wisdom of leaving her job for a month after only being there for three.  Though she didn’t need the income to live Lacey gave her all for the cast.  She loved them like a second family and hated the thought of disappointing them.  But they had all assured her last night that they would be fine with Kassie so she tucked her worries into the back of her mind and turned her thoughts to the vampire sitting beside her.  A tiny little voice was trying to tell her she was making the same mistake she had made with Sean, that she was being swept off her feet again, but Lacey firmly told that voice to go to hell.  She wasn’t meek, pathetic, needy Sharon Porter anymore.  She was strong, self-confident, self-reliant Lacey Raines and she was in love with a demon who had wreaked more havoc and destruction on this earth than Sean Thompson could ever even imagine and then repented for his actions.  There was absolutely no comparison whatsoever in Lacey’s mind.  Angel was a good man and he loved and respected her and treated her as an equal.  Besides it was fated that they be together.  Lacey smiled satisfied with her take on her current situation.

Angel saw Lacey’s smile and asked, “Is everything alright, Lacey?”

Turning her head Lacey leaned towards him and gave him a sweet kiss, “Everything is just fine my Angel.  I’m really looking forward to this trip.  Life is coming together nicely.”

Lacey fell asleep with her head on Angel’s shoulder shortly after takeoff.  Angel thought about her words and had to agree.  Life was indeed coming together nicely.  He soon followed her into sleep neither one of them having any idea that life was about to unravel on them in the very near future.

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