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For a few descriptions, and a lot more pic's click on the links down below.

Kill Kenny from South Park in the Airboat Rudder section!!

Click here to get an alternative fuel to power any diesel:

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Order An Airboat Video CD

This a 45 min AIRBOAT VIDEO of the “Nebraska Airboat Association 2003 Airboat Rodeo”. This video comes on CD and can be played on your computer using Windows Media Player. I have also had success playing this on some DVD players for viewing through a Television.
To view a sample of the video, go to and click on the “Association Video Gallery” icon.

My 1998 WhiteTail Airboat!!!!

Fastest on the Platte. Clocked at 72 mph flat out.

Something new for 2000 season. 80.8 mph with this little addtion.

Catching 40 winks between stops.

Hit Reload/Refresh to see different sleeping beauties

Is he mad because he has to wear his life jacket?


The season is getting shorter and you don't even have time to get a haircut..

You want to be on the river, so what's a guy to do??

You get the barber to come to you!!

And of course, you have to have something to eat.

How about doing a little HAND FISHING. (see below for definition)
I had heard about this but I had never seen it done until
I saw them catch this one and two smaller ones.

Click on the picture to get a bigger veiw

You find a bunch of big rocks along the bank
Feel around the rocks under water for the fish
Then stick your HAND and ARM inside the mouth of the monster, grab his gills and pull him out.
It's just that simple!!! Yea right!!
Note: A long sleeve shirt is recommended, but not required fishing attire.
And to think for all these years I have been drowning those poor little worms....
By the way, hand fishing in Nebraska is illegal!!!!!

For more information on hand fishing do a search on Noodling and/or check out this article

" In the Monster's Maw"
Fishing holds a different thrill when you yourself are the bait
by Burkhard Bilger

days until the, 2009, Columbus Run.

My mileage for the 2004 year, 785 miles.
Rainy season and no Columbus run.

days 'til the 2009 season ends again in our area.

Airboat'n Weather around the World
3 Generations of River Rats
Rudder Art
More Rudder Art on the River
More & More Rudder Art on the River
Net Friend Photos and Letters
OOOPS (things that just didn't go quite right)
Personal Favorite Pics
Pictures of Old Boats
Columbus Run 1998
Satellite Photo of the Platte just South of town, move around and follow it.
Airboat Mailing List, One letter goes out to all the Airboaters on the list.
Airboats in Canada?
The GPS Store
My 2001 Project a 13 Footer
How to choose the airboat that is right for you.
Or maybe a Hover Craft is the vehicle for you.

           Airboat Plans

Statistically there are 15,955 Rings, with 162,190 Member Sites, in the ringsurf system as of this morning (7/15/2001). The Airboaters webring is currently listed in the top 100, as the 93rd MOST POPULAR ring in the system!!! That's pretty good for a small ring of 38 members! Make sure your site is getting the exposure too! Thanks for your participation in the Airboaters Ring of Sites!
Diane & Eddie Bauer

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