A World Of Friends

""""Just Walk Beside Me""""

When times are tough
And you want to help me
Giving me the support I need
Just walk beside me

When I am down
And as unhappy as can be
Lend me your ear
Just walk beside me

When the days are long
And the end I can not see
Lend me your strength
Just walk beside me

When the smile on my face
Becomes the biggest frown that can be
Make it turn back into a smile
Just walk beside me

When I hurt deep inside
And you want to calm me
Be the friend that I need
Just walk beside me

When I have found love
And your the one that it will be
Be there til the end of life
Just walk beside me

When I have said, "Enough is enough"
And don't know how much stronger I can be
Give me the strength to go on
Just walk beside me

When I ask for guidance
Give what wisdom you have to me
Show me the right way
Just walk beside me

When I have made an error
And it is time to atone for me
Be there for support
Just walk beside me

I will not push you out front
Or place you behind me
But instead be my equal in life
Just walk beside me

© Tall Mountain Dreamer February 8, 2000

""""My World Of Friends""""

As I sit in front of my computer
I marvel at what it has brought to me
Many an individual I have met
And many have come from across the sea
We sit and talk about our lives
And what each has had to face
We tell of things we see where we live
So the other can almost see our place
We tell of family and things that hurt
And hard times that we have had
But the short time that we can spend together
For each others friendship we are glad
Now I sit and wonder how
Some things in life I would have gotten through
If I had had to do it alone
And I didn't have a friend as good as you
So I thank the computer for what it has given to me
And the many friends that it has brought
Because as I have traveled through life
Friends is one of the valued things I have sought
So now across the miles of land
And from each and every state
To speak to the friends I have made
I now am anxious and can hardly wait
From across the continent here at home
And from states near and far
To places across both oceans
To the friends that live away, miles so far
I love to hear them laugh out loud in joy
And I know at that one precious moment
I have eased their days burden
And at that moment, took away all their torment
So nothing better could there be
Then have these friends of far so close
And I wouldn't trade this experience at all
As my life wouldn't be the same without those
So thank you all that have stood by me
And gave words of encouragement when I did need
You are all in my heart and soul
And each one of you mean the world to me

© Tall Mountain Dreamer May 7, 2000

""""My World""""

Come into my world and you will see
What is the most important thing to me
It's not the cars that are colorful and fast
It's not nature's beauty as that will pass
It's not the money I can make
It's not the bad times, as these I can take
It's not the stores or movies I have seen
It's not the traveling to places I have been
It's not the rain that comes pouring down
It's not the bog smile you see on a clown
It's not the gifts I might receive
But only one thing makes my world I believe
It's those people that enter my life
It's those that are there to help me through toil and strife
It's the ones that can share with me, each good day
It's the ones that were there to help me on my way
It's the ones that made bad times not quite so bad
It's ones that made me smile when I was so sad
It's the ones I can help when they are in need
It's the ones that plant in me happiness' seed
It's the ones that sit and laugh when times are good
It's ones that share each day, no matter the mood
You know the ones of which I surely speak
The special ones that we all do seek
These are the ones that we all call friend
For sure they will be there 'til the very end
So my world with all other things, still is not complete
Until I have accomplished this one lonely feat
And I will be doing this until the very end
Because my world is not complete, without all my friends

© Tall Mountain Dreamer October 22, 1999

""""The Internet Friend""""

On the internet I have found
People who come from all around
Many have interests the same as me
Others are as different as can be
Some will sit and talk for a while
Cheerful and polite, you almost see their smile
Some talk of troubles that they have had
Some tell of good times, others speak of bad
But I sit and listen as intent as can be
Because they have become friends to me
I want to hear their troubles and why they are sad
I let them vent to me when they are mad
We sit and tell what we feel within
Telling jokes and making each other grin
We meet these people all hours of the day
Stopping and at least "Hi!" pausing to say
These people come from all over the place
Even though I know I may never see their face
They all have made a lasting impresssion on me
As some of them I would travel a great distance to see
Some can be mean to both me and you
But forgive them we must, they know not what they do
So if you are at your computer and my name pops up
Just PM me or ask "Hey!! What's up?"
Because I will be there again and again
From now on and until the very end
I will listen carefully when you have words to say
And I will listen for as long as I can stay
But if I am in a hurry or busy and say "Not now!"
Do not put a frown upon that brow
If you have to an email you can send
To me, the one, your internet friend
And then my ears and or eyes to you I will gladly lend
I'll be there for you until the very end

© Tall Mountain Dreamer September 25, 1999

""""The Darkness""""

She was standing there shaking
And everything around was black
Knowing not where to turn
Knowing not how to get back
She has traveled past the light of the day
Now she stood without anyone around
To guide her on her way
All she could hear was an eerie sound
The wind was blowing through the trees
As low to the ground they bent
And she felt herself trembling
As the chill, to her bones went
Then she heard this rustling noise
Of something moving in the darkness
Her heart beat began to beat faster
As the fear she was feeling, she could not suppress
The sound kept coming closer
As she stood silent and waited to see
What had made all that rustling sound
What ever could that be
Then she saw a shadow
As it moved in amongst the trees
She strained her eyes to look at it
But without any light she just couldn’t see
Then she heard the noise right behind her
As in total fear she spun around
There stood this handsome stranger
As he spoke to her in a gentle and low sound
He said, “I see you are out here in the darkness
And seem to have lost your way
But I can lead your from this dark prison
If you will trust what I have to say
Now take my hand and walk with me
As I have walk this way many times before
Soon we will be out of these woods
And of this I certainly am sure
He held her close to calm her down
And let her know she had nothing, from him, to fear
She could walk with a steady stride
Just knowing that he was now there
He then gave her his coat to wear
To help warm the body that shook from cold
Telling her, when facing her fears
Always stand tall and bold
Waiver not in any decision that you make
And never question why that you have chose
The warming words that he spoke
Had warmed her throughout
More then he even now knows
Always give your hand to a friend
And help them along the way when you can
Even people you have never met
As you should always try and help your fellow man
Now out of the woods we went
And I could see my house before me
But something suddenly felt different
As it felt cold and empty beside of me
I then turned to the man who had led me back
And made sure I made the trip with ease
To ask him if he would come and sit a spell
And how much to me this would please
But when I looked around to him
I found no one standing there
No one was anywhere around
As I certainly looked everywhere
But I knew I had not imagined all this
Because there is no way that this could possibly be
But only one question now remained in my mind
Was it, when I was in need, God that guided me

© Tall Mountain Dreamer June 23, 2000

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