On this page you will find links that I have been able to find from around the globe. They are by no means complete. If you
have a link you feel should be added, please feel free to e-mail me by clicking on the button on the right. I will be more than happy to include any link that is in reference to RSD/CRPS or to a
personal website with regards to the same. I'm hoping to have a bigger list as time goes on.
International Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy Foundation - Great Site - a must see for those suffering from RSD/CRPS. Make sure to
complete his survey and be entered into the data base. You can receive Dr. Hooshmans RSD Puzzle's from this site - more than a wealth of information - a GOLD MINE.
Harvard.edu |
Harvard/and MGH Neurology Web Forum. This is a great
place to get lots of information. Ask questions (post) and get answers from other RSD/CRPS patients. There are other links on this site also to TOS and Worker's Compensation Bulletins.
Everyone should bookmark this site.
South Carolina RSD Support Group |
South Carolina RSD Support Group John Green, SC RSD support Group ASST Director
List Owner SCRSDA@topica.com online Support Group
List Co Owner RSDerFriends@topica.com online Support Group
Http://www.scrsda.org |
www.rsds.org/ |
Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy Association of America |
www.rsdcoalition.com/ |
RSD Coalition of America |
www.rsdhope.org/ |
RSD Hope - great site - lots of information. Remember to sign up to their list service and receive updated information as they publish
it. |
www.ozemail.com.au/~ozrsd /ozrsd.htm |
Australian RSD Website |
www.rsdsa-ca.org/ |
RSD Association of California |
www.canadianrsd.com/ |
Canadian RSD Network |
www.supportworks.org/cat8 11.htm |
RSD Support Groups in North Carolina |
web.inter.nl.net/hcc/Van.Bol deren/engels-1.htm |
RSD Association of The Netherlands |
home.ptd.net/~paulbarb/5sy n.htm |
RSD Syndromes - good links and useful information |
www.suite101.com/welcome .cfm/rsd |
Suite 101 - RSD information |
www.mirabilis.com/icqlist/He althandMedicine/ReflexSymp
atheticD.html |
RSD ICQ information |
www.rsds.freeserve.co.uk/ |
RSD Support Group in the UK |