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Fair Lawn High School
Fair Lawn High School Sign
Alumni Center

Introduction: Welcome to the unofficial Fair Lawn High School Alumni Center. The center originally started at the Fair Lawn InfoCenter, created by Larry Schwartz. It was then maintained by Ron Lottermann from 1998 to 2002. The current webmaster, Fred Holzsager, is doing this site on a strictly volunteer basis. There may be times when the site may not be updated for periods of time due to the interference of life. Please be patient while you wait for your entry to be added or updated. The site remains free of charge for all Fair Lawn High School alumni, teachers and administrators.

This site is in no way officially connected to the Fair Lawn High School, Fair Lawn Board of Education or the Borough of Fair Lawn. All alumni content are the opinions and statements of the alumni and do not reflect the opinions of the webmaster, Board of Education, High School or Borough of Fair Lawn.  

Submission Guidelines: Any Fair Lawn High School alumni, teacher or administrator is welcome to have a listing in the alumni center. To have an entry posted or updated you must follow the submission guidelines. Failure to do so will result in your submission not being listed or incorrectly listed. Due to the large volume of requests, it will also make it easier for the webmaster to "copy & paste" your entry into the directory if the guidelines are followed. See the submissions page for submission instructions. 

NEW!Alumni Directory Book: The Fair Lawn High School is currently working on updating the High School Alumni Directory that was last published in 1995. They are using a company called Graduate Connection and have sent post cards to all alumni. If you have not gotten a card it is probably because your address listed is out of date. To update your entry, to order a book or to find out more information you can call Graduate Connection at 1-800-729-8449 (M-F 7 am to 9 pm; Sat 9 am to 5 pm and Sun 2 pm to 9 pm (Central Time)). You can also write to them at Fair Lawn High School, C/O Graduate Connection, PO Box 41117, Norfolk, VA 23541-1117. 

Class Reunions: Reunion information is listed under the respective class page. Please submit all reunion announcements to the webmaster including the following information: Class Year, date of reunion, location of reunion (including address, city, state and phone number), contact person or organization (including name of contact person, address and phone number), deadline for RSVP and cost per person. Listing of reunions is free! 

Fair Lawn High School Alumni Office: Anyone with alumni questions or inquiries may contact the Alumni Office at the Fair Lawn High School. Rosanne Cannito will be happy to answer your questions at 201-794-5428. For transcripts, people need to contact the guidance office at 201-794-5448. We will look up names in the directory or in yearbooks, and pass along anything we know about reunions. We will also gladly accept information that corrects or updates anything in the directory. Sometimes we can also answer questions people may have about teachers they remember, although not always.

Class Directory: Alumni are grouped into their individual class, alphabetically by name at graduation. Teachers, administrators and non-alumni are grouped in their own page. Click on the link below for the respective class listings. 

Teachers / Administrators

1970 - 1975
1976 - 1979

Contact Information: 

Fred Holzsager - Webmaster 

This site sponsored and maintained by
Holzsager Technology Services, LLC

Fair Lawn High School Alumni Center © 2002 - 2025 by Fred Holzsager
All Rights Reserved
No portion of this site may be reproduced without 
the expressed written permission of 
Fred Holzsager

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