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Fair Lawn High School
Alumni Center

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Submission Guidelines

Alumni Submissions: Please send an e-mail to the webmaster that includes the following information. Please be sure to include it in this exact format so I can just copy & paste it into the pages without retyping the information. To continue your free listing, you must update your entry at least once per year.

Included in Message: MUST state the following: Fair Lawn Alumni Page - Class of XXXX (x's replaced by your graduation year!) If you do not do this, my mail filter will put your e-mail in a kill file and I will never see it! If you are UPDATING an existing entry please put Fair Lawn Alumni Page - Class of XXXX - UPDATE in the first line of the message.

Graduation Year
Name at graduation 
Married / changed name (DO NOT put one name in parenthesis ex. (Davis) Jones) 
E-mail address to be listed
Address (At minimum you must list the city and state you live in. If you give me your full address, it will be posted)
Brief Statement (Anything that you wish to say to your fellow alumni. Any comments that are deemed offensive by the webmaster will not be posted)

Teacher / Administrator Submissions: Please send an e-mail to the webmaster that includes the following information:

Name while working at FLHS
Married / Changed Name
Subjects taught or administrative position held
Years affiliated with FLHS
E-mail address
Brief Statement

This site sponsored and maintained by
Holzsager Technology Services, LLC

Fair Lawn High School Alumni Center © 2002 - 2025 by Fred Holzsager
All Rights Reserved
No portion of this site may be reproduced without 
the expressed written permission of 
Fred Holzsager

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