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Belgorod region today

History of the Belgorod region



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The Chapel in the village of Prokhorovka The Chapel in the village of Prokhorovka
Dear friends!
Thank you very much for visiting our site.

We live in the South-Western part of Russia in the city of Belgorod. We love our city and our region and created this site to tell you about this beautiful land, its long and rich history, its modern life and also to say you:


St.Ioasaf St.Ioasaf
And you will see many interesting places: old Orthodox cathedrals, cloisters, buildings that remember the steps of Peter the Great and other Russian historical persons, wonderful unique and very Russian landscapes, memorials, the History traces on our land: from the ancient ages to the biggest tank battle that took place near the village of Prokhorovka in July - August of 1943.

On the pages of this site you can find information about St.Ioasaf the Divine Protector of the Belgorod land .

We can offer you a wide range of tours and excursions over Belgorod region and other places of Russia that are so unlike any other countries.
If you are interested, see the section Welcome to Russia of this site.

And also during the whole your trip our organization will protect your tourist rights. To know more, please visit the section About Us

And if you have Russian roots, you can find a lot of interesting and useful stuff on the pages of our site. See the sections :
History of Belgorod and Genealogy.

If you are looking information about your Russian roots or any other information we always are ready to help you.

Now we work in co-operation with several local miltary history archeological groups that have much information about people, events and weapons of the famous Kursk battle. So we can offer you some new services.
If you are interested, please visit the Section
Our Services

We posted the List of Russian noble and gentry families that had their estates in the Belgorod, Voronezh and Kursk regions in XVII-XIX centuries on our site.
The list includes 2389 names.
If you are interested visit please the section Genealogy

We will be very happy to know your opinion about this site and appreciate all your comments and offers. Also we will answer all your questions, so, please, don't hesitate to e-mail us.
Our email is

A view of Belgorod from the Seversky Donets river
A view of Belgorod from the Seversky Donets river
To Russia with love!
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