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Gateway to Tarot
June 2004

Welcome to Gateway To Tarot.

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My thanks to each of you for continuing to be part of this process.

Mitakuye Oyasin - For All Of Our Relations.

Bonnie Cehovet, TM
Editor/chief bottle washer



Editorial: Tarot Ramblings
New Class: Decision Making & The Tarot
Monthly Horoscope
On-line Divination sites: On-line Divination Sites
Non-Tarot Book review: The Path Of The Priestess
Non-Tarot Book Review: Tibetan Sacred Dance
Non-Tarot Book Review: The Zodiac By Degree
Non-Tarot Book Review: The Complete I Ching
Non-Tarot Book Review: The World Dream Book
Article: Memorial Day 2004
New Spread: Memorial Day Spread
Who Am I?
Tarot Deck Review: Golden Tarot
Tarot Book Review: Tarot Decoded
Tarot-related Site Review: Wooden Horse Books
Tarot Happenings: Geraldine Amaral, James Wells,James Wanaless, Ph.D.
Tarot Tidbits


Editorial: Tarot Ramblings

Time seems to be getting away from me - either that, or there is just a lot going on out there in the Tarot world! On the wall behind my computer I have the Tarot art calender done by Arnell Ando and Leslie Cochran. For the month of May, I was gifted with the sight of a lovely woman in a traditional Japanese kimono - as reflected int he mirror of her dressing table. (Actually, if I read this correctly, it is Arnell in her Japanese wedding gown.) Behind her we see a knight in full armor (with the face piece open so that we can see the warriors features). This is the Empress - and what a stunning portrayal it is!

The month of June shows the Emperor - also done by Arnell. What an interesting - and colorful! - picture this is. The head of the house - sitting in his chair, ready to rumble! June will definitely be a month of discovery fo rme as I gaze up at this picture.

I am very happy to share with you the link to Light-of-Day Tarot and Dreamwork, a new book on Tarot and dream Interpretation by Gigi Minor - Well worth a visit - this may be what you need to help with your own dream interpretations!

I came across what I find to be a very important site link in my wanderings through the Internet this past month - I found it at the bottom of the page on another site, and was incredibly glad that I checked it out. The link is World Tarot Day (TM). On May 25th, let us all do one thing to share our energy and strengthen the world of Tarot.

I also came across an interesting new site this month - Well written, and certainly worth a visit!

A new card finished for Joanna Powel Colbert's Gaian Tarot - The Wheel (

The following link came to me through one of my Tarot e-lists: It is an excerpt from work done by Sepharial (William Gorn Old) in the early 1900's, consisting of descriptions of the Trumps from the Tarot of Sepharial. Interesting reading, with a slightly different card sequence - well worth visiting this site!

May 30th is Memorial Day - a time to honor those who have lost their lives defending our country. This is a hard day for me to get through. I have lived long enough to have friends in this category - friends that I will never see again. We are at war again, and each day more names are added to the list of those that gave their life to defend our country, our freedom and our way of life. The news show "Nightline" caused quite a stir when anchor Ted Koppel read the names of over 700 soldiers that have died in the Iraq war (with accompanying pictures of the soldiers being shown). I take my hat off to Mr. Koppel and the "Nightline" producers - I think this was done in a very humble and serious fashion, and accomplished what it was intended to fo- honor our fallen troops and wake the american public up to exactly what war means.

May we each find peace within ourselves, in our own fashion, on this Memorial Day.


New Class: Decision Making & The Tarot

Class: Decision Making & The Tarot
Instructor: Bonnie Cehovet, TM
Venue: teleclass*
Length: two hours
Date: August 16th, 2004
time: 5 pm to 7 pm PST
Fee: $15.00

Course Material: "Decision Making & The Tarot" will cover the application of Tarot in the decision making process. We will be going into how to determine the factors involved in making decisions, and how to use them in your favor. This class will apply decision making to all areas of life.

What you can expect to take away from this class:
* How to use the Tarot in your decision making process.
* How to expand the bounderies of the decision making process.
* How to determine the factors involved in the decision making process, and make them work for you.

**This class carries 1 CEU's towards accreditation with the American Board For Tarot Certification.

Please contact me at with any questions.


My monthly horoscope may be seen at: . I use Tarot for mundane guidance and the Sacred Path cards by Jami Sams for spiritual guidance. I am always looking for feedback here. :)


On-line Divination sites:

In cruising the internet I have found several on-line divination sites - both Tarot and non-Tarot, that are both fun and worth spending time with. Some of these sites are for specific Tarot decks - and I have to say the the art is stupendous! It makes me feel glad to be alive, and more than happy to be part of the Tarot world. I hope that you enjoy these as much as I am:


* The Voice Of The Woods - A Celtic Ogham Divination System

* The Victoria Regina Tarot

* Interactive site for Amy Zerner & Monty Farber (Enchanted Tarot)

* The Voyager Tarot (James Wanless)

* Robin Ator's International Icon Tarot


Tarot Article: Memorial Day, 2004

My heart aches on this Memorial Day. My war was the Viet Nam war - and yes, it was a war, no matter what anyone else calls it. Many more lives have been lost in combat since then - more lives than I want to think about. We are currently at war again - and more lives are being lost daily. On this Memorial Day, 2004, we continue to honor our dead - those who lost their lives for our country.

The artificial red Poppies (distributed by the VFW - Veterens of Forgein Wars) that are traditionally worn on this day to honor the dead clearly represents the blood that they shed. How can we come to understand the sacrifices that they made? How can we find peace in war? How can we live our lives in a way that honors our dead soldiers?

In December of 2000 a resolution was passed establishing a National Moment of Rememberance. ( At 3 pm local time, each person who wishes to is asked to pause in what they are doing and reflect on the meaning of this day. It is a continuation of Memorial Day, 1997, when "Taps" was played at 3 pm on many radio and TV stations across the country.

The National Moment of Remberance was signed into law by President Clinton on December 28th, 2000. It was released to the press on December 29th - my birthday. Perhaps that is only significant for those of us born on this day - but it brings a sense of peace to me.

I created the spread below to help me honor the true memory of this day, and to feel that these loves have not been given in vain. You may choose to work with this spread, or you may choose to create your own. Or you may wish to draw a card or two from your favorite deck to meditate upon. However you choose to comemorate this Memorial Day, may you find peace.


New Spread: Memorial Day Spread

This Memorial Day is becoming very unsettling for me. The death toll in Iraq is bringing back memories of the Viet Nam war, and of the Saudi conflict. It very much upset me during the Saudi conflict that the returning troops were treated with so much more respect that the Viet Nam era troops upon their return. I decided to try and come up with a spread that would bring about some sort of resolution to those of us that have these feelings.

This is my contribution to honoring our fallen troops.


2 1

1. What are we bringing forward from past Memorial Days?
2. What do we need to know about this Memorial Day?
3. How can we reconcile the past and the present, and best honor our fallen soldiers?

From the Buddha Tarot (by Robert M. Place), I drew the following cards:

1. Four of Jewels (Pentacles)

From the past, we carry forward the thought of groundedness. In our sorrow at their passing, we need to remember that our soldiers gave their lives to protect our freedom and our country. We need to allow this to manifest itself in all of our lives.

2. Ratnadakini: The Dakini of Jewels (Pentacles)

On this Memorial Day, we need to allow ourselves to listen to and connect with our unconscious/subconscious selves. This is where our power lies. We need to understand that the continuing death toll is all part of the process, and that those who died did so for a purpose.

3. Three of Jewels (Pentalces)

Reconcilliation between the groundedness that we carry from the past and the spiritual nature of our unconscious selves comes through our own creative acts. Whether we manifest this through works of art, or dance, through songs, through writing, or through some other creatice act, we need to manifest ways of honoring our dead that allow us to express our feelings.


Who am I?

Each month I am going to have one card from the Tarot talk to my readers. The card will in some way tell you something about itself and what it stands for.

I would like to have you the reader send in which card you think is speaking, and a short explanation of why you choose that card. In some instances, you may feel that more than one card is being represented.

In the following months newsletter, I will present all of my readers opinions, as well as a new card for that month.

In this manner, in real time, we can see the power (energy) behind the cards, and perhaps get a feel for how to use them in our lives.

Who am I? 05/01/04

Home and family are very important to me, as well as the abundance that surrounds me. I am a worker bee.

This speaker was the Ten of Pentacles.

Who am I? 06/01/04

You walk with me when the world disappoints you, when you are not happy with yourself, and when you feel like turning away all that the world has to offer.

Note: In next months newsletter I will publish who my readers feel this description refers to. If you wish to remain anonymous please let me know, and I will honor that request. Give me the reasoning behind your thought - I think we will see that there can be more than one answer here. Perhaps this small exercise can be used to open us all to new ways of communicating with the Tarot. :)


Bio: Geraldine Amaral

Geraldine Amaral is the co-author of Tarot Celebrations: Honoring the Inner Voice and publisher of Celebrating the Tarot Journal. She recently created a Tarot instructional video, "Tarot 1-2-3." She conducts a series of unique and creative tarot classes in the Washington DC area, utilizing Jungian and archetypal psychology. In her classes, she teaches people how to apply the tarot's esoteric principles in pragmatic ways and as a tool for personal transformation. Because her book, journal, video and classes provide a unique blend of spirituality, psychology, philosophy, literature and personal empowerment methods, she is a well-respected and popular writer and speaker. She resides in Arlington, VA with her two cats Sweet Baby and Minnie. You can contact her at or visit her website at class listings may be seen here: class schedule.


Bio: James Wells

James Wells is a Toronto-based Tarot consultant with an international clientele. Since age 12, he has lived, worked and played with the Tarot and its rich symbolism. James is also a Reiki Master, publisher of The Six-Rayed Star, musician, explorer of divination systems, weaver of rituals, and workshop facilitator. His job as a Worker of Oracles is to create sacred space for constructive feedback and soul work - a place where dreams, goals, imagination, intuition and magick, have full sway so that you can enjoy insight, support and healing.James is a member of the International Tarot Society and the Daughters of Divination. In person as well as in the media, he is a sought-after presenter on Tarot, ritual, and personal growth.James is fond of good books, singing, writing, his Tarot collection, close friends, delicious foods, travel, well-made martinis, and long walks.

James may be contacted at:, or through his site,

Healing Images: Tarot & Dreams.
October 1 - 3, 2004.

A weekend of soul-discovery with James Wells. Both dreams and tarot have their roots in the deep realms of the archetypes. Through dream-sharing circles, spreads, original processes, journalling, and ritual, you will combine the two to know yourself more deeply. In James' home in Cabbagetown, Toronto (unless registration gets higher than 12 people). Friday 7 to 9:30 p.m., Saturday & Sunday both 9:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. $200 Canadian (includes 2 lunches).

Register with James before September 17/04, 416 - 966 - 2685 or . For those coming from out-of-town, I'll provide a list of local accomodations.


Bio: James Wanless

James Wanless, Ph.D., is a former political science professor and creator of the best selling Tarot deck Voyager Tarot. A popular speaker and seminar leader, Dr. Wanless travels throughout the US, Europe and Asia, educating attendees in creativity, intuition and leadership. He is also author of Way of the Oracle, Little Stone and Strategic Intuition For The 21st Century.

* Note: Please contact Dr. Wanless, or his partner, Elisa Lodge at for more information about these classes.

*June 12 BE YOUR OWN ORACLE (1-5pm $50)
The intuitive and swift way of reading Voyager Tarot.

* June 13 PRIMAL ENERGETICS (1-5pm $50)
The embodiment process for reclaiming boundless energy and freedom of expression. A full spectrum energy program inspiring emotional authenticity.By Elisa Lodge (Wowza) based on her book, Primal Energetics.




Tarot Site Review: Wooden Horse Books

( is an absolutely fascinating place to visit. They carry a wide array material at discounted prices. Under "Tarot & New Age", we find:

* Astrology
* Buddhism
* Divination
* I Ching
* Fortune Telling Cards
* Literary Tarot
* Lo Scarabeo Tarot decks
* New Age
* Parapsychology
* Spirituality
* Tarot books
* Tarot boxes & accessories
* Tarot decks
* Tarot Decks II
* Tarot deck/book sets
* Witchcraft & Magic

Under the Tarot book, decks and deck/book sections we have the usual suspects, at discounted prices. I was impressed with the wide range of decks and books offered here. You could spend a great deal of time sipping latee (or your personal beverage of choice) and having a wonderful time here! BTW - the section on Lo Scarabeo is well worth visiting also!

The section on Tarot boxes & accessories carries a small but interesting variety of merchandise, including a "Tiny Tarot" keychain, a very nice Tarot bag (the same one offered on the Llewellyn site), Tarot magnets, and Tarot card boxes in the following themes: Wozard & Dragon, Maid & Unicorn, Psychic Eye, Sphinx, Angels and Celestial Tarot, as well as a Sheham hand carved wooden Tarot box.

"Literary Tarot" sounded intruiging to me, so I paid it a visit. No books being offered here, but I did find decks that are related to works of literature, such as "The Tarot of Oz", "Lord of the Rings Tarot" , and the "Whimsical Tarot".

"Divination" included material on Scrying, Crystals, Runes, Palmistry and Dream work.

"Fortune Telling Cards" had a breathtaking array of cards, from the "Gypsey Witch Fortune Telling Cards", "Mlle Lenormand Fortunetelling Cards", "Art Deco Fortune Telling Cards", and "Playing Card Divination For The Beginner" to "Sibilla Oracle Cards" and the "Mother Nature Oracle Cards".

Before you go, check out the Book Sale page - there are a couple of items there that I definitely have to have!

Enjoy your time here - I certainly did!


Tarot Tidbits:

DancingWorld, launched in January 2001, brings a monthly offering of high-quality articles, reviews, guest essays, readers' letters, and resources of interest to the international Tarot, psychic, spiritual, and creative communities. The periodic "Inquiring Minds" feature solicits querent questions for a special reading by DW's editor/writer Eva Yaa Asantewaa--sort of a Tarot-based Dear Abby column! DW's StarWeb networking section includes free listings of special events, workshops, services, products, and Web sites.Sign up now for your free subscription to DW at you can also explore past issues in our archive of messages). Send inquiries to and books or other Tarot, psychic, spirituality, or creativity-related products for review to:

Eva Yaa Asantewaa, Radical Magick,
PO Box 1133, Peter Stuyvesant Station,
New York, NY, USA 10009
(Attn: DancingWorld reviews).


Receive e-mail updates to Aeclectic Tarot ( from Solandia at:


The World Tarot Network ( puts out a wonderful newsletter (edited by Deni Richter, TS), filled with all kinds of information - from Tarot, to Astrology and Numerology, to Feng Shui and Chakra's ... and more! To sign up, visit:


Geraldine Amaral edits a Tarot print magazine, Celebrating The Tarot , that comes out on a yearly basis. For more information, see: Tarot Journal ( order%20Tarot%20Journal.htm).


Gigi Minor edits an absolutely wonderful e-newsletter entitled Veritas. To sign up for the newsletter, e-mail Gigi at: with "newsletter" in the subject line.


Robert M. Place, artist and visionary, gifts us with a newsletter entitled The Restored Temple of Hermes. The newsletter will be coming out every other month, and will include articles and a question and answer section. To subscribe, please e-mail Robert Place at:, with The Restored Temple of Hermes in the subject line.


Thank all of you who are joining me on this wonderful journey. Please contact me at: with any comments, criticisms or suggestions for future articles.

© June 2004

No part of this newsletter may be reprinted without my express permission, in any venue, on line or off line.

The Tarot Connection - The Tarot Podcast dedicated to the traditional, historic and modern Tarot.