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Below is a list all the professional (and some amateur) leagues that are included on my website.



  1. Alabama - Florida League, AlFlor (1936-41, 51-62)* - Played 1940-41 and 46-50 as the Alabama State League
  2. Alabama - Tennessee League, AlTenL (1921)*
  3. All-American Association, AAmAs (2001)*
  4. American Association, AA (1882-91)
  5. American Association, AA (1902-97)* - aka Northwestern League and Western League (late 1800's)
  6. American Association, AAm (2006- )*
  7. American League, AL (1900- ) - Played in 1900 as a minor league, in December of 1999 the AL and NL legally merged to form MLB, for our purposes they are still separate
  8. American Negro League, ANL (1929)
  9. Appalahian League, Appy (1911-14, 21-25, 37-55, 57- )*
  10. Arizona - Mexico League, AriMex (2003)*
  11. Arizona - Texas League, AriTex (1928-32, 37-41, 47-50, 52-58)* - Played as the Ariazona State League (1928-30), and the Arizona-Mexico League (1955-58).  In 1951-52 the league merged with the Sunset League to form the Southwest International League.
  12. Arkansas State League, ArkState (1908-09)*
  13. Arkansas - Missouri League, ArkMiss (1934-40)* - Played as Arkansas State League (1934-35)
  14. Arkansas - Texas League, ArkTex (1908)*
  15. Atlantic Association, AtlA1 (1889-90)*
  16. Atlantic Association, AtlA2 (1908)*
  17. Atlantic Coast League, AtlC (1995)*
  18. Atlantic League, AtL1 (1896-1900)* - Successor to the Pennsylvania State League
  19. Atlantic League, AtL2 (1914)* - Successor to the New York - New Jersey League
  20. Atlantic League, AtL (1998- )*
  21. Bi-State League, BiState (1934-42)*
  22. Big State League, BigSt (1947-57)*
  23. Blue Grass League, BGL (1908-12, 22-24)*
  24. Blue Ridge League, BRL (1915-18, 20-30)*
  25. Blue Ridge League, BRL2 (1946-50)*
  26. Border League, BorL (1912-13)*
  27. Border League, BorL2 (1946-51)*
  28. Buckeye League, Buck (1915)*
  29. California League, CAL (1887-89, 91, 93, 99-1902, 07-09)*
  30. California League, CalL (1941-42, 46- )*
  31. California State League, CalState (1910, 13-15, 29)*
  32. Canadian - American Association of Professional Baseball, CanAm2 (2005- ) - formally the Northeast League
  33. Canadian - American League, CanAm (1936-42, 46-51)*
  34. Canadian Baseball League, CBL (2003)* - Folded in midseason
  35. Canadian League, Can (1899-1900, 05, 11-15)*
  36. Cape Breton Colliery League, CBCL (1937-39)*
  37. Carolina League, CarL (1945- )*
  38. Central Association, CentAs (1904-17, 47-49)* - Known as the Iowa State League (1904-07)
  39. Central Baseball League, Central (2002-05)*
  40. Central California League, CCL (1910-11)*
  41. Central International League, CentInt (1912) - Predessor to Northern League
  42. Central Interstate League, CenInSt (1888)*
  43. Central Kansas League, CenKan (1908-14)* - Known as the Kansas State League (1913-14)
  44. Central Pennsylvania League, CenPen (1887)*
  45. Central Texas League, CenTex (1914-17)* - aka Central Texas Trolley League
  46. Central League, CentL (1888)*
  47. Central League, Cent2 (1900)* - Successor of the Western Association
  48. Central League, CeL (1903-17, 20-22, 26, 28-30, 32, 34, 48-51)*
  49. Continental League, CL (1960) - DNP
  50. Colonial League, ColL (1914-15)*
  51. Colonial League, Col2 (1947-50)*
  52. Connecticut Association, ConAs (1910)*
  53. Copper County Soo League, Soo (1905)* - Most of the teams merged into the Nothern League (1906-07)
  54. Costal Plain League, CPL (1937-41, 46-52)*
  55. Cotton States League, Cotton (1902-08, 10-13, 22-32, 36-41, 47-55)*
  56. Dakota League, DakL (1920-23)* - Known as the South Dakota League (1920, 23)
  57. Delta League, Delta (1904)*
  58. Dixie League, Dixie (1916-17)*
  59. Dixie League, Dixie2 (1933)* - Split into East Dixie League and West Dixie League
  60. East Dixie League, EastDix (1934-35)*
  61. East Texas League, EastTex (1916, 23-26, 31, 36-40, 46, 49-50)*
  62. East - West League, EWL (1932) - black baseball
  63. Eastern Association, EastA (1889-1914, 16-32)* - Known as the Connectucut League (1899-1912)
  64. Eastern Canada League, EastCan (1922-23)*
  65. Eastern Carolina League, EastCar (1908-10, 28-29)*
  66. Eastern Colored League, ECL (1923-28)
  67. Eastern Illionois League, EastIll (1907-08)*
  68. Eastern Kansas League, EastKan (1910)
  69. Eastern League, East1 (1883-86)* - Known as Interstate Association in 1883
  70. Eastern League, EL (1923- )* - aka New York - Pennsylvania League (1923-37), informaly known as PONY League (1939-56)
  71. Eastern Shore League, EastShore (1922-28, 37-41, 46-49)*
  72. Empire State League, Empire (1913) - Predecessor to the Georgia State League
  73. Evangeline League, EvL (1934-42, 46-57)*
  74. Far West League, FarWest (1948-51)*
  75. Federal League, FL (1913-15) - Played in 1913 as a minor league
  76. Florida - Alabama - Georgia League, FLAG (1915)* - Successor to the Georgia State League
  77. Florida East Coast League, FlorEast (1940-42)*
  78. Florida International League, FIL (1946-54)*
  79. Florida State League, FSL (1919-28, 36-41, 46- )*
  80. Frontier League, Frontier (1993- )*
  81. Georgia - Alabama League, GeoAl (1913-17, 20-21, 28-30, 46-51)* - Known as Georgia State League (1920-21)
  82. Georgia - Florida League, GeoFl (1935-42, 46-58, 62-63)*
  83. Georgia State League, GeoSt (1906, 14)* - Successor to Empire State League, predecessor to the FLAG
  84. Georgia State League, Geo2 (1948-56)*
  85. Golden Baseball League, GoldBase (2005- )*
  86. Golden State League, GoldState (1995)* - Folded in midseason
  87. Gulf Coast League, Gulf (1907-08, 26, 50-53)*
  88. Gulf States League, Gulfs (1976)* - Predecissor to the Lone Star League
  89. Halifax & District Baseball League, H&D (1940&50's)^
  90. Hawaii Winter Baseball League, HIWL (1993-97, 2006- )*
  91. Heartland League, Heartland (1996-98)*
  92. Hudson League, Hud (1886)*
  93. Hudson River League, Hudson (1903-07)*
  94. Indiana - Michigan League, IndMich (1910)*
  95. Indiana - Ohio, IndOh (1908)*
  96. Inter-American League, IAL (1979)* - Folded in midseason
  97. Inter-Mountain League, InMoun (1901)*
  98. Inter-Mountain League, InMoun2 (1909)*
  99. International League, IL (1885- )* - aka New York State League (1885), International Association (1886-90), Eastern Association (1891), Eastern League (1892-1911) and New International League (1918-19)
  100. International League, Int2 (1908)*
  101. Interstate Association, InterA (1906)*
  102. Interstate League, Inter1 (1896-1901)*
  103. Interstate League, Inter2 (1905-08, 14-16)*
  104. Interstate League, Inter3 (1913)*
  105. Interstate League, Inter4 (1932)*
  106. Interstate League, Inter5 (1939-52)*
  107. Iowa - South Dakota League, IoSD (1902-03)*
  108. Iron & Oil Association, IrOi (1884)*
  109. Kansas State League, KanSt (1905-06, 09-11)*
  110. Kansas - Oklahoma - Missouri League, KOM (1946-52)*
  111. Kentucky-Illinois-Tennessee League, Kitty (1903-06, 10-14, 16, 22-24, 35-42, 46-55)*
  112. Keystone Association, KeyA (1884)*
  113. Lone Star League, LSL (1927-29, 47-48)*
  114. Lone Star League, LS2 (1977)* - Successor to the Gulf States League
  115. Longhorn League, Long (1947-55)* - Predecessor to the Southwestern League
  116. Louisiana State League, LouSt (1920)*
  117. Maine State League, MaineSt (1907)*
  118. Michigan - Ontario League, MichOn (1919-26)*
  119. Michigan State League, MichSt (1889-90, 95, 1902, 10-14, 26, 40-41)* - Known as West Michigan League (1910).  In 1926 the league was the result of a midseason merger of the Michigan - Ontario and Central Leagues.
  120. Mid-American League, MidAm (1995)*
  121. Middle Atlantic League, MidAt (1925-42, 46-51)*
  122. Middle Texas League, MidTex (1914-15)*
  123. Mid-West League, MWL (1947- )*
  124. Mississippi State League, MissSt (1921)*
  125. Mississippi Valley League, MissVal (1922-33)*
  126. Missouri - Iowa - Nebreska League, Mink (1910-13)*
  127. Missouri State League, MoState (1902-04)* - Predecessor to the Western Association
  128. Missouri State League, MoState2 (1911)*
  129. Montana State League, MonSt (1900)*
  130. Mountian State League, MountSt (1937-42)*
  131. Mountain States League, Mounts (1911-12)*
  132. Mountain States League, Mounts2 (1948-54)*
  133. National Association of Base Ball Players, NA (1871-75) - First major pro baseball (and sports) league
  134. National League, NL (1876- ) - In December of 1999 the AL and NL legally merged to form MLB, for our purposes they are still separate
  135. Nebraska State League, NebSt (1910-15, 22-23, 28-41, 56-59)* - Known as Western League (1939-41)
  136. Negro American League, NAL (1937-54)
  137. Negro National League, NNL (1920-31)
  138. Negro National League, NNL (1933-48)
  139. Negro Southern League, NSL (1932)
  140. New Brunswick League, NewBruns (1890)*
  141. New Brunswick - Maine League, NBML (1913)*
  142. New England Association, NewEng (1895)*
  143. New England League, NEL (1886-88, 91-99, 1901-15, 19, 26-30, 33-34, 46-49)*
  144. New York State League, NYSL (1889)*
  145. New York State League, NYSL2 (1899-1917)*
  146. New York State League, NYSL3 (2007- )* - in 2007, all games played in Utica
  147. New York - New Jersey League, NY-NJ (1913)*
  148. New York - Pennsylvania League, NYPen (1891)*
  149. New York - Pennsylvania League, NYPL (1939- )*
  150. North Atlantic League, NorAt (1946-50)*
  151. North Atlantic League, NorAt2 (1995-96)*
  152. North Carolina League, NorCar (1902)*
  153. North Central League, NorCent (1994-95)*
  154. North Texas League, NorTex (1905, 07)*
  155. Northeast League, Northeast (1995-2004)* - known as Northern League - East (1999-2002)
  156. Northeast Arkansas League, NEArk (1909-11, 36-41)*
  157. Northern Association, NorthA (1910)*
  158. Northern League, NoL (1902-06, 08, 13-17, 33-42, 46-71, 93- )* - Six seperate Northern Leagues
  159. Northern State of Indiana League, ISIL (1909-11)*
  160. Northwestern League, NorWes (1905-17)*
  161. Northwest League, NWL (1918- )* - Known as Pacific Coast International Leauge (1918-20), Western International League (1920-54)
  162. Ohio - Indiana League, OhioIn (1948-51)*
  163. Ohio - Pennsylvania League, OhioPen (1905-12)*
  164. Ohio State League, OhioSt (1908-16, 36-41, 44-47)*
  165. Oklahoma - Arkansas - Kansas League, OAK (1907)*
  166. Oklahoma - Kansas League, OakKan (1908)* - Successor of the Oklahoma - Arkansas - Kansas League
  167. Oklahoma State League, OKSt (1912, 22-24)*
  168. Ontario League, Ont (1930)*
  169. Oregon State League, OreSt (1904)*
  170. Pacific Coast League, PCL (1903- )*
  171. Pacific National League, PacNat (1903-04)* - Successor to the Pacific Northwest League
  172. Pacific Northwest League, PacNW (1892, 96, 1901-02)*
  173. Palmetto League, PalL (1931)*
  174. Panhandle - Pecos Valley League, PanPec (1923)* - Successor to the West Texas League
  175. Pensnsyvania - Ohio - Maryland League, POM (1906-07)*
  176. Pennsylvania State Association, PenSA (1934-42)*
  177. Pennsylvania State League, PenSL (1892-95)* - Predecessor to the Atlantic League
  178. Pennsylvania - West Virginia League, PenWV (1908-09)*
  179. Piedmont League, Pie (1920-55)*
  180. Pioneer League, PiL (1939- )*
  181. Player's League, PL (1890)
  182. Potomac Leageu, Poto (1916)*
  183. Prarie League of Professional Baseball, Prairie (1995-97)*
  184. Provincial League, PrL (1948-55)*
  185. Quebec Provincial League, QuePro (1940)*
  186. Quebec - Ontario - Vermont League, QOVL (1924)*
  187. Rio Grande Association, RioGA (1915)*
  188. Rio Grande Valley League, RioVal (1931, 49-50)*
  189. Rocky Mountain League, Rocky (1912)*
  190. San Joaquin Valley League, SanJoaq (1910-11)*
  191. Senior Professional Baseball League (1989-90) - Old-timer's league, played during the winter, folded halfway through the 1990-91 season
  192. Sooner State League, Soon (1947-57)*
  193. Sophomore League, Soph (1958-61)*
  194. South Atlantic League, SAL (1908-17, 37-42, 45-54, 60- )* - Known as Carolina Association (1908-12), North Carolina State League (13-52), Tar Heel League (53-54, 60-79)
  195. South Carolina League, SoCar (1907-08)*
  196. South Central League, SoCen (1906, 12)*
  197. South Coast League, SoCo (2007- )*
  198. Southeastern League, SEL (1910-12, 26-30, 32, 37-42, 46-50)*
  199. Southeastern League, SouEast (2002-03)*
  200. Southern Association, SouAs (1885-86, 92-96, 1901-61)*
  201. Southern California League, SoCal (1913)*
  202. Southern California Trolley League, SoCalTr (1910)*
  203. Southern Illinois League, SoIll (1910)*
  204. Southern League, SL (1904- )* - Known as the South Atlantic League (1904-63)
  205. Southern Michigan Association, SoMich (1906-15)* - aka South Michigan League
  206. Southwest International League, SWInt (1951-52)* - Formed after the merger of the Sunset and Arizona - Texas Leagues
  207. Southwest Iowa League, SWIowa (1903)*
  208. Southwest Texas League, SWTex (1910-11)*
  209. Southwest Washington League, SWWash (1903-06)*
  210. Southwestern League, SW (1904, 21-26)* - Known as Oklahoma State League (1904)
  211. Southwestern League, SW2 (1956-57)* - Successor to the Longhorn League, and preduccessor to the Sophomore League
  212. Sunset League, Sunset (1947-50)* - Merged with the Arizona - Texas League to form Southwest International League
  213. Texas Association, TexAs (1923-26)*
  214. Texas League, TL (1888- )* - Known as Texas Association (1925-26), Texas Valley League (1927-28).  From 1903-06 was split into the North Texas League and the South Texas League
  215. Texas-Louisiana League, TexLou (1994-2001)* - Changed name to Central Baseball League
  216. Texas - Southern League, TexSo (1895-96)*
  217. Texas Valley League, TexVal (1927-28, 38)*
  218. Three-I League, 3I (1901-17, 19-32, 35, 37-42, 46-61)*
  219. Tri-State League, TriState (1887-90)* - Known as the Ohio State League (1887)
  220. Tri-State League, TriState2 (1904-14)*
  221. Tri-State League, TriState3 (1924)*
  222. Tri-State League, TriState4 (1925-26)*
  223. Tri-State League, TriState5 (1946-55)*
  224. Twin Ports League, TPort (1943)*
  225. Twin States League, Twin (1911)*
  226. Two-I League, 2I (1892)*
  227. Union Association, UA (1884)
  228. Union Association, UnA (1911-14)*
  229. United Baseball League, UBL (2006- )*
  230. United States League, USL (1912)
  231. United League, UL (1996) - DNP
  232. Utah - Idaho League, UtIda (1926-28)*
  233. Virginia League, VirgL (1894-96, 1900, 06-28, 39-42, 48-51)* - Predecessor to the 1901 Virginia - North Carolina League
  234. Virginia Mountain League, VirMoun (1914)*
  235. Virginia - North Carolina League, VirNC (1901, 05)* - Successor to the Virginia League
  236. Virginia Valley League, VirVal (1910)*
  237. Washington State League, WashSt (1910-12)*
  238. West Coast Negro Baseball League, WCNBL (1946)*
  239. West Dixie League, WestDix (1934-35)*
  240. West Texas League, WestTex (1920-22, 28-29)* - Predecessor to the Panhandle - Pecos Valley League
  241. West Texas - New Mexico League, WTexNM (1937-42, 46-55)*
  242. West Virginia League, WVirg (1910)*
  243. Western Association, WestA (1894-97, 99)* - Predeccssor to the Central League
  244. Western Association League, WAL (1905-11, 14-17, 20-32, 43-42, 46-54)*
  245. Western Canada League, WCL (1907, 09-14, 19-21)*
  246. Western League, WL (1888-99)* - Changed named to American League
  247. Western League, West1 (1888)*
  248. Western League, West2 (1900-37, 47-58)*
  249. Western Carolina League, WestCar (1948-52)* - In 1953 the league merged with the North Carolina State League to form the Tar Heel League
  250. Western Pennsylvania League, WestPen (1907)*
  251. Western Tri-State League, WTSL (1908, 12-14)* - Known as Inland Empire League (1908)
  252. Wisconsin State League, WisSt (1905-15, 40-42, 46-53)* - Known as Wisconsin Association (05-07), Wisconsin - Illinois League (08-14) and Bi-State League (1915)
  253. World Baseball Association, WBA (1975) - DNP, planned to have teams in Asia and Central America


  1. National Professional Indoor Baseball League, NPIBL (1939) - Folded within a month of first game, had ten teams in each of the then-MLB cities, save for Washington, DC.


  1. All-American Girls Professional Baseball League, AAGPBL (1943-54) - Played as a softball league in 1943


  1. All-America Basketball Alliance, AABA (1978)*
  2. All-American Professional Basketball League, AAPBL (1947-48)*
  3. American Basketball Association, ABA (1967-76) - Merged with the NBA
  4. American Basketball Association, ABA2 (2000-02, 03- )*
  5. American Basketball League, ABL (1925-31) - First major basketball league, continued to from 1933 to 1953 as a minor league
  6. American Basketball League, mABL (1933-53)*
  7. American Basketball League, ABL (1961-63)* -First league to use the three point shot
  8. Basketball Association of America, BAA (1946-49) - Merged with NBL to form NBA
  9. Continental Basketball Assocition, ConBA (1970-74)*
  10. Continental Basketball Association, CBA (1978-2001, 01- )*
  11. Eastern Pennsylvania Basketball League, EPBL (1946-47)* - changed name to Eastern Basketball Association
  12. Eastern Basketball Association, EBA (1947-78)* - changed name to Continental Basketball Assocition
  13. Eastern Basketball League, EBL (1946-48)*
  14. Global Basketball Association, GBA (1991-93)*
  15. International Basketball Association, IBA (1995-2001)*
  16. International Basketball League, IBaL (1999-2001)*
  17. International Basketball League, InBL (2005- )*
  18. Midwest Basketball Conference, MBC (1935-37)*
  19. Midwest Professional Basketball League, MPBL (1961-64)*
  20. National Basketball Association, NBA (1949- )
  21. National Basketball Development League, NBDL (2001- )*
  22. National Basket Ball League, NBL (1898-1904)* - First professional basketball league
  23. National Basketball League, NBL (1929-30)*
  24. National Basketball League, NBL (1932-33)*
  25. National Basketball League, NBL (1937-49) - Merged with BAA to form NBA
  26. National Basketball League, NBL (1993-94)*
  27. National Professional Basketball League, NPBL (1950-51)
  28. New York State Professional League, NYBask (1946-49)*
  29. North American Basketball League, NABL (1963-68)*
  30. Pacific Coast Pro Basketball League, PCPBL (1946-48)*
  31. Premmeir Basketball League, PBL (2007- )*
  32. Professional Basketball League of America, PBLA (1947-48)
  33. Southern Basketball League, SouBL (1947-49)*
  34. United States Basketball League, USBL (1985-88, 90- )*
  35. Western Basketball Association, WestBask (1978-79)*
  36. World Basketball Association, WorBA (2004- )*
  37. World Basketball League, WrBL (1988-92)*


  1. American Basketball League, ABL (1996-99)
  2. Women's American Basketball Association, WABA (1984)
  3. Women's Basketball Association, WBA (1993-95)
  4. Women's Basketball League, WBL (1978-81)
  5. Women's National Basketball Association, WNBA (1997- )


  1. National Bowling League, NBoL (1961-62)


  1. International Boxing League, IBL (1969-70)


  1. American Pro Cricket, APC (2004)
  2. Inter-city Cricket League, ICCL (1890-?)


  1. All - American Football Conference, AAFC (1946-49) - Merged with NFL
  2. All-American Football League, AAFL (1990's)* - DNP
  3. American Football League, AFL I (1926)
  4. American Football League, AFL II (1936-37)
  5. American Football League, AFL III (1940-41)
  6. American Football League, AFL IV (1944)*
  7. American Football League, AFL (1960-69) - Merged with the NFL
  8. American Professional Football Association, APFA (1920-21) - Changed name to NFL
  9. Atlantic Coast Football League, ACFL (1962-64)*
  10. Continental Football League, ConFL (1965-69)*
  11. FanOwnership Football League, FOFL (1996)* - DNP
  12. International Football Federation, IFF (mid 1990's)* - DNP
  13. International Football League, IFL (1990's) - DNP
  14. National Football League, NFL (1922- )
  15. Ohio Football League, OFL (1903-19) - Incomplete list of teams and dates, actually a loose arrangement of independent teams
  16. Pacific Coast Pro Football League, PCPFL (1940-48)*
  17. Regional Football League, RFL (1999)*
  18. Spring Football League, SpFL (2001)*
  19. Turner - NBC Football League, TNFL (2000)* - DNP, NBC jumped ship to the XFL
  20. United Football League, UFL (1961-64)*
  21. United States Football League, USFL (1983-85) - First spring football league
  22. World Football League, WFL (1974-75) - Folded in midseaon, started by Gary Davidson of WHA and ABA fame, planned to have teams overseas
  23. World League of American Football, WLAF (1991-92)* - Had teams in Europe, continues to this day as NFL Europe
  24. Xtreme Football League, XFL (2001)* - Played during the winter months, owned by the WWF, now WWE


  1. Independent Women's Football League, IWFL (2000- )
  2. National Women's Football League, NWFL (2001- )
  3. Women's Professional Football Association, WPFA (2000- ) - changed name from Women's Professional Football League in 2003


  1. Canadian Football Council, CFC (1956-57) - Changed name to CFL
  2. Canadian Football League, CFL (1958- )
  3. Inter-provincal Rugby Football Union, IRFU (1907-59) - Aka Big Four, merged with WIFU to form CFC, no league play 1942-44 because of World War II
  4. Western Inter-provincal Football Union, WIFU (1921-60) - Merged with IRFU to form CFC, no league play 1942-45 because of World War II


  1. American Indoor Football League, AIFL (2005- )* - known as the Atlantic Indoor Football League in 2005
  2. American Professional Football League, APFL (2003- )*
  3. Arena Football League, Arena (1987- ) - Only league to own a patent on it's own game, in 1986 played a test game
  4. Arena Football League 2, af2 (2000- )*
  5. Continental Indoor Football League, CIFL (2007- )*
  6. Eastern Indoor Football League, EIFL (2007- )*
  7. Great Lakes Indoor Football League, GLIFL (2006)* - changed name to Continental Indoor Football League
  8. Indoor Football League, InFL (1999-2000)*
  9. Intense Football League, InFL (2004, 06- )*
  10. Indoor Professional Football League, PIFL (1999-2001)*
  11. National Indoor Football League, NIFL (2001- )*
  12. North American Indoor Football League, NAIFL (2005)* - DNP, was to play in Canada with three downs, a la CFL
  13. Professional Indoor Football League, PIFL (1998)* - changed name to Indoor Professional Football League
  14. United Indoor Football, UIF (2005- )*
  15. World Indoor Football League, oWIFL (1988) - DNP
  16. World Indoor Football League, WIFL (2007- )*


  1. Alberta Professional Hockey League, APHL (1907-10)*
  2. All-American Hockey League, AAHL (1986-89)*
  3. Amateur Hockey Association of Canada, AHAC (1887-92)^
  4. American Hockey Association, AHA (1926-42)*
  5. American Hockey Association, AHA2 (1992-93)*
  6. American Hockey League, AHL (1941- )*
  7. Atlantic Coast Hockey League, ACHL (1981-87)*
  8. Atlantic Coast Hockey League, ACHL (2002-03)*
  9. California Hockey League, CalHL (1929-31)*
  10. Canadian Amateur Hockey League, CAHL (1893-09)^
  11. Canadian - American Hockey League, CanAmHL (1926-36)* - Merged with IHL to form IAHL
  12. Canadian Hockey Association, CHA (1909-10) - Folded after only a handful of games
  13. Central Hockey League, CHL (1969-84)*
  14. Central Hockey League, CHL (1992- )*
  15. Colonial Hockey League, CoHL (1991-97)* - Changed name to United Hockey League
  16. Coloured Hockey League of the Maritimes, CHLMar (early 1900's)^
  17. Continental Hockey League, CnHL (1972-86)* - Changed name to All-American Hockey League
  18. East Coast Hockey League, ECHL (1988-2003)* - Changed name to ECHL after merger with WCHL
  19. Eastern Hockey League, EHL (1933-73)* - Split into North American and Southern Leagues
  20. Eastern Hockey League, EHL (1979-81)*
  21. ECHL (2003- )*
  22. Eastern Professional Hockey League, EPHL (1914-15) - Folded in midseaon
  23. Eastern Professional Hockey League, EPHL (1959-63)*
  24. Federal Amateur Hockey League, FAHL (1904-06)^
  25. Global Hockey League, GHL (1990) - DNP, planned to have teams located in Europe
  26. International American Hockey League, IAHL (1936-40) - changed name to American Hockey League
  27. International Hockey League, oIHL (1929-36)* - merged with CanAmHL to form IAHL
  28. International Hockey League, IHL (1946-2001)*
  29. International Hockey League, IHL (2007- )*
  30. International Pro Hockey League, IPHL (1904-07) - First pro league with teams in both Canada and United States
  31. Interprovincal Hockey League, IPHL (1910-11) - Changed name to Maritime Pro Hockey League
  32. Ligue Nord-Américaine de Hockey, LNAH (2004- )*
  33. Manitoba Pro Hockey League, MPHL (1906-09)
  34. Maritime Major Hockey League, MMHL (1950-54)*
  35. Maritime Pro Hockey League, MPHL (1911-14) - Changed name to Eastern Professional Hockey League
  36. Michigan - Ontario Hockey Association, MOHA (1934-44)*
  37. National Hockey Association, NHA (1909-17) - Dissolved to form NHL
  38. National Hockey League, NHL (1917-2004, 2005- ) - The 2004-05 season was cancelled due to a labour dispute
  39. New Ontario Hockey League, NOHL (1907-12)
  40. North American Hockey League, NAHL (1973-77)*
  41. North American Hockey League, NorAmHL (1995-96)* - Only two games were played (Mexico City @ Eugene)
  42. Northeastern Hockey League, NEHL (1978-79)*
  43. Northwestern Hockey League, NWHL (1933-36)*
  44. Ontario Hockey Association, OHA (1951-80)^ - changed name to OHL
  45. Ontario Hockey League, OHL (1980- )^
  46. Ontario Major Hockey League, OMHL (1950-51)^
  47. Ontario Pro Hockey League, OPHL (1908-11)
  48. Original Stars Hockey League, OSHL (2004) - Temporary league, wanted to last throughout the 2004-05 NHL labour dispute, all six teams were touring teams named after the Original Six, played games in Ontario and the Maritimes
  49. Pacific Coast Hockey League, PCHL (1911-24) - Merged with WCHL in 1924
  50. Pacific Coast Hockey League, PCHL (1936-41)*
  51. Pacific Coast Hockey League, PCHL (1944-52)* - Changed name to Western Hockey League
  52. Pacific Hockey League, PacHL (1977-79)* - Folded after the 78-79 regular season
  53. Quebec Hockey League, QHL (1953-59)*
  54. Quebec Major Junior Hockey League, QMJHL (1969- )^
  55. Quebec Semi-Pro Hockey League, QSPHL (1996-2003)^ - changed name to Quebec Senior Major Hockey League
  56. Quebec Senior Hockey League, QSHL (1944-53)^ - Went pro and changed name to Quebec Hockey League
  57. Quebec Senior Major Hockey League, QSMHL (2003-04)^ - Went pro and changed name to LNAH
  58. Saskatchewan Professional Hockey League, SPHL (1909-12)*
  59. South East Hockey League, SEHL (2003-04)*
  60. Southern Hockey League, SHL (1973-77)*
  61. Southern Professional Hockey League, SPHL (2004- )*
  62. Sunshine Hockey League, SunHL (1992-95)*
  63. Temiskaming Pro Hockey League, TemPHL (1907-09)*
  64. Tri-State Hockey League, TriHL (1932-33)*
  65. Tropical Hockey League, TrHL (1938)*
  66. United Hockey League, UHL (1997-2007 )* - Changed name to International Hockey League
  67. United States Hockey League, USHL1 (1945-51)*
  68. United States Hockey League, USHL (1961-79)*
  69. West Coast Hockey League, WCHL (1995-2003)* - Merged with East Coast League to form ECHL
  70. Western Canada Hockey League, WCHL (1921-25) - Changed name to WHL
  71. Western Canada Hockey League, WCHL (1968-78)^ - Changed name to WHL
  72. Western Canada Senior Hockey League, WCSHL (1945-51)^
  73. Western Hockey League, WHL (1925-26)
  74. Western Hockey League, WHL (1952-74)*
  75. Western Hockey League, WHL (1978- )^
  76. Western Pennsylvania Hockey League, WPHL (1901-04) - First pro hockey league
  77. Western Professional Hockey League, WPHL (1996-2001)* - Merged into Central Hockey League
  78. World Hockey Association, WHA (1972-79) - Merged with NHL
  79. World Hockey Association, WHA (2004) - DNP
  80. World Hockey Association 2, WHA2 (2003-04)*


  1. National Women's Hockey League, NWHL (1999- )
  2. Western Women's Hockey League, WWHL (2004- )


  1. Major League Roller Hockey, MLRH (1998) - had an English Division
  2. Roller Hockey International, RHI (1993-97, 1999) - Suspended operation in 1998


  1. American Lacrosse League, ALL (1987-88)
  2. Eagle Box Lacrosse League, EBLL (1987-88) - Changed name to MILL
  3. Eastern and Western Professional Lacrosse Association, EWPLA (1969)
  4. National Lacrosse Association, NLA (1968) - Changed name to Eastern and Western Professional Lacrosse Association
  5. National Lacrosse League, NLL (1972) - Made up mostly of teams from the old NLA and EWPLA
  6. National Lacrosse League, NLL (1974-75)
  7. National Lacrosse League, NLL (1998- )
  8. Major Indoor Lacrosse League, MILL (1989-97) - Changed name to NLL


  1. Major League Lacrosse, MLL (2001- )


  1. Independent Teams, IT (1869- ) - Includes all sports


  1. Canadian Rugby Super League, CRSL (1999- )^ - not professional, but top league in Canada
  2. USA Rugby Super League, URSL (1997- )^ - not professional, but top league in USA


  1. A-League, A-L (1990-2004)* - Changed name to United Soccer Leagues, Divsion !
  2. American League of Association Football, ALAF (1894) - Folded halfway though it's first season
  3. American Soccer League, ASL (1921-33) - First major soccer league in North America, known as the Atlantic Coast Soccer League for the 1929-30 season (after merging with the Eastern Professional Soccer League)
  4. Canadian Professional Soccer League, CPSL (1983) - Canada's first true national pro soccer league
  5. Canadian Soccer League, CSL (1987-92)
  6. Lone Star Soocer Alliance, LSSA (1987-92)*
  7. Major League Soccer, MLS (1996- )
  8. Mexican Football League, MexFoot (1943- ) - I Liga Mayor (43-50), Primera Division (50- ) - First division only
  9. North American Soccer Football League, NASFL (1946-47) - Folded midway through second Season
  10. North American Soccer League, NASL (1968-84)
  11. National Professional Soccer League, NPSL (1967) - Merged with the USA to form NASL
  12. United Soccer Association, USA (1967) - Merged with the NPSL to form NASL
  13. United Soccer Leagues - Division 1, USL1 (2005- )*
  14. United Soccer Leagues - Division 2, USL2 (1995- )*


  1. Women's United Soccer Association, WUSA (2001-03)


  1. American Indoor Soccer League, ASIA (1984-89) - changed name to National Professional Soccer League, teams listed as NPSL
  2. Canadian Major Indoor Soccer League, CMISL (2007- )*
  3. Continental Indoor Soccer League, CISL (1993-97)
  4. North American Soccer League (Indoor), INASL (1975-76, 1979-82, 1983-84) - DNP 1982-83 season, the 1975 & 1976 seasons were in fact tournaments held during the NASL's off season.
  5. Major Indoor Soccer League, MISL (1978-90) - Changed name to MSL
  6. Major Indoor Soccer League, MISL (2001- )
  7. Major Soccer League, MSL (1990-92)
  8. National Professional Soccer League, NPSL (1990-2001)
  9. Super Soccer League, SSL (1978) - DNP
  10. World Indoor Soccer League, WISL (1998-2001) - Was to have an English division, but did not operate due to rules differences between North American indoor soccer and their European counterparts.


  1. American Professional Slow Pitch League, APSPL (1977-80) - Merged with NASL to from UPSL
  2. North American Softball League, NASoL (1980) - Merged with APSPL to form UPSL
  3. United Professional Softball League, UPSL (1981-82)
  4. Women's Professional Softball League, WPSL (1999-2001)


  1. International Women's Pro Softball Association, IWPSA (1976-79)
  2. National Pro Fastpitch, NPF (2004- )


  1. World Team Tennis, WTT (1974-78) - Co-ed


  1. International Volleyball Association, IVA (1974) - Co-ed


  1. Major League Volleyball, MLV (1987-89)
  2. National Volleyball Association, NVA (1993-98)
  3. Professional Volleyball League, PVL (1996-97) - folded in midseaon
  4. United States Professional Volleyball League, USPVL (2002)
  5. Women's Western Volleyball League, WWVL (1993)


In some cases more than one city is listed under one metropolitan area. When one city's team plays in the suburbs, that city and metropolitan area is not included in this list (example the Arizona Cardinals and Phoenix Coyotes play in Glendale a suburb of Phoenix). In other cases two cities are listed under one metropolitan area because a team may have split time between the two cities.  The following multi-city areas are included on this site:
    1. Albany, NY (Albany, Cohoes, Schenectady, Troy)
    2. Atlanta, GA (Atlanta, Duluth aka Gwinnett)
    3. Buffalo, NY (Buffalo, Tonawanda)
    4. Dallas, TX (Dallas, Fort Worth, Frisco)
    5. Detroit, MI (Detroit, Plymouth, Pontiac, Wyandotte)
    6. Grand Forks, ND (East Grand Forks, Grand Forks)
    7. Kansas City, MO / KS
    8. Kitchener, ON (Kitchener, Waterloo)
    9. Halifax, NS (Dartmouth, Halifax, Hammonds Plains)
    10. Las Vegas, NV (Henderson, Las Vegas)
    11. Los Angeles, CA (Anaheim, Azusa, Carson, Inglewood, Long Beach, Los Angeles, Maywood, Pasadena, Redondo Beach)
    12. Miami, FL (Coral Gables, Fort Lauderdale, Hollywood, Miami, Miami Beach)
    13. Montreal, PQ (Laval, Longueuil, Montreal, Verdun)
    14. New Glascow, NS (New Glascow, Stellarton)
    15. New Haven, CT (New Haven, West Haven)
    16. New York, NY (Brooklyn, Long Island, New York, North Jersey, Port Chester, Staten Island)
    17. Norfolk, VA (Hampton, Newport News, Norfolk, Portsmouth, Virginia Beach)
    18. Oshkosh, WI (Neenah, Oshkosh)
    19. Ottawa, ON (Gatineau, Ottawa)
    20. Philadelphia, PA (Frankford, Philly)
    21. Phoenix, AZ (Mesa, Phoenix, Surprise)
    22. Portland, ME (Old Orchard Beach, Portland)
    23. Portland, OR (Portland, Vancouver)
    24. Provo, UT (Orem, Provo)
    25. Quad Cities, IL - IA (Davenport, East Moline, Moline, Rock Island)
    26. Raleigh, NC (Capel Hill, Durham, Raleigh)
    27. St. Joesph, MI (Benton Harbour, St. Joesph)
    28. San Diego, CA (Coronado, San Diego)
    29. SF Bay Area, CA (Alameda, Berkeley, Hayward, Oakland, Richmond, San Francisco, San Jose, San Leandro, San Rafael, Santa Clara, Vallejo)
    30. San Juan, PR (Bayamon, San Juan)
    31. Sarasota, FL (Bradenton, Palmetto, Sarasota)
    32. Seattle, WA (Bellevue, Seattle, Tacoma)
    33. Springfield, MA (Springfield, West Springfield)
    34. Sydney, NS (Dominion, Glace Bay, New Waterford, Sydney, Sydney Mines)
    35. Tampa Bay, FL (Clearwater, Dunedin, Tampa, St. Petersburg)
    36. Thunder Bay, ON (Fort William, Port Arthur) - City later changed it's name to Thunder Bay
    37. Toronto, ON (Brampton, Missassauga, North York, Scarborough, Toronto)
    38. Twin Cities, MN (Minneapolis, St. Paul)
    39. Vancouver, BC (New Westminster, Port Coquitlam, Vancouver)
    40. Warrick, RI (Warrick, West Warrick)
    41. Washington, DC (Potomac, Washington)
    42. West Palm Beach, FL (Palm Beach, West Palm Beach)
    43. Wilks-Barre, PA (Clark's Summit, Wilks-Barre, Scranton)
    44. Yakima, WA (North Yakima, Yakima)

Not included are Windsor - Detroit, Sault Ste. Marie (MI -ON), Buffalo - St. Catherines and Port Huron - Sarnia because they are in seperate countries. Also not included in this list is when a certain city's team plays in the suburbs. Examples include New England Patriots (Boston - Foxboro), Dallas Cowboys (Irving), Cleveland Cavs (Richfield). In these cases the team is listed under the city it represents.

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Last updated on July 7, 2007

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