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August 8, 2000

Is Eisai Really a Dragon in Disguise?

        =          ?

In a recent post to the Dragon clan mailing list, Mirumoto Izudenki has put forth an interesting theory - that Eisai is really just a dragon in disguise. He points to her special abilities and to hints from the flavor text. Here's his arguement:

From:  Gary A Carter
Subject:  Hoshi Eisai...
Date:  Sat, 5 Aug 2000 21:05:19 -0500

My Bayushi roommate came up with a theory today about our little bald,
tattooed, silent, Truth-speaking walking enigma. I think he just might
have a point. Putting the following things together:

1. Her experienced ability. Easily teams up with her hubby, making her 7F/4C.
2. At Morikage, she was "looking between the stars" as Togashi taught her.
3. She transported herself to Hoshi just by stepping into her vision of him.
4. She called to Togashi for help, and Togashi/Hitomi responded, by reaching
     into her vision of Eisai.
5. She never speaks, but apparantly knows some of the future.

Possible conclusion: Eisai is a dragon. Not one of the six elemental
dragons, but another from the Dragonlands, a "minor" dragon. All pure speculation, of course, but what if??

Mirumoto Izudenki
Dragon Clan Daisho Shugenja
"Two hands, two scrolls"

Hitomi Ryushinzo adds additional comments and insight to Mirumoto Izudenki's theory. Here's his reply:

From:  Hitomi Ryushinzo
Subject:  catching up
Date:  Sun, 6 Aug 2000 14:46:21 -0700 (PDT)

"....Second, on the subject of story theories, this is a rather interesting one...

Eisai's Dragon-ness

> 1. Her experienced ability. Easily teams up with her
> hubby, making her 7F/4C.

A coincidence, but an interesting one :)
She's more fun when you take into acount the Tattooed hordes that you'd expect to see with her...
* An unaltered Mitsu will do the same for her, cheaper.
* Any Tattooed personality with appropriate Tats/ Force Boosters can also do it...  Again, cheaper than Hoshi himself.

Perhaps this gain is related to belief?  The more Forceful you are with your belief, the more it fuels her?  :)

> 2. At Morikage, she was "looking between the stars"
> as Togashi taught her.

This means more for the theory than stats.  She was doing something that a Dragon had taught her,
something that is a step beyond mortal divinations.

> 3. She transported herself to Hoshi just by stepping
> into her vision of him.

Again, very strong support.  Think of the 27 Days of Darkness...  Lady Hitomi managed to completely circle the Empire in less than a month, where normal travel dictates a few months just to cross it.  We know she had Togashi's spirit in her.

Look at all the writings on Togashi, especially the ones in the WotDragon.  He appears where ever and when ever he wants.

Apparently, Eisai has the ability too. :)

> 4. She called to Togashi for help, and
> Togashi/Hitomi responded, by reaching
> into her vision of Eisai.

Well... this reflects more strongly on the Divine nature of Togashi himself...

> 5. She never speaks, but apparantly knows some of
> the future.

She bears similarities to Togashi-kami in this respect, yes.  However, there have been more than a few indiviuals who could see something of the future.  Her silence only adds to her enigmatic image.

> Possible conclusion: Eisai is a dragon. Not one of
> the six elemental dragons, but another
> from the Dragonlands, a "minor" dragon. All pure
> speculation, of course, but what if??

(I hate to pick, but there are only five Elemental Dragons, Mr. Thunder Dragon isn't involved with a specific Element.  I imagine the release of the "Oracle of Thunder" is the source of potential confusion on this...)

But yes, an interesting theory...
But yes, some kind of Dragonland Denizen, trained by Togashi, married to Hoshi, bearing what is rumored to be Togashi... Definitely something there...

I'd say look for canon stories of the other Dragons and start fleshing out similarities.  I will admit, this is going to be very difficult, as not much is known or written on Eisai or the Dragons, but it should be entertaining to put together minute clues. :)

Definitely something that a member of the Dragon Clan, or anyone interested in the Investigative uses of Nazodo, might do for the fun and challenge.

Hitomi Ryushinzo
Dragon Clan Scout * Samurai * Experienced * Unique
Tattooed Madman * Haunted * Veteran Dragon's Talon
will only join Dragon
"It is the future we serve." - Mirumoto Yuyake
Slay the Ogres!
L5R(2.2)DR+++/NG+/U+ S G++ Y+ P:M+/H+/D+/E(0)/O+/EJ+/SJ+ SC(96) !C++ E!++ !M T--
S-- D++ H+ IC++ U++

reference: dragon-digest Digest Volume 2000 : Issue 153


July 2, 2000

The Story Line for Soul of the Empire as reconstructed by the Mirumoto Investigational Strike Team

The Armies of Rokugan reach Volturnum and do battle with both the Shadowlands Hoard and Goju's Shadow.

In general, many Personalities die, some honorably, some not. See the SotE rule book short story for the setting.

Emperor Toturi is indeed dead, having committed seppuku to cleanse his honor and to prevent the Shadow (Ninja) from consuming his soul. Speaking of Toturi, it's rumoured that he will die and then be brought back to "life" in the Soul of the Empire. "One man will kill his master. The other will save him." From the artwork on the Wizards of the Coast site, it looks like Hiroru is Toturi's second, thereby fulfilling the first part of the prophesy.

Ginawa is at the Oblivion's Gate in Volturnum, seeing the battles unfold. He [reaches] ". . . out across the gate as the Darkness began to close between them. 'Give me your hand!' . . . . " This would fulfill the second part of the prophesy ". . . The other will save him."

Toturi is pulled through the Gate by Ginawa but the portal closed before Isawa Tadaka or Doji Hoturi could come return. Apparently Toturi is a "Spirit" but with the ability to be felt in the living world.

The Moto led by Lady Shinjo are the first to reach Volturnum. They are met by Otaku Komoko leading the Dark Moto. In the ensuing melee Komoko is cut down by Moto Tsume but her soul is saved by the Kami Shinjo who states that she will bring Komoko along with her in the Celestial Heavens. As far as MIST can tell, the Moto annihilate each other.

The 10th Kami, Ryoshun is struck down by Goju Adorai. Ryoshun states that he was fated to guard the souls in Jigoku and that he will die two deaths, first in Onnatangu's belly 1000 years earlier and now in the Shadowlands. Goju Adorai was actually trying to kill Shinjo but mistook Ryoshun for Shinjo. The Ki-Rin dies in battle - unclear if it was the original or whether it was the baby that Hitomi saved. Ryosun's realm is Jigoku - he is ruler there and dies so that he can enter Jigoku and cleanse it of the Shadow.

Hida O'Ushi breaks her ono and is injured by the shards of the handle. An Oni comes in to finish her but she is saved when Hida Yasamura drives his katana through the Oni's throat.

Lady Sun kills herself and Hida Yakamo is her second.

Doji Shizue is a Kolat and urges Kage to have the Kolat fight the Ninja before there is nothing left of Rokugan. He reluctantly agrees. When Goju Adorai is about to kill Kage after knocking the crystal dagger out of Kage's hand, Doji Shizue stabs Goju Adora to save Kage. However she is mortally wounded. Kage asks her why ??? . . . and she answers that she has honor enough to do what is right. All over Rokugan, the Kolat use their hidden Crystal weapons and Gold stores to wage war against the Ninja. They are successful in driving the Ninja out of Rokugan. Kage probably survives to fight again . . . .

Asahina Dorai becomes a Kolat Master. Unclear why he got promoted, it was generally thought that he wasn't smart enough to advance.

Bayushi Kachiko "sleeps" in the lake under Bayushi castle, as there can only be one body to carry the soul of Shosuro. She is probably not dead, since there was no mention by Ginawa that she was present in Jigoku.

The Elemental Dragons have returned, brought back to Rokugan by the Ki-Rin. The Thunder Dragon asks the Mantis for twenty of their finest to fight in the Shadowlands. The Mantis are injured and in retreat from the Phoenix. Yoritomo knows that if he sends twenty warriors, his clan will probably not be able to fight their way back to the Mantis Islands. Knowing sacrifice, he offers . . . himself, saying that he is twenty men. There is some indication that he will soon be killed by Goju Adorai.

The Fox Clan reveal that Hitomi has told them to protect Rokugan from Kumo, the giant spider spirit.

The Grey Crane and Dairya are both fighting an immense number of Ninja. When Dairya sees Toshimoko, he strikes with his katana for perceived past injustices. This would mean that it was Toshimoko that blinded Dairya's left eye in a duel long past. However, Dairya is surprised that Toshimoko did not strike back, did not even try to defend himself . . . until he realizes that by killing Toshimoko, he has released Toshimoko's soul to Jigoku, thus protecting him from being absorbed by the Ninja. There is no one left to kill Dairya and there isn't enough time for him to commit seppuku. Dairya dies dishonorably and is absorbed by the Ninja . . . .

Note: Having seen only a limited amount of cards, there is bound to be items missed. More when additional information is available.

April 6, 2000

Gencon 2000 Bounty

The Tao of the Unicorn web site has put up a page on GenCon 2000 bounties.

The bounties will be kept posted until one of 3 things happen:

it is canceled by the person offering the bounty
the bounty is collected
one month has passed since GenCon

Apparently someone is out to get Hitomi "Puck" Pukku, offering a large koku bounty to the person who eliminates and discards him from play (out of the GenCon tournament). The Tao of the Unicorn briefly had his "wanted" poster, but it was quickly taken down to avoid additional inflammatory reaction. The black and white poster does exist as a 50k .gif file but it won't be shown here. ;)

Defending his honor is our own Hitomi Gofumin, who has offered "... 100 koku to the person who gets Moto Benkei to take down his repeating an inflammatory anti-HDM attack on a respected person out of some misguided notion of having to report everything."

February 20, 2000

After waiting through The Twenty Seven Days of Darkness, the Strike at Midnight Tournament was held this past weekend (February 18 - 20, 2000). At this time it's still unclear if Hitomi's seppuku will be honorable or not. The Scorpion ambassador to the Dragon clan, Bayushi Murai posted some interesting comments on L5Rinfo concerning the Honorable Dragon Movement. It is close to the truth but to what ends? Ally or scorpion nature - only time will uncover it's true purpose.



As far as previous rumours go, Kokujin will not be the new Lord Moon. That honor will go to Hitomi. Why promote her to be the new Moon? What better way to end the current storyline than to dispose of Hitomi so that the pesky HDM doesn't have a personality to rally around. It soothes the HDM's membership with plaudits of "honor" going to Hitomi while at the same time allowing the other clans to be finally rid of the Hitomi-centric storyline. It frees the current L5R writers to start on something new without the "excessive baggage" of the last year's muddled story line.

Clan succession has already been decided - Hoshi will lead the Dragon Clan for the foreseeable future. Even though he is literally the son of a kami, Hoshi has less of the epic qualities that made Hitomi so fun to either rally to or to fight against. Hitomi is especially hated by the Crab who feel cheated that Yakamo didn't get as good of a deal as she did (Hitomi envy?) Other clans are much more neutral toward her. Even the Naga have not had the vehemence that the crab discussions have displayed.


Fire and Shadow has a new Dragon Stronghold along with some support cards like the Golden Sword of the Mirumoto. This being the year of the Dragon, it's probably the last intentional boost to the Dragon Clan unless there are more Dragons wins at tournaments. The Dragon has been very successful in 1999 at the traditional Crane role of court intrigue. With little first place wins to show for their political dominance, they have caused the other clans to react to them, whether for good or bad.


October 30th 1999

Will there be another war between the Shadowlands and Rokugan?

And who will be the major factions involved?

The Bloodspeaker / Shadowlands alliance may have new ally - Otaku Komoko. Why the Unicorn Thunder?

Decide for yourself by checking this intelligence picture by MIST.


late August 1999

Kokujin will be the new Lord Moon. He found Lord Moon's body, took his power and now controls the Shadows. With Hitomi out of the picture he now controls the Ise zumi through Lord Moon's blood. Many of them cannot accept this change in masters and are driven insane by his dark visions.

Hitomi was gravely wounded in battle at the Shrine of the Three Sisters. She will not be returning anytime soon, needing a period of time (20 years ;) until she recovers. Just about the time that the new Togashi is ready to play an important role. There will be very little if any loss of abilities from aging due to the preserving effect of the Obsidian Hand.

Emperor Toturi's time on the jade throne is limited. Either Shinjo will dispose of him or he will abdicate for the good of Rokugan after Kaede clears the Ninja trait from him.

Where did Mirumoto Uso obtain his golden sword ?

Does it have any special properties (a la Ancestral Sword)?

Finally is it a daisho (katana & wakizashi) or is it only the katana?

reference: Gift of the Emperor storyline results by Doji Shizue. Shade Makare, rumor monger



mid August 1999

Togashi's Daisho has vanished.

Currently the Kitsuki believe that Kokujin has stolen them and absconded back to the Shadowlands for he is nowhere to be found.



There has been darkness since the War in the Heavens...who will take Lord Moon's place in the Heavens? And when will Lady Sun return?

Remember that this is all just wild rumors, gossip and speculation.

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Legends of the Five Rings CCG is copyright of the Five Rings Publishing Group and Wizards of the Coast.
Artwork is copyright by various artists who illustrated for Alderac Entertainment Group.

Other names, stories and ideas are copyright MountainView. Dragon logo by R. Stier.