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We have following Herbs, Spices & Natural Products...

English Name / Latin Name


Asafoetida pwd / Ferula assa-foetida
Barberry Bark pwd /
Berberis vulgaris
Calamus Root cut /
Acorus calamus
Calamus Root pwd /
Acorus calamus
Cayenne Pepper (mHU) pwd /
Capsicum annum
Celery Seed pwd /
Apium graveolens
Celery Seed wh /
Apium graveolens
Chili Powder, Medium Blend
Chili Powder, Hot Salt free Blend
Chili Powder, Medim Salt free Blend
Citric Acid
Cumin Seed wh /
Cuminum cyminum
Curry, Medium pwd Blend
Curry Powder Salt free Blend
Curry Rice Seasoning Blend
Dill Seed wh /
Anethum graveolens
Eucalyptus Leaf cut /
Eucalyptus globulus
Fennel Seed pwd /
Foenilulum vulgare
Fennel Seed wh /
Foenilulum vulgare
Fenugreek Seed pwd /
Trigonella foenum graecum
Fenugreek Seed wh /
Tigonella foenum graecum
Fenugreek Seed, CO wh /
Tigonella foenum graecum Isreal
Garam Masala Blend
Garlic and Herbs Salt free Blend
Garlic Salt granules Blend
Gotu Kola Herb cut /
Centella asiatica
Gotu Kola Herb pwd /
Centella asiatica
Greek Seasoning Salt free Blend
Guar Gum pwd /
Cyamopsis tetragonolobus
Gymnema Sylvestre pwd /
Gymnema sylvestre

Henna, Blond pwd Blend
Herbal Seasoning pwd Salt free Blend
Herbes De Provence Salt free Blend
Hickory Salt Blend
Mulling Spices, Original Blend
Mulling Spices, Fireside Blend
Mulling Spices, Ambrosia Blend
Myrrh Gum pea-size /
Commiphora molmol
Myrrh Gum pwd /
Commiphora molmol
Onion Salt Blend
Oriental Stir Fry Salt free Blend
Papaya Leaf cut /
Carica papaya
Papaya Leaf pwd /
Carica papaya
Passion Flower Leaf, cut /
Passiflora incarnata
Pepper, Black Coarse grd /
Piper nigrum
Pepper, Black Fine grd /
Piper nigrm
Pepper, Black Malabar wh /
Piper nigrum
Pepper, Black medium grd /
Piper nigrum
Pepper, Black Tellicherry wh /
Piper nigrum
Pepper, Rainbow Blend wh Blend
Pickling Spice wh Salt free Blend
Pizza Seasoning Salt free Blend
Poultry Seasoning pwd Salt free Blend
Psyllium Husks pwd /
Plantago asiatica
Psyllium Husks wh /
Plantago asiatica
Psyllium Seed pwd /
Plantago arenaria
Psyllium Seed wh /
Plantago arenaria
Pumpkin Pied Spice pwd Salt free Blend
Sandalwood, Red cut /
Pterocarpus santalinus
Sandalwood, Red pwd /
Pterocarpus santalinus
Senna Leaf cut /
Senna alexandrina
Senna Leaf pwd /
Senna alexandrina
Senna Leaf wh /
Senna alexandrina
Senna Pods wh /
Senna alexandrina
Turmeric pwd /
Curcuma longa
Valerian Root cut /
Valeriana officinalis
Valerian Root pwd /
Valeriana officinalis
Vitamin "C" pwd
Wild Rice Seasoning pwd Salt free Blend
Wintergreen Leaf cut /
Gaultheria procumbens
Yellow Dock Root cut /
Rumex crispus
Yellow Dock Root pwd /
Rumex crispus

All the Herbs & Spices are Available in 1 Kg.

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Bulk Packing also available.........Order Now.

Q BAL Telecom Ltd. (Export Division)

25, Basement, Paradise Complex, Sayajigunj, BARODA - 390005. India.

Ph : 362952, Fax : +91-265-361846, Email:

Contact persons : Mr. Iqbal Vakil. & Mr. Karim Vakil.

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