This is a local page for the UK Midlands. covering Paranormal events and Strange incidents around the region.
The idea came about one evening whilst at work. Someone very kindly placed the text printout of an usual incident in front of me saying "This is right up your street".
Unfortunately the incident had occurred two nights before, and I was in no position to approach the individuals involved.
Having seen the X Files, the first incident was placed into a blue folder marked 'X' and was filed away under the title "Nutters /Domestic".
The next week however the file was reopened and a second incident at the same location added.
The 'X' on the front was made bigger and so I started my very own version of the X files.
I now have a large collection of maglite torches a Black suit and a list of incidents I never thought really happened except in the movies.
The first and Second, the starting points follow.