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Brooke Langton's filmography....

Filmography (Movies/TV Series)
The Net
Angela Bennett
Mixed Signals
Reach the Rock
Sarah Ross
"Melrose Place"
Samantha Reilly Campbell
Eye of the Stalker
Sarah Bowen
Beach House
Moment of Truth
Kim McGill
Terminal Velocity
Jump Junkie

Filmography (Guest Apperances)
"Party Of Five"
Courtney (12/20/95)
"Chicago Hope"
Sandra Shutt (1995)
"Single Guy, The"
Daelin Richards (7/12/96)

Reach the Rock (1997) Two college kids who are best friends are drinking on the side of a river. One friend bets the other that he can't swim across the river and "Reach The Rock". The friend takes the bet and drowns halfway towards the rock. The entire town blames the the kid for his friends death, he runs away never to be seen again. He eventually comes back to his home town of Shermerville and goes crazy, and starts to trash the town (i.e. breaking store-front windows, stealing a police car). He also meets up with his old high school girlfriend. The majority of the movie takes place in one night.
By. Darryl Wisner

Listen (1996) Listen is the story of a woman named Sarah Ross (Brooke Langton). After much persuasion by her boyfriend Jake Taft (Gordon Currie), she agrees to move in downstairs from his apartment. You see, she wasn't ready for the comitment of moving in with him just yet. Anyway, after hooking up her cordless phone, she discovers that she is able to pick up "cross-chat" from other nearby apartments. She realizes that the phone calls she is picking up is between a man from her building and a phone sex operator. Soon, she realizes that call girls are being murdered, and it just so happens that they are the same girls she is picking up in her eaves-dropping. After the police dismiss her theory as to who the killer might be, she and her "best" friend Krista Barron(Sarah Buxton) go on a hunt to track down the killer. Could it be Sarah's a-little-to-neurotic-for-his-own-good-boyfriend? Or how about the obsessive manager of the buliding? Or maybe it's the looned out druggie from upstairs? Or the cop trying to frame someone? Or is there on piece of the puzzle missing as to who the killer really is?? Krista and Sarah are about to find out. Prepare yourself for the it-s him-no it's him-no it's him agian-finale of LISTEN...

Swingers (1996) This is a story about Mike, a guy who left his girl in New York when he came to LA to be a star. It's been six months since his girlfriend left him and he's not doing so good. So, his pal and some other friends try and get him back in the social scene and forget about his 6 year relationship.
By. Kevin Gillease.

"Extreme" (1995) In the Rockies, a Search and Rescue patrol deal with love and romance as they do their jobs, facing all kinds of dare devils living the extreme.

"Moment of Truth: (TV)" (1994) Nora McGill has great pain. Desperatly searching for help she finds Dr. Allen. He reduces her pain, but she has to pay a high price for it ...

Terminal Velocity (1994) Ditch Brodie is a maverick skydiving instructor. One day, a beautiful girl comes in, wanting to take her first jump. Up in the air, Ditch takes her eyes off her momentarily, then looks back to find out that she has fallen out, dying on impact. Mitch is suspicious that all is not as it seems, because he distinctly remembers hooking her static line on...
By. Murray Chapman.

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