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Disclaimer: Parts written below (Michelle) were written by Michelle Glenn, Parts written below (Ci) where written by Cynthia Brown. The characters of Jonathan and Jennifer Hart, Freeway Junior and Deanne are owned by the people who own the tv show Hart to Hart.

Secret Hart--Part One

"What's this?" Jonathan regarded his wife curiously as she held up an old piece of paper she had found in one of the desk drawers. They had been putting off cleaning Max's desk out for years, but had finally decided it was time.  "It looks like an unfinished letter." Jennifer said as she handed the letter over to Jonathan.

"Dear Jessica, Thanks for the letter!  I can't wait to hear about the carnival." Jonathan read the sentence and turned the paper over.  "That's it."

"He must’ve had to stop for some reason." Jennifer suggested.

"Yeah, but who's Jessica?" Jonathan asked.

Jennifer reached back into the desk drawer where she found a stack of envelopes "Wow, Max was busy!" she said as she looked at the return address on the top envelope. "Jessica Drayton, oh wait, look at this! Her return address is Mission Street Orphanage!"

"You're kidding?"  Surprised, Jonathan reached for the envelope in Jennifer's hand. "This is dated 1990!"

"1990? Hmm, I wonder..." Jennifer started digging through the envelopes for a couple minutes.  Finally she looked up and said, "The oldest envelope is dated 1988.  Here's the first one, shall I?" Jonathan nodded his head as Jennifer opened the envelope and pulled out the letter.  She read it silently until finally Jonathan interrupted her.  "Mind sharing that?" he said.

Jennifer laughed as she highlighted the main points of the letter.  "In 1988, she was only five years old.  Obviously, she didn't write this letter, the handwriting is too perfect.   The words, though, sound very young, she probably dictated the letter.  Oh, look at this, she thanks Max for being her friend and that she can't wait to see him again."

"She saw him?" Jonathan asked.

"Apparently, I wonder how they met.  Why did they keep writing to each other?" Jennifer answered.

"I wonder why he never said anything to us about her."  Jennifer nodded her head in agreement.

"She must be what fifteen or sixteen now?" Jennifer wondered.  "And probably wondering why Max never answered her last letter."

"Is the letter Max was in the middle of answering in that pile?" Jonathan asked.

"Let me check." Jennifer looked through the envelopes and shook her head. "No, it's not here with these." She paused when she saw another piece of paper in the drawer.  "Oh wait, what's this?"  Jennifer reached in and pulled out the paper.  "Aah, hah! This is it, the last letter from Jessica to Max."

"Well, what's it say?" Jonathan asked.

"I don't know, I think maybe we shouldn't be reading these." Jennifer sighed.  "I mean Max must have had his reasons for keeping this girl a secret."

"Sure, but he's gone and I think he'd want us to take care of this girl. He must have cared for her very much." Jonathan walked over and put his arms around Jennifer.  "I think Max would want us to find her, to tell her why he never wrote her back."

"I guess you're right." Jennifer said as she hugged Jonathan back before looking back at the letters.  She split them in half and handed one half to Jonathan.  "Here, you read these and I'll read the rest."

After some time Jennifer and Jonathan both looked up from the letters they were reading.  "Apparently, Jessica loved Max very much." Jennifer said.

"Yeah, she even calls him the 'Granddad she never had' in a couple of these."

Jennifer locked eyes with Jonathan and said, "I want to find this girl." Jonathan nodded his head, pulls Jennifer to him and they just stand there holding on to each other.

Over lunch, the Harts talked about the letters. "Jonathan, why don’t we go there?  The addresses on the letters don’t change so perhaps she’s still there?  I couldn’t imagine she’d still be waiting for a response.  Did she ever know of his passing?"

They both stared off blankly as they remembered the moment they themselves, got the news that he had passed away. "I think you’re right Darling.  Surely someone will know something."

"Why don’t you get your coat, I’ll drive."

Jonathan mischievously smiling said, "I love it when you drive." As they head for the door.

The Harts knocked cautiously on the door of the Mission Street Orphanage. A woman answered the door. "Can I help you?"

"Yes, my name is Jonathan Hart, this is my wife Jennifer." The woman acknowledged his introductions with a nod of her head and a "Nice to meet you both."

"My husband was an orphan here once." Jennifer said.

"Oh, really? I wouldn’t remember, I have only been here for a few years."

"We’re actually here looking for someone who we think is one of your orphans." Jonathan told her. "Her name is Jessica, Jessica Drayton."

"Jessica? Why are you looking for Jessica?" The woman’s face turned a ghostly white as she becomes visibly very nervous.

"Is there something wrong?" Jennifer asked.

"Wrong, no, no nothing’s wrong."

"Aah, good, then can we come in?" Jennifer replies.

"Umm, yes, of course, please follow me." The woman awkwardly walked the Harts to a room inside the building where she invites them to sit down while she steps out.

After a few moments another woman and a man came into the room. "Mr. and Mrs. Hart? I’m Caroline Saynt and this is Alexander Eeville. We run the orphanage. " Caroline and Alexander shake hands with the Harts. "I understand you’re looking for Jessie? Do you mind my asking why?"

"Not at all." Jennifer answered, "We found some letters from Jessica to our friend Max and well, we just wanted to meet her."

"Where’s this Max?" Alexander asked quietly.

"He’s dead." Jonathan answered as he puts his arm around Jennifer. "He died nearly five years ago."

"Oh, I am sorry." Caroline said. "I don’t remember Jessica ever talking about a Max, though, are you sure you have the right place?"

"Yes, very sure." Jennifer pulled an envelope out of her purse. "See, her return address is here."

Caroline and Alexander looked at the envelope. "Yes, that’s definitely the right address." Alexander states.

"I understand why you might be concerned with our seeing Jessica, we are strangers to you. We just wanted to, well, we wanted to let her know why Max never answered her last letter." Jennifer said as she put the envelope back in her purse.

"Aah, yes, well, I’m afraid Jessica isn’t here, Mrs. Hart." Alexander replied.

"Oh, was she adopted?" Jonathan asked.

"Well, umm, no." Caroline stuttered.

"Then where is she?" Jennifer asked. "Did she get moved to another orphanage or a foster home?"

"I’m afraid we aren’t allowed to give out that information Mrs. Hart." Caroline responded curtly. "I am sorry we couldn’t help you, though" she said as she began walking the Harts to the door. When they reach the front door Caroline said, "If there’s anything else I can do for you?"

"No, thank you anyway." Jennifer said with disappointment evident in her voice. Caroline walked away as the Harts leave the orphanage.

Standing on the front steps, Jonathan said, "That didn’t go over very well, did it."

"No, it didn’t, I have this strange feeling…" Jennifer’s voice faded off.

"What kind of feeling?"

"The kind that tells me that there’s more going on here then they’re saying." Jennifer said as a note came sliding under the door. Jonathan reached for the note and then opened the door only to find no one there.

"I wonder what this is about." Jonathan pondered as he opened the note and read it. "‘Walkers Street Pub 3:30…Jessie’s life depends on it.’ Looks like that feeling of yours is right on the money."

"Yeah, but who wrote it? Wait, Caroline, she called her Jessie, remember?"

"Sure, Darling, but I bet she’s not the only one who ever called a Jessica Jessie."

"So, Walkers Street Pub, it is then." Jennifer said.

Reaching the pub at 3:00, it was visibly closed.   Jonathan checked the door. It was locked.

"Well, we're early, what do we do now?" Jennifer asked

"C’mon darling, let's take a look around back."

"Oh No.  Jonathan.  No!"

"I just want to check around back.  Maybe there's another entrance!"

"Jonathan, if we get caught-"

"We won't!  We won't get caught."  He put his arm around her and pulled her to him. "Follow me.  Please?"

Her stubborn nature told her she shouldn't. But as usual, she couldn't resist once she looked into those eyes. Mumbling to herself, ".... don’t know how he does THAT to me...."

Jonathan looked at her and flashed her his best smile.

The alley was dark as they approached the door to the pub.   There were no lights as it was still early in the afternoon.  A homeless man was taking advantage of the coolness of the day and the darkness of the alley.  Once they found the door, Jonathan checked it.  It opened easily.  He looked over at Jennifer who somehow knew it would.

"Oh Darling, I don't know-" She whispered.

"I just want to take a look around.  She may be here, what is the harm?"

Jennifer reluctantly followed him in.

There was no light except a shimmer of sun coming from a window by the door.

Jonathan reached around looking for a light switch as Jennifer followed closely behind him.  Suddenly a door slams in front of them causing them to stop in their tracks.

"Shh", Jonathan advised.  Jennifer gave him a look of disbelief that he would think there was a need to tell her to be quiet.

Voices begin to carry from the other room.

"Where is she?" a man shouted.

"Where is who, Jeffrey?" another man asked.

"You know who I mean!"  Jeffrey yelled as Jonathan and Jennifer heard a loud bang come from the room.  The Harts back away quickly as they hear footsteps running towards them.  The two men chased each other past the Harts who were hiding in the shadows.  They left the pub without knowing they were being watched.

"That was interesting." Jennifer said.

"To say the least, come on, Darling let's see what's in that room."

Jennifer nodded her head in acquiescence.

Jonathan and Jennifer followed the path left by the two men to reach the other room.  Jennifer located a light switch at the front of the room and turned it on.  The sudden illuminescence shocked their eyes causing them to shield their faces.  When they are able to see again, they noticed a manila folder sitting on a broken bar stool.  Jennifer took the folder and opened it.  Inside she finds a birth certificate, some old photos and school records of a person named Elizabeth Drayton.

"Darling, Jessica's last name is Drayton." Jennifer noticed.

"Hmm, I wonder who this Elizabeth is. Let me look at that." Jonathan took the folder from Jennifer.  "Darling, did Max ever mention a person named Clara to you?"

"No, why?"

"Because, according to this birth certificate Elizabeth Drayton used to be Elizabeth Brenner, her parents are listed as Clara Quinn and Max Brenner."

"Max!" Jennifer said shocked.  "It has to be a different Max.  Our Max would never have kept a daughter a secret, would he?"

"He kept Jessica a secret.  This could explain why."

"What do you mean, darling?"

"Well, think about it, if he wanted to keep Elizabeth a secret he would have to keep her daughter a secret too." Jonathan supposed.

"Yeah, if Jessica is Elizabeth's daughter, but why did he keep Elizabeth a secret?"

"I don't know, sweetheart." Jonathan said, "Hey, what time is it?"

"3:28.  Our friend should be arriving soon."

"Your friend is already here."  A man said as he stepped into the room.

"Hello, Mr. and Mrs. Hart."

"Alexander!"  Jennifer exclaimed.

"Yes, and I think I may be able to answer your question.  You see, Clara Quinn was also my mother.  She died before Jessie was born.  Elizabeth was my half-sister."

"Really?" Jonathan said.  "Then, perhaps you can tell us what this is all about."

"Max didn't know about Elizabeth until after the accident.  Mother made sure neither Lizzie or I knew our fathers.  After Lizzie and her husband died, I found her birth certificate. I am the one who sent the notice to Max telling him about Elizabeth and Jessica."

"That's awful.  Max must have been devastated." Jennifer said with tears forming in her eyes.

Jonathan touches Jennifer's arm gently and said, "This still doesn't explain why Max never said anything to us."

"He was embarrassed," Alexander said "He was afraid that you would think poorly of him if you found out he had a daughter and granddaughter he had never even met."

"Poor Max." Jennifer said as she leaned into Jonathan.

"Yes, but that's not the end of the story." Alexander said, "You see, my sister was murdered and I'm afraid Jessica will be next."


"Cassie? Cassie!" a young girl called while walking through the place she’d been calling home for the last few months. "Where are you?" When there was still no answer the girl decided to do the forbidden. She went into the den. The den that had been officially called off-limits. She knew that she shouldn’t go there, but she had to find Cassie, her only ally. No matter what the others did to her she knew that Cassie would always be there to comfort her. Opening the door slowly the girl noticed how strange the room looked with its triangular windows and high wooden ceiling. The light from the windows shined on the room causing shadows to appear on the floor and the walls. One shadow, however piqued her interest and she walked over to investigate it. It had an odd shape and as she neared it, she realized it wasn’t a shadow after all. It was a black blanket thrown over something as if to hide it. Nervously, the girl pulled the blanket away. She screamed. What she saw was enough to send her running from the room, leaving the evidence of her trespassing behind. She had found Cassie.

"What makes you say that?" Jonathan asked hesitantly.

"Elizabeth was officially killed in a car accident, but I know better. Her brake lines where so frayed, the only logical conclusion could be that they were cut."

"But, Alexander, wouldn’t the police have noticed that?" Jennifer said.

"They didn’t look. There was no other sign of foul play so they just impounded the car and went on with their lives."

"Then, how do you know the lines were cut?" Jonathan asked.

"Because I have friend at the impound lot. I looked, I even told the police what I’d found, they didn’t listen." Alexander said as he began staring blankly at the wall.

"Where is Jessica?" Jennifer asked.

"I don’t know. She disappeared from the orphanage five months ago. The police have no clues except a locket that was left in her room. It wasn’t Jessica’s locket, I’ve no idea who’s it was or where it came from."

"Do the police still have the locket?" Jonathan asked.

"No, they gave it back to me after deciding it must have been Jessica’s and I just didn’t know about it."

"Can we see it?"

"Sure, as a matter of fact, I have it here with me." Alexander reached into his pocket and pulled out a small golden heart. He handed the locket to Jennifer.

"It’s beautiful." Jennifer admired. Turning the locket over, Jennifer noticed an engraving on the back of the heart. "Look at this, it says something, only I can’t make it out."

"Neither could the police. I don’t have any idea what it could say."

"Let me see." Jonathan took the locket while searching the room. "Aah, there we go." He said as he located a pocket magnifier.

"I’m sure the police tried that, darling." Jennifer said.

"Maybe, but would they have paid attention? Apparently they didn’t think too much of this locket if they gave it back to Alexander." Jonathan held the magnifier up to the locket and read carefully. ‘To CS love SD’."

"CS? Caroline Saynt, maybe?" Jennifer suggested

"Caroline? No, she wouldn’t, at least I don’t think so. She was always very attentive of Jessie; even more so then she was with the other children. Although," Alexander paused as Jennifer and Jonathan stared at him

"What?" they said simultaneously.

"Caroline was dating a man named Samuel Drayton."

"Wait, his last name is Drayton? Isn’t Jessica’s name Drayton?"

"Yes, Drayton is the name of mine and Elizabeth’s step-father. When he married my mother Elizabeth changed her name to his and gave that name to Jessica. I found Samuel’s name intriguing as well, but he says there is no relation. Just a coincidence, I suppose."

"I don’t like coincidence’s." Jennifer stated.

"Well, this could certainly be Caroline’s locket then, but what is the connection?" Jonathan said.

"Maybe there is a connection after all. Alexander, did your step-father have any children?" Jennifer asked.

"There was a son, but he disappeared around the same time that Lizzie found out she was pregnant."

"Did Lizzie ever tell you who the father was?" Jonathan asked.

"Yes, her husband, Davis."

"What are you thinking, Darling?" Jennifer asked.

" I don’t know yet, what was the son’s name?"


"Jeffrey!" The Harts yell simultaneously.

Continue on to Part Two

E-mail the authors at (Michelle) and (Ci).