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Beanie Box

We carry tons of:

Where would you like to go :

Beanie Babies
Beanie Buddies
New Releases(2000 newbies w/ pictures)
Weekly Specials
Counterfit Info
Beanie Rumors/News
Printable Beanie List(comming soon)
Printable Buddie List
Beanie Tags 101
Beanie Links to other sites
Guest Book
Rare Beanies(comming soon)

LOOKING FOR THE NEW 2000 BUDDIES? WE HAVE THEM IN STOCK NOW! Awards This site has won:!Please click on the links and vote for our site; then sign the guest book for your chance to win a free beanie.One drawing a month.You can enter as many times as you like. beanietop50 Beanie Top 40 Site List Beanie-Net Please sign our guest book (on the weekly specials page)and let us know what you thought of our new expanded site or what else you might like to see on the site in the future. Pictures of different Beanies,Buddies,Teenies,etc are avalable on each items page in the photo album at bottom of the page. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Place Orders with: (at bottom of page) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Please email me if there is a beanie,Buddie etc. that you are looking for that is not listed as I have tons. Or if you have any questions about Beanies. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Please "Bear" with us as some parts of this new site are still under construction.But we are working on them as fast as possable to get them finished for you.

This site is in no way indorsed or affiliated with Ty incoperations;this is an unoffical Ty site.Please go to for the offical Ty site.All Pictures are copyright property of Ty corperations.
