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Awards & Gifts

Thank you to all for considering my site for your awards, I feel very honored. I never started my Web Site with the intent of competing for an award, I am deeply honored. Your consideration shows me that I am doing the right thing and I thank you.

This is my very first award and I am sooo proud!
Thank you Whisper, I am very honored!!

My second award!
I am hoping this is a new trend!! Thank you!!

Trembling Dove's Award

My newest award (as of 7-19-2000)!!

Thank you ~Da'Bee~! This is a lovely award!! (7-24-00)

I want to thank Woody for nominating me for this award! (10-27-00)

Two awards? Ravenhair you shouldn't have, but I
thank you all the same! These are beautiful!!


Thank you for this lovely award!! xxooxx