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May 1st, 2004

OHH my god, did i mess up with that bonsai simulation i forgot to upload the latest engine i had for it. well really no harm done. Now i have a small update nothing too big to upload and well I hope you all approve of the latest game engine i have. wish i had a graphics expert or someone who wishes to practice for the real deal.. but i am getting there on my own.

Here is the link to the bonsai simulation Log.

April 25th, 2004

Sorry everyone but i have been too busy lately to make any dramatic changes or updates this week. In reference to the bonsai tree: i am not sure if i am doing anything to really know if my actions have been prosporous so i hope to soon do a weekend, or even a week of research to see what i have done in coparison to what should be done. I will later upload my findings for all to view. check out my bonsai sim log the latest version is not eye candy but it is better than the one i had before... check out my pics to see what i may be doing wrong(or right). I'll be seeing everyone soon hopefully.

April 17th, 2004

Hi everybody, and welcome back to the "Bronx Bonsai". I hope you liked what I had done with the simulation. I wish to later add more graphics and maybe some better icons. If you wish to contribute onto this site please just email me

April 10th, 2004

Welcome back everyone, I hope your week was well.Over here it's been preety light due to other obligations. But not that the simple updates cannot be done. I hope you all get a chance to try a very basic version of Our Bonsai Tree Simulator Beta Version 0.01. This is a very basic version No Images, No Audio, No Personalization, Just a basic Engine with text output. Hopefully it will be done by the summer. Go to our Multimedia Page for more details.

April 3rd, 2004

Great News everybody We have published our fist quaterly-report this Month. And Yes this week we are going to introduce our creation Bonsai Simulation (Beta - no Graphics). Yes it's true we are working long and hard teaching ourself coding in java and c++, just so you can have fun making your bonsai experience the best.

Click Here for the Quarterly Report

March 27th, 2004

Nothing much has happened reading a whole new subject on Java programming believe me there is much more to come in these comming months. Be on the look out for a beta version of our BONSAI SIMULATION

March 20th, 2004

Man have I been working. I have taken some time to see if i can make a simulation for The Bronx Bonsai. I will be hopefully finishing this simulation and giving you guys a beta version by the beginning of the month.

March 15th, 2004

Boy ohh boy has it been a slow week for but I had so much to do, its a wonder how I do it all. But not to worry i will be updating this site as often as i can no matter what happens. I am working on a new style sheet, and I am in the process of a cool program to teach you how to develope you seedlings. Be sure to check in often to see when this program will be published. Check the Log for our latest Images.

March 6th, 2004

Hey everybody how was your week? Nothing much to report this week but be sure to check in next week to see, and read our newsletters that will be out to the public every two months.

Don't forget to check out the log, there's something white growing what can it be??

February 29th, 2004

Hello everyone! This week has been a very busy one for me i am working on a small graphic project to post on this site in the future (not to sure when it will be done!) I have posted new pics of the bosai this week.

February 24th, 2004

Unfortunately I over looked a few inperfections on the bonsain seed list, so today those imperfections have been modified.

February 23rd, 2004

Today i had nothing much todo so i decided to do a little cleaning and pruning to this site. I have updated the Bonsai Seed home. fixed an error on my kit page and added another short history about the bonsai from a different source.

February 22nd, 2004

Due to superceded work i have not made any changes, but look for some changes this comming week b/4 my birthday. PS: I am also looking for a PT-job if anyone wishes to give me a call just e-mail me and i will be incontact with you. Thank You.

Don't forget to view this weeks images on the log!!!

February 14th, 2004

bonsai log now show latest date first. I have also included a valentines movie-short(flash) <- can be found in our multimedia department.

February 8th,2004

For this week there have been a few changes on this site. I have updated the bonsai Statistics applet to V2.0, And i have entered this weeks log. I am currently doing some small research in the history of the bonsai, from it's origin in CHINA. Also i am working on a flash game for the bonsai trees. just a basic introduction into the day to day attitude towards a beggining of a bonsai tree.

January 2nd, 2004

This site is going to document every weeks status of the bonsai tree that I, Albert Rosa, will be trying to grow in the Bronx. The Castle Hill Housing is the home and birth place of this tree. the seeds were purchased from a Barnes and noble do it your self booklet.

* I will be taking images and posting them on this site.

This tree will represent a new beginning on my life and hopefully it will center my life to focus on what is more important in life, human knowledge, and family. School is sometime underrated in certain areas and I for one will do anything now to just get my life in track and finish college. Like many people I have mad mistakes and wish I wouldn't have done them, by now I would have graduated college and would be working on an AI program to adjust to human feelings like a psychiatrist with a team and not alone. In which I don't mind but it is tedious trying to do a full aspect of programming while you're still learning it. So please take it from me that if you start something try to stay on the right path because you never know what will happen when you make a soft turn.