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Renholm homepage

Thank you for visiting my new web page. I am Christina. I am looking for members of my family. I have two brothers that I am looking for specifically. Renholm is not a popular name so if you know someone or are a Renholm please email me I would love to talk to family.

Stephen is my Husband and we were married on March 23, 1996. We have two daughters: Ayla and Savanah.

We were introduced by one of my best friends Kathy Dailey, while Stephen was stationed at Fort Bliss in El Paso, Texas.

We have two babies (dogs) Outback and Katie. Sadly I had to put my other baby Buffy to sleep. She had been my companion for many years and is greatly missed. No one could have asked for a better dog than she was. Katie is our new dog, she is still a pup but very sweet.

I love to crochet!! I learned how in February 1998 and have been finishing projects ever since. Crochet is such a wonderful expression of love that I really enjoy making things for family and friends.

I graduated from Nursing school in August 1999 as a Practical Nurse. My education is far from over though, I plan to continue till I recieve my RN and then my BSN. I plan to go into geriatric and hospice nursing

I have made many friends here on the web and I have included some links to them. Drop by and say Hi to them you just might make a new friend as well.

My Favorite Things

My Favorite Links

Angelfire - Easiest Free Home Pages
Tim and Jeans homepage
My Crochet page
Christina's Testamony
Butterfly's homepage

Christina's Scrapbook

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