The Cleveland Chapter-Indoor Gardening Society of America, Inc. is a non profit organization that networks persons interested in indoor gardening for the exchange of ideas, methods, and experience. In doing so, they may achieve increased satisfaction through participation in our activities. The objective is to stimulate and promote interest in indoor gardening through education programs, materials, and services.
We actively make civic contributions through the promotion of indoor gardening and are an affiliate of the National IGSA. Our chapter's membership is open to all persons interested in the practice of indoor gardening.
Dues are $10 per year. Guests and new members are welcome at all meetings. A monthly newsletter is mailed to all active members, to provide information of upcoming events and a variety of information relative to indoor gardening.
The IGSA-Cleveland Chapter meets, September, October, November, February, March, April, May at 1:30 PM on the 4th Sunday of the month, at the Rockefeller Park Greenhouse - 750 E 88th St, Cleveland, OH 44108. In lieu of a meeting in April, we conduct plant sales.
For more information, or to join the Cleveland Chapter of IGSA, please contact us.