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!!Welcome To Dopko's Home Page!!

(glad you could make it)
"If we drink we will die,
If we don't drink we will die,
So might as well say what the Hell
and lift our glasses high!"
Taras Bulba

A Little About Myself (for those of you who do not know me)
Hello everyone! I would like to introduce myself to all of you who do not know me and also to the people who know me, but do not know everything about me. ...Da, da, da, dum... My name is Dorian Roman (bet a lot of you did not know my middle name) Fedkiw and I was born in the year 1978. I was born in Parma, Ohio in the most fabulous hospital known to man, Parma Regional Hospital (which is actually a couple of blocks away from my house <--isn't that weird). I am currently enroled at Kent State University, trying to pursue a career in Psychology, most likely Art Therapy. Yes that is a field and I'm not just making that up to impress people out there. Don't worry, I'm still going to stick with art. I have decided to major in Studio Art, printmaking to be more exact, hoping to get a job maybe as a freelance printmaker or even better yet, get in with some huge children's book publishing company. So all of you people out there that have one of my paintings or prints, hold on to it, for it might be worth something in a couple of years. If not, maybe it will be worth something when I'm dead (ooh, that was too morbid for me)!
As all of you know, I enjoy the arts, especially painting and sketching. I have created over 30 paintings in the last couple of years and will keep on creating my wonderful yet bizarre paintings. Some of my other hobbies are: mountain biking, aggressive inline skating, tennis, hiking, camping, cruising around in my little fiberglass car, and having a good hang. I am currently a camp counselor for an Ukrainian Youth Organization called Plast (which is a lot better than the other one called CYM)! Here is a brief history lesson for those of you who do not know anything about these two similar yet different, let me stress different organizations. Plast, the one I belong to, was created before CYM. Therefore, I have come to the conclusion that CYM is trying to be like Plast, but for some reason they can't achieve our GREATNESS! Long Live Plast!
My personality, well thats a good question? I can't really classify myself as anything. Isn't that ironic, me wanted to be a psychiatrist and I can't even figure myself out! If I had to, I guess that I would say that:
1. I'm really easy to get along with.
2. I'm pretty tolerant kind of guy.
3. Very laid back, a little too laid back if you ask me.
4. Very, very emotional. I tend to follow my heart rather than my head.
5. I was said to be strange and weird by others, but personally I think that I'm a unique individual.
6. Happy, happy, happy most of the time.

Quotes and Other Things to Live By
Live long and perspire
Save Wildlife, throw a party!
Humans taste just like chicken!
Life is short, so make the best of it!
Girls, I still can't figure them out!

Things I Love
My bro's dog, China
Anything Art Related
Ofcourse, my Family
All of my friends, Ukrainian and Other
Cruising Around
Talking with friends and buds
Broccolli, Yum!

My Art Work

My Paintings

The Dorian Poll

Inline Skating, Mountain Biking and Beetles

....More Stuff


The Game Page

Classifieds Page

Fun and Cool Links

Check out these links!

Another page created by me (contains some art work and resume)

My first Home Page (let me know if I've improved)

My brother Yuriy's Page (contains interesting material)

Interesting stuff about Ukraine (InfoUkes)

Page for the TT/\ACTYH (CKOB)

Plast Home Page

Chuck's Homepage

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