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Earthbound Walkthrough w/Game Genie
by: Jeff (

1. Introduction
2. Codes
3. My Screw Ups
4. The Walkthrough

1.) Introduction

A little while back, Mars ( discovered a Game Genie code where you can "Walk Through Walls." While at first I thought that it would only be cool to go to Twoson in my PJ's, I realized that there might be a way to beat the game within an hour. That is why I created this walkthrough.

I spent a long time compiling this, and even experienced situations in which I was completely stuck, and found myself unable to beat the game. So I figured I should make a section on my screw ups as well. Oh yeah, whenever I put "walk" in quotation marks like that, that means I used the code and walked through a place normally inaccessable. With that out of the way, here are the codes.

2.) Walk Through Walls Codes

Game Genie: CB93-746F
ZSNES Emulator: C054EAA9 (No dash)

3.) My Screw Ups

Screw Up #1: Once I reached Fourside, after fighting the moles in Dusty Dunes, I went to the Department Store, and Paula was captured. After that, I "walked" up to the top of the Monotoli Building, and Pokey flew away in the helicopter. I switched the Genie off and walked through the door, then down the hallway into Monotoli's room. He yelled "Stop! Stop right there!" and hid behind Paula. I went over and talked to him, and instead of saying his normal speech about how the Mani Mani Statue made him do bad things and whatnot, he said, "Pokey took the helicopter. I hope he's okay...." And I could not get Paula back. Guess who you need to beat the game? Ouch....

Screw Up #2: This screw up took place in Winters. After Tony joined Jeff in the Boarding House, I took the Bad Key Machine and walked outside, only I "walked" around and through the wall by the gate (If you get too close, Tony will leave Jeff). Then I just "walked" down to Dr. Andonuts' Lab and saved, not bothering with Bubble Monkey, Tessie, and Brickroad. I took the Sky Runner and it tracked Ness and Paula in Threed, and crashed in the graveyard. Jeff blabbed his short monologue, and as soon as he joined my party, I heard the sound that is played when you die in battle. Then it switched over to Ness in the spotlight, and said, "Well Ness, looks like you got your head handed to you." You get the idea. Apparently, since Tony "died" in the crash, the game ends. So DON'T LET TONY BE IN YOUR PARTY!

Screw Up #3: This one happened in Winters as well, except I had already been to Deep Darkness (I'll explain how in the walkthrough itself). After stepping outside of the Tenda Village, the scene occurred where Apple Kid phones Ness and gets kidnapped, then Orange Kid calls immediately after. Of course, I realized I had to get the Sound Stone melodies, and going through the whole "getting Jeff" scene is something you just have to do, while you can skip getting Paula from the Happy-Happyists. So, WITHOUT Tony this time, I reached Andonuts' Lab, but you know what? Dr. Andonuts was captured!!! He wasn't in the lab, so I could not finish the scene. I was stuck.

Screw Up #4: After doing everything safely, I decided to go back and collect the melodies from the "Your Sanctuary" locations. I was in the Fire Spring area, so I decided to take care of Carbon/Diamond Dog first. I went to all the other locations, and eventually had Pink Cloud last. After defeating Thunder and Storm, Ness passed out and the game switched over to Magicant. I saved in one of the buildings and "walked" to Ness' Nightmare. I killed him easily with the help of Buzz Buzz (I'll explain later), and Ness began to glow and earned all that experience. When Ness woke up, Jeff and Poo spoke a bit, Poo said "I think we should go to Saturn Valley," then things went wrong because Ness woke up on Pink Cloud instead of the Fire Spring. Poo "walked" diagonally up and right off the screen, and the game froze. Then, I heard the Teleport B sound and Ness and his friends "sunk" in the cloud, as if he was standing in the Deep Darkness swamp! Then, I heard the Freeze B sound, and the screen went black. Sounds weird huh? Don't try it! All of my EB game files were erased!!!!!

I put these screw ups before the walkthrough to show how dangerous the code can be. So only follow my walkthrough, because I have wasted a lot of time by getting stuck!

4.) The Walkthrough

When you start a new game, be sure the cheat is OFF. Have Ness walk through his door and into the hallway. Pick up Tracy’s Cracked Bat in her room, then take the stairs down. Go outside, turn ON the genie and “walk” diagonally up and left, and talk to Pokey. Now, return to Ness’ House and his Mom should block the door. Talk to her and agree with what she says.

Now for the fun part. Walk down the stairs and open the door to let Pokey inside. Go ahead and talk to your mom and “change out of your jammies.” Now return downstairs. Pokey should be relaxing comfortably on the couch. Talk to him, but don’t have King (the dog) join you, because it might mess up the game. So walk outside, and “walk” diagonally up and left and return to the fallen meteorite. If you had King in your party, that’s his cue to leave. Talk to Picky behind the tree, and walk in front of the meteorite. You will hear a buzzing sound. Skip through Buzz Buzz’s monologue, and before you know it, he’s in your party!

NOTE: One of the only reasons you can beat the game so early is because Buzz Buzz has a default PSI attack (Shield E) that he does first thing every battle. This helps leveling up when tough enemies only use PSI.

Everything has been normal so far, and Ness has only taken “short-cuts,” but this is where things change. Now would be a good time to get the Map from the Onett Library if you aren’t familiar with any of the cities of Earthbound.

Go back inside Ness’ House, talk to his mom and call Dad to save. Now go to Ness’ room. OK, from the center of his room, turn ON the genie and walk straight down into blackness. Keep going down, and eventually, after about 30 seconds or so, you will see the inside of the Twoson Hospital.

NOTE: The hospital is discolored because you aren’t supposed to be there at that point in the game. Don’t worry, exiting then re-entering discolored areas will change it back to normal. I should also note that when you use this code, you can only find areas with the same basic terrain as the area you were previously. Apparently, Ness’ room and the hospital have the same basic terrain.

Now, turn OFF the genie, and leave the hospital. Walk down a little and enter the Chaos Theatre (NOTE: Never save the Runaway Five from Twoson!!!). Turn ON the genie and “walk” around the counter behind the Ticket Lady. Turn OFF the genie and enter the stage room.

**Does this terrain look similar to one you’ve seen? Maybe…..a Restaurant? You got it, it’s the Restaurant in Summers.**

Turn ON the genie and “walk” directly down from the door. You should now be in the Restaurant. Turn OFF the genie and leave the Restaurant.

This part is a little scary since Ness is still at level 1, so don’t get in a battle with a Mad Taxi or the Possessed Road Sign enemies. Prevent battles by hugging the beach and using the stairs. Your goal right now is to get into the Stoic Club. Do this by going all the way to the right until you reach the port town of Toto. Go into the room that is two doors to the right of the Shop, and talk to the guy in there (he should have braided hair). He will give you the phone number for the club. Go outside and Tony will call you. That’s strange because Jeff isn’t in your party yet. Follow his instructions and input a name. Now go to the left and walk up into the Shop.

Use the dollar phone and call the Stoic Club. They are expecting Ness to be there.

Walk outside and down, and hug the beach again, and when you see the big “Hotel” sign, walk up to the club, avoiding battles.

Once inside, talk to the fat guy at the far left table. He talks about Magic Cake, and says the lady by the entrance has some. Now go over to the lady (she has blonde hair), and talk to her. Eventually she’ll leave the club, so follow her.

Once again, hug the beach and keep going left while climbing and descending the stairs. Eventually you will see her and her cart. Talk to her and you will “have a very clear, and very strange dream.” Now it’s time for Poo’s exposition.

NOTE: Buzz Buzz should be flying around the center of the screen as it scrolls up to the Palace, because he always stays in the center.

Once you gain control of Poo, have him get all the Treasure Chests he can find. When that’s done, go to the South-Easternmost part of Dalaam: the Place of Mu. There will be a weird guy standing at the bottom of the first rope. It doesn’t matter if you talk to him or not. Climb to the very top, and some guy tries to fool you by telling you to come back to the Palace. Ignore him.

Throughout this scene, agree to all the questions, so that you finish the training. Head back to the Palace. Go to the throne room and talk to Poo’s master. You will gain experience and Poo will teleport to Summers to meet up with Ness.

When he gets there, he will join you with 16 levels of experience. Now you can move around. Immediately you should notice that Paula and Jeff have mysteriously joined the group (with all of their default items). So right now your party should consist of Ness, Paula, Jeff, Poo, Pokey, Picky, and Buzz Buzz!

NOTE: The only way you can have Buzz Buzz in the group is if Pokey and Picky are there. They are both useless, but Buzz Buzz is more helpful than you can imagine. Also, get rid of any teddy bears you might get because it messes up the game sometimes.

Still avoiding battles, get back to the Restaurant. Now, turn the genie ON and walk back up to the Chaos Theatre. Now leave.

Walk down until you reach the Twoson Bus Station, and head due East and stand in front of the sign by the cave. Turn the genie ON and walk straight down until you enter Happy Happy Village. Turn OFF the genie and go into the cave to your left. Once inside, get to the center of the cave, turn ON the genie, and "walk" diagonally up-left. After about 30 seconds, you should walk right up to a present. The cave you are now in leads to the Lost Underworld. This is close to the end of the game, when you've gotten to this point in about 15-20 minutes! Give the Diadem of Kings to Poo.

However, you aren't ready to level up yet. You need to turn OFF the genie and take the ladder closest to you down (to the right of the present) and then turn ON the genie. From this point, "walk" due South and you should reach a Fire Spring cave, except the lava looks white! Avoid the fire guys for now, and keep going down, getting the presents along the way if possible, until you reach the main room where the Shining Spot is. But whatever you do, don't engage in a battle with this boss until the very end. It HAS to be the last guy you fight.

What you want to do now is go to the very bottom-left of this area, by the hole leading to the Lost Underworld. You can go outside and walk around and see that Pokey and Picky have grown to gargantuan size! Walk around and you can pick up a Horn of Life, a Cup of Lifenoodles, a Guts Capsule, a Sea Pendant and the Cloak of Kings from presents scattered around. It’s OK that you save, but make sure that you only save by the hole leading to the Fire Spring Cave.

Return to the Fire Spring area and get the Moon Beam Gun for Jeff....which is VERY good considering he hasn't had a weapon before this. Also get the Cherub's Band for Ness and the Bag of Dragonite. Now fight the fire guys that are in the bottom-left of the cave (they are the Soul Consuming Flame and the Psychic Psycho). Hopefully you will bump into the Psychic Psycho because they can NEVER hurt you since you have Buzz Buzz's Shield E which drains their PSI Fire attacks. You can kill a Soul Consuming Flame, but use Poo's Freeze helps. Be aware of his "spray of fire."

After killing either of these guys, Ness, Paula, and Jeff should now be around level 15 or so. I suggest you save in the Lost Underworld by hugging the lower wall and getting to the telephone. Use the springs if you need to. The blue springs restore HP and PP, while the red springs can revive and restore status.

NOTE: YOU SHOULD NOT TURN OFF THE SYSTEM NOW, because when you start the game up the graphics will be completely distorted. If this occurs, hug the left wall until you reach the Fire Spring Cave.

You can fight a few more fire guys if you choose, but make sure you stop fighting them after Paula has PSI Fire B and Ness has PSI Rockin B. After they have learned these PSI attacks, you should now be ready to take on the Fobbies.

NOTE: Six Fobbies give you around 27,500 experience to each of your characters, and are the key to leveling up! (However, on the occasion, an encounter with any Fobby will make the screen go black and you will have to reset. So I recommend saving after every ten levels of experience because you don’t want all of your work going down the drain. Also, if you fight one Fobby, chances are the screen will flash and you will automatically win. After the screen flashes, the colors will all be distorted for everything. Don't panic, just get in a battle and things will be better afterwards.)

Make your way to the far right of this cave room, and turn ON the genie. Locate the second stream of lava from the right, and "walk" due North. You will see other Fire Spring caves, and you should stop walking when you find a discolored cave. Turn OFF the genie and take the ladder up. Turn the genie back on and "walk" to the upper platform just for safety. Keep walking around on the upper level until the game starts to slow down. That's when you know there are a lot of Fobbies around. Find a group of them (preferably 6) and make sure that THEY run to YOU. That way, more will join. Also be sure to pick up and equip the Rabbit's Foot in this area.

This is how you fight the Fobbies: Have Ness use PSI Rockin B, then Paula with PSI Fire B. After that, have Jeff and Poo defend. Anything that the Fire B doesn't take care of, the Rockin B will and vice-versa. Keep fighting Fobbies until you level up enough to take on any boss. I stopped when Ness was at level 45. This can take anywhere from 30-60 minutes.

NOTE: Whenever the party runs low on PSI, make your way back down toward the main Fire Spring cave. You can either get the magic butterfly flying around in the small cave above the second lava stream then heal up, or you can go outside. Once outside, walk down and to the right, and go to the blue spring by the telephone. If anybody dies, the red spring is diagonally up and right, by the fenced in area.

After leveling up sufficiently, you should have about $30,000 to $40,000. "Walk" inside the fenced-in area in the center of the Lost Underworld and get some money from the Tenda that is in the up-left corner. Now talk to the Tenda that plays "store," and go ahead and get the Ultimate Bat for Ness, the Holy Fry Pan for Paula, and a few Shiny Coins. This will cost about $20,000.

Now, go back to the area where the Fobbies are running around. Find the Shining Spot here and fight the Electro Specter. Hold off on using PSI because his shield will deflect any PSI attacks. Bash the heck out of him and have Paula and Poo use PSI Thunder until his shield is gone. After that, beat him with your strongest PSI attacks. Get the melody at Lumine Hole.

NOTE: Even without the Sound Stone, the game still records if you have the melodies or not. Here are the Sanctuary (Sound Stone melody) locations: Giant Step, in Onett; Lilliput Steps, in Peaceful Rest Valley; Milky Well, in the Saturn Valley cave; Magnet Hill, in Fourside; Rainy Circle, in Winters; Pink Cloud, in Dalaam; Lumine Hole, leading to the Lost Underworld; and Fire Spring, in the Lost Underworld.

Here’s where it gets complicating and why it took me several months to figure out how to beat the game using this cheat. Originally I went in the correct order of getting the Sound Stone melodies, but the thing is, when you see that you need to get the melodies from Winters and Dalaam, the game will say (when you try to teleport) “You cannot teleport right now.” So I found a way to make the game “think” that you are far enough in the game to be able to teleport where you need to.

The method is to work backwards (Ness gave me this idea). Go into the hole leading to the Lost underworld. Find an open area and teleport to Onett. Your goal is to get the Carrot Key in Fourside. “Walk” your way to Twoson and go into the tunnel leading to Threed. Avoid the ghosts by “walking” down until you can barely see the bottom of the tunnel, and “walk” right until you see the tunnel end. “Walk” up and turn OFF the genie and enter Threed. Now make your way to Fourside by using the same method. When you reach the last tunnel before entering Fourside, turn ON the genie and walk down. You are now in a discolored Magicant (Thanks Ness). Walk around and pick up the Magicant Bat for Ness and the Goddess Band as well. Leave Magicant by getting back to the tunnel and going into Fourside. Go behind the Department Store where Magnet Hill is. DO NOT FIGHT THE PLAGUE RAT OF DOOM YET.

NOTE: Fighting the Plague Rat of Doom will make the game “think” that you can’t teleport yet. That means you won’t be able to go to Dalaam or Winters. Be careful!

Get the present with the Carrot Key inside and teleport to Dalaam. Use the Carrot Key on the black rabbits guarding the cave and go inside. Be sure to pick up the Bracer of Kings. Walk around and find the Shining Spot. When you fight Thunder & Storm, use Ness’s PSI Flash B, because sometimes it will instantly kill them. If that doesn’t work, pummel them with your best PSI attacks.

Your goal right now is to get to Winters. Make your way back to Threed (it’s ok if the ghosts get you in the tunnel), and walk up to the graveyard. Talk to the two zombies blocking the path to an underground area, and have them “Look you over” and “Stare into your soul.” Now go to the Threed Hotel and you should see a woman walk inside. Follow her into the Hotel room. You will wake up. Check the door and Paula will call out to Jeff (who is in your party, but disregard that for now).

Have Jeff leave his dorm room and Tony will join you. Poo is also in your party. Talk to Maxwell Labs downstairs and get the Bent Key. Go next door and try to use it on a locker; it won’t work. Go back to Maxwell and get the Bad Key Machine and use it on the far right locker against the back wall. You have to get the Pop Gun to continue. Leave the Boarding House and have Tony leave you and he will act as a step so that you can hop the gate. Do that. “Walk” due south and avoid the Bubble Monkey, Tessie, and Brickroad. Just go to Dr. Andonuts’s Lab. Talk to him, then get into the Skyrunner.

He will eventually meet up with everyone. Have him join your party and use the Bad Key Machine on the locked door. Now you can teleport to Winters. Find an open area and teleport. “Walk” due south and go inside the cave. Find the Shining Spot and use your strongest PSI attacks. Get the Rainy Circle melody.

Now, since you don't need to teleport anymore, walk to the back of the Fourside Department Store and "walk" through the wall blocking Magnet Hill, turn OFF the genie, and walk down the ladder and fight the Plague Rat of Doom. Use the same method you have fought most of the other bosses, strong PSI attacks, since you should be at a high level.

Now you need to get to Milky Well. Walk to Threed, go up to the graveyard, and "walk" past the two zombies blocking your way. Go inside the tomb. Get to the end of the underground area and fight the Slimy Little Pile. Don't worry about not having the Jar of Fly Honey, since you won't be fighting Master Belch anyway. "Walk" up to Saturn Valley by entering a cave on the right side. Once inside Saturn Valley, "walk" up to the cave by the Mr. Saturn with the tea and the hot springs (it is the one on the right). Once you are outside again, "walk" to the right and you will see the Milky Well. Go inside the cave and you will be stuck behind a Shining Spot. Don't worry, the Trillionage Sprout is very easy. Use your strongest PSI Freeze attacks against him, and have the other people use their strongest attacks.

You only have three more Shining Spots to go to! So now, get to Twoson. Go to the Bus Station and walk right. Once you are at the sign in front of the cave, "walk" straight down. You should now be in Happy Happy Village. Find the kid standing in front of the cave on the right wall. Go inside the cave and find the Shining Spot. This boss battle is a joke. Bash a couple times and he's dead. Get the melody of Lilliput Steps.

Now get to Onett. I really hope you know how to get to Giant Step It's in the upper left hand part of the map. Get to the area with a huge footstep in it, and enter the cave by it. You'll be stuck again, but this is the first sanctuary location you are supposed to get to. Bash once, and he should be done with. Get that melody, and we can finally get to the good stuff.

You will now have to say goodbye to three of your party members: Pokey, Picky, and Buzz Buzz. You cannot beat Magicant if you have them in your party so you have to get rid of them. Go to Pokey's house (the house to the left of Ness's house), talk to Pokey's Dad, then to Pokey's Mom. She will smash the guts out of Buzz Buzz. Talk to Buzz Buzz, and he will give you the Sound Stone. It's OK if he gives it to another party member, like if Ness has too many items he might give it to Paula. Check the Sound Stone, and you should have every melody except the last one, Fire Springs.

Get to Happy Happy Village by getting to the Twoson Bus Station, walking right, then "walking" straight down from the sign by the cave. Once in Happy Happy Village, walk in the cave in the upper left hand area. Once inside, walk to the center of the cave and "walk" diagonally up. You should remember how to get to the main Fire Springs cave with the shining spot. Save before you fight Carbon/Diamond Dog. When you fight him, use strong PSI attacks all throughout. Be aware of Diamond Dog's power shield though.

Once you beat Carbon/Diamond Dog, go and get the Fire Springs melody. Soon after, Ness will pass out, and you will enter Magicant. Go to the shop here and stock up on Magic Puddings and Earth Pendants. Save now. Don't bother with getting a Flying Man, and "walk" around and get two of three presents. Don't bother getting the Mr. Baseball Cap that is by Ness,'s useless. Also don't bother with battles with enemies, you are already strong enough to take on Giygas.

After that, "walk" to the weird curvy horn thing protruding from the ground, which is at the end of the path. Check it and you will warp to the Sea of Eden. "Walk" up, and don't bother with fighting Krakens. Find Ness's Nightmare (Mani Mani Statue) and engage in a battle.

Your goal is to wait for Ness's Nightmare to run out of PSI. He can never kill you if you have plenty of Magic Puddings by your side. He will use PSI Rockin' A and Omega. Keep using Lifeup B whenever he uses those, and you will be OK. He has a power shield so don't bother attacking, and he also emits a "glorious light," so be careful of it. One time it instantly killed me. Once it runs out of PSI, use your best PSI attacks, and he will die eventually. Now watch as Ness grows VERY strong.

Ness will wake up and Poo will tell him he kept saying "Saturn Valley," and that they should teleport there. You will teleport automatically. Talk to Apple Kid and Dr. Andonuts, and go inside the Phase Distorter. Now, talk to Dr. Andonuts and he will ask you if you have seen a fallen meteorite lately, because a piece of the meteorite is the only thing that will fix it.

Teleport in Onett, and it should still be nighttime (as it's always been), and "walk" to avoid and enemies. Go straight to the meteorite and check it. Get the Piece of the Meteorite. Bring it back to Dr. Andonuts and give it to him. Soon he will ask if you are completely prepared, say "no," and then "walk" up to the Saturn Valley Store and stock up on Horns of Life for everyone (you will need them). Now tell Dr. Andonuts that you are ready.

You will teleport to a weird area. Examine the weird horn thing and Dr. Andonuts and Apple Kid will teleport in. Talk to them and soon Dr. Andonuts will walk to the edge of the cliff. Talk to him and say that you are ready to go. Your minds will be transported into four robots, and you will transport to "Tunnel of Time." Save from the Phase Distorter, then "walk" straight to the curvy horn things and avoid all enemies. You are already strong enough to take on Giygas (Ness should be around level 50-55). Now "walk" up again and make sure you pick up the Legendary Bat for Ness. Keep "walking" up until you see a cave. Go inside and walk up and go up to....Giygas!

Do not attack Giygas until Pokey flips the switch to reveal his true form. For now, use your strongest PSI Freeze attacks against Heavily Armored Pokey, and have Ness and Jeff attack him. Pokey should soon flip the switch. Attack Giygas for a while, then Pokey will come in and say some stuff. Giygas will take on a new form, and this is when you have Paula pray. Keep restoring your health and keep praying nonstop. She will reach out to many people, so keep on praying. Eventually, Giygas will be no more!!! Woohoo!

You have now reached the end of the game. Take Paula home and walk around if you want. Get to Onett. Oh yeah, you can go to the Arcade and see the Shark blocking the door who asks if you want to become a member of the Sharks. If you say "yes" he will say, "OK, come back here after beating Earthbound!" Well, you did exactly that! Except you won't become a member....he was lying. Oh well.

Go to Ness's house and talk to his Mom. Well, you can do the rest, but enjoy the ending! You have beaten Earthound the quickest way ever known! Or is it?

I...guess that's the end of the walkthrough. It was really cool finding all of the areas before I was supposed to, with Ness's ( help. This is the quickest way I know how to beat EB. Oh yeah, visit my website at:

This is Jeff, signing off.


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