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Earthbound Walkthrough
By: Mr. Colin

In the year 199X, Ness is sleeping peacefully in his bed when BOOM! A meteor crashes into the hill near his house.So the epic journey known to us as Earthbound (or to Japanese it is known as Mother) begins. So prepare to jump into Shigesato Itoi's exciting world of Earthbound. As one website states "You Are Now Earthbound". When you get out of bed after being awaken by the meteor you should walk into the hall and get the cracked bat out of Tracy's room (the first door you see) and then equip it. Go outside and follow the path to the meteor site (start by going south) Talk to the officers and Pokey at the end of the trail. Come back to your house and go to bed When you wake up answer the door and listen to Pokey's plea. Then you should change, talk to King(your dog) and Pokey, and then answer the phone. Then leave the house.Go back to the meteor site, on the way you must fight. (when you reach the second ledge there is a gift box that has some food in it) When you reach the meteor site you'll see Picky behind the tree. Unfortunately King gets scared and runs away. Talk to Picky and Pokey will hear a buzzing noise. Check the meteor and listen to Buzz Buzz's story. Go back to Picky's house. Right before your house you encounter Starman Jr. Don't worry Buzz Buzz will take care of it. After you win go to Pokeys House (its to the left of yours.)Talk to Pokey's mom and dad. After Buzz Buzz is swatted talk to him he will give you the Sound Stone. Exit the house and it will become morning. Follow the path to the right pass up your house and keep on going right and then take the path south. The first biulding you see is he libary enter, talk to the person behind the counter and get the town map, exit.Go behind the libary andthere is a gap in the trees walk though them and enter the club house. Talk to the kids and get the Mr. baseball cap. Use the town map to find the drug store(press "X") and enter it. go to the phone, call dad, go to the ATM machine and take out money. Talk to the person behind the counter and buy the Tee-Ball bat and equip it. Use map to find the arcade and fight the shark gang (the pepole dressed in black, Go figure) Fight them to get your level up to at least 7. HINT! Check trash cans around Onett to find food! SICK!!Go to the hotel, call dad, go to drug store, and buy the "cheap braclet" if you haven't already. Go to the Burger Shop and buy 2 or 3 Hamburgers If your low on HP and PP then go back home and go to bed. If not then head to the arcade. Enter the arcade and beat the Gang member guarding the door(Do not go to the second floor of the arcade.) Go outside the back door and talk to Frank. Use Bash and eat hambugers when your HP gets low (If you prefer you can use PSI Lifeup but you might run out of PP).Once you defeat Frank you must face Frankinstien Mark 3. Use PSI "Special" to beat FM3 The Sharks are now defeated. Go to the mayors office and and talk to the mayor. He will give you the key to the shack.North of Onett is a run down shack use the key and enter (Before you go into the shack get the travel charm from the Traveling Entertainers). Exit though the hole in the back and enter the cave. Make your way though the cave (remember to open the gift boxes along the way. When you get to the end of the cave you will see a Shining Spot, check it out. Now you have to face the Titanic Ant. To beat it use PSI "Special" for as many times as you can (this will also get rid of the Black Antriods), but save some PP to use PSI Lifup incase you run out of hamburgers. Next use "Bash".After you beat the Titanic Ant go though the door he was gaurding.Go to Giant Step and your sound stone will record the first tune.Work your way back to the start and the officer will tell you to come to the police station.If your HP and PP are maxed out then go, if make them full buy and some more hamburges, then go to the police station.At the station talk to the two cops talking to each other. One will lead you into a back room.These cops are bad, the crooked cops take about two hits each (if you have gotten your level up), and you can take out Captain Strong with PSI "Special". After you beat strong he will open the road south of Onett to Twoson!!!!!!

On the short path to Twson you will see a house. Go inside and get an "Exit Mouse" and continue on your way. HINT! If you see a person walking around with a blue face they will attack you! HINT II! If a Ramblin' Evil Mushroom mushroomizes you you can sell the mushroom on your head to the "healing" man at the hospital for $50. Once in Twoson go to the department store and buy better equipment. Then go to the park and approch the house with Everdred standing on it. Everdred will jump down at you and battle will begin. Just "Bash" him until he is defeated. Everdred will tell you about him and a girl named Paula. Next exit the park and follow the road South, East and South again.You will see two houses Orange Kid lives in one and Apple Kid lives in the other. Ignore Orange Kid and enter Apple Kids house.Give Apple Kid $200 and food then get the reciever phone (which only recieves calls, Hence the name) from the mouse in Apple Kids House.Exit his house and follow the street east past the bus station and continue on the dirt road into the caves. (Known as Peacefull Rest Valley.)When you exit the caves you should see a girl. Continue walking North past the broken bridge untill you see a iron pencil blocking the way. Check it out then leave.Go back though the caves to Twoson and Apple Kid will call you via the reciever phone. Go to the South West corner of the park and get the pencil eraser from Apple Kid.Go back though the caves, back to the iron pencil and use the pencil eraser.Continue on though the vally untill you get to a cave enter and exit and you will be in a blue town called Happy Happy.Go to the drug store and upgrade your equipment.HINT! Buy eggs at the self service (South of the drug store)then stand and wait untill the turn into Chickens then sell them at the drug store for $110!Go into the caves North of the drug store, exit the caves and enter the shack with all the crows around it.Talk to Palua and get the "Franklin Badge" (It can refelt lightning)Go back though the caves and enter the house South West of the drug store (It has all the blue guys in it.)The trick to getting past them is to talk to the ones that move fastest. Some move out of your way, some you must fight.Walk upstairs and talk to the guy (Mr. Carpainter) in front of the statue.HINT! DO NOT FIGHT MR.CARPAINTER WITHOUT THE FRANKLIN BADGE!When fighting just use "Bash" and let the Franklin Badge do the rest.Get the key from Mr. Carpainter then go back to the house where Palua is being held and free her.Get Paula.Take Paula to the drug store and buy her equipment.Then go to the East of the store and enter yet more caves. Fight enemies to raise Paluas HP and PP in the cave but do not go to far in because Palua's HP can't take very much. Palua learns many PSI Powers fast.HINT! In the South West corner of Happy Happy is a man with a cow in his yard that will let you stay the night absolutly 100% FREE after you have defeated Carpainter! After Paula is strong enough and has learned PSI Fire, Freeze and Tunder, enter the caves but this time go to the end. At the end you will see your "Second Sancuary Boss"Put a shield around Palua and have her use PSI Fire. You use "Bash" and PSI(Favorite.) Or you can cheat and use PSI Paryslis. After Mondo Mole is defeated step outside and your sound stone will record Littleput Steps.Work your way back to Happy Happy then go to Peacfull Rest Valley then Twoson.The house North of Orange Kid's house is a building called Polestar. (This is also Paula's home.)Enter the house and talk to everyone say goodbye to Palua's dad then leave. Next go to the house that Mr. Everdred jumped off of in the park.He will give you $10,000!!(A wad of Bills.) What are you going to do with so much Mula!? The Hippest, Funkiest, Groove thang in Eagleland....THE RUNAWAY FIVE!!! Is the answer! The Runaway five have been stuck in Twoson's Choas Theater (North of the park) with a $10,000 debt. Standing to the right of the theater are two band members, talk to them. One will think Palua is so cute that he will give you a back stage pass to the sold out Use the ticket to get in then go give the manager the Wad of bills. The Runaway Five will thank you then you can see their show. (Notice there are six members during the show.)No how do you get to Threed? The ghosts will stop you from going though the tunnel, and the bus driver is too scared.Hitch a ride with the Runaway Five!(Hey, that rhymes.)Right outside is the Runaway Five Tour Bus. Talk to the driver as you cruise on to Threed!

Once again go to the drug store and upgrade yours and Palua's equipment. Go to the North West gaveyard and talk to the Zombie gards. Next go to the hotel and wacth the women go inside. Follow her around the hotel untill you are captured buy the ghosts and zombies. You are thown into a dungon go inspect the door. Then Palua sends a telepathical mesage for help.

A boy named Jeff in a boarding school in Winters recieves Palua's call for help. Jump out of bed and Tony will try to stop you. Exit the room and go downstairs enter the first door and get they bent key from the kid. Go to the next door and try the key on the lockers only to find it wont work. Go back to the kid and get the "Bad Key Machine." Use the B.K.M to open they lockers for usefull items which you should equip right away. Then go outside and use Tony as a step ladder over the gate. Next visit the drug store to your right. You will realize that Jeff has no dough, only $2. The only thing you can buy is a pack of gum and a monkey for $1 from the lady next to the ATM. Do this then head out (With the Bubble Monkey) south to lake Tessie. During battles B-B monkey attacks but he is around for a greater task. Navigate South untill you reach some tents (The Tessie Wacthing Club.) Tessie is like the Lochness Monster of today (Ecept Tessie is for real.) Go into one of tents and stay the night, When you come out it will be daytime. Go to the little penninsula South of the tents, stand on the dirt patch and give the monkey some chewing gum. Tessie comes out and you hitch a ride and the senic tour of Winters begings. Go South and enter the cave near the iron statue. Work your way though "Brick Road's Maze" collecting all the gift boxes. Complete the maze, exit, talk to Brick Road. Go into the next cave. When you get to the part where you cant reach the rope give B-B monkey another peice of gum and he will knock down the rope for you. Continue up and past the shining spot(you can't fight the boss because you need the sound stone. This Boss comes into play later on in the game. Exit the cave, bid farewell to B-B monkey, then head South past Stone Henge. Go into the lab were the famous Dr. Andonuts (Jeff's dad)studies. talk to him then take the SKY RUNNER to Threed.

After the Sky Runner crashes into the grave that you and Palua are in (How convenient!) Jeff goins your party. Use the Bad Key Machine to open the locked door. Exit the grave and head South to the purple Circus Tent. Talk to the arms dealer behind the drug store and buy some Bottle Rockets (Which only Jeff can use.) When you get to the tent you will find that the tent is alive and it will attack you. Use Jeff's Bottle Rockets to blow it away. After you win zombies will run away and a garbage can stnds out. Check the can and you will find a jar Fly Honey (You know, the kind flies make.) A few minutes later Apple Kid will call you with another ingeniuos invention..."Zombie Paper!" (Kind of like fly paper only it made for zombies.) Put the zombie paper on the floor in the orange tent then go stay the night in the Hotel. Then You will witness the zombies going to the tent. You wake up and the zombie crisis is over... but what now? Remeber the path in the North Western graveyard that the zombies were gaurding? It's now open so go though the path and enter the under ground tunnel. Navigate they Path and when you exit the cave head North and go in the cave. DO NOT KEEP GOING NORTH! Follow the path and you will be in a strange place with these creatures called Mr. Saturn.

Like always go to the drug store and up grade all of your equipment. Then talk to every Mr. Saturn and you will learn about Grape Fruit Falls which is North of the entrance to Saturn Valley. Then go to G.F.Falls and wait behind the falls for 3 minutes. WHY?...know one knows. After the gate keeper says you may enter do as he says. You will find yourself in a under grond base that looks like it was taken from Star Wars. Work your way though the base untill you reach Master Blech and battle begins. If you have the fly honey from Threed with your then you will go though the battle without losing one point of HP. If you dont have it then your in trouble. Use the fly honey and every turn Master Belch will eat the honey instead of attack. If you must fight use PSI Freeze. When Belch is defeated contiue on though the cave back to the upper deck of Saturn Valley which you can no reach from the lower level via the ladder. Rest in the hot spring then talk to the Mr. Saturn next to the stump with a cup.(Hey that rhymes too.) Then enjoy a LOOONNGG review of your progress so far. Next stay at the hotel if low HP-PP. If not go into the caves North of the Hot Springs. Keep going Eastward untill you reach the "Third Sancuary Location". Battle will beging as you Fight the T. Sprout use PSI Fire and Bottle Rockets. Once you win go though the door he was gaurding and your sound stone will record they melody of Milky Well. Work your way though the underground road back to Threed and take the (now operating) bus route (By looking at the bus sines, which will be on the map) to Fourside but, a traffic jam will stop you in the Desert.

Walk West on the road until you get to the drug store and upgrade your equipment.I would stock up on Wet Towels or make sure you have enough to use PSI Heal a. Make sure you bring along a cheap food item (cookie) because there is a hungry miner who could care less if it's a cookie or a Kraken Soup. There are many unneccesary things such as black and white sesame seeds. You can find a pair of contact lens which you can later trade in Fourside for a pair of dirty socks which will frezze an enemy during battle. The contact lens owner is on the second floor of the bakery. Keep walking to the right until you get to the end of the desert. Then, walk through the tunnels and across the bridge to the city of Fourside. GREAT HINT!!! I got this hint from a girl named Patricia Higgings off of "" so thank her, not us. The hint is Go buy some skip sanwiches and walk around the desert untill you see a green bug, it won't fight you it will run away! Then use a skip S. and give chase. If you cacth the bug and you get a surprise attack you won't have to fight plus each person on your team gets 10,000 experiance points each!!! Next watch your levels go up like crazy! Once again, Thank Patricia for this great tip.

First off, go see Pokey in the Monotoli Building. Then get $30 and head for the Topolla Theater to buy a show ticket. Meet the Topolla manager who wants $1,000,000 for the Runaway Five to leave. Then go see the Runaway Five. After your conversation travel back to where the miner was in Dusty Dunes Desert.

The spot by the miner went from a hole to a giant, crowded digging site. The miner will tell you that their excavation has been stopped because of some giant moles. Go down into the cave. You'll get poisoned a lot from the Desert Coil Snakes. Other enemies include the Noose Man and the Gigantic Ant. There are 14 items in the cave including a Platinum Band, Coin of Defense, Super Bomb, Big Bottle Rocket, and a Guts and IQ Capsule. First go straight up until you see a ladder. Walk straight and then turn up to fight the first Guardian Digger. Your best attacks would be PSI Flash and Freeze. Once you defeat him walk back down and go left until you see another ladder. Walk through that one and go down, make a small right turn and go down until you reach the bottom. Then go all the way up until there is a junction. Take the right path and go down the ladder. Walk left and then up to get to the next mole. They all say that they are the third most powerful mole. Use the same strategies as before for all the moles. Then go left and go up the ladder when you come to it. Keep going down, but stay left. Keep walking until you see a ladder. Don't go down it. Walk left and you will see the next mole. Defeat him and then you can go down the ladder to receive a Super Bomb. Then go back up and turn right and you should be at an area with exit mice. Take one with you and keep going straight up and defeat the next mole. Then go down and turn right if you want a Secret Herb. Then go back to the Exit Mouse area. Travel straight down until you see a present. It is a bomb. Then go down and left to the last Guardian Mole and destroy him. Then, use the Exit Mouse to take you to the entrance of the mine. Then go to bustop near the Dusty Dunes Drugstore. Take the bus to Fourside. On your way you will be stopped at the bridge by the miner in hid bulldozer and he will give you the diamond.

Once you reach Fourside go back in the Topolla Theater and give the diamond to the manager to free the Runaway Five. The Grand Department Store will have its Grand Opening. Go inside, but don't talk to the mouse on the first floor until you are completely stocked up. Go to the third and fourth floors for some weapons and protection. Then, go to the very left of the second floor and you will see a door. Go through it to meet an arms merchant selling Hyper Beams, Big Bottle Rockets, Bottle Rockets, Super Bombs, and Bombs. Buy Jeff the Hyper Beam. Have Ness or Jeff equip the Franklin Badge. Then if you are positive you are done buying items go to the bottom floor and talk to the mouse. Then cross the foyer and the lights will go out and someone will take Paula. Work your way back to the top floor fighting off enemies such as Mystical Records, Scalding Coffees, and Musicas disguised as presents. The Franklin Badge will reflect Musica's PSI Thunder attacks. Paula's capturer is in the office on the top floor (far left). Have Jeff shoot a Big Bottle Rocket at the green Alien. Once he is defeated the Grand Department Store will return to normal. Next go to Jackie's Cafe, talk to everyone inside, the leave. Give the kid who looks looks like PigPen from Peanuts a food item. Then talk to Mr. Everdred. Go back inside the cafe and check behind the contor and you will be warped to Moonside.

Look around the Monotoli Building and talk to the captian guy guarding the path. Next go to the hotel and talk to the Hawaiian guy. Talk to him and warp to the next guy. Keep warping untill you reach a normal man say no to warp to the doorless room. Talk to the black man and say no then talk to the guy with the mohawk. He will then lead you to the hotel. With the invisible man head back to the captian guarding the path. When he moves go to the Mani-Mani satue and prepare to take a beating. Bottle rockets and PSI Life Up Beta should do the trick.

Talk to the mouse and exit they warehouse and Apple Kid will call you with another invention. Escargo Express will deliver the Machine via neglected class. Talk to the monkey and the maid.(then buy a picnic lunch and a skip sandwich) Then head back to Dusty Dunes Desert yet again.

Go into the hole northwest of the drug store. Then make your way though the cave getting and giving items to the monkeys untill you reach a room with a floating guy and one monkey talk to them and get the yogurt thingy. Exit the caves and go with the monkey (the one outside the cave) to the road. The monkey will then teach you PSI Teleport Alpha. Spiffy!

Teleport to fourside and give the yogert thingy to the maid in front of the Monotoli Building. Now you can go to the 48th floor. Go up the elevator with the hip obssed lady and go up the next one to the 48th floor. Make your way though the halls fighting off robots untill you get to the Clumys Robot. This robot lives up to it's name, it falls down about every three turns. It is impossible to beat this robot becuase it eats a bolonaga sandwhich every time it taks severe damage. Fight him anyway. After a few minuts the Runaway Five comes into the room to help, they hit a switch and the robot shuts off! Enter the room and save Palua talk to Mr. Monotoli and then go to the Helicopter Pad outside. Pokey will beat you there and insult you. head back to Mr Monotoli's office and Palua will recieve a phycic message and tell you to head to back to Threed. The Runaway five will take you there.

Go back to the grave where Jeff and the Sky Runner crashed. Jeff will fix it and it will head to Winters. Go back to the cave North of Stone Hedge. Check out the shining spot and you have reached your "Fourth Sancuary Location." Fight Shroom! using Bombs and PSI Fire. Once Shroom! is defeated head back to Dr. Andonuts's lab. Use the Sky Runner to go to Summers.

Head east until you get to the port town Toto. Look in every building untill you see an Indian looking guy he will give you the number to the Stoic club. Tony (From the boarding house in winters) will ask you to spell your name(Just in case you want to change your name.)Go to a phone and call the Stoic Club then go there. Talk to the man at the table then the woman by the door about magic cake. She will meet you outside by a food cart. Eat the magic cake she gives you. You are then trasported to a mysterious palace in the far east.

As Prince Poo, head down the trail to the high cliff with ropes. Climb to the top and sit. Do not move when the man asks you to. When the face appears answer "yes" to everything. Wnen your training is complete head to back to the palace and Poo's level will go up. Then you will be transported to Summers to meet up with Ness and company.

Go to the museum and give the gaurd the tiny ruby that Poo has. Enter the hieroglyphics room. Beat the two enemys inside then get the hieroglyph copy. Poo then will tell you to go to Scaraba, but first there is some unfinished business in Fourside. So, Teleport there.

Go to the Fourside museum and talk to the man who wants Fourside's sexy new singer Venus's autograph. Go to the Teather and watch Venus shake her groove thang! After the show go and talk to Venus in her dressing room. She will put her autograph on a banana. Give the banana to the guy at the museum and enter the swerers though the door the man was gaurding. Wook your way thogh the water until you get to your "Fifth Sancuary Location." Use PSI Freeze and Jeff's Bottle Rockets. The Plague Rat of Doom shouldn't give you too much trouble. Step outside and record the melody of Magnet Hill and get the Carrot Key out of the Gift Box. Then TeleportBack to Dalamm.

Go to the very bottom of Dalamm and head left. Use the Carrot Key on the rabbits and then make your way to the end. HINT!! before you leave make sure you get the Bracer of Kings. It's one ofthe four items Poo can equip and benift from that item. Go to your "Sixth Sancuary Location." Use PSI Freeze and PSI Thunder against Thunder and Storm and this battle should be a breeze. Then teleport back to Summers.

Go to Toto and talk to the ship captain and pay $80 to ride his boat on to Scaraba. Half way though your trip a Kraken Use PSI"special" and PSI Freeze. Watch out for it's Tornado attack. Then continue on your way to Scaraba.

Head south until you reach the pyramind with the Sphinx. Start at the top and pretend you are drawing a star while touching the tiles. Enter the pyramid and continue east. After a while you reach a dead end. Touch the tile on the floor then head back to the casket that you pasted earlier and jump down. Get the Hawk Eye on the platform then continue east, exiting the pyramid. Star master will then take Poo away to teach him a very strong PSI move. Get the key from the guy above the exit and head northwest untill you reach a stone man named Dungon Man(a.k.a Brick Road.) Make your way though Dungon Man(DM) and talk to his face on the top level, then exit though the hole. Exit DM and walk south until DM gets caught in the trees. Head east, talk to the Indian then return to DM. Make your way back up to the top level in DM, but this time pass up the hole you went down before and continue south and the north to fall down a different hole. When you end up on the cliff walk west to come to a junk yard. Check the submarine and Jeff will fix it. Then you will head to deep darkness.

Head south and things become dark so, use the hawk eye. Work your way though the swamp and you will see a yellow Helicopter...looks like the one Pokey used to escape from Fourside...Pokey could be near by...After a while you will run into Master Barf(a.k.a Master Belch.) If you still have the fly honey your okay, if not just "Bash" and wait for Poo to return half way though the battle to lay the Smack Down on Master Barf with his new move PSI Starstorm.WOOOO WEEEE!!! Continue on though the Deep Darkness until you reach Tenda Village.

You must talk to every one. You will find out that everyone is shy ececpt two, the leader and the inn keeper. Talk tothe leader about the book of overcoming shyness. Exit Tenda and Apple kid will call and tell you about the eraser eraser. Then someone or something will take Apple Kid away. Teleport to Winters.

Head to the Lab and get the eraser eraser(EE) from the mouse. Go to Stonehenge and use the EE on the eraser blocking the path. Make your way though Stonehenge until you reach the prisinors cells(along with Apple Kid.) Enter the next room and Fight Starman Delux. Have Palua up PSI Shield Beta right away. If Starman DX sheilds are down use PSI Starstorm Alpha and Bottle Rockets. Once he is defeated go and talk to Apple Kid about the Overcoming shyness book in the Onett Libray, and talk to Mr. Saturn and he will give you a saturn ribbon for Palua. Then head for Onett.

Check the shelves for the book. Once found head back to Tenda Village and give the book to the leader and he will read it to his tribe. Then, once all of the Tenda's are no longer shy, head tho the bottom-left corner of their village. Have the strong Tenda lift the boulder, and then climb down the rope. You are now in Lumine Hall.

Make sure you have Jeff's Counter-PSI. It will be helpful later.Talk to the talking rocks and then proceed into the complicated maze. Make your way through the maze collecting these items on the way: Luck Capsule, Cup of Lifenoodles, Rabbit's Foot, Diadem of Kings, Spicy Jerkey, Bottle of DX Water, IQ Capsule, Super Bomb, and Rock Candy. The enemies include Fobbys and other enemies that you have probably fought before. Fobbys are extremely weak, but they attack in large groups. Don't run from them, they are easy to defeat and provide a huge amount of experience points. When you get to the end of the maze you will meet the Electro Specter. He has 3092 hit points and 80 psychic points. His offense is around 148, defense around 203, and his speed is around 29. Use the PSI shield. Use the Counter-PSI unit is also effective. Once you defeat him, you'll receive the 7th Sound Stone Melody. Then you will be able to go to the Lost Underworld.

When you get here that your characters are extremely freakin small. Make sure that you bring along the Tenderkraut which allows use access to the small Tenda villages. There are Tendas who think that the dinosaurs are in cages even though they are the ones that are fenced in. These Tendas moved here because the other Tendas were to shy. Any how the dinosaurs are very tough, especially the Chomposaur. So I would recommend using the Multi-Bottle Rocket on Chomposaurs. They have 1,288 HP and 320 PP. The Wetnosaurs (big, green) are not as tough and PSI Fire works weel against them. Also, there is a weird creature the Ego Orb. Use PSI Freeze on it. In the small villages you can buy Ultimate Bats, Holy Fry Pans, Shiny Coins, Horns of Life, and other foods. As you walk around, the ground will occasionally rumble. This is because of the two geysers; red and blue. When you see a hole in the ground surrounded on the back side by trees, stand on it. The red colored geysers will treat any condition and th blue ones will recover your HP and PP. Make sure that you walk around everywhere because you can find: Cloak of Kings, Sea Pendant, and other stuff. Finally, when you think that you are all set, head to the southwest corner and look for a tunnel. This will lead you to The Fire Spring, which is where you record the last melody on your Sound Stone.

This is a complex maze with fairly tough bosses. Load up to the max of Multi-Bottle Rockets and bring a few more. There are 5 items, Bag of Dragonite, Cherub's Band, Moon Beam Gun, Speed Capsule, and Horn of Life. There are many enemies including Soul Consuming Flames, Evil Elementals, and Psychic Psychos. Use PSI Freeze on them. Work your way up through the cave until you get to the Shining Spot and heal yourself before you fight. There are actually 2 bosses, Carbon Dog and Diamond Dog. Use Freeze and Multi-Bottle Rockets on Carbon Dog. After you inflict several hundred HP damage it will turn into Diamond Dog. Diamond Dog is hard and will use shields so use Shield Killer. Then, pummel him with Multi-Bottle Rockets until you take away his 3344 HP. That is one major crap load.

After you have recorded the final melody on your Sound Stone, memories will flood into your head and suddenly you are in the strange world of Magicant. Magicant is the worls that exists in your mind. It's like your dream and nightmare world. Everything pleasant and harsh is in Magicant. The land can change colors after talking to people. You will meet up with many previous characters, friend and foe and also a few new ones. Find the Goddess Band and buy 1 Earth Pendant for yourself to protect you from Fire, Freeze, and Flash. Poo can't wear one and Paula and Jeff can wear either the Sea Pendant or the Star Pendant. Before you venture on to the dangerous part of your mind, rest up, buy some Magic Pudding(replenishes PP), and ask a Flying Man to join you. They live in the house with a tree on top. Equip the Franklin Badge if you have it to reflect lightning attacks back at the Electric Swoosh. Other enemies include the weak Molecule that attack in groups, the Loaded Dice that call for help, and the powerful Care Free Bomb. The Care Free Bomb is a manace to your mind and can throw Super Bombs at you. Also, beware of the French Kiss of Death. When you get to the end of the pink, curvy walkway touch the curled tentacle, which will transport you to the Sea of Eden. There are about two Kraken, but do not run away from them. If you are extremely lucky you will get the Gutsy Bat after defeating a Kraken. But don't get your hopes up, because you have a mere 1 in 128 chance of receiving it. What is it with this game and nearly imossible odds against you. Once you get to the end of the Sea you will have to fight Ness's Nightmare. Ness's Nightmare is EXTREMELY HARD!! He has 1,654 HP, 882 PP, Speed is 31, Offense is 172, Defense is 253, and worst of all he can use ANY PSI spell that you know. That means that first he uses PSI Shields so you can't use spells against him and then pummels you with PSI "Special" Omega, which is the horseshoe symbol. If you defeat him, you will be greatly rewarded. The way to beat him is to use your goods menu. Buy some magic pudding at the store in Magicant. Just use life up every turn. After a while Ness' Nightmare will run out of PP. No just bash away! When you do beat him all of your attributes SKYROCKET!! What happens is: each time that you think of a memory or are filled with the power of a "Your Sanctuary Location," a specific attribute increases. The best part is when your HP and PP go up by several hundred points. Then when you return to the normal world, go straight to Saturn Valley.

Jump into the Phase Disorter and it will break. Talk to Dr. Andonuts about the meteorite and teleport to Onett. Fight your way to the site of the meteorite crash and check the meteor. Take the piece of the meteor and head back to Saturn Valley. Give the rock to Dr. Andonuts and jump into the Phase Disorter II. It will take you to the Tunnel of Time.

Talk to Poo's master to learm PSI Starstrom Omega. Talk to everyone else and wait for Dr. Andonuts to appear. He will give you the Phase Disorter III. Travel back into time as robots and prepare to face Gagais. Follow the road and get the legandary bat along the way.

Use multi bottle rockets on Pokey. Once Pokey is gone just bash Gagais. Soon Pokey will reappear to taunt you. Then have Paula keep praying. Other people will pray for you and give you power. Then Gagais will become confused and he blows up. Yeah. You won. Pat yourself on the back.

Poo will say good bye and gift boxes fall from the sky. Read them then take Paula home. Go to your house and talk to mom and watch and listen to the super cool ending!


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