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Hibbards of Spring Hill

Hibbard Crest


ROBERT HIBBARD (1), son of John Hibbard, was baptized in St. Edmund's Parish, Salisbury, England, March 13, 1613. His wife's name was Joan.

From "Descendants of Robert Hebert of Salem and Beverly, Mass." in GENEALOGIES OF CONNECTICUT FAMILIES, VOL. II, compiled by Harvey Hebard and Ralph D. Smyth (son of Lovine Hebert); and communicated by Bernard C. Steiner, Ph.D. (grandson of Ralph D. Smyth:

English SettlementsWe hear of Robert Hebart and his wife Joan first at Salem, Mass., where he was an early settler. His name appeared in the list of settlers for 1646: "Robert Hibberd and wife Joan." Felt (ANNALS OF SALEM, ii, 175, 176) states that he was in Salem in 1639, and refers to him as "Robert Hebard, salt-maker." He may have been one of those who came over for the purpose of assisting John Winthrop, Jr., at his salt works. The records of the First Church of Salem state that "Rob't Hebbert and Joanna his wife" were admitted to communion May 3, 1646. In 1659, he bought thirteen acres of land in Salem from William Hascoll, and is described as "Robert Hibbird, bricklayer." (ESSEX DEEDS, Book iv., p. 87) He is then described as "Robert Hibbert, bricklayer." His will is dated April 9, 1684 (ESSEX PROBATE RECORDS, Book No. 2, Old Series, pg. 35), and to it he makes his mark, which, as he could write, shows him to have been very feeble. In the will, he states that he has already made some provision for his children during his life time, and confirms these grants. A life estate in most of the property is given to his wife, and she is made executrix. The inventory of the estate was £281.6.6.

The following is from GENEALOGY OF THE HIBBARD FAMILY, compiled and published by Augustine George Hibbard; Case, Lockwood & Brainard Co., Hartford: 1901.

Robert Hibbard (Immigrant), was born in Salisbury, England, and baptized March 13, 1613. He married in England, Joan or Joanne _______. He came to Salem with his wife at some time between 1635 and 1639. We have found statements by his descendants that he came with Governor Winthrop; that he came in his emply as a salt-maker. One member of the family has written: "It is believed that the original emigrant came froom England to Salem as a member of the company knwn as the 'great immigration' which came under the direction and patronage of Governor Endicott. The company came in a convoy of ship numbering some eight or ten vessels." Another has the usual "three brothers."

There is no evidence to support either of these statements so far as the writer can learn. Endicott left England in 1629, was made Governor in 1644, and Robert was in Salem previous to that date.

From Savage Genealogy, Vol. II, p. 408: "Robert Hibbard, Salem, Mass., with wife Joan, was admitted to church May 17, 1646, and then had children baptized: Mary, b. Nov. 27, 1641; John, born Jan. 24, 1643; Sarah, born Sept. 26, 1644; Joseph and Robert, born May 7, 1748; Joanna, born March 9, 1651; Elizabeth, born May 1, 1653; Abigail, born April 5, 1655; Samuel, b. June 20, 1658; lived in that part which became Beverly; there died May 7, 1684."

The following record, gleaned from different sources, shows peculiar variations from the above. The year given in each instance and the day of the month, except in a single instance, are the same, the month different. It will be noticed that when compared with date of baptism, the latter in some instances precedes the date of virth. Savage has an unenviable reputation for accuracy.

There are several traditions in the family as to its origin in this country. One of my correspondents writes: "Two brothers came out from England either shortly before or with Lord Dartmouth. From these two brothers all the Hibbards in America descended."

Another: "Our grandfather's brother" [referring to the first immigrant] "received a large grant of land in the Colony of Mass.--now New Hampshire--and also a certain monopoly on salt."

J. M. H. of Windham, Conn., writes: "Robert Hebard came to this country from Old England withGovernor Winthrop, A.D. 1632, as a salt maker. King James II gave him a warrant for 640 acres as an inducement for him to come, and this was located in this town, of which the present homestead is a part."

I found no records that justify either of these statements; on the contrary, the deeds and wills by which the Hibbards have obtained and disposed of property contradict them whooly, except that the first immigrant was a salt-maker. He was also a brick-maker, and the location of his works can be determined at the present time. He had but little property, but his circumstances would have been called "comfortable" at the time he lived. In the records of Salem, and later, Beverly, it appears that the name was respected, and Hibbards held town offices and were members of the church in the place of their residence.

From Felt's Annals of Salem: "At a meeting of the selectmen the 9th mo 1650, psnt Capt Hathorne mr Browne mr Gardner mr Connant vpon request of Robert Hiberd for a parcell of land at the vper end of william dodg and Rodger Haskals ground next to the swamp. it is orderd that mr Connant and william dodg doe view the said land and make retorne to the selectmen at there next meeting; By information of mr Connant there being noe exception twentie acresis granted to Robert Hiberd for commonage and wood in the place he requested."

The first deed to Robert Hibbard is recorded in Essex Register of Deeds, Book I, Salem, pg. 63. From William Hascoll to "Robert Hibbird of Salem in New England Bricklayer, thirteen acres of upland, be it more or less, lying and being scittuate within the township of Salem." Dated April 30, 1659. A second deed of a "parcell land on Cape Ann," is dated November 18, 1664.

Children of Robert Hibbard and Joan, born Salem:
  • Marie, b. September 27, 1641; m. Sept. 8, 1660, Nicholas Snelling of Gloucester.
  • John, b. November 24, 1642; m. (1) Abigail Graves, of Lynn; (2) Ruth Walden.
  • Sarah, b. July 26, 1644; died -----
  • Joseph, b. March 7, 1648; m. Elizabeth Graves.
  • Robert, b. March 7, 1648; m. Mary Walden.
  • Joanna, b. December 23, 1651; m. John Swanton.
  • Elizabeth, b. March 1, 1653.
  • Abigail, b. March 6, 1655; m. Thomas Blashford.
  • Samuel, b. April 20, 1658; m. Mary Bond.


ROBERT (2), (s. Robert 1) b. in that part of Salem now called Beverly, baptized March 7, 1648; m. Mary Walden of Wenham, Mass. She was the daughter of Edward Walden. They removed to Windham, Conn., in 1700. He died at Windham, April 29, 1710. She died March 7, 1736.

From GENEALOGIES OF CONNECTICUT FAMILIES, Gary Boyd Roberts editor/compiler; Genealogical Publishing Company, Inc. Baltimore: 1983.

Robert Hibbird of Beverly and Wenham, Mass., removed from the latter place to Windham, Conn., in 1700, whither his sons Robert and Joseph had removed in 1698. The sons were made townsmen at Windham in August, 1698, and the father brought a letter to the Congregational Church there on October 29, 1700. It is said that many curious incidents occurred in the life of this man, making it quite romantic. He was a person of great activity and energy. His estate was settled in the Probate Court of Hartford, October 2, 1710. He died at Windham, April 22, 1710. His wife, Mary Walden, daughter of Edward of Wenham, died March 7, 1736, aged 81. Their children were all born at Wenham.

From GENEALOGY OF THE HIBBARD FAMILY, compiled and published by Augustine George Hibbard; Hartford: Case, Lockwood & Brainard Co., 1901.

(pg 19-20) He [Robert] united with the church in Wenham, 1694. He removed with his family to Windham, Conn., in 1700, bringing a letter of fellowship from the church in Wenham to the church in Windham. He was the father of eleven chn., two of whom d. previous to 1710, as appears by the distribution of his estate. He d. at Windham, April 29, 1710, aged 63. His w. d. at same place, March 7, 1736.

Children of Robert Hibbard and Mary Walden, born Wenham:
  • Mary, b. August 18, 1674; m. Jonathan Crane.
  • Robert, b. July 8, 1676; m. Mary Reed.
  • Joseph, b. 1680; m. Abigail Kendall.
  • Nathaniel, b. 1680; m. Sarah Crane.
  • Ebenezer, b. 1682; m. Margaret Morgan.
  • Martha, b. 1684; m. Ephraim Culver.
  • Josiah, b. 1686; d. -----
  • Hannah, b. 1691; m. Joseph Talcott.
  • Sarah, b. 1694; d. October 9, 1762.
  • Abigail, b. 1696; d. 1760.
  • Lydia, b. 1699; d. young.

Third Generation

NATHANIEL (3), (s. Robert 2, Robert 1), born 1689 at Wenham, Mass.; married April 16, 1702, Sarah Crane; died at Windham, Conn., April 20, 1725.

He came to Windham in 1700 and bought land on Beaver Creek which was owned and occupied by his descendants until the death of Chester Hibbard, in 1882. Nathaniel Hibbard was known as Sergeant Hibbard, and Colonial Records speak of him as "soldier in the late expedition against Canada. " (1712)

Children of Nathaniel Hibbard and Sarah Crane, born Windham:
  • Nathaniel, b. January 3, 1703; d. May 16, 1704.
  • Anna, b. May 30, 1705; m. John Gray.
  • Deborah, b. May 28, 1707; m. Isaac Robinson.
  • Nathaniel, b. October 3, 1709;m. Abigail Couch.
  • Jonathan, b. October 3, 1709; m. -----
  • Paul, b. March 4, 1712; m. Deborah Lawrence.
  • Zebulon, b. February 20, 1714; m. Hannah Bass.
  • Sarah, b. June 27, 1717; m. Ebenezer Spencer.
  • Elisha, b. December 11, 1719; m. Mary Palmer.
  • Gideon, b. May 1721; m. Elizabeth Kingsley.

Fourth Generation

ELISHA (4), (s. Nathaniel 3, Robert 2, Robert 1) b. Windham, December 11, 1719; m. August 15, 1744, Mary Palmer, daughter of Seth Palmer. Elisha Hibbard lived at Windham, Connecticut.

Children of Elisha Hibbard and Mary Palmer, born Windham:
  • Ithamar, b. June 7, 1745; d. March 2, 1802.
  • Anna, b. August 6, 1747; m. William Frisbee.
  • Elisha, b. July 18, 1749' m. Thankful Wood.
  • Mary, b. January 9, 1751; m. Joel Fisher.
  • Ebenezer, b. December 7, 1755; killed at Bunker Hill.
  • Irenah, b. October 24, 1757; m. General Andrews of New York.
  • Elizabeth, b. December 21, 1759; m. (1) ---- Darrow (2) ---- Perry.
  • Sarah, b. March 10, 1762; m. Jason Rice; d. 1824.
  • Beulah, b. January 24, 1764; m. ---- Ladd of Vermont.
  • Elias, b. January 29, 1770; d. 1777.

Fifth Generation

ITHAMAR (5), (s. Elisha 4, Nathaniel 3, Robert 2, Robert 1), b. June 7, 1745; married (1) Norwich, Conn., March 9, 1768, Esther Haskins, b. Norwich, January 14, 1747; (2)Hannah, daughter of Nathaniel Wood of Norwich, December 6, 1785. He died at Hubbardston, Rutland County, Vermont, March 2, 1802.

He was buried by the Masonic order of which he was a member and which he highly commended to the day of his death.

He became interested in the subject of religion in his youth under the preaching of the noted George Whitefield and entered the ministry while young. He became the first Congregational minister in Poultney, Vermont. He was a self-made man of much independence, and is remembered as an orator of great power. His presence was attractive, as he had a handsome form, rather larger than the average stature, and a fine musical voice. He wrote hymns, and among them there may be found in The Collection of Hymns and Spiritual Songs, by Joshua Smith and others, eighth edition, 1797, Hymn 163, dedicated to the hills, or "The Mountain Song." His well-worn leather-covered hymn-book, used by himself for many years, is in the possession of his great-grand daughter, Ellen Lucretia Douglas Hibbard, of Boston, Massachusetts.

"He was a man of strong and enduring attachments. As a politician he was a most uncompromising Whig in the days of the Revolution. He served as Chaplain of Col. Samuel Herrick's Regiment, and was Brigade Chaplain at the time of the famous retreat from Fort Ticonderoga, and was also present at the battle of Bennington.

"By the rules of the army service he was entitled to a servant, but when orders came to retreat from Ticonderoga his servant was sick, unable to do more than walk. Chaplain Hibbard took his servant's baggage in addition to his own upon his shoulders. When the army moved at night from the fort to the floating bridge upon which they were to cross the lake, Gen. St. Clair, who had command, came riding through the ranks as they were marching on the bridge and running against the Chaplain knocked him off into the water. He was loaded with two old-fashioned saddle-bags full of clothing and provision, a heavy cartouch-box, full of ammunition, belted to him, and a heavy musket on his shoulders. His bodily strength, coolness and energy were such that he gained the bridge and lost nothing of his load but the musket.

"He always took a great interest in public affairs, and in the History of Vermont, by [Ira] Allen, published London, England, 1798, there is an account of interviews upon questions of importance with him. He was often called upon to counsel with Ethan and Ira Allen, Seth Warner, Remember Baker and others of the leading men of Vermont. He was elected representative to the Legislature, or General Assembly, in 1778, and served several years. A gallant soldier, a man of noble spirit, faithful in all religious duties, without bigotry or superstition."

Children of Ithamar Hibbard and Esther Haskins:
  • Ithamar, b. December 17, 1768; d. August 20, 1773.
  • Ebenezer, b. Bennington, February 16, 1771; m. Dorothy Fuller; he d. Amesville, Ohio, September 8, 1835; she d. Gallipolis, Ohio, 1840.
    He was pastor of the Congregational church at Brandon, Vermont, for more than twenty years. Later he was pastor of Presbyterian church at Hibbardsville, Ohio, for many years. The place was named for him.
  • Elias, b. January 27, 1773; d. November 2, 1795.
  • Ithamar, b. November 19, 1776; m. Irena Farr; d. February 5, 1853.
  • Esther, b. ----; d. 1815.
Children of Ithamar Hibbard and Hannah Wood:
  • Nathaniel Wood, b. October 30, 1786; m. (1) Mary Leach; (2) Martha Brewster.

    In a letter written by him in 1857 is the following: "The Hibbards fearlessly say what they think--often a little imprudently, but what others say or think of them disturbs their equanimity very little. They are, as a race, short lived. The Hibbards family have furnished some captains, some editors, some members of Congress, some physicians, but more ministers."

  • Elisha, b. January 1, 1789; m. (1) Abbie Owen; (2) Selah Fairfield.
  • Esther, b. December 21, 1790; d. April 14, 1814.
  • Hannah, b. June 18, 1792; m. Rev. Job Potter.
  • Alanson, b. January 25, 1793.
  • James Safford, b. August 4, 1795.
  • Elias, b. March 4, 1797.
  • John Milton, b. January 3, 1799; m. Amity Lyons of Athens, Ohio. He d. July 15, 1888, the last of Rev. Ithamar's family.
  • Anna Pamela, b. November 11, 1802; m. Sabinus Rice, her cousin, Amesville, Ohio.

Sixth Generation

ELISHA (6) Reverand, (s. Ithamar 5, Elisha 4, Nathaniel 3, Robert 2, Robert 1) born Poultney, Vermont, January 1, 1789; married (1) Abby Owen of Rutland County, Vermont, February 7, 1808; she was born November 16, 1787; died Ellisburg, New York, September 14, 1811; (2) April 18, 1813, Selah Fairfield of Pittsford, Vermont, born December 28, 1788; died Spring Hill, Ohio, September 26, 1868. He died Dover [Township], Fulton County, Ohio, August 11, 1847.

Soldiers Monument, Wauseon

Fulton County Monument

Elisha Hibbard's Name on Monument

Elisha Hibbard's name as it appears on the Soldiers Monument that stands in front of the County Court House in Wauseon, Ohio. He is one of a number of Fulton County residents who had served his country during the War of 1812.

In 1816 he removed from Pittsford, Vermont to Athens, Ohio, and after a course of study with Prof. Dana at the Ohio University he commenced the practice of law which he followed for twelve years, at the end of which time he entered the ministry and continued preaching until his death.

Athens Court House in 1807
Artists drawing of the Athens County Court House in 1807.
From History of Athens by W. E. Peters.

Click here to view of plat map of the early settlers of Athens County (80 KB)
The farm of Elisha Hibbard in in the middle-top of the map

In July, 1841, he removed from Athens, Ohio, to Fulton County, Ohio, then a part of Lucas. Later he was a delegate to Columbus to use his influence in having the new county organized. Although he did not live to see the completion of this, his efforts and the able articles written by him and published in the Maumee River Times, supplemented by the work of his son, Mortimer D. Hibbard, Stephen Springer, Nathaniel Leggett, Alfred C. Hough, Michael Handy, and other prominent men, finally brought about the separation from Lucas in 1850.

He was a strong temperance worker, and the first temperance address delivered in that township was given by him to over a hundred pioneer settlers, at the home of his son, Mortimer Hibbard, July 24, 1842.

He was also a strong anti-slavery man, and his house in Southern Ohio was sometimes used as one of the stations on the "Underground Railroad" from the Ohio River to Canada. One young colored boy, Robert Flynn, who came to him in this way, remained for many years, following the family north and finally enlisting as a soldier in the Civil War.

Elisha Hibbard, with his second wife, Selah, is buried in the little cemetery east of the village of Spring Hill, both village and cemetery occupying a part of a tract of about six hundred acres, once the property of his oldest son, Mortimer, and two grandsons, Jason and Oscar.

Click Here to read a Transcript of Last Will and Testament of Rev. Elisha Hibbard

The following information on Selah Fairfield Hibbard was recently sent to me by a fellow researcher and Fairfield descendant. "Selah was a daughter of Samuel and Martha (Gallup) Fairfield of Pittsford VT. There are published genealogies of both the Fairfield and Gallup families but each stop just short of naming Samuel and Martha's children. That Selah was their daughter is listed in Index to Vital Records of Vermont, Early to 1870, transcribed by the LDS in the IGI (the transcription has a birthdate for Selah of 28 Dec 1789)."

Selah's ancestry was compiled from two genealogies: John Fairfield of Wenham and His Descendants by Wynn Conan Fairfield, and Genealogy of the Gallup Family by John D. Gallup. This information is posted at RootsWeb WorldConnect at Scott and Kathryn (Leedom) Ives Genealogy. There is also another Fairfield genealogy site to be found at Descendants of John Fairfield of Wenham.

Child of Elisha Hibbard and Abby Owen:
Children of Elisha Hibbard and Selah Fairfield:

Aurelia O. (Hibbard) Butler Lucretia Pamela (Hibbard) Edwards
Aurelia O. (Hibbard) Butler and Lucretia P. (Hibbard) Edwards

  • John Randolph, b. July 23, 1815; m. (1) Jerusha Miller, (2) Sallie DeCharmes; d. June 26, 1894.
  • Harriet Ann, b. June 15, 1817; m. Rev. John Miller, b. March 23, 1819; d. December 10, 1847.
  • Lucretia Pamela, b. March 23, 1819; m. Rev. David Edwards; d. December 20, 1903.
  • Aurelia Olympia, b. October 5, 1823; m. Derwin E. Butler; d. March 28, 1896.
  • Angeline, b. September 17, 1830; d. November 18, 1830.

John Randolph Hibbard
Rev. John Randolph Hibbard

Seventh Generation

Mortimer Dormer HibbardPolly Rice Greene Hibbard
Mortimer Dormer Hibbard and Polly (Mary) Rice Greene Hibbard

Click Here to read Transcripts of Letters
Written by Mortimer Dormer Hibbard to Polly Rice Greene

MORTIMER DORMER (7), (s. Rev. Elisha 6, Rev. Ithamar 5, Elisha 4, Nathaniel 3, Robert 2, Robert 1) b. Ellisburg, Jefferson County, New York, June 15, 1809; married Mary "Polly" Rice Greene, Amesville, Athens County, Ohio, July 30, 1829. She was born in Amesville, June 25, 1809, and died in Spring Hill, Ohio, September 3, 1868. He died January 12, 1876, in Wauseon, Ohio, and was buried with Masonic honors beside his wife in the family burying ground near Spring Hill.

Mortimer & his wife Mary (Polly) were the founders of the village of Spring Hill (now Tedrow), Fulton County, Ohio, arriving in 1838. The Hibbards were among the first families to settle this particular area of Northwestern Ohio. Among the others to settle what is now Dover Township, Fulton County were Jacob Hoffmire, J. H. Schnall, Moses Ayers, N. Bennett, Elijah Bennett, & Peter Lott. Mortimer had once planned on a stage route and plank road connecting Toledo and Angola, Indiana, via his village of Spring Hill. The plan, however, was never realized and Spring Hill remained just another small village whose main income for many years came from agriculture.

From HISTORY OF FULTON COUNTY, by Frank Reighard:

"Mortimer D. Hibbard had [a] leading part in both township and county organization. The first election in Dover Township was held in his house; and he and his father ably furthered the project which eventually resulted in the erection of Fulton county. He was the first county auditor; and he surveyed and platted the village of Spring Hill, upon land bequeathed to his children, Oscar and Jason, by their granduncle, Judge Rice, who only spent a few years in Dover Township, being "troubled with a cough," and going eventually to a warmer climate, dying in New Orleans in 1841, "of Hemorrhage."


"Mortimer D. Hibbard, in 1844 held a meeting in his home in that area [Spring Hill] and invited certain gentlemen from Maumee and Angola asking them to consider putting in a line of stages to travel between the two places via the Maumee-Angola Road, so called. this road is the Ottokee-Tedrow road and is today, within the confines of Fulton County, called "J" road. Mr. Hibbard apparently harbored an ulterior motive, it being his plan to establish a village to be called Spring Hill, the place presumably to be a stopping off place for the hoped for stages while en route to the east or the west. Reighard secured from Mrs. Hibbard's diary, the following statement: "Took a walk to the village of Spring Hill that is to be." The entry was dated, April 20, 1844. Under the date, March 18, 1851, Mrs. Hibbard had recorded, "Mortimer had his village of Spring Hill surveyed today." Most of the land was purchased for the purpose and re-sold as lots, but Mr. Hibbard donated the four central lots for a "town square." (note:-- Mortimer D. Hibbard also donated the land for the village school house.)

From HISTORY OF HENRY & FULTON COUNTIES, by Aldrich; pg. 312:

"It was out of the throes of this very eventful struggle [the Ohio-Michigan War] that Lucas county was formed, in the year 1835, from portions of Wood and Sandusky counties in Ohio, and of what had been Monroe and Lenawee counties in Michigan, over which territory, however, Wood county had exercised jurisdiction from April 1, 1820, then being one of the fourteen counties at that date, by the legislature, organized from Indian territory, the county seat being at Perrysburgh on the Maumee River. In the year 1849, there arose a demand for a new county in northwestern Ohio, the projectors of which were such prominent men as Nathaniel Leggett, of Swan Creek; William Hall, Hon. A. C. Hough, of Chesterfield; Stephen and Isaac Springer, Samuel Durgin and others, of Fulton; Michael Handy, Hon. D. W. H. Howard, Robert Howard and Lyman Parcher, of Pike; Mortimer Hibbard and Reuben Tiffany, of Dover; Ezekiel Masters and Joseph Ely, of Franklin; [and a number of other names] be composed of parts of Williams county, Henry county, and the larger part of Lucas county."

From HISTORY OF FULTON COUNTY, Mikesell; pg. 104:

"The first political convention of which there is any account, was composed of people of both political parties, and met in convention at the house of Daniel Knowls, in Pike township, about the last of March, 1850, for the purpose of nominating candidates for the official positions in the newly-erected county, which positions were to be filled at the ensuing April elections. This convention was not fully characterized for harmony of purpose, but in consequence of the weakness of the then old Whig party, and its inability to succeed in the election of a party ticket, the members thereof quietly submitted to a portion of the choice of said convention. The successful ones at this convention were Mortimer D. Hibbard of Dover, for auditor; George B. Brown of Royalton, sheriff; C. C. Allman of Delta, recorder; Nathaniel Leggett of Swan Creek, treasurer; William Sutton of Gorham, Christopher Watkins of Fulton and Jonathan Barnes, commissioners. These gentlemen were duly elected and qualified as officers of the new county, severally entering upon the duties of their respective positions."

Children of Mortimer Hibbard and Polly Greene:
  • Jason Rice, b. June 27, 1831 in Dover Township, Athens County, Ohio; d. August 1, 1881 in Ottawa, Kansas; m. Hannah Rebecca Rice on April 24, 1862 in Springfield, Ohio.
  • Caroline Seamans, b. March 6, 1833 in Dover Township, Athens County, Ohio; d. November 1, 1897 in Nashville, Tennessee; m. Sardis D. Snow in June 1876.
  • Susan Abigail, b. September 22, 1834 in Dover Township, Athens County, Ohio; d. September 21, 1896 in Shepherd, Coe Township, Isabella County, Michigan; m. Jacob P. Struble April 15, 1858 in Spring Hill, Fulton County, Ohio.
  • Edgar Mortimer, b. February 6, 1837 in Athens County, Ohio; d. March 24, 1837 in Athens County, Ohio.
  • Oscar Sabinus, b. February 6, 1837 in Dover Township, Athens County, Ohio; d. September 27, 1860 in Spring Hill, Fulton County, Ohio.
  • Charles Mortimer, b. September 7, 1839 in Dover Township, Lucas (now Fulton) County, Ohio; d. September 24, 1840 in Dovwr Township, Lucas County (now Fulton County), Ohio.
  • Charles Ambrose, b. July 16, 1841 in Dover Township, Lucas (now Fulton) County, Ohio; d. February 6, 1914 in Spring Hill, Fulton County, Ohio; m. Mary Jane Riddle September 12, 1867 at Bryan, Williams County, Ohio.
  • Francis Elisha, b. September 12, 1843 in Spring Hill, Lucas (now Fulton) County, Ohio; d. February 8, 1908 in Shepherd, Isabella County, Michigan; m. Louise Dodds December 31, 1874 in Shepherd, Isabella County, Michigan.
  • Marie Aurelia, b. February 1, 1845 in Spring Hill, Lucas (now Fulton) County, Ohio; d. February 15, 1928 in Tedrow (Spring Hill), Fulton County, Ohio. Never married.
  • Daniel Ide, b. October 18, 1847 in Spring Hill, Lucas (now Fulton) County, Ohio; d. 1922 in Tedrow (Spring Hill), Fulton County, Ohio; m. Sarah Monty January 2, 1882 in St. Joseph, Michigan.
  • Ellen Douglas Lucretia, b. November 5, 1849 in Spring Hill, Lucas (now Fulton) County, Ohio; d. 1931 in Tedrow (Spring Hill), Fulton County, Ohio. Never married.
  • Edward Mortimer, b. September 10, 1851 in Spring Hill, Fulton County, Ohio; d. May 16, 1910 in Shepherd, Isabella County, Michigan; m. February 20, 1880, Carrie Adelle Servoss February 20, 1880 in Isabella County, Michigan.

Ellen Hibbard
Ellen Douglas Lucretia Hibbard

Marie Hibbard Marie Hibbard
Two pictures of Marie Aurelia Hibbard.
Marie was a teacher and principal in Toledo, Ohio for many years.

Eighth Generation

JASON RICE (8), (s. Mortimer 7, Rev. Elisha 6, Rev. Ithamar 5, Nathaniel 3, Robert 2, Robert 1) born Dover Twp., Athens County, Ohio, June 27, 1831; married Springfield, Ohio, April 24, 1862, Hannah Rebecca, daughter Sabinus and Pamela Hibbard Rice, born April 1, 1842. He died Ottawa, Kansas, August 9, 1881.

Jason Rice HibbardHannah and Essie Hibbard
Jason Rice Hibbard (left) and Hannah with daughter Essie (right).

Child of Jason Rice Hibbard and Hannah Rebecca Rice:
  • Essie, b. Ottokee, Ohio, April 5, 1864; m. Henry Ott, Ottawa, Kansas, April 5, 1888; d. June 20, 1906.

    SUSAN ABIGAIL (8), (dau. Mortimer 7, Rev. Elisha 6, Rev. Ithamar 5, Nathaniel 3, Robert 2, Robert 1) born Dover Twp., Athens County, Ohio, September 22, 1834; married in Spring Hill, Ohio, April 15, 1858, Jacob P. Struble; died Shepherd, Michigan, September 21, 1896. He was born February 6, 1834, and died August 25, 1906.

    Children of Susan Abigail Hibbard and Jacob P. Struble:
    • Jason Mortimer, b. December 25, 1859; m. Eliza Wilson.
    • Oscar Daniel, b. December 29, 1861; m. Etta Hoffman.
    • Frederick Rice, b. February 5, 1867.
    • Essie Hibbard, b. May 2, 1877; m. Paul Bissell.

    CHARLES AMBROSE (8), (s. Mortimer 7, Rev. Elisha 6, Rev. Ithamar 5, Nathaniel 3, Robert 2, Robert 1) born Clinton Twp., Lucas County, Ohio, July 16, 1841; married Bryan, Ohio, September 12, 1867, Mary Jane Riddle, daughter of James Steele Riddle of Spring Hill, Ohio. He died Spring Hill, Ohio, February 6, 1914.

    Charles Ambrose Maude Lenore Clark Dudley Hibbard
    From left to right: Charles Ambrose Hibbard, daughter Maude Lenore and son Clark Dudley.

    The Hibbard homestead, early 20th century
    Charles Hibbard, his daughter Maud, and wife Mary Jane stand in front of the Hibbard homestead around 1900.
    The house still stands, though the exterior has changed a little, as can be seen in the picture below.

    The Hibbard homestead in 2012
    The old Hibbard homestead in Tedrow, Ohio still stands, although no Hibbards have lived here for many years.
    This is a picture of the house, taken in May 2012.

    Children of Charles Ambrose Hibbard and Mary Jane Riddle:
    • Lowell Earle, b. September 7, 1868 at Spring Hill (Tedrow), Fulton County, Ohio; m. Marguerite Watkins on May 22, 1893 at Fulton County, Ohio; d. January 19, 1917 at Detroit, Michigan.
    • Maude Lenore, b. May 25, 1871 at Dover Township, Fulton County, Ohio; m. James A. Carroll on March 11, 1933; d. 1965 at Tedrow, Fulton County, Ohio.
    • Helen Louise, b. January 18, 1874 Dover Township, Fulton County, Ohio; m. Edward H. Ham on July 28, 1901; d. April 4, 1965 at Swanton, Fulton County, Ohio.
    • Clarke Dudley, b. May 18, 1877 at Isabell County, Michigan; m. Blanche Miley on March 11, 1903; d. October 12, 1970 at Fulton County, Ohio.
    • James Rice, b. November 12, 1879 at Dover Township, Fulton County, Ohio; m. Elizabeth Kempher on December 28, 1904; d. October 28, 1973 at Tedrow, Fulton County, Ohio.

    Horse and Buggy
    Residence of Charles Hibbard in Tedrow, Ohio.
    Left: James Hibbard and his wife, Elizabeth.
    Right: Charles A. Hibbard and his wife Mary Jane. Standing: Maude L. Hibbard.

    FRANCIS ELISHA (FRANK) (8), (s. Mortimer 7, Rev. Elisha 6, Rev. Ithamar 5, Nathaniel 3, Robert 2, Robert 1) born Spring Hill, Ohio, September 12, 1843; married, Shepherd, Michigan, December 31, 1874, Louise Dodds who was born March 22, 1851. He died, Shepherd, Michigan, February 8, 1908, and is buried in Mount Pleasant, Michigan.

    Children of Francis Elisha Hibbard and Louise Dodds:
    • Catherine Coral, b. March 11, 1876; m. April 29, 1897, , of Shepherd, Michigan;
    • Lottie Dodds, B. July 10, 1878; m. June 17, 1897, Orion (or Orin) L. Burdick of Shepherd, Michigan.

    EDWARD MORTIMER (8), (s. Mortimer 7, Rev. Elisha 6, Rev. Ithamar 5, Nathaniel 3, Robert 2, Robert 1) born Spring Hill, Ohio, September 10, 1851; married February 20, 1880, Carrie Adelle, daughter of Philip and Emma Grinnell Servoss, of Shepherd, Michigan. She died January 1, 1891. He died in Shepherd, Michigan, May 16, 1910, and was buried with Masonic honors in the cemetery at Shepherd.

    Children of Edward Mortimer Hibbard and Carrie Adelle Servoss:
    • Marie Josephine, b. April 12, 1881; m. October 15, 1910, James Garfield Moore; reside [1915] at Madison, Wisconsin.
    • Emma Alice, b. November 3, 1882; resides [1915] at Madison, Wisconsin.
    • Mortimer Daniel, b. June 9, 1885; d. April 10, 1888.
    • Carrie Adelle, b. January 1, 1891; resides [1915] at Madison, Wisconsin.

    Ninth Generation

    ESSIE (9), (dau. Jason Rice 8, Mortimer 7, Rev. Elisha 6, Rev. Ithamar 5, Elisha 4, Nathaniel 3, Robert 2, Robert 1) born Ottokee, Ohio, April 5, 1864; married Henry Ott, Ottawa, Kansas, April 5, 1888; died June 20, 1906.

    Children of Essie Hibbard and Henry Ott:
    • Rebecca Justina Ott, b. February 5, 1889.
    • Eunice Rice Ott, b. February 7, 1893.
    • Christopher Ott, b. December 8, 1896.
    • Charles Albert Ott, b. April 26, 1899.

    JASON MORTIMER STRUBLE (9), (s. Susan Abigail 8, Mortimer 7, Rev. Elisha 6, Rev. Ithamar 5, Elisha 4, Nathaniel 3, Robert 2, Robert 1), born December 25, 1859, at Spring Hill, Ohio; married Eliza Wilson of Shepherd, Michigan.

    Children of Jason Mortimer Struble and Eliza Wilson:
    • Dew Loretta Struble, b. June 24, 1887.
    • Edward Myron Struble, b. March 16, 1893; d. November 1, 1912.

    OSCAR DANIEL STRUBLE (9), (s. Susan Abigail 8, Mortimer 7, Rev. Elisha 6, Rev. Ithamar 5, Elisha 4, Nathaniel 3, Robert 2, Robert 1) born December 29, 1861; married Etta Hoffman, February 22, 1882; resides [1915] at Shepherd, Michigan.

    Children of Oscan Daniel Struble and Etta Hoffman:
    • Wilbur Jacob Struble, b. March 22, 1883.
    • Jacob Elton Struble, b. January 27, 1889; d. April 23, 1890.
    • Ruth Susanna Struble, b. December 28, 1893.

    ESSIE HIBBARD STRUBLE (9), (d. Susan Abigail 8, Mortimer 7, Rev. Elisha 6, Rev. Ithamar 5, Elisha 4, Nathaniel 3, Robert 2, Robert 1) born May 2, 1877; married Paul Bissell, May 4, 1896; resides [1915] at Shepherd, Michigan.

    Children of Essie Hibbard Struble and Paul Bissell:
    • Thelma Marguerite Bissell, b. Shepherd, Michigan, January 26, 1897.
    • Paul Murray Bissell, b. December 29, 1898; d. April 16, 1899.
    • Lloyce Donald Bissell, b. May 28, 1901.
    • Jacob Cyril Bissell, b. March 12, 1903.
    • Durwood Eugene Bissell, b. January 11, 1913.

    LOWELL EARLE (9), (s. Charles Ambrose 8, Mortimer 7, Rev. Elisha 6, Rev. Ithamar 5, Elisha 4, Nathaniel 3, Robert 2, Robert 1) born September 7, 1868, at Spring Hill, Ohio; married Marguerite (Margaret) Watkins, May 22, 1893; reside [1915] at Spring Hill, Ohio.

    Children of Lowell Earle Hibbard and Margaret Watkins:
    • Candace Marie, b. July 28, 1894; m. (1) January 24, 1913, George Wilbur Wolfe, (2) John Richard Jones (aka, John Patrick Leahey), (3) George Willis.
    • Lloyd Earle, b. January 18, 1897.
    • Gladys Geneva, b. October 17, 1899.
    • Charles Richard, b. May 27, 1902; d. October 3, 1902.
    • Arvah Catherine, b. January 3, 1904; d. ----.

    HELEN LOUISE (9), (d. Charles Ambrose 8, Mortimer 7, Rev. Elisha 6, Rev. Ithamar 5, Elisha 4, Nathaniel 3, Robert 2, Robert 1) born January 18th, 1874; married Edward J. Ham, July 23, 1907; reside [1915] at Morenci, Michigan.

    Helen Hibbard
    Helen Louise Hibbard

    Children of Helen Louise Hibbard and Edward J. Ham:
    • Donald Edward, b. May 9, 1902.
    • Helen Louise, b. April 10, 1904.
    • Kenneth Hewitt, b. September 29, 1905.
    • Alice Lenore, b. September 23, 1909.
    • Ida Mary, b. September 1, 1911.
    • Charles Lucius, b. June 24, 1913.

    CLARKE DUDLEY (9), (s. Charles Ambrose, Mortimer 7, Rev. Elisha 6, Rev. Ithamar 5, Elisha 4, Nathaniel 3, Robert 2, Robert 1) born May 18th, 1877; married Blanche Miley at Wauseon, Ohio, March 11, 1908; they reside [1915] at Spring Hill, Ohio.

    Children of Clarke Dudley Hibbard and Blanche Miley:
    • Dudley Irving, b. September 6, 1906.
    • Geneva Jane, b. March 31, 1908.
    • Irene Athalia, b. March 17, 1910.
    • Vivian Matilda, b. September 26, 1912.

    JAMES RICE (9), (s. Charles Ambrose 8, Mortimer 7, Rev. Elisha 6, Rev. Ithamar 5, Elisha 4, Nathaniel 3, Robert 2, Robert 1) born November 12, 1879; married Elizabeth Kempher of Illinois, December 28, 1904; reside [1915] at Wauseon, Ohio.

    LOTTIE DODDS (9), (d. Francis Elisha 8, Mortimer 7, Rev. Elisha 6, Rev. Ithamar 5, Elisha 4, Nathaniel 3, Robert 2, Robert 1) born July 10th, 1878; married on June 17th, 1897, Orion L. Burdick. Reside [1915] at Shepherd, Michigan.

    Child of Lottis Dodds Hibbard and Orion L. Burdick:
    • Frances Josephine, b. December 30, 1907.

    EDWARD LEROY (9), (s. Daniel Ide 8, Mortimer 7, Rev. Elisha 6, Rev. Ithamar 5, Elisha 4, Nathaniel 3, Robert 2, Robert 1) born October 9th, 1882, at Benton Harbor, Michigan; married on August 6th, 1906, at St. Joseph, Michigan, Murtle Paskel, daughter of George and Addie Paskel, born June 30th, 1886, at Jackson, Michigan. Reside [1915] at Benton Harbor, Michigan.

    Children of Edward Leroy Hibbard and Murtle Paskel:
    • Bessie, b. March 12, 1912, at Benton Harbor, Michigan.
    • George Daniel, b. January 10, 1914, at Benton Harbor, Michigan.

    MARIE JOSEPHINE (9), (d. Edward 8, Mortimer 7, Rev. Elisha 6, Rev. Ithamar 5, Elisha 4, Nathaniel 3, Robert 2, Robert 1) born Shepherd, Michigan, April 12, 1882; married on October 15, 1910, at Shepherd, Michigan, James Garfield Moore. Reside [1915] in Madison, Wisconsin.

    Child of Marie Josephine Hibbard and James Garfield Moore:
    • Elizabeth Adelle Moore, b. February 1, 1914.

    Tenth Generation

    WILBUR STRUBLE (10), (s. Oscar 9, Susan 8, Mortimer 7, Rev. Elisha 6, Rev. Ithamar 5, Elisha 4, Nathaniel 3, Robert 2, Robert 1) born March 22, 1883; married on November 30, 1904, Nina Mecum. Reside in Shepherd, Michigan [1915].

    CANDACE MARIE (10), (d. Lowell 9, Charles 8, Mortimer 7, Rev. Elisha 6, Rev. Ithamar 5, Elisha 4, Nathaniel 3, Robert 2, Robert 1) born Spring Hill, Ohio on July 23, 1894; married on (1) January 25, 1913, George Wolfe; (2) John Richard Jones (John Patrick Leahey) bet. 1920-1926; (3) George Willis, bet. 1945-1953.

    George Wolf Candace Marie Hibbard Candace and George Willis
    Left: George Wilbur Wolf, Candace's first husband. Picture taken in New York City before his marriage to Candace.
    Center: Candace Marie (Hibbard) Jones, taken in the early 1930s.
    Right: Candace with third husband, George Willis. The picture was taken sometime during George Willis's final illness.

    See Jones/Leahy for genealogy of John Richard Jones.

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