Mick Foley - The Hardcore Legend

Yes yes, I know. Yet another Mick Foley fan page. Well, I couldn't resist. Since he is my all time favorite wrestler how could I not devote a page to the hardcore icon? I won't go into alot of detail about Mrs. Foley's little boy. You can pick up his book (Have A Nice Day - A tale of blood and sweatsocks !) and get the info straight from the source! Best book I've read in a long time, I might add.

What I will do is explain a little about him and his wonderfully deranged personalities. Give a few stats, some pics and maybe even some updates on his whereabouts as our retired wrestling god makes his way around the globe.

Be patient though please. Still working on this site but unlike too many others I've seen, I will update this page consistently! I wouldn't be a very good fan if I didn't now would I?

Look at that "innocent" grin!

The Real Mick Foley
Name: Michael Francis Foley
Birthday: June 5, 1965
Height: 6'2
Birthplace: East Setauket, Long Island, New York

The Other Faces of Foley

Debut: 1985 (independent wrestler)
Finishing Move: Double Arm DDT
Title History:

Cactus Jack's WWF debut: September 1997

Cactus Jack was Mick Foley's first professional persona. He was a derranged and vicious resident of Truth or Consequences, New Mexico. He was dangerous and fearless and struck mortal fear in many of his opponents. He disappeared for a while but reamerged in 1997 in the WWF to take on Triple H during Raw is War at Madison Square Gardens!

Debut: April 1, 1996 (in WWF)
Finish Moves: Mandible Claw, Sock Claw
Title History:

Mankind is Foley's best known and most loved character. He wasn't always so loveable though. When he first appeared he was a physically and mentally scarred former piano student that dwelled in boiler rooms. He was moody and uncontrollable. Eventually though he morphed into a lovable teddy bear type person that was everyone's favorite under-dog. His paralyzing mandible claw even changed to the equally paralyzing but comical sock claw. Mr. Socko was his loveable side-kick sock puppet that he pulled from his sweatpants and fit on his hand to do the move. Mankind even went on to pen the number one best selling book Have A Nice Day!

Debut: January 1985
Finishing Move: (a briefly used cousin to the mandible claw)Love Handle and Sweet Shin Music (a play on Shawn Michael's finisher "sweet chin music")
Title History:

Dude Love made his first appearance starring in the legenday home movie The loved One. It was written and filmed by Mick Foley and his childhood friends back in January of 1985. The Dude had always been Foley's dream alter-ego. He was cool, suave, handsome, rich, and of course good with the ladies. Personally I think Mick is all those things on his own now. Anyway! The Dude Love story was introduced to WWF fans during an interview between Mankind and Jim Ross (Considered by most within the business to be the best invterview in the history of wrestling.). Soon after Dude Love made a startling appearance in the WWF at a Raw is War on July 14,1997 to help out Stone Cold Steve Austin against the British Bulldog and Owen Hart. Coming out to a disco-like "Dude Love Baby" theme song and wearing tye-die and blue sweats, the Dude strutted his way into the hearts of millions and the summer of love began!

Dude Love as he appeared in The Loved One.

Mick Foley retired in February of this year. He came back for one night only in April to be apart of a fatal four way in the main event of Wrestlemania XVI. Unbelievably Mick did not win the title that night. Much to his fan's delight he continued making appearances off television though. On a June 26th Raw is War, Shawn Michaels introduced Mick Foley as the new World Wrestling Federation Commissioner. This new role already proves to be a good one for the talented legend. Who knows what Mick will have in-store for us now! He's already sporting a new hair style...personally I miss those long curly locks but whatever he likes. He gets his wish cause he's the commish!

Links to other Mick Foley Sites
My own Mick Pics page! Check out some of my favorite Foley pictures.
My Foley Followings - updates on what Mrs. Foley's little boy is up to!
Mick Foley's official website on WWF.com
Hellfire's Hot Men of Wrestling

Credit - WWF.com for some of pictures and info above

Disclaimer - I am in no way affliated with the World Wrestling Federation or any other wrestling federation. I am not Mick Foley nor am I good friends with him. This is not an official website. Just a fan site for the Hardcore Legend. Thank you and HAVE A NICE DAY!

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A huge thanks goes out to Hellfire for the really cool banners above and the Triple H one below! Check her site out!

Thanks to WWW.ThatDamnGood.com for the banner above. I know..why support Mick Foley's rival? Because Triple H is that damn good and looks that damn good and is one of the few talented enough to keep up with Foley in the squared circle.

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