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University of Nottingham

Wing Chun Kung Fu

21 July 2001 - update The video 'Siu-Lim-Tao thinking outside the box' is in the final throws of editing and is looking good. It will be available at under a tenner plus p&p soon. Contact Sifu Blackley by E.mail for details.

The terms is over the exam results are out: Congratulations to all!!

The term is over and we have moved to the Nottingham University Sports Center for the duration of the Summer.  We will be training every Thursday between 7.30pm and 9.30pm.

21/05/01 Hi everyone, another apology here.  Again it took me while to update everything.  I understand that some people have been having problems accessing the site using Netscape, and some people have commented on the annoying popups.  These problems will be addressed very soon.

All the information on the site is correct as of 21st May.  The only alteration worth noting is that for the next three weeks 21 May - 7 June we will be training in the Sports Centre, Upper Practice Room.  This is due to the exams in the Portland Building.

Updated training times: 7.30 - 9.30pm Thursdays, Sports Centre, University Park, University of Nottingham.

The Monday Sessions will continue but will be primarily student led.  Thank you.

12/01/01 Happy New Year Everyone.

Sorry it took so long to update the site.  The Next training session will be on Monday 29th January.  

Because of exams, seminars, etc in the Portland Building this term, there will be some room changes in the coming month.  I will be making a full list of the changes as soon as I can. ie when my exams ease off :(

11/11/00 Updated Contacts page. 
5/11/00 Updated links page and Teaching pages.
31/10/00 Joint Martial Arts Social confirmed: Wed 8th November, Cucamara's and then Market Bar.
29/10/00 The Joint Martial Arts social has been put on hold.  It's being organized by the Karate club and they have changed the date.  Don't ask me why..
29/10/00 Ip Chun seminar in Manchester on Saturday 11th November. 
23/10/00 No session on Thursday 23rd November.  The Shaolin Monks are performing in Nottingham.  The club will be going to see them at the Royal Concert Hall.  More info here....
23/10/00 No session on Monday 13th November as the room has to be cleaned
22/10/00 There's a Joint Martial Arts Social planned for the 1st November.  More info soon.
22/10/00 Welcome to the NEW Wing Chun Kung Fu web site.   This site has been revamped to hopefully make it more up to date, thus giving you more reasons to visit us.   More changes and additions will be taking place over the next few days so make sure you visit us frequently.
Dates to Note
Here for more details

21 May - 7 June
Sessions will be in the Sports Centre, University Park, University of Nottingham.

Session Times:

Between 21st May and 7th June, sessions will take place at the University Sports Centre, University Park, University of Nottingham.

Mondays and Thursdays:  7.30 - 9.30pm
East Concourse Lounge, Portland Building, University Park, Nottingham

For more information about what happens in our sessions each week. see our session guide.

You can also see our teaching aims.  You'll find here our syllabus.

If you want more details about our instructors, Sifu Dave Blackley and Sifu David Okai, please see our contacts page.  You'll also find there an article written by Sifu Blackley for the Nottingham Evening Post.

Details of the committee of the Wing Chun society is also on the contacts page.

We also have several pages introducing Wing Chun; including the history, principles and the Wing Chun forms 

As well as some recommended web pages and recommended clubs across the country.

If you have any comments or suggestions about this site, or you simply want to leave a message, please email me at:


Updated 21 May 2001
© Brian Lee 2001