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Dragon's Kingdom

Dragon's Kingdom OFFICIAL WEB SITE

Main Original documents Screenshots Downloads

Welcome to Dragon's Kingdom Page!!

Here you'll find ADF rom for WinUAE, original Mods for WinAmp and many Screenshots!!
Golden Team was developing the Amiga version of DK in 1990, but the project has been never released...

Original Dragon's Kingdom Development Team
'Golden Team' :
Francesco Martire
Nicola Tomljanovich
Massimiliano Agostinelli
Fabio Rossi
Raffaele Valensise
Emanuele Tajariol

This picture was taken about 14 years ago and shows part of Golden Team.
From left: Fabio Rossi, Nicola Tomljanovich (tommy), Massimiliano Agostinelli (MaxAg), Francesco Martire (Matro).

'Golden team today'


Francesco Martire was the main programmer and leader of Golden Team.
He wrote so many lines of Assembly code that I've never even seen them yet!!
Actually he plans application architectures and works for the solution design technology department of the BNL group.
Matro Site


Nicola Tomljanovich was Game Designer of Golden Team and composed all musics and sound effects in DK.
Nicola worked on many other videogames after DK and he's actually one of most famous sound designer in multimedia and videogames industry in Italy.
Nicola Site


Massimiliano Agostinelli joined Golden Team for awhile working on coding and development issues.
During his free-time he plays with OpenGl code, developing 3d-game technologies.
His actual job is security applications development for digital signature, in a company of IBM group.
MaxAg Site