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undefined Treasures of santa clara


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OOOHHH 12-30-01
Please check out my NEW website. San Jose Treasurehunters

welcome and thanx for coming. my name is brian and this is my treasure-hunting site. currently i use a white's XLT and SURF-MASTER PI. i've been detecting since 1987. In 1992 i joined the U.S.M.C. When i got out in '96 i resumed detecting.

Santa Clara is located in the Santa Clara County area. California's first capitol was founded here-SanJose. San Jose and Santa Clara were both founded in 1777 by the spanish. San Jose later became a U.S. city in 1849. In 1852 Santa Clara became incorporated as a city. things are always changing here. In the old days Santa Clara county was once known for fruits,cattle and its natural beauty.
Now Santa Clara county is the center of an industrial revolution. high tech industry and wealthy people are making their homes here now. With all the migration, the cities are finding they need to redevelop. For those of us with detectors, the new construction, keeps us pretty busy.

when i'm not detecting i'm enjoying life with my beautiful wife and son.

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