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Making Your Liver Love You

1. Drink plenty of water.

2. Make sure you rest when you get tired. Learn to listen to your body, it will tell you what it needs.

3. Stay away from alcohol and other drugs. Alcohol and pills (benzos) are very hard on your liver. If stopping isn't an option, take as little as possible.

4. Stay away from fatty foods - fried food, dairy products, eggs, etc. Look for low-fat items when you shop.

5. Avoid over the counter or prescriptions drugs which contain paracetamol.

6. Eat lots of fresh fruit and vegetables.

7. If you drink lots of coffee (or other drinks with caffeine, like coke) cut down. A bit of caffeine won't hurt, but a lot will!

8. Get some excercise every day. Not a heavy workout, just a gentle walk.
