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Membership of CIN

Membership of CIN is open to anyone who agrees to our *Aims and Objectives*. CIN is managed by a Board of Management that has six members. According to our constitution, four out of these six must be current or former drug users. This is to ensure that users retain control of CIN at all times.

What do I get out of being a member of CIN?

Once you become a member of CIN, you may attend our General Meetings as a voting member and our Board of Management meetings (you cannot vote at these meetings unless you are elected to the Board of Management, but you can speak the meeting and put forth your ideas). Members of CIN control the direction of the organisation, its policies and procedures, its priorities and its stance on controversial issues such as Safe Injecting Spaces and Heroin Trials. The Board of Management controls such matters as employing staff, finances, submitting reports to funding bodies, resolving disputes and organisation of fundraisers.

How do I join CIN?

Once you decide you want to join, you fill out an application form (available from the CIN office - Room G12, Griffin Centre, Canberra City - or from Board members) which says that you have read the aims and objectives and you agree to them. The application is then put before the board who will process it. You are then sent a letter advising of the outcome of your application.

What If I want to make a complaint about a staff member?

Complaint forms are available at the CIN office or from a Board member. Fill out a complaint form and give it to a Board member. Your complaint will be thoroughly investigated and you will be advised of the outcome.

Who can I contact to find out more about CIN?

Click on the email address at the bottom of the page, and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

Thankyou for your interest!
