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What this page will cover

Web pages and links

Angelfire - Free Home Pages
Highway 49- Australian Online Music Magazine
Listen to blues radio online!
Yahoo! A great email provider

Welcome!! Thanks for visiting, this is only a new site but I am working on it weekly. I am welcome to suggestions for improvements or anything you think does not work properly, just email me and let me know.

As you can guess, this page is about Blues music, I will concentrate on what and who there is around the Melbourne area, but I will eventually expand into Blues overseas as well. I also want to look at the History of Blues and major influences in this genre.

For a great Aussie search engine why not try AAA Matilda Australia, it makes looking for sites within Australia only alot easier!

AAA Matilda Australia


Blues Around Melbourne

Great Blues Links

Melbourne Gig Guide

Melbourne's Blues Friendly Venues

NEW Check out my Elvis page! Elvis sang some great blues material, to find out more about it, click on Elvis

Hope you email me and let me know what you think.

Or sign my guestbook

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